HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-26, Page 2THE WINGIIAM TIRES, MARCH 26 1914 "- recle, from •If Sto.•en, •-• W.11 1: yion i•ave ' t_eible,Gr rhout.atl.,-1.t• •••• of tu.lo r. :-. pale, e- • t ••1 freety-: a f!-,-.• ! • r n- Sa 1 Fr bag C(.., Ltd., Cdo- ••• For sale by J. W. NiclUBBON, Druggist GNiriir Rably System T,msr:q eil in this oonnection that the farmers dee'art d theh• willingness to abanilim . th trotte o which the'r own it: - this, IT at present "enjoys." _ tieseigh tiekets via poinfilic • •o • -, iny ooin t in Arnosica -.- Ease •-- b, Nor: h ;vest, Mani- toba, P • etc. Bag r • -11 • • 1 brough t d -s. Ina tion ay.! givi-m whereby travI:te, make p!ea.tant and free les., •ei,,,,yeree. 'Fouri,t ami return tie', •!-4 Io lauri? ptlin t.; idAftflU Sale at 1 •-.0.1 prevaili,e; totoottages Single and rei nrn tickets to any point in Orliarill. uvbu..iness win ho np. preziate•l, b U,• trip a short of a long on-. we ciln tis %en tbrou,th to an3 point in di a I l..ading et-et/119114 lines. I'rep-aii in delis also iste.r-:d. If it's abont.' teovel, we have inform .tion ;toil %ill give it to cheerfully. iiresolution was unanimously vet - ed do xn by the Government. Mr. Boc- cie!: cett, nailing that the propertime fur briti-ther, up sueli discussion was when the budget spetch was delivered. On Weduesday last the Liberals in Pat liement advanced another important ! step in the fight. A resolution was in- tro .11 eid by Mr. Knowles, of Moose Jaw, nr,tiiig the abolition of the duties ! on icultural implements. It was for. efully argued by Liberal members fr( m every section of the Dominion ! that the industry had now rea hed a s' ago where it need fear no competition, ihat the present protective duty of i 17 1 2 per cent. was not jus.ified, even n • he principles of the National Policy. Ir was contended that one of the best means of stienu'a ing produc!ion and of encouraging the primary industry of the 1) eninion was to allow the farmer to procure the tools of his trade at as low a TY ice as possible, an 1 without paying tribute to an industry which sold its zoials on the foreign market cheaper , 'al in on the home market. This resolution received the same .reatment as did the free wheat reso- lution at the hands of the Government. Premier Borden dismissed it in a ten Ininute speech. Every Western Con- servative voted against it. In somewhat strik ng contrast to these (1.onands on behalf of the farmer was a proposal made to the House by J. J. Carrick, member for Thunder 13ay on the Conservative side. The demands of the farming interests was not for more protection; they were simply for a free field and no favors. The demand of Mr. Ca; rick, which was backed up ;),y many members on his own side, was t. at a bounty be granted to the steel aidustsy of two cents for every unit of metallic content in ore mined and man- ufactured in Canada. The member for Thunder Bay admitted that there was iron, limestone and ccal in abundance in Canada; that the industry enjoyed a moderate protection; and that it was al- ready indebted to the Dominion treas- ury in bounties to the extent of seven- teen million dollars. And yet he de- clared that it was in a languishing con- ditio and needed more help. Mr. Carrick was not told by the Gov- ernment that this was the wrong time to bring up such a discussion in the House. There was no hostility evi- denced by the Government to his pro- posal. On the contrary the Prime Min- ister replied with a lengthy and court- eous speech in which ho admitted the merits of the claim; while Hon. W. T. White declared that bounties were no new thing, and that the matter was receiving the most earnest considera- tion of the Government. Evidences steadily accumlate to show that the protected interests have more ready access to the ear of the Govern- ment than the farmer or the consumer. "Bounties fpr the interests; burdens for the farmers" is the way Dr. Clark of Red Deer summed up the situation on Wednesday last after listening to the speech of the Prime Minister. the you H. a ELLIOTT To:n,.\gent G.T.R. Times, Wingham, Ont. TO ADVIT.Tli EIS Pure, clean, flavory and strong, in sealed pathets. Notice of ch et„r.•8 mo -t. be left at this office net later than saturslay noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. _ WiNfilla B. .1. rii.a..1'0 r PIIIIL1SIIER AND PROPIEITOit _ I'HURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914 -,•- , NO FAVORS FOR FARMERS. From the begicning of the present session the Liberal party in the House of Commons has fought for the removal of unnecessary tariff burdens and re- strictions which benefit a few million- aires, at the expense of the masses of producers and consumers. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his followers declared, in reply to the Speech from the Throne, that the first duty of the Government, in the fa e of present conditions, was to take action to alleviate the burdens of high prices, and high taxation, under which the people at present suff r. The amendment of the Liberal leader was designed to give effect to that de- claration. During the debate the Opposition placed iteelf upon record as favoring the principle of free food, as a remedy for the steadily inereash g cost of liv- ing. In Lot-. Li. eeals had special consideration tor Lne cuiuxi.ig classes of the Dorninien. 'Inc proposal met with no s,yinpati* from tae Gov.