HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-26, Page 4THE "IV;NGHAM TIMES, MARC!' 26, 1914
BeTABeettiEMI) teee
Tut WINfiltAll TIMES.
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The Canadian, the paper owned and
edited by Mr. Arthur Hawkes, of Brit-
ish born and North Lanark fame, dis-
cussing the recent Budget Speech of
the'Ontario Finance Minister, puts the
situation very aptly as follows:
The Ontario Treasurer's budget says
ea surplus on the year. of a third of a
million. The Opposition critic in the
Legislature says a deficit on Loth sides
of the account, because the proceeds
of dnation of assets are wrongly
called revonem You can't aceept what
either partisan sys as the complete
truth. A r reasurtft dearly loves a sur-
plus mid it iways too partieular
where Iy ts it. In the permare nt
IISStts '1") • irr • r N41' I 11,as ire!ui'es
a million s n e• cd rolds.
Part a thi pr ty, has Leen given
to local bi.s whose roads do not really
belong to the province. Even if they
did, it s, -ems queer to call the whole
amount a standing asset. Roads wear
out and lt.e nioney that went into them
clisappeiti s. Two years ago I spent
seven dollars on a certain pair of
trousers teat have long since gone into
, Jewry. I sei not count the money spent
on them a nsorg my assets. It seems
fair to draw a parallel between trousers
that have been worn and roads that
have been worn
Signs are not wanting that, although
the provincial government continues to
do good wok. as in the introduction of
the comp';.• don hill, there is a gradual
slackening o, the tone, a relaxation of
the high tension which kept all things
moving, as it were, towards the golden
year. Wether it be a loosening of dis-
cipline or an accretion of barnacles or
the slipsho 1 methods of over -confidence
or the contempt that comes with fami-
liarity, all governments seem to tread
the same path. It was hoped that the
Whitney Government would be different,
but there are signs which are evident
enough. When a government does
things which it would not tolerate for a
moment if it were in opposition instead
of in power, it is time for it to consider
its ways. It only takes a turnover of a
few per cent., two or three in a hundred
to upset the strangest government. It
may seem very dreadful that two or
three per cent. of the voters should hold
the government in the hollow of their
hands. It seems so incredible that gov-
ernments pay no attention to them and
gradually come to devote all their con-
sideration to their own professed sup-
porters. Then the incredible thing hap-
pened. There are a lot of people in
Ontario wondering why Mr. G. Howard
Ferguson is so indispensable to the gov-
ment, that special legislation has to be
passed to save his political life. Mr.
Ferguson's personal merits are quite
aside from the question Either he
should not have been appointed, or he
should have resigned his seat when ap-
pointed. The other course was to have
repealed the law before the appoint-
ment, not after the law was violated.
The opposition "has it" on the govern-
ment, and will no doubt make the most
of the opportunity. At the best it
represents the slackening up of the
system. The government would not
have so emted in 19 6 Toronto World,
At a meeting of the Liberal mem-
bets of the Senate Friday afternoon
Hon. Hewitt Bostock, Senatorial rep- I
is just as trying and
important as your own
and perhaps more tedious—but
is her strength as great?
Women who are nervous and
fretful and easily fatigued prompt-
ly gain strength and natural en-
ergy by taking Scott's Emulsion
after meals becaZe it is essentially
nourishment—not a drug that
stupefies or alcohol that stimulates
—there is pure, rich medical
nourishment in every drop which
nature appropriates to enrich the
bl o o d and upbuild the latent
forces of the body.
Probably nothing is more popular
with physicians for itist such eon -
Mimi* than Scott's Emulsion.
Avoid (substitutes celled "wines",
"extraett" or "attive principles"e-
they are not cod liver oil.
Insist on 1. gartultut SnOted
MANY Onus% arrOttat i3-14
L1 lr--
resentative for Kamloops, 13. O., was
ananirnously chosen to succeed the
late Sir George Ross as Liberal leader
in the upper House. Senator 13ostock
is the youngest Liberal in the upper
The death took place at Picton, last
%vs:els of Hon. William Paterson, t. x- i
minleter of custorne in Canada, who for
39 years was in public life in Canada.
He bad gone to Picton to pass his de-
clining days with his daughter, Mrs.
Branscombe. Within the past week
his condition became serious owing to
age, 75 years, and death was not unex-
Private dispatches from Toronto in-
dicate clearly the growing conviction
at the provincial capital that a,nother
provincial election will he held before
the next session of the Legislature.
So great have the rumors grown in
magnitude that the date for the sup-
posed election has already been fixed -
Sept. 2nd according to many stories.
