HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-26, Page 64
THE W NOAH T1S S %.A110ii 20, 1911.
7 000 Stock
cry, :7;11 verwaro, , 11 ass
Ixatlusr Cloods, Ladies'
and t Tinbrellas,
Stationery, Wallpapers,
Windtm shades, i'ancy
Goods, ete., to be sold at
and INlow Ql)St.
.As owner is Leaving Town
Everything Must be Sold
Sale is Now On
'Phone 65
Opposite National Hotel
Abstract of Receipts ;,ind Expenditure
(Coutinued from page fit
We the mole aegoed Aviall ere for the Town of wing:ham f the
aeo nune for the t ear exiting: Pee, ;net. 1Pla, beg to report its f011oW8;
1 We hive et:emitted ties eventity given by the Treasurer of the Town
tor the dn. perfoem ow, .1 hi:. iltItit's as *twit t Meer, anti find that It elm
et.re teeeenieto It nd in the pennl emu of two theuennd donate,
eeolee he lee enteiot, tit t' 4noda tluarantee Red Aecident Cowpony to
the tie Nwu, ond ex$atime on the laret. Day ot daottary 1915.
a We have in ae.sordanee with the Pohlle 1„thrieriee' .et t a au,
Menegetuent, teed dud the, Nka141
0 ot reee, :ma '4 lit, A1100 nava ttl that report an Meat aet Statement of t he
Reeeipte oet leepeaa 11P0 6004.1ant. of the Wnegheee POW: Library for
'the year lala
We IVACO t1W44 ttodited tho aceounte of the Wingham Pehlke School
Itoeed. =ma IAA th,$1 peeetuents einiuted are properlyvtlitched, for owl
hereto ts nopeed, O tea abetreet Statement tet the Itectopte and Expeudi.
tote eie oseeveo t It.Oale 8 hoot ef the Town.
4. We hove oiso main; ti the meenunte of the Treaemer ef the Winghant
High 8 -hoot Revd. iota tied that ell paymente elaimed ate, oper/y
vonehed for and hereto outitooll appeuded an Abstraet Soto. ment oe
the Reeetote toet Fee:ea:ore on aceonnt ler the High &hoe! Board, ;for
heildtegs area tteoo- et:awe.
Z. Viae have, twain ;a rho ok.000uts a the Eh ete ic Light Depertoteut apa
elmia ermiuwa me properly vonehed for Arai here;:o le op.
pendoel eat ;tato met Soetement of the Reeelpte end V.xpentlaute of the
nom rie Light Iteeertattoet of the Town.
te We have Mee, atelittel ate teeeentOs a th0 Waterworks Depertreent
teed tc....11;tat PA'st Va:nat s 41:4iftwa at ptiaoalo vouehed for axed hereto
anneeed were/eh-4 ,re Attet met eatattomeut or the Reeeipts and Expellen-
t:ere el' the Waterwotae 11ov-4r:went ef the Town.
7. We f tut her rep eta a leer -Seed..:,eat For.de of I he Town of Winghtun
on the Mete day of Iteeetnher, Mae ace...tented to eanlatitlattt as ehown lathe
sieve:menet of the Settleteet Food AZZIC Z,,te;0'444 t.,e;i44 anateXca„
Un:eneetea, TAVS feV 1013, • , • ...... • $ aela. taa
t‘t., Wo ektta Chet the Foe area Vaetealeto Inge:awe earrled by the Team is
ae fellows t
Town HA... . , ,.,tatateet
Fire Ilan. . tXet tea
F„leetele Light. Vent wed beetaleg- - , „ MeV alt
itleetrte Light telterOa tome.. , - ite,e)
High atehetal • . , - , _ , • •
Pottiot teehool ,
Pelle „
New Pomo t toilet
ateehistevy llatt
t\w, Rt„...ouhada 'e.............
leket atO
;Ate, See
• 'att.', et
eleteeteleteee witla et'.veet t tee 4...:nat."--111. Vie`
ruza etatement tie 11 es: otte the Wow:twee...Oa. Itettete teeent
the etneotee teetel en ea. te ett,titsat arei the tea:ooze etitil doe en
We .r.,,etiee thee ttee itOas.a 4 rot tr.:tale-La by the l'evire
Vetted at NViieethete. tte e Sae eel laeo Voteeettaay,,
A ete eateatteet.
truth of Nature and effect* the reg. I r
re with reguler met.