-rnmear siae. Later ihere was in roduced in the Horse y Dr. Neely, of Humboldt, a resolution urging that wheat and wheat produots Le placed on the free list, in order that advantage might be taken of the et inding offer of reciprocity in these commodities contained in the new United St4.tes tar.ff. This resolution voiced the demands pf the three prairie Prov- iuces, and of organized agriculture th; oughout the Dominion. If given eff‘ et to, it would widen the farmer's markets, increase his returns and lead to increased production. It will be not - CRITICISMS D° you ever criticise your own invest- ment*? It is an exceed. ingly hard thing to do, and some impartial advice is often of great assistance. Upon request we shall be plimsoll to suggest suit- able Investments for you. A. H. Martens & Co. licloosbera Toroato Stock Bacchante BOND seal SHARE BROXERS C. P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO 244 meteseeleestememeeereeleereaugureelnleweeseweeimse tired out Kidneys. ! Kidney troubles are so frightfully . common because the kidneys are so I easily upset by overwork or excesses of eating and drinking. Cure is effected not by whipping them on to renewed effort, but by awakening the action of liver and bowels by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. This rests the kidneys and makes them well. Backache and urinary disorders then disappear. oo 95 good " WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO From the TIMES of March 21, 1894 LOCAL NEWS. To -day is Good Friday. Mr, Thos. Drummond has moved his butcher shcp to the store first door south of Mr. R. Hill's restaurant. The stone masons are engaged on the foundation for the house on the north- west corner of John and Shuter streets. Mr. A. Ireland, the present occupant of the house, is endeavoring to secure another dweliing in which to move for a few months. The public meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening last, was not very largely attended. Short addresses were given by Mayor Hanna, and Wm. Clegg Thos. Gvegorys to the advisability of asking the ominion Government to erect a building in Wingham suitable for a post office and customs house. Rev. G. Trotter Carr, to whom the congregation of the First Congregation- al Church, Wingham extended a call, a short time ago, finds himself unable to come tb Wingham on account of ill health. Mr. Thos. Woodcock has lease." Mr. Geo. Fretwell's farm in Lower Wing - ham, and will move to it in the course of a week or so. Mr. D. Sutherland was in Walkerton this week, assisting his brother James, who has purchased a stove and tin busi- nes there. Messrs Gilchrist, Green & Co., this week, put ;n their factory a number of cans containing chemicals and water, to be used in case of fire. Mr. Malcolm Lamont, of Turnberry, near Zetland, has purchased a house and lot from Mr. Wm. J. Deyell, on Patrick street, and will move into town in a short time. Mr. Jasetterfield, sr., while run- ning a buzz planer in tbe Union factory, on Saturday last, had three fingers taken off his right hand. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the Park House, on Monday, March 19th, for the re-orgonization of the Wingham Football Club. The club was re -organized with the following officers: President, A. J. Irwin; Captain, C. Stuart; Treasurer, H. F. Gordon; Financial Secretary, F. Buggin; Corres- ponding Secy., J. E. McDonogh; Com- mittee, A. Stuart, J. Allenby, C. Stu- art. A meeting of those interested in the organization of an Athletic Association A Bit of Counsel. I love young girls, you know I do. It is a trick I had of old, and it grew upon me with the passing years, but loving them as I do, I want to see them helpful and lovable and sweet. I want to see them slow to wound another's feelings, and quick as sunshine after rain with sympathy and tender, woman- ly ways. I want to see them brave, yet gentle; gay, yet kind; modest, yet self-reliant; fun -loving, yet never loud and rude. I want to hear the young men in speaking of them from time to time as they sit near me on the train, speak of something beside their extra- vagance and their desire for show. I want the world to be the sweeter for their tarrying in it, as a room is sweet- er that holds a blooming flower. And what should make you sweet, dear girl? Not fashionable gowns, nor dainty clothing, not beauty alone, nor grace nor wealth, so much as usefulness and constant thought of others. Don't grow to think too much of what the world would say about you; think more of the real than of any seeming, and don't let the lily of innocence wither in your hand. Don't be a flirt! It is better to be a little bit old fashioned than to know too much of the ways Of the world. Don't be over cautious; it is better for a young girl to be out and quick to voice her mind than to be politic and guileful and hard to catch napping. Amber. Damages were awarded by a jury at Guelph against Rev. Chas. Deacon of Tara, formerly of Fergus, for using libellous language Of the plaintiff, Mr. Steele, during a loeal option eampaign. in Wingham was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening, March ]5th, with Mayor Hanna in the chair. The following officers were elected and the Association duly formed: Hon, Presi- dent. B. Wilson; Hon. Vice President, C. E. Williams; President, J. D. Nichol; Vice President, J. Nicholl; Secretary, T. J. McLean; Treasurer, Thos. Bell. Committee of Management, J. D. Nich- ol, R. Vanstone, Dr. J. R. McDonald, E. H. Dever and