Figures of Canadian trade for the
rnonth of February, just issued by the
Trude and Commerce Department, show
a inal!.;..ed falling off in both imports
and exports. The decrease in no less
than $1.1,401,754, or over twenty-five
per cent. The decrease in exports of
Canadian products, as compared with
February of last year, is $2,304,080, or
about ten per cent. This is the largest
decrease in both imports and exports
which has been reported for years, and
is a significant commentary on the con-
tinued process of trade restriction
which developed last year. Imports for
the month totallod $38,550,015, as com-
pared with $52,951,809 for F bruary of
last year. Exports of Canadian pro-
ducts totalled $20,553,087, as compared
with $22,857,167.
When your baby is ill; when he is
cross and hard to mind; wheeehis teeth
are bothering him or he-, is troubled
with constipation or in4gestion; give
him Balm's Own Tablets. They are
the best medicine for 1:setle one's. They
never fail to re ulatee/the bowels ard
sweeten the stonacb4thus making teeth-
ing easy; ceringle stipation, colic, in-
digestion and tee eking up colds and
fevers. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hex
from The Dr. W Means Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Constable Foran of the Vancouver
city police force, who is a son of Mr.
Jeremiah Foran, of Belgrave, recently
h td a desperate fight with thugs and
was badly clubbed over the head while
on duty in that city. Foran is a first-
class constable and while on duty he
noticed two men of whose actions he
became suspicious. He investigated,
when the men started to run. He foll-
owed in pursuit. One of the thugs
turned and drew a revolver on the blue -
coat. The officer closed with. him and
together they rolled on the ground, the
supposed thief attempting to bring his
gun to a position where he could use it
The constable tried to prevent this and
and to blow his whistle at the same
time. The other man, who the officer
had been also chasing, came up and the
two overpowered the officer. He was
clubbed over the head with the butt of
the revolver, splitting his ear and final-
ly was knocked into unconsciousness,
Left for dead recovered after a short
time, managed to get to a 'phone and
informed headquarters. A. squad of
men were put on the track of the thugs
and a man, who gave his name as Rich-
ard Wilson, has been arrested on sus-
Christopher Johnston, of the gravel
road North of Bleth has disposed of his
farm to Thos. Bell. of East Wawanosh -
Arch. Brydes, has sold his farm adjoin-
ing Belgrave to David Dunbar for 0000
Mr Dunbar gets possession the 15th of
April. -Thos. Scandrett has also sold
his farm adjoiniorBeigrave to Saml.
Jordon, of Vatcouver, the purchase
price being $4,000 Mr. Scandrett will
move into the village. A social evening
will be held by the Young People's
Guild of Knox church on Tuesday evening
March 31st. An interesting feature of
the program will be a debate, subjecti
"Resolved that a poor man with his gen-
ius can occomeliah more than a rich
man with his money." The affirmative
mill be taken by Jas Michie, Nelson
Higgins and Chas. Cole; the negative
by Misses Maggie Wightman and Lily
Mclean and Jas McCallum. The judges
will he Rev. Mr, Boyle, Mrs. W. H.
Ferguson, and Miss Cunningham.
On Monday afteenoon, the members
of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity church,
Belgrave, gathered a the home of Mrs
John Williams, to bid farewell to her,
who, with her husband and family are
going to London to live. Mrs. Williams,
who is Vice-Presieent, was presented
with Mime beautiful silverware, accom-
panied by the following address: -
Dear Mrs. Williams,
We, the members of the Ladies'
Gad of Trinity chnrch, 13elgrave, meet
here this evening to express our regret
to you on this the eve of your departure
from among tis. You have indeed been
a true friend and a faithful member of
our Guild as well as a good neighbor.
We shall miss you very muth, Mit we
know that Ife who is guiding all our
destines is guiding you in yours and we
believe for the best. For we have this
premise, "That all things work together
for those who love the Lord." Believ-
ing thie makes parting easier and gives
tie Coinage to fate the future with a
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager,
This Bank Offers Farmers
a complete and satisfactory beaking service.
Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made
on such notes at reasonable rates.
The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository
Cor your money. Interest at current rates is paid on deposits of
one dollar and upwards.
One dollar opens an account in the Savings Department.
good hope Your new home will bring
you ne.v friends and different surround-
ings, but your old friends will still think
of you and remember you in your new
home and pray that God may abundant -
Iv bless and prDsper you and yours.
(.an not, dear Mrs. Williams, allow,
you t leave us withoat some little re-
minder of our love and esteem for you.
We therefore aelt you to accept this
"gift" in hope that when you use it you
may remember those who will not soon
forget you.
Signed on behalf of the Guild.
