HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-04-02, Page 8MINOR LOCAL1. Mr. T. TM;e-t,,f the ();.;:ty Groeery ?eel en Wet. an 1;_• 1,1d. - 111 UL' you,' Enet,e: reitwey stele. from 11 B. Ciliott, Teeen G. T. R. at I IV) TIM IV; k.tlierN Mali:" b() pl&.vt to , hear thet Mr. Peter Cat.-a,he'd is t.ow nicely recover!eg atter his serious' ill - mos. ! -The Selyation Army are to hold al.‘. cone,ert of leeel Leteett nu Good Friday " evening in • the Havreelte. Pertieulars next WVE•li, -An ell buys' re-unien and provin- cial volunteer firemen's tournament will be held in Seaforth from August lst to 5th. - Choice of routes in going to the West. Buy your tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for G. T. R. at the TIMES ofilee. -James Reenolds, of the British Ex, change hotel, Goderieh, was last week fined 8,10 for selling liquor during prohited ht-Thrs. -Mr. Samuel Paling, a former we.fi known resident of Wingham, died at the hones of his daughter,. Mrs. Orr, in Hamilton, on Monday last, -Mr. W. S. Boyce has some Black Minorca hens which lay large eeggs. Two eggs layed by these hens • Mon - tipped tile scales at half a po d. -Robinson Cresoe at e Picture Hous d on Saturday, Ap 4th, at 3 and 8 o'clock p. n. Ad..sion 10 cents. Admiszion for eh' eleen at matinee. cents. -Have the TIMES sent to your sons and deughters away from home. What a big, long, newsy letter from home this issue would be. 05 cents to any address in Canada until the end of 1914. -The Junior High School Entrance exa minations will be held on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June. The Junior Public School Graduation examinations will be held on the 15th to the 19th of June. -D. McDonald & Son will hold an auctien sale of first-class milch cows at the Qaeen's hotel on Saturday after - neon, April 25th. Keep the date in mind tied watch fu..sre issues of this paper or particulars. Thos. White was thrown thirty feet and had a leg broken, Cha. McCullough received a bad shaking up, and David McCrowe was slightly irjured in a col- lision between a gasoliee reotor-car and a sleigh on the (5. P, E. near Kingston. -The regular monthly meeting of OA Ladles' Auxiliary of the ATI/Ingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday afternoon, April 7th at 4.13 o'clock. All ladiee interested are invited to attend. Please note that day of meeting, is Tuesday instead of Monday. Philip Schade of Monkton appeared before Magistrate Terhune at Listowel on Monday morning, charged with sell- ing liguor in a localoption manicipelity. He was found guilty and fined $200 and costs. This was hisfirstoffenee. Seven kegs of: liquor were confiscated by Pro- vincial Officer Phippen of Wirghatra -There died in Teronto at 007 Bath- urst street, on mouday March 0tin Margaret Strath, daughter of the late James Strath of Culross The funeral „ . will take place on Tinursday April 2nd, on the ariyal of the C. P. R. train at noon from Toronto to Knox Church, Teeswater. Interment in the Toes, water Cemetery. • 111E WINGIIANI TIMT, APRIL 2 1911 The Lady's Man. Young jinkson loves the tribes of girls, and after keeps running; and al) the Beryls, Maes and Pearls just think he is too cunning. He warbles love songs by their bowers, and he's a peach, they reason; he hands them costly wreaths of flowers, and oysters in their season. Themaidens say, "He's sweet, ods fish:" And he, cheered by their kidding, entieipates their slightest wish, and bastes to do their bidding. Bright smiles ere alwees on his face when he's among the ladies, but when he's at the old home place he looks as sour as hedge. His sister's an enehantitig maid few smiles he ever gave her; and when he's round she is afraid to ask the smageet favor. And with this girl he's aye at war -he never loved or kissed her; he eaves* his sweet expressions for some other fellow's sis- ter. His mother's old abd kein and ;sad, and if she murmur, "Charlie, I wish you you'd help me her- my lad," he looks up. cross and snarly. "Let &litter help yiet" he replies, her sad voice little Meiling; "these interrap- tio i- i d piee you Cee I'm busy read - Ina' Some day he'll wed A dimpled dear, vvlien he bee saved the boodle, and when they're married half a year A he'd swap him for a poodle. Walt Mason. FOR SA Buggy in thorough r airs Saddle and Bridle No. 5 Taylor Fire o Safe, new Gasoline Engir* orse power Dynamo, 80 cy , 16 eandle power Also house to let Apply to Geo. McIi•znzie • RTDRU- CO COD LIVER. OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure onprevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00 Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM •••••W•••••••.......................