A. J,Irwin. It is intend- ed to rent rooms and establish a gym- nasium. BORN Wightman -In Morris, on March Oth, the wife of Mr. John Wightman; a son. TO NN DIRECTORY, BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at II a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. MornomsT CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN clunten-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perri°, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Rev. E. H. Croly, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Service at 11 a.m., :3p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be specialonusic provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6;30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fr an 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- rarian. MARRIED McIntosh -Gaunt -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 14th inst., by Rev. A. McKay, George Alexander McIntosh to Jane, only daughter of Mr. Jas. Gaunt, all of Kinloss. DIED. Jewitt -In Morris, on the 9th Lewis Jewitt, aged 86 years. Rose -In West Wawanosh, inst., Isabella Rose, aged 85 months and 4 days. inst, on 14th years, 8 STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO SS. LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D., 1886. (SEAL) A. W. GLEASON, • NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's. Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Chas J. Jones of Ottawa was found dean in his room at a Prescott hotel. He fell into icy water the day before. For the third year in ,successiou the Senate has refused to grant a divorce to Andrew L. Hamilton, bank manager, of Quebec. Hon. J. A. Tessier was elected by a majority of 276 in the Three Rivers bye - election occasioned by his appointment to a portfolio in the Gouin Ministry as Minister of Roads. 434 tof •;WP&;:. ▪ t▪ grte,' Concrete Fence Fence Posts Last Forever HEY never rot away in the ground. They stand the hardest knocks and never have to be replaced, for they are practically everlasting. They are easily and cheaply made and are the most satis- factory of all fence posts, Concrete Drain Tile Cannot Decay Concrete drains do not decay and are cheaper, because they do not crumble and stop up drains, hence they need no dining up or relaying. Let us send you this free book, "What the Farmer can do with Contrete," It Shows you how t� make concrete Fence. posts and will save you many dollars when doing other building 'round the farm. Farmer's Information Bureau Canada Cement Company Limited 524 Herald Building, Montreal 1mi Cf.V4 • v MSTA.BLISED ISM THE WINfill0 TIMES. IS PUBLISHBD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office Stone l31oelr. WING/3'101. ONTARIO. TIMIS OW ISUBSiiRIYTION i 00 per annum .5 advent)°, 25.50±1 not so paid. No paper diset tinned till all amen Or paid, exeept at tar option of the publisher AlyruatrisiNe Wawa, • Legal and ()that oasualadvertisemonto 10o per Noupariel lfti, f or first Insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent infledTrtiA. Asements 1 i looal o are ohargee 10 ots. per line for Erste neertion, and 5 venti. por line for each enees.mtut insertion. Advertisements of hitt aye 1, Yams for sal, or to Rent, and similar, 21.00 for aret Mee. weeks, and 25 cents tor 63011 subsequent in so cir:ri nt i BATS-Thefollowing table shet s for the inoertiora of advertisement/. AOT A; for apeoffied period,:-. OneColanl.mAn".....„ -270.00 240.00 222.50 6.00 1 vrt; 0 no. AtO. Rio Half Column.. - 40.00 25.00 16.00 6.0 QuarterColumn- - 2000. 12.50 7.60 3.00 One Ina 5.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 Advertisemente withont specific directions will be insertod till forbid and charged acoord- finowrglirlynx.ti jd'ioviranantisnotexe.nt advertioements must be P010 PATITICIAT la stocked With 01. extensive assortment of all requieltes for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled iu the county for turning out first class vrork. Largt typo and appropriate outs for allotyles of Post era, Hand Bins, eto., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print lug. TOWN Couxem-Dr. A. J Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A, Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell, Councillors; John F. Groves, CIark and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tinting, A. E Lloyd, Robt, Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A., Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Mise Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr, A. T. Irwin, (chairman), ,Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. Voice Culture and Violin Tuition. Mr. Peter Wilson will receive pupils in the above at his home, Catherine Street, opposite Public School grounds. Tuition in the evenings only. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispoae of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMIS. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that yon will sell because you may ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tiaras and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the ineertion of advertisements inch as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact, my kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Twits ace. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting tor and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on appltoation. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the 1411