Mrs. Williams feels very gratful to
the ladies for their kindness and hopes
that much gond will be accomplished
for the Master in the future of the
The Irish Social under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of Knox church on the
evening of March I7th, was a decided
success The basement of the church,
whese the entertainment was given,
was tastefully decorated with white and
green, quite in keeping with the occasion.
The pastor, Rev. Mr, Boyle, occupied
the chair. The following is the pro-
gram: -
Chairman's address; selection by the
phonograph; solo, Jas. Taylor; reading,
George Ferguson; solo, Alex. Porter-
field; address, Dr. Stewart; solo, Mrs.
J. L Geddes, Wingharn. Intermission
was here given when everyone enjoyed
the buttermilk and home-made eandy
which was for sale at the booth, during
which time selectiens were given on the
phonograph. Part II of the programme
was then given: - solo. Jas. Taylor, ad-
dress, Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick; dialogue,
P. W. Scott and Master George Fer-
guson; solo, (by request) Mrs. J. L.
Geddes. At the close of the programme
lunch was served after which followed
an old-time spelling match, P. W.
Scott giving out the words taken from
the map of Ireland. The captains were
Alex. Porterfield and Nelson Higgins,
resulting in a tie. The evening was
closed by singing God save the King.
The regular evening service in the
Presbyterian church for next Sunday
has been cancelled, owing to special
services being held in the Langside
Presbyterian church at 8 p.m. as well
as 3 p.m. On this occasion the re-
opening of the Langside Church will
take place, the renovating and decor-
ating of same having been recently
A box social on Friday evening last
marked the close of a series of very
interesting meetings held throughout
the winter by the Literary Society.
The programme opened with the sing-
ing of The Maple Leaf and was as usual
of a high order. A recitation by Mr.
Angus MacKay, rendered in true drama-
tic style, was followed by a oeautiful
selection by the male quartette. Mr,
Robert Mowbray and Mr. Wilfrid Jac-
ques delighted their hearers with violin
music and Mr. Shiells with his autoharp
received an enthusiastic welcome. A
dialogue, "Sitting for a Picture,"
caused much merriment and a solo by
Mr. John Eglestone was very much en-
joyed. Mr. D. D. McKinnon's speech
provoked much mirth, also a Chinese
sottg in costume of China. Mr. A.
Shielfs delighted the audience with two,
very an using recitations and Mr. Robt.
Ross' songs and the selectidees by the
harmonica band gave much pleasure.
At the conclusion of the program, Mr.
John Purvis was asked to auction the
boxes. After expressing his pleasure
in being present abd commendihg the
aims and objects of the Literary Socie-
ty, he gave a very interesting reading.
The proceeds amounted to $30.35. All
interested are requested to be present
on Friday evening, Mar. 27, for the
purpose of electing new officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas ISIcCleneghan, of
Stanley were the guests of Miss Edythe
Peddle, of Goderich Township on Sun-
day last.
The Goclerich correspondent of the
Clinton News -Record says:- Miss
Edythe Peddle, who has been the suc-
cessful teacher of No. 9. school for the
past three years, has resigned and will
leave at Easter. Miss Peddle will be
' missed in social circles as well as in the
schoolroom, she having been popular
with the young people of the commun-
Messrs. Wm. Love and Robt. Owens,
9th line, attended the 55th annual ses
sion of L.O.L. Grand Lodge, held at
Mr. Archie Bryclges, of the 9th line,
has disposed of his fine farm near Bel -
grave, to Mr. D. Dunbar, last week.
A quiet, but pretty wedding took place
on Wednesday, March Ilth, at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Bradburn, when their
only daughter, Vera became the bride
of Mr. C. McCrae, a well known young
farmer from the 4th line of Morris.
Varieties of Grain Crops to Grow.
For twenty six years the Dominion
Experimental Farms have been experi-
menting with grain crops at the various
Farms and Stations distributed over
Canada trying to learn which varieties
give best results in the different prov-
inces. Not only have the best known
sorts produced at other places been
grown side by side but at the Central
Farm at Ottawa 'new varieties have
been bred, and when found desirable,
perpetuated and distributed to growers.
For the information of the Canadian
farmer the more important results of
the season of 1913 at the different
Farms have been put together in sum
marized form and issued in Bulletin
No. 84. There are included in this
some recommendations as to varieties
to grow and methods of production to
jollow that should prove of great ser-
vice to growers in all parts of Canada.
Referring to "Marquis" wheat which
was bred at Ottawa the bulletin says.
-"Marquis produces very large crops,
has usually good straw and is more re-
sistant to rust than most of the com-
mon varieties," A large edition of this
bulletin hasbeen printed so that all who
desire copies may secure them by ap-
plying to the Publications Branch,
Ieepartment of Agriculture at Ottawa.