•••••••••••••••/•••••••••••••••••••OWS. 'Special Announce 'AVING purchased the Whol le Produce Business of Gunns Ltd , we will b a position to handle your produce mor satis ctorily than ever before, We prefer to hand merchant, but if he ca for the names of the p t you sell through your ccomodate you then ask us e who want it. Prices on Farm Produce will depend on Quality. It costs no more to bring goccl eggs than to bring rotten eggs, and the gccd eggs are worth 20 times as much as the rotten ones, at the present time. Telephones: KAMM*. linissairztcemssi WILF0 WINGHAM Office, 174 Residence, 10'8 sliamonianso BIG CATS AND CATNIP. Leopard and Tiger Fairly Reveled In the Odorous Plant, Sotne one et the tXnsningtoit 101,10g, IMO park. Obtalittql litt• prili.IN:-1110 the authorities to 14) tee idle, ol et. nip on the ahltaths li, t s” fro as known catnip does e row In 1 he native homes el Mese 11111111018, 111,11 this was tile tifsi thitt• Vlielled it The tivelit ofthe la.utt toIctl 110 hole itIalv, zind 05 soon art It reneited the 1 .11 I rota' venne . the two eaultie Itt- i.b vd utacit wIt mat' ttu r 111(1 fv.11 I tob, on the nen es pf nit mai inede len out eide 01 its; thelt betiks 0 ud (la yrs through it 'it hen the .e,tnip wit.; brought, near :beet tele. be- 100 uen fey fro title, t i-wet'O. eke, it 0the a nil de'r0:1rz-ii It t:tein, le;L uod bloseom, tvith an otlgeriletss that eritinio.1 the noise a their cries Nest trini wiis Math. 4111 1;i1 AfritIM "VfOlt, Pewee:et 11011 t.t1 the treltt Of the Illue he 11;111 ljttnd (41 Preill the shelf whereon lie al) 1)111'0110y 'II:4MT, and stood expeetrint. A double handful ot catnip MIS passed through to the thee or 1110 dere Never, was the prey ef this spotted African in Ids wild state pounced upon more selvage:4y or with such abso- lute enjoy txteut. First the leopard ate ti mouthful of the stuff, then lay fiat on his tinek and wiggled through the MSISS Until hiS blaek spotted Ye). - bey hide was filled with the odor, just as you have sen a cat net when it re- ceives some eattilp. The he sat on a huneh of the cat- nip, caught a leaf laden stem up in either paw and rubbed his cheeks, chin, nose, eyes and bead.- He ate an additional mouthful or two and then jumped back to ItIs sho1-17'101er° he Illy the rest of the afternoon, the very picture of contentment. In one tiger's cage there Is a very young but full grown animal. When this great, surly beast inhaled the first sniff of the catnip he began to mew like a kitten, 'Up to this time the soft- est note of his voice had been one which put the roar of the big maned lion near him to shame. That vicious tiger fairly reveled In the liberal allowanee of the plant which was thrust into his eage. Re rolled about in it and played like six-Weekts-old kitten. Ile mewed and filmed, timed it about, ate of It and, after getting ebout as liberal a dose as the leopard had, likewise Suinped to his Miele and blinked lazily the rest of the day.