HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-26, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. —Next Wednesday will be All Fool's Day. —Two weeks from next Sunday will be Easter. —Stratford will this year spend $62,- 500 on new schools. --The Clinton spring stock show will be held on 1.11ursday, April 2nd. —Writing pads, envelopes and all kinds of staple stationery at the TIK4S office, --The Wingham Fire Brigade wishes to acknowledge with thanks a gift of $5 from Mr. AlAer Cosens. —Mr. John Korr, formerly of Wing - ham, has sold his grocery business at Palmerston to Mr. Bender, of Listowel. —J. E. Wetherall, M. A., Inspector of High Schools, Toronto, made his of- fleial visit to the Wingham High School this week —Mr. John Duckett left on Tuesday for his new borne at Glenavon, Sask. Mr. Duckett sent out two car loads cif settlers' effects. • —Choice of several routes in going to the West. Get full particulars from H. 13. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES Office. —The Postoffice Department has is- s.ued a notice declaring that the trans- mission of coin or bank notes in unreg- istered letters is prohibited. —Mr. F. Buchanan was re-elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Dominion Council, Royal Templars of Temperance, at Hamilton, last week. —Mr. E. Corbett, whom we reported last week to be sick in the hospital at St. Thcmas, is improving and expects to be out in the course of another week. —Mr. John Quirk has sold his house and lot, corner of Patrick and Frances streets to Mr. C. P. Smith. This is one of the best residental properties in the town. —At Clinton last week, Reuben Gra- ham was fined $100 and costs for selling liquor without a license. Henry Shae- fer, of Kippen was also fined $100 and costs for selling liquor without alicense. —Buy your railway tickets for any point in the West from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. Special reduced rates and choice of routes, —Many friends will hear with regret that Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post recently underwent an operation at the Clinton Hospital. We wish for a speedy recovery. —Mr, W. P. Shillington, son-in-law a Rev. Dr. Rutledge, formerly of Wing - ham, has been appointed Treasurer of the Studebaker Automobile Co., and has been transferred from Windsor to South Bend, Indiana. PURE SEEDS The best seed ob 'ainable. Bright colored see selected for purity and s cially re- cleaned. Red Clover, lisike Clover, Mammoth ed Clover Alfalfa 'and Timothy Buy Now—Don't Wait "Seeds are Cash" KING BROS. HORN MICHEL—In Grey, on March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Michel; a daughter. NicHoL—In Morris, on March 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichol, a daugh- ter. SMITH—In Detroit, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith; a daughter. GREENAWAY—In Wingham, on March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Greenaway; a daughter. MARRIED. SELLERS —SoucH—At the home of the bride's parents, Morris. on Wednes- day, March 11, by Rev. .1. E. Cook, Mr, John Sellers, of Moosejnw, Sask., to Miss Florence, daughter of W. J. and Mrs. Souch. DAMANG—EnWAtIns—In Gordo, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Mr. Rivers, on 1Viareh 18th, Miss Emma Edwards. of Gorrie, to Mr. Adam J. Darling, of Belmore. DlE Mws'rRoNG In Grey, on March 17th, (hoArrnstrcrig, aged 40 years, Kale -4n Grey township, on March 17th, Willis King, father of Mr, W. 8, Kirg, of T irnbary, ag,fed 83 years and 10 months. SANnnr3014—In Hovviek, on March 1.7th. Margaret Ireland, beloved wife of the late Joseph Sanderson, aged 67 years 2 months and 7 days. OCEAN TICKETS Via all atearriahip lines outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest qdotations current for rates or tiCketa by any route. Apply II. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham THE WINGITAM TIMES, NARCII 26 1914 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This }Rad ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. For Wall Paper and/VVindow Shades go to KNoles. Reduced Prices in Weir Paper and Window Shades at KNOX'S, We have some very choice seed Oats for sale. HOWSON & BRCCKLEBANK. WANTED -A good general servant girl. Apnly to Mrs. Donald Rae, Leopold street. WANTED -A good general servant girl. No washing. Apply to Mrs. J. A. McLean. WANTED—Two more millinery ap- prentices. Apply at once at Mrs, Green's. Apprentice wanted at once to learn the barbering business. Apply to SWANSON & JACQUES. Don't fail to see the pretty display of millinery and which can be had at reasonable at prices Mrs. Green's. Thumcs AND VALISES:—Big stocl yof select from at lowest prices. W. J. ER. FOR SALE —A seven roon‘d brick house on Charles street. fiiicod locality. Apply to Mrs. J. Sutherkind, Box 487, Waterloo, Ont. " For the Newest Dgns in Spring Wall Paper go to lpfox's. FOR SALE Four light double wagons with or without tops, one dray and two bob sleighs. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO. LTD. Wingham, PIANO POE SALE -050m, Bell. Suit- able for church or home, almost new. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Address, P.O. Box No. 468, Wingham. I am prepared to accept engagements for nursing in Maternity cases. Refer- ences: Drs. Hambly and Redmond. Mrs. Jane French, Tamlyn Block. WANTED YET—Have 51 makers on now. Want nine more to fill up m ach- ines. W. D. Pringle. Go to C. TEMPLEMAN, tailor, 44 John st., for cleaning, pressing and repairing your suits. FEED CORN—Car load of feed corn just to hand. Get your supplies at the feed store or at warehouse at G. T, R. TIPLING & MILLS r • Car of Redpath Exta Gianulatecl Sugar to atrive about March 26th, $4.50 cwt. Leave your order at ale store and sugar will be delivered,.#6m car. No sugar charged at thes* prices. J. A. Mfus Our large and elegant stock of Spring Millinery is now in readiness for inspec- tion. (No special millinery opening.) We are pleased to show goods at any time. Your call will be appreciated at Mrs. Green's. I NA -DRU -Go COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in vv.o sizes 5oc. and $1.00,0.1,101•1/.1.1111. J. J. D VIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM To Whom It May Concern. Take notice that a number of accounts that are past due are still unpaid, and if not settled before April 1st, will be placed in court for collection. J. A. MGLEAN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Two lots in Saskatoon worth $300.00 each. One arge lot in Toronto equitN $1600.00 Total equity on the three lots $210(s.00 What have you to offer in exellange for these lots? Box 22, TIMES Standing Field Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75.00 divided as folllows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges, Nature of Competition—Fields enter- ed for competition must consist of not •ess than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors - Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry oar this com- petion by becoming a member of the society. All competitors must be within 15 of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April. • Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to H. B. ELLIOTT, Secretary, Wingham. GENUINE -- DI 86 W. COAL All Sizes Promptly Delivered O. G. SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per Bunch 4 X, $1.00 " 5 X, $1.05 " ti 66 FIRE WOOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. McLEAN Dealer in 1LUMBkR, COAL, WOOD 1 ar1144411.1044441,11.4641. fralrarsealitlirwariv 1 Special Announcement Modern Shoe Repairing We wish to announce that Mr, T. D. Holmes has installed "A Modern Shoe Repairing Outfit" consisting of the very latest and most up-to-date machinery for the purpose, next door North from our Shoe Store, and that you will now be able to have your shoes repaired to look almost like new and on short notice, Leave your repairing either with Mr. Holmes or at our store and it will receive prompt attention. In case of "free -rips" on 'shoes bought from us kindly bring in all cases to the Shoe Store. Wo Hs WilliS CO. Sole Agents .94ftzer,,,,, For Ladies 11•1111/41111•114.11M41111.411.11.411. j...."...../.0.0-wov.A.~......,,,,......................."........,,4......,......vb......,,.........00..".............