If this method be faithfully followed
he sum total of tire will very slightly
Over balance the Sum total of rest.
Th0 result shoiald be efficieoey of tnizel
rld body, 00 le proper teluvenation of
energies for Quell day's labor.
liven ac'toul Oriel eve in KUM! daSa-
bs1"011101111bitUdiell 'la the use of liqu
Ate another outcome the nu ober of re-
eetions of Neruits for the army
. ,
ritMlin some cases to the rim ming fit -
oat of 78 per cent. The tr has d
ermined to curb the evil,, and to t ie
*ad hrs given, orders for ti rigid reettnet-
'on of the traffic.
irottateetea-A. Zee r
tree reezeal eenvetatete aa....ttaa perseete
on revel tr.;;,-?:1 t:e, A
443 444-
Ireerof Other Pays.
leow PeTanlatt ever idol) to thIh
about it but it is a Inet that there sr
ehamting fashions in foods last as in
eiothes. For Instance, way back in
the Mitiale Ages In England mallY
vegetiebles wore eaten evhich have
long since dise.npeared from the ta-
ble, such as violet leaves mixed, 'with
young nettle% thietles and green
wheat, and boiled hemp seeds.
Salado were zutule ot mallow leaves,
celery roots end purslane mixed with
salt and veneer, for oil was almost
unknown. Olive oil woe considered
to outwit of effeminacy end Itelian.
" luxury. Home -radish sauce wee used
And No. Wonder, After He Had flawed
About Its Streneth.
What la dritming?
Everybody Imotee that dripping Is
supposed to be the tutees, the savory
Mellott% that from routing meats.
That is the supposition, tint what
really ta thipping-the dripplug that
the poor a Englana buy by the pound
and Smear upon Welt* bread in lieu or
The question perhaps will never be
answered, but a partial solution is
given to it by the faet that a London
poorlionee reeently bought at $7 a ton
thirty-two tons of dripplug from -a
soap works.
Alfred Noyes used tie tell a dripping
"A little boy," he would limbo "corn.
plainetl. bitterly about the bread and
dripping that formed his daily break-
"'It'll kill mea he whined at last, 'I
know irti kill
"'Hill you? What ao you mean?'
"'Why, I've been feeling pretty bad
lately, and oew I know Ws all this
dripping what's the cause a the trou-
ble. I read it in a book:
"Some pure food rebbish, 1 dare
ko$1 Ana what, precisely, did you.
read In this vile book, silly?'
"4/ read,' whined tho urchin, 'that
tonstant dripping, wears away a
stone.' "-Exchange.
Take Reenter Rest.
tr,tratc:s. res.t tn the tni:Et•r. 4t,,,Ir a
finZa tr.-m*4es wer%
soy s VI. M. 10.-rt,"ne,:t etce!ng. ntte.
right itt,-)nrs, s':`,:fer; rtgt--,:t Weak
Eajoyed it Himself, but it Didn't
'Tickle the Victim.
A number of natives came to greet
tIS WWI% We lalltital at BM a MI IS.
laotl. among them a fear whom the
einem! ecemed to lamer. They voime,
teered to aet as escorts for Us and by
various expressions. tried to vouvey the
Wen thnt they were MO to see us.
A sehool forms one alde of the
squire. Aeross from this stands the
mown ehombea built on the trench
where the bodies were rorotted for
their former feasts. The old headstone
agniust whleh Cacobitte used to dash
the brains of Ids victims still etands,
and the neehor and mailer of e Freneh
OM wrecked near Bau Ile beside it
Beneath a picture of Queen Victorie
1 StINV SU old sword swinging. I exam-
ined it nnd found it was a Frew%
weapon, no doubt the arm of the unfor.
Mate Freneb vessel's commander.
Poring the thee this was going on.