--Xew York tlerald. Patal Error. "N. Peek's wife leads htm A rather merry gaIt 1 fancy." "Olt, yes. When he was courting her he told her one day she looked pretty When she wag milli, and now It has get to be t habit." isouN CAMPBELL -In Wingham, on March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell; a daughter. BARD -In Woodstock, on March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Bard, formerly of Wingnarn; a son. MARRIED. FEAR -DELL -At the residence o2 the bride's parents, en March 25th, by Rev, Geo. Jewitt, of Blyth, Mr. J. Leslie Fear, to Miss Jennie R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John R. Bell, all of Morris township. Mchistrs-FRAist-At "Shady Lane Farm," Grey, the home of the bride, on March 25th, by Rev. I. A. McKelvey, IVIr, Reuben McInnis, of Winthurst, Sask., to Miss Maggie Lorenza, third .4ughter 9.f Din 4p0 Mrs, Lerebzo Frain. is RUTHERFORD -In Turnberry, on April 1st, Mrs. John Rutherford, in -her 59th year, HNDERSON -In MATTIS, on March 25th, James Henderson, in his 54th year, FARROW -In Goderich, on March 26th, Cheser Reid Farrow, son of Asher and Mrs. Farrow. KERNIGHAN-In Brantford, on March 25th, Mrs. Samuel Kernighan, former- ly of Lower Wingham, aged 80 years. OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Country. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Witigham "•••••••• rizatmerzum 4, 4,2,,..7:ttssitravvi_riutisigiolgam, KJNC N Cla 1 E3 R CIS . AGt1ITS FOR NORTHWAY'S READY-TO-WEAR .......'"----,.........ti.ora•pc,,,...v..,,irsuor.................ximan t 1 0 AUCTION SALES •••••••••••• The executors of the estate of the late James Henderson will hold an un- reserved auction sale of farm stock and niplements on the premises on Blue - vale road, on Monday afternoon, April 6th. There is a good list of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and implements. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notieea Under 'MIA head ten cents a line for first insertion; flve cents /or subtle- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. * For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to KNOX'S. Reduced Prices in Wall Paper and Window Shades at KIttox'S. We have sorne very choice seed Oats for sale. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. 3. GittER, FOR SALE - A s en roomed brick house on Charles s eet. Good locality, Apply to Mrs, 3, therland, Box 487, Waterloe, Ont, YOUR NEW SPRING WRAP We are now showing some very dressy coats in the well-known Northway Brand in the newest styles and shades made in Serge, Ratine, Brocaded Jacquard, Gab- ardine and Sports Cloth. Prices, $10.00 and $20.00 Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats foe April showers, Ladies' Para- matts waterproof coats in shades of NavY, Black, Gray and Olive, special yalue $5,00 Ladies' Raincoe.s at $12.50. This is a guaranteed. all -wool waterproof material in plain and tweed finish, Gray and Brown shades, all sizes New Sports Cloth, Coat lengths in Mahogany. Tango and Paddy Green. No two alike. $4,50 per length Special Value, in Men's and If14s' Clothing Boys' 2-pihce Norfolk Suit in fancy Greys, Browns and Navy. Prices; $5.00 to $17,50 Men's Norfolk Suits. We are showing a nice range of these suits in black and white checks, greys, navy and brcwns, Prices $10.00 to $20.00 agaumpobraer•mmeam Agents for "Fit Reform Tailoring", Prices $20,00 to: $35.00. Fit and Workmanship guaranteed. i C .fie're'ree • ee PRODUCE 1AL1NTED. Phone 71 BRQ,SI Buy your Easter club I,aL suit c es and trunks at T. KewW km ock just in, prices to suit you. Just arrived, large stock bags, suit cases and trunks for ter trade. Come down and see our stock before you buy. Thos. Kew. WANTED -Good general servant at once. Apply to Mrs. Wrn. H. Rintoul, Leopold street. LADIES -Save money n your sprin hat, send for a specia Catalogue. Cut Rate Mail Order io. 100 ch St., Toronto. CEDAR POLES -Suitable fo.. ence or poultry yards. Apply to Austin, Wingham, or phone 5 o For the Newest Designs in Spring Wall Paper go to KstoX'S, FOR SALE -Four light double wagons with or without tops, one dray and two bob sleighs. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO. LTD. Wingham. PIANO FOR SALE -$350.00, Bell. Suit- able for 'church or home, almost new. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Address; P.O: Box No. 468, Wingham. I am prepared to accept'engagements for nursing in Maternity cases. Refer- ences: Drs. Hambly and Redmond. Mrs, Jane French, Tamlyn Block. WANTED YET -Have 51 makers on now. Want nine more to fill up mach- ines. W. D. Pringle. Go to C. TEMPLEMAN, tailor, 44 John st., for cleaning, pressing and repairing your suits. FEED CORN- Car load of feed corn just to hand. Get your supplies at the feed store or at warehouse at G. T. R. TIMING & MILLS To Whom It May Concern. Take notice that anumber of aecounts that are past due are still unpaid, and if.not settled before April ist, will be placed in court for collection. J. A. MELEAN. Standing Field • Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75,00 divided as folllows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of 'AgrIcul, ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition -Fields enter- ed for competition mt25t etalsiSt of not ess than five acres and not tnore than twenty. Competitors • Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry. Agri- culturalSociety.. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by ea.eit cenmetitor. Any individual ean tnake entry oor this corn- netion by becoming a member' of the society. All competitors twist be within 15 of Wingbatn. All applieations must be in by the twentieth day of April. Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to B, ELLIOTT, Seeretary, Winghatt. GENUINE DI 86 W, COAL All Sizes Promptly Delivered @, C. SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per 4 X, $1.00 " 5 X, $1.05 it Bunch' it FIRE WOOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft -Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. MLEAN Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, WOOD New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Company Canada is soon to print a new s of its Official Telephone Di Director •r the district a Western Ontari minding WI GRA Parties who late becoming Subscribers. or t ho wish changes in their present e y shoulh place their orders with the local manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies should also report additions and changes in their list of subseribers, either to the local manager or to the Advertising Directory Daparrment, Montreal, The Bell Telephone Company of Canada 11111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111.1 11114.11111011114411eAlteAleAlloblelelreeleAlletele EASTER The time of the year above all o hers when every- one should have nice shoes. Our stoc% was never so complete as it is at present and we are anxious to show you our assortment of up- • to -date footwear assuring you that, you are under no obligation to buy if you do not feel so disposed. Queen Quality for women are superior to all other makes and Derby are the top-knotchers for men. Below we show an i'lustration of one of the Queen Quality shoes for women. This particular shoe is perhaps the most classy and most fashionable Queen Quality shoe made. There is nothing extremely faddy auout this shoe -just the neatest, nicest and most perfect fitting that it is possible to make. Pon SALE OR (MANGE -Two lots in Saskatoon wor $800.00 each. One ergo lot in Tor to eqtiity $1500,00 Total equity on t e three lots 210r.00 What have you offer in exchange for these lots? Box 28, nista The uppers are made of the finest quality of Patent Kid with dull calf tops, medium height heel and the " Famous Wonder 'Worker,Sole." They need absolutely no breaking in whatever and as we have this shoe in three different width's we can fit any foot no matter how narrow or how wide. Price 5.00 per Pair •IMICOMIN1111113.2211911M11120111:1111MMONEISSIIIV commismicescialoffir W. H. Willis & Co. Sole Agents ler•CO.fle For Ladies sm,et 411,41)4441444411eAllAtlieellett 1 New Spring Goods Are still arriving. New Cords, Stripes, Woollen andiCotton Crepes, and Ratines, all leading shades. White Waists, very pretty, good Crepe Gowns, House Dresses, Etc., Etc. Linoleums, several new patterns now Rugs, all sizes all kinds at popular prices. A full line of Fresh Groceries found here. . All kinds of Seeds now in. We deal only in the best obtainable. Car Redpaths Extra Granulated Sugar to arrive about March 26th at $4.50 cwt. Leave your order at the store and Sugar° will be delivered from car. No Sugar charged at this price. SIN AN MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ODTT. 1