•..,.......o King Bros. Annual March Greater Values than ever Ki g B A al March Salt'. , for Thursday, friday Sale is bioger, better ii I FOS 111111 . than ever and Saturday A list of special values for the Last Three Days of our Great Annual March Sale. We have gone through every department and gathered together the GREATEST BARGAINS ever offered before, and will set these on sale for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week. Many of the great Dollar Day Bargains have been re -stocked and will again be offered for this GREAT WEEKEND BARGAIN FESTIVAL Read over this List. Bring this advertisement with you, and we will show you every article just as represented. innwroormos, aggesorsomax 25 doz. Women's Kid Gloves, color; black or tan, sizes 6 to 71, made from select skins, medium weight. 2 pair for $1,00, 18 odd Muffs and Stoles, this season's goods in newest styles of Westeru sable, mink marmot, opposum and fox, values $1o.00 to $15.00. Clearing at $5,00. 25 Muffs, Stoles and Sets, Persian lamb, Alaska sable, Can- adian coon and blue fox, values $15 to $20. Clearing at $ tom°. 25 Ladies' New Spring Rain Coats, colors black, navy, grey and tan, all sizes, made from fine waterproof cloth, $ro.00 value, Special at $5.00. J5 dozen Ladies' Vests and Drawers, colors white and natur- al, broken lines, all sizes to clear. At 19c. a garment. 5o Ladies' All -Wool Vests arid Drawers, guaranteed unshrink- able b4nds, white and natural, all sizes, values $r 25 to $2 00. For 98c. a garment. 5 pieces Fine English Nain- sook, 42 inches wide, free from dressing, very suitable for white - wear and underwear, Regular 25c. value tor 18c. 40, 42 and 44 inch Circular Pillow cotton, fully beached and free from dressing. Special 23c. a yard. case Flannelette Remnants, 5 and ro yard lengths, good width and pattern. 9c. a )d. 6 pieces Fancy Curtain Scrim in white, ecru, ne,v patterns and full Regular 35c. value, for 23c. 5 doz. Hemmed Sheets, all ready for use, made from fine even cotton, size 2x2%. Reg- ular $1.5o for 98c. to dozen Linen and Turkish Bedroom Towels, good full size and extra value. For 39c. a pair. 5 doz. Ladies'. Summer Vests, samples and broken lines, short sleeves and no sleeves. 20 and 25C. value for 15c. xo pieces Twilled and Plain 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 35 and 4oc. a yard. For 23c. 25 Ladies' Sweater Coats, colors white, navy, grey and cardinal, broken lines and odd sizes, regular $2,00 to $3 oo. For $1.49. One cartoon Swiss Embroid- ery and Insertion patterns to match. At 9c. a yard. 6 pieces 18 inch Corset Cover Embroidery on very fine lawn with eyes good, regular 25 and 35c. For 17. 36 inch Black Mousseline Silk, guaranteed, a soft draping qual- ity, with rich satin finish. Reg- ular $1.25 for 98c, yd. so Ladies' All -Wool Serge Skirts, navy blue and black. $4.50 to $6.00 values for $3.49. 5 pieces Fthicy Cotton Crepe, very suitable for - spring wash dresses, floral patterns, 14c yd. 72 inch Pure Linen Bleached Table Cloth, patterns are good. $1.25 for 89c, 4o inch Ratine, very suitable for spring dresses, colors white, tan, rose and saxe blue. 75c. value for ,58c. 5 doz. Men's Negligee Shirts, broken lines taken from stock, not all sizes in each pattern, sizes 14 to 17. Sale price 89c. 10 Doz. Black Cashmere Socks, all sizes. Regular 25c. for 15c. 7 pairs for $1,00. 15 Men's Sweater Coats, all wool and well made, values $3.50, $4 oo ad $4.5o. For $2.79. Men's Fine All -Wool Wolsley Underwear, shirts, size 36 to 48, drawers, size 34 to 46. Regu- lar $2.5o and $3,00 a garment for $1.95. Men's Signal Overalls, black and blue stripe, with or without bib. At 89c. Heavy All -Wool Unshrink- able Underwear in white and grey, all sizes. $1.25 value for 98c. $1.00 value for 79c. 3 dozen Men's Flannelette Night Robes, made from good English flannelette, all sizes. $1,00 and $x.25 values for 79c. Boys' Sweater Coats,. all wool, sizes 26 to 32, value $1.25 to $L50, for 98c. PRODUCE WANTED KING BROSar •••••imenroweoliwo TERMS CASH Phone 71 , 440,44-0100“..vo#404.0.00frootrettateatesetetioteditroboditrotrekesietemotem4,404#04"4"4,1*0014.0,0610.104,04040,4%414A0-4...4.0krofv•d•trApoivvat,...0,4,—, 1 THF, N"S,ALCAR Quality! Quality 1 Quality! The Ford is the quality car the world over. He who demands a car of the highest merit at lowest cost buys the sturdy Ford, He knows it's the one car with a world-wide record for dependable service. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford run -about; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalogue and particulars from A. M. Crawford, agent, Wingham, Ont. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This }Rad ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. For Wall Paper and/VVindow Shades go to KNoles. Reduced Prices in Weir Paper and Window Shades at KNOX'S, We have some very choice seed Oats for sale. HOWSON & BRCCKLEBANK. WANTED -A good general servant girl. Apnly to Mrs. Donald Rae, Leopold street. WANTED -A good general servant girl. No washing. Apply to Mrs. J. A. McLean. WANTED—Two more millinery ap- prentices. Apply at once at Mrs, Green's. Apprentice wanted at once to learn the barbering business. Apply to SWANSON & JACQUES. Don't fail to see the pretty display of millinery and which can be had at reasonable at prices Mrs. Green's. Thumcs AND VALISES:—Big stocl yof select from at lowest prices. W. J. ER. FOR SALE —A seven roon‘d brick house on Charles street. fiiicod locality. Apply to Mrs. J. Sutherkind, Box 487, Waterloo, Ont. " For the Newest Dgns in Spring Wall Paper go to lpfox's. FOR SALE Four light double wagons with or without tops, one dray and two bob sleighs. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO. LTD. Wingham, PIANO POE SALE -050m, Bell. Suit- able for church or home, almost new. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Address, P.O. Box No. 468, Wingham. I am prepared to accept engagements for nursing in Maternity cases. Refer- ences: Drs. Hambly and Redmond. Mrs. Jane French, Tamlyn Block. WANTED YET—Have 51 makers on now. Want nine more to fill up m ach- ines. W. D. Pringle. Go to C. TEMPLEMAN, tailor, 44 John st., for cleaning, pressing and repairing your suits. FEED CORN—Car load of feed corn just to hand. Get your supplies at the feed store or at warehouse at G. T, R. TIPLING & MILLS r • Car of Redpath Exta Gianulatecl Sugar to atrive about March 26th, $4.50 cwt. Leave your order at ale store and sugar will be delivered,.#6m car. No sugar charged at thes* prices. J. A. Mfus Our large and elegant stock of Spring Millinery is now in readiness for inspec- tion. (No special millinery opening.) We are pleased to show goods at any time. Your call will be appreciated at Mrs. Green's. I NA -DRU -Go COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in vv.o sizes 5oc. and $1.00,0.1,101•1/.1.1111. J. J. D VIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM To Whom It May Concern. Take notice that a number of accounts that are past due are still unpaid, and if not settled before April 1st, will be placed in court for collection. J. A. MGLEAN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Two lots in Saskatoon worth $300.00 each. One arge lot in Toronto equitN $1600.00 Total equity on the three lots $210(s.00 What have you to offer in exellange for these lots? Box 22, TIMES Standing Field Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75.00 divided as folllows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges, Nature of Competition—Fields enter- ed for competition must consist of not •ess than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors - Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry oar this com- petion by becoming a member of the society. All competitors must be within 15 of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April. • Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to H. B. ELLIOTT, Secretary, Wingham. GENUINE -- DI 86 W. COAL All Sizes Promptly Delivered O. G. SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per Bunch 4 X, $1.00 " 5 X, $1.05 " ti 66 FIRE WOOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. McLEAN Dealer in 1LUMBkR, COAL, WOOD 1 ar1144411.1044441,11.4641. fralrarsealitlirwariv 1 Special Announcement Modern Shoe Repairing We wish to announce that Mr, T. D. Holmes has installed "A Modern Shoe Repairing Outfit" consisting of the very latest and most up-to-date machinery for the purpose, next door North from our Shoe Store, and that you will now be able to have your shoes repaired to look almost like new and on short notice, Leave your repairing either with Mr. Holmes or at our store and it will receive prompt attention. In case of "free -rips" on 'shoes bought from us kindly bring in all cases to the Shoe Store. Wo Hs WilliS CO. Sole Agents .94ftzer,,,,, For Ladies 11•1111/41111•114.11M41111.411.11.411. j...."