Retu Kadavtae servaut who is a
partieelorly gotta tame or large. muse
eninr raw, approaehed me, ran hio
bezel aroma waiet nuti elowly
down my thigh and smacked bis lips
with a wicked =Ile I /embed at this
Oisplay tat aboriginal humor. but not
very heartily, for tht sword a the
toreneh captain etill swung before my
eyee.-Chrattlan Eferaid.
Time For the Actor to Stop..
On the =Wed of elaying. the same
pert ever tea indetinits number et
toneeet, intrrid. WertEed says:
nei Iltitg as ytateinee. a
tery„,-. ZIte rttetowEr.,4 pre:4;-3
reevere Neese. teat if it doze, la
eeseetteteeette tellate tate teeter. -f.W:e:tt'at
> Lte tt-tattl...n Et at tzt--.N.*
Z -.Es atere satm.-tttzt.r..;
sttni,•eft ;:;.1
Fr=tt.r ti
ec esezetteal
Ltt t.4? ,;;72 -..at
tere tee toot
tees: teo.a
;- T.E15tt's t:Lr 1ttlr.21
Was Trcubie
the average etttrut et the w.71-,..rket*,..
' lleeuvt..ration ts ene a the rttzst
; pertant rat-the4.1s lti,y witi4lmethieVtt-
h t...eri,:t d ma h-..,,,t1-4;oniko-a.
The real meaninte of feet is teo ollen
)1 rititatmlerstoad, lateness is net neNSS.
arily rest. Reet must be talien Mama',
191.-•' air is !retro aud plentiftet. Wet
mum; he mental as well MI phseileel.
There is httle reeoperative beritefit in
: 2,,,,,,,tim, aho Intio...4,,) aaa woo:0,10g tbe
11*341. 44"3 thow itl mall A istiem in
nit day's worl.; has its wear and
,.. ;;.4 t''..., litits;:an frame. The sane
rzt wosin realizes this fonciantental
Children Cry
Nit'eak EezA ce.;:zrril tty:
; and it ts ?Ltrt.?„ fa- a Ice&
;ftzr Etzt,Lsete•!1,--•Etft,,z• ri4,1rt
trsYtn weast i7 -4r
tte wentItt sity...7e,-; eriZ ws-_,211
t.tt.;:xt:eys are ent
30.-ean-s Kidney Z-.1.te ateltt tet
seat the trent!tz..Qz.t.ve
1,:teV and p.revent datt2 cE; to
serietts kidney tr;:',!es veletas' et= Ilit!'„er
to beeonte deep renteal tato tate s.ltst=
if not attended tc:t
MIst AtlilttSteS. Pant.C:t,
Oat ViltttS:s -'"Vsa" several years
had been troubled Walt weak tx.tek
and kidneNs• I UM terrible dtt;.6y
lieinbeltr. end mild net sleep at teight.
A friend of mine nArd me to try
'Kidney Pills, and 1 kliti soe atel in sheet
time we cured"
Ilean'e Kidney lalle ate teas, per boa.
boxeR hn; AI a at all dcaleto. Att.
mailed .threet teetata pave lee Thr
T, `reroniii, Ont.
evierithi clittOr, tivv4 "Wou'a,"
insteaa by those who craved strength
and good, red blood.
The potato revolutionized the fare
of the poor, who had formerly to rely
on the roots of wild plants. Tito var-
iety et pleain was larger, includiug
beavere. Snices ana aromatics were
much enught after and fax more used
for 000king in olden days than they
Metter and nutmeg were used to
davor mane' dishes. that have now
v:111100(1 from our tables. And for,
;Ilea -Ay the dishes of mall birds a
1.,-13 that V ere an essential tea -
'ars 01' a dinner have also gone out
faeh inn. Wo no longer bake black-,
oirde nna finches in pies.
SoCrnSIWO SVIVOP hos byes -q
used for over SLETY YEARS by IdILLIONS ot
TEETIllbTO, with Pummel' succues.
ALLAYS an ram; coitus WIND COL1C, aud
is the best remedy for DIAnklICEA. St is ab-
solutely harmless Ile sure sod ask tor atrs
'CVisisloyes Soothing Syrup," and sake othrs
land. Twenty -aye emits a- bottle
tet. -
it tre lia,1 ne
eat ai•0; !••C •
! an roe ;tit
-I t att
Noel e at ioaet •
Aling in a sum , 41 •s•
with the roada in;lt during 01,. i-t•-
1;:rie_g ta.nediatt: !et d,- t.. t
banana the *Roman k*ra tee 1 ..- ••
1;rn eanatruztions are ilittisy an./
PorarY affairs. It is not to,ee,sary t
reeort to descriptions of eort'or.;
ary writers to learn of tbe eatinr:el:
el,srasster of 1.1.0111an rata% for meeet
of them, despite centuriee of neglee,
still exist in gaud condition.
A Roman road was but by dig -
ting ditches on tither sale, and. tit
the whole loose surface earth was
removed until a firm zubsoll NY aa
reached, and when practical the strip-
ping was to bedrock.. If the ground
was tavarmy, piles were driven. On
siteh a basis the road was built of
several strata. First large stones
were plated, then. nine Indies of still
smaller stones, broken briek or pot-
tery, bound together with cement,
were laid and carefully smoothed,
and ovee tbe pavement thus formed
were lald fiat blocks of stone, the
hardest that could easily be obtained,
Willett were nicely titted. to each
The cost at a road bagt along
these lines would be prolabitive
these doys. Goulette cities provide
thamstaves with thoroughtares which
‘1=a1 the exeMenee of VA-, best Re -
ram roads, but there are few the
eauaces of road building ire localities
away from large centres of population
which are remotelo compara.ble with
the best of antiquity-.
I'm Infants aud Children.
The Mnd You line Always Bought
Bears the
It Py o to Watch For Evidence of
Lameneas From ahoelos.
You may groom your liorge until hie
coat shines like a mirror. but If Ills
feet aro negleeted the animal will soon
hecome wortlatess, says RuralDrnf Fernier.
bnro setreegovrarejzio
given, They do almost ad of their
hard work et the talking gait.
The feet shot*] alwaye be set down
squnrely and tirmly and lifted quickly
rind evenly.
Stand battle of rem horse and see It
when waleing,' ate* Nies of the feet turn
ep end YOU see Per !),Ittnes
The fore feta et draft horseare
oftett poor. Watch them elosely. The
ideal foot hns beauty and It shows
The boor should be large, sound,
smooth anti systmetaleal. The color
eounts for little. The horn Omuta be
smooth, waxy looking tied free from
ridges or cracks. The coronets should
be opeu, proinioent and wide at the
heels. The sole must nerer be tlat or
bulging, but slightly cupped. The frog
-and this Is very important -must be
tame, elastic, heitithei and without a
deep cleft.
Go to a blacksmith that Understands
his business. Make him et the shoes
to the feet. Alsamst every horse must
be treatecl in a Oitrerent way.
Watch the feet. If yon observe the
horse trying to save them in any way
or limping have thorn attended to at
1 This Lady Knows
Hew te Keep Weld
She always keeps Ole Pills hi the Hem
Her Little $11p.
Departing tauest-We've had a. sim-
ply delightful thuel Hostess -I'm so
glad! At the same time I regret that
the storm kept all our best people
away, --Brooklyn Life.
Ever Present Help.
"They say that a woman's tears
corne to her aid at any moment."
"Yes. Her tears are volunteers, so
tfaBleakcBoaton Transcript -
For Over
Ten Years.
Weakening the body will never relove
dyspepsia or indigestion, on the con-
trary, all efforts should be to maintain
and increase the strength.
Burdock 13lood Bitters will do this,
and at the sante time =table you to
partake of all the wholesome food. re-
quired, witliout fear of any unpleasant
after results.
Mr. Henry P. White, Surretteville,
N.B., evrites:-"I have been troubled
with Indigestion for more tlaan ten years;
tried several doctors, and different
medicines, but all without success.
Having heard of the many cures effected
by Burdock 131ood Bitters, I decided
to give it a trial. I have taken one
bottle, and I feel that I am, cured at
last. I can. now do the same hard work
I could before I was taken sick."