Rev. J. H. Shepherd of Coldwater
was honorably acquitted of the charge
against him of misappropriation of trust
Holstein Conservatives, dissatified
with the attitude of Sir James Whitney
and his followers on temperance, are
getting a petition largely signed by
Conservatives asking for a plebiseite in
Oatario on abolishing the bar.
Northumberland and Perth County
Temperance Alliances held their annual
conventions. The latter decided on a
Canada temperance act campaign in
the county and possibly also in Strat-
fere] next autumn,
Capital Paid-up, $3,000,000
Surplus - — 3,750,000
It 15 best to put your money in a Sav-
ings Bank Account here because, first -
it is SAFE; second -it 19 readily avail-
able in CASH; third, the intereat is
certain and prompt.
C. P. SMITH, Manager
Wingham, Ont.
Saturday the 28th is the Last Day of I
Jewellery Sale
So Get Busy.. Listed below are a few
of the Bargains.
Diamond Rings
Ladies' Diamond Ring reg. 810.00 for ..820
Lathes' Diamond Ring reg. 850.00 for.. 25
Ladies' Diamond Ring reg. 820.00 for.. 10
Ladies' 3 Diamond Ring e50.00 for..,. 25
Ladies' Pearl and Diamond Rings reg
$2000 for 10 00
00 2 Gent's Watches, 20 year Geld Filled
00 Cases, 15 jewelled movement, reg.
00 d 516.00 each for .................‚8 00
00 cf Ladies' Watch, Gold Filled Case special
price 9 25
Coin Silver Gent's Wateh, 17 je.wels reg,
$14:00 for . 7 00
Pearl Rings
2 Ladies' Rings, 5 Pearls, reg. $12 for.. 6 00
Ladies' 3 Pearl Ring, reg. 820.00 for,. . 10 00
3 Ladies' 3 Pearl Rings reg. 86,00 for.. 8 00
Pearl Necklets, Etc.
Solid Gold. real Pearl Necklet reg. 820
for 10 00
Solid Gold, real Pearls, Sunburst reg,
810.00 for . . 5 00
Diamond Tie Pin
Gentleman's Tie Pin reg. $30.00 for ....$15,00
20 per cent. off every-
thing in the store
Three Thousand Dollars Worth of
Diamonds to choose from. Now is your
No Goods Given Out Without Spot Cash
Any dealers who say I am not selling "e1/1/1/simmememi
the genuine Lehigh Hard Coal either I
do not know what they are talking I
about or else they are not honest In
confirmation of this I hold a certificate
in mypossession. I also sell the Free -
Burning Connell Anthracite, Cannel]
and Steam Coal, Wood and Kindling.
Full weight. Prices right.
Homeseekers' Excursions
Round trip tickets to poiats in Manitoba,
Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St.
Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until
October 27th, inclusive, at Io. rates.
Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Winni-
peg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m.
No change or cars.
lOne-way Second-class)
From stations in Ontario. Kingston, Renfrew
and West to points in Alberta and Saskatche-
wan, each Tuesday during March and April.
(One-way Second-class)
Froin stations in Ontario to certain points in
Alberta, British Columbia, California, Oregon,
Washington, eto. ON SALE MAlttat 16 TO
APRIL 15, inclusive.
Full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket
offices, or write 0.E. Horning, D P.A Toronto,
Fall particulars, Tiickets, etc., etc,
from H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and
Ticket Agent. 'Phone 4. W. F BURG -
MAN, Station Agent. 'Phone 50.
Sale of
Broadview Shorthorns -Herd Headed
by "Favorite Character." (imp.)
For sale are six bulls, eight to
twelve months old. These are chOice
young bulls with the best of breeding
and will be sold reasonably. If you
need any thing write me or give us a call.
Wingham, Ont.
Farm Ile miles south of Wingham.)
C. N. Griffin
ss Insurance
Coupled with a ItEAL EST 4.TE and
TAMMY' LOAN/NG Business,
Issuer of Marriages Licenses.
Mee over Melooltn'i Grocery.
A straight cut in the
New Spring Wallpa
they last.
Regular 5c Pape for
Regular 7c Pape for /
Regular 10c Papr
Regular 12ic Pa r for
Regular 15c Paper for
Regular 20c Paper for
Regular 25c Paper for
Regular 35c Paper for
Regular 50c Paper for
p ces of
s while
4c Roll
Sc Roll
7c Roll
- 9c Roll
- - 11c Roll
15c Roll
20c Roll
25c Roll
- 35c Roll
Also large stock of Win-
dow Shades at cut
'Phone 65
Opposite National Halal