...../.0.0-wov.A.~......,,,,......................."........,,4......,......vb......,,.........00..".............•..,.......o King Bros. Annual March Greater Values than ever Ki g B A al March Salt'. , for Thursday, friday Sale is bioger, better ii I FOS 111111 . than ever and Saturday A list of special values for the Last Three Days of our Great Annual March Sale. We have gone through every department and gathered together the GREATEST BARGAINS ever offered before, and will set these on sale for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week. Many of the great Dollar Day Bargains have been re -stocked and will again be offered for this GREAT WEEKEND BARGAIN FESTIVAL Read over this List. Bring this advertisement with you, and we will show you every article just as represented. innwroormos, aggesorsomax 25 doz. Women's Kid Gloves, color; black or tan, sizes 6 to 71, made from select skins, medium weight. 2 pair for $1,00, 18 odd Muffs and Stoles, this season's goods in newest styles of Westeru sable, mink marmot, opposum and fox, values $1o.00 to $15.00. Clearing at $5,00. 25 Muffs, Stoles and Sets, Persian lamb, Alaska sable, Can- adian coon and blue fox, values $15 to $20. Clearing at $ tom°. 25 Ladies' New Spring Rain Coats, colors black, navy, grey and tan, all sizes, made from fine waterproof cloth, $ro.00 value, Special at $5.00. J5 dozen Ladies' Vests and Drawers, colors white and natur- al, broken lines, all sizes to clear. At 19c. a garment. 5o Ladies' All -Wool Vests arid Drawers, guaranteed unshrink- able b4nds, white and natural, all sizes, values $r 25 to $2 00. For 98c. a garment. 5 pieces Fine English Nain- sook, 42 inches wide, free from dressing, very suitable for white - wear and underwear, Regular 25c. value tor 18c. 40, 42 and 44 inch Circular Pillow cotton, fully beached and free from dressing. Special 23c. a yard. case Flannelette Remnants, 5 and ro yard lengths, good width and pattern. 9c. a )d. 6 pieces Fancy Curtain Scrim in white, ecru, ne,v patterns and full Regular 35c. value, for 23c. 5 doz. Hemmed Sheets, all ready for use, made from fine even cotton, size 2x2%. Reg- ular $1.5o for 98c. to dozen Linen and Turkish Bedroom Towels, good full size and extra value. For 39c. a pair. 5 doz. Ladies'. Summer Vests, samples and broken lines, short sleeves and no sleeves. 20 and 25C. value for 15c. xo pieces Twilled and Plain 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 35 and 4oc. a yard. For 23c. 25 Ladies' Sweater Coats, colors white, navy, grey and cardinal, broken lines and odd sizes, regular $2,00 to $3 oo. For $1.49. One cartoon Swiss Embroid- ery and Insertion patterns to match. At 9c. a yard. 6 pieces 18 inch Corset Cover Embroidery on very fine lawn with eyes good, regular 25 and 35c. For 17. 36 inch Black Mousseline Silk, guaranteed, a soft draping qual- ity, with rich satin finish. Reg- ular $1.25 for 98c, yd. so Ladies' All -Wool Serge Skirts, navy blue and black. $4.50 to $6.00 values for $3.49. 5 pieces Fthicy Cotton Crepe, very suitable for - spring wash dresses, floral patterns, 14c yd. 72 inch Pure Linen Bleached Table Cloth, patterns are good. $1.25 for 89c, 4o inch Ratine, very suitable for spring dresses, colors white, tan, rose and saxe blue. 75c. value for ,58c. 5 doz. Men's Negligee Shirts, broken lines taken from stock, not all sizes in each pattern, sizes 14 to 17. Sale price 89c. 10 Doz. Black Cashmere Socks, all sizes. Regular 25c. for 15c. 7 pairs for $1,00. 15 Men's Sweater Coats, all wool and well made, values $3.50, $4 oo ad $4.5o. For $2.79. Men's Fine All -Wool Wolsley Underwear, shirts, size 36 to 48, drawers, size 34 to 46. Regu- lar $2.5o and $3,00 a garment for $1.95. Men's Signal Overalls, black and blue stripe, with or without bib. At 89c. Heavy All -Wool Unshrink- able Underwear in white and grey, all sizes. $1.25 value for 98c. $1.00 value for 79c. 3 dozen Men's Flannelette Night Robes, made from good English flannelette, all sizes. $1,00 and $x.25 values for 79c. Boys' Sweater Coats,. all wool, sizes 26 to 32, value $1.25 to $L50, for 98c. PRODUCE WANTED KING BROSar •••••imenroweoliwo TERMS CASH Phone 71 , 440,44-0100“..vo#404.0.00frootrettateatesetetioteditroboditrotrekesietemotem4,404#04"4"4,1*0014.0,0610.104,04040,4%414A0-4...4.0krofv•d•trApoivvat,...0,4,—, 1