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac-
tured only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Lines by a Siek Poet.
hlr. William Watson. when lif Ln -
den and attemptiug a ;dinner for ethiele
he had no appetite, scribbled these
lines on a scrap of paper, which he
threw to his attendant:
Strangat.sauce that's rairsved with the
Strange irses.t that's mingled st-lth est
sauce -in V•Itire
Z eat and, wor.d'ring what arid -wiry eat,.
Loss or the p-arrlezsa at 1:133" roUth
-London Chronicle.
Otreertraat, Moo,
"I think GIN` PILLS are the finest
things for the kidneys. When fist I
came to Canada, I suffered with dread-
ful Pains in my Back, that made me
genie ill. A friend gave zne six of yoar
GIN PILLS and after I had taken one
dose, I felt less pain. I then got myself
a box and before half of it was gone, I
had lost all the backache. It did seem
a treat to be rid of the pain.
If any one tells me, N.hat a pain they
have in their back, I say "You should
try GIN PILLS." alas. j. Inciennore
Take Mrs. Pickrell's advice and take
GIN PILLS. They will cure eent of
every trace of Backache, Kidney Trouble
or Rheumatism. 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50
-sent DE Tateipt of price if your dealer
does not handle them. Money back if
GIN PILLS do not give prompt relief.
Sample free if you mention this paper,
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, Toronto.
Manga-Tone Blood and Nerve Tablets
correct Female Troubles and make pure,
rich blood. sc. a box. 2C6
Wales is following the lead of Eng-
land in draining population from the
land to the industrial centres. In 1851
tbe rural population of tl,o principality
was nearly one-half of the whole. In
1911 the population of rural dwellers
was less than 22 per cent. In 1881 the
number of farm workers in Wales was
82,836; in 1901 the number was only 72,-
452. All this despite the fact that in
the last seventy years the total popula-
tion has increased from one million to
two and a hall
In Russia the sale of liquor is a State
monopoly, and the Gevernnaentreceives
a revenue of $500,000,000 a year from
traffic. Wbithin a few years the rev-
enue from the traffic has doubled. Co-
incident with this there has been an
alarming increase dronkenness.
All $tm Asked,
alfy dear. some of tete days I will
bring you a stritg et nee feetgs raat-oh-
. ed pearls,"
; "Foeget. these cIM:rtr,s.
; yawned nts wife. "Just Lfreng =e a ;
string of neefeclay trenteted sausao,ess,
'oleo yea mme Laze tcatott."--Chl.
cago daterrent.
BiramF,a ri,"zhest zennv.-F
in --irtat-;
filltslef the Igrzass.: ute ffretta ti:
Z.3nass'z., ez;
• Ls 1-.11t,F Q..tat Ls sec-ce-n =:-
tlan Ls '
tt Es 3k.nzz-on
ti -Lr; -,,icte e7:2
cl all:cr.:it
az..11 eatarzet. ctr
an es Sr:). Fran -Ifs=
al-Z3r-j:J.:Art.s41":11-1d.L.re: VzsnEq."1.e.:721
3fLa 4111
6"2-1L' tn
Vila" aeozs.1 t._. -s tt, yot,,,UCti
aa1*.act,1; In
ser--,Z,12:filt el ag-la
at: WIT gareal; e= rtl;
kov vre.t.r, am. trdratt'
tz.) ilz-.11.2
c• nzta 11.'1
411.Z..) kt;ttr.t.sa!
MAZZ1--tt-lb4:•; (11.134; At* D 41.4
.,••• -
xi= ifdt.4,. ot.E.111 aitj Cfrf.t.t.
: Mai= cf trY,.fitiS nevateneeper
kee.-=Tiag menu elm eane La cloy Ilia'
reek aaeneteed bet tuterattote offatootw
the eztetee at witaas. lie la. tile des&
• 110-ftstro,. Mveaeag 17-Att",
muter, tattle?
taLtat---idet two, 150,. t MO*
thst %pm
mister. rix&iftit titat'm
'stir I earn melt 'Am"
Children Cry'
Saveal Hintsetf.
*an FIntebb dzi.,:;:ayEdsce
unexg-tedt ezer tacraY. .4':.•[j;:;LI bat '
gred UM:4
'Atd tT'Lt CI! tla
peeed tnke.1-'
"Re rret:t r:r.L:11 fse:l at=-
Girl's Nerves
Fuity Restored
00; A. W. CHASE'S ft
▪ is sent direct to the diseased mut; hy the
Improved:Blower. Urals the ulcers,
eleara the air passages, stops drops
Piatts in the throat andpersuanent.
ty. cure$ Catarrh and limy Fem.
a bus; alowrr free. .Accept no
substitutes. A0 dealer or ear/Anson,
alma & co., thrsitost, Toronto.
The English-spealting populations of
the glob( ere estimatccl as follows in
a book recently pcbliehed by Lord More
ley; Over forty-five millions in the
United Kingdom; about twelve millions
in Canada and Australia; at least five
millions in varicus parts of British
Africa; in India 1,672,000 literate in
EngliFii, and rather less than half a
million whose English is vernatallar,
and it is the official language of the an-
nual Congress; say a million in other
Eritisit possessions. If we take into ac-
count the various forms of pigeon -
English spoken in British possessions
and elsewhere, one might make the
total sixty-five millions'. Finally, the
modest addition of something tender 100
millions in the United States.
Ohaldren Ory
-Good Local Agent
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
A splendid list of frt.it anct.
ornamental stock for Fall'
Delivery in 1913 0E41
SFring-Delivery in 1914.
Start at once and secure ex,
elusive territory. We.
supply hand: 0 -me free out:
fit and pay highest com-
Write for fullipartioulars.
Stone& Wellington,
Toronto - - Ontario
have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
e will keep the hest stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
e are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive proMpt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
ltras 15etler Viiie V) tallear= faaretfillit
Benest ria. Dee S.,7.'34.hel* 2r.frat,
1-4.-:...-.4 was rm.ift,
Tx; t-_-...1._:-_7 t•I',1,1 --,:-.:-;:r ;;;,
anz.s....- -:. ;-_,..-:ttlitt --1._-_,fi (1:1.17t.urcArt
e -1 -1a -r, a.T.e...-1,..,..:::. ill;f4.7.-." .. Uhl: 1.'44' 1
r- ee...a, a--;:,L4ri..:-..1:1-t• .14t.S.+Ptti AZ 1.. t.rviU-S... •
a ....Le `,:li..liat.
TI.I.,1.? 'tfi.0.41 7.',..i:t.ff.A. 4.1t!fittiitne 11:44
04:11--_,-n 7.,t,eistft 1.1;;;Tvor...:-.:r.tvittlIt :it: 4441r;:
tro..,/c:=F.t•:2 14 :f,t, -.7r-sow*...ofirt t- 11.4ritt)
,I...-;ta.t... -V.Y.:4":4. ;AV 14dAsr V VIlltlitri' f.":10'
niAttir.- rio ;Ziri# ,#''•itsP1.4 ,,nitt-'
sate ftat 1.:•Vrintii, 4ion,iti,'.etiif ltr .,:ir
4.1-041 ,-tannii4s•txr.lic :111:4- Iii! --111, lic1411.49''
Am il f.'-..4zur,t;. -AI', Al'ooteli
\-V:41*-011 ;'4,1:- 401410.41*r
grattIt'a q1 i.ter.t,Igittiow Inne.i
11444...1341 Li ;Amiutio.hloit 1114 (X.414' rti4.1:
am! .1,-;.; latt 1.4itiGitIr rt$1itt' ;\,SYA 1,43,4i
tit* ,00lirtr% a.out; roe. <that4'4.9.+W.41'
Peed:, aotO elet 1t 's' deed' it."; ',VW&
vr.atutirrT... irlitah4. Vita: teatettlitalt,
faze, aolte ote Iter nItlitiii arid gto .
ataengthened the. aorleta (Wet eat* fatibir
titre areithee tart."
tee Cltateeta ttOwe.e Otetule la; omits
* liem,, ffi' Att- $.1:14: nit' clifstidelit tle larft.,
it trtzliikir.walicp ikettio. at (14+ thisitakti, 11. ,
re4ithe in the penting line,
ete iothc Leaahig Newspapers
and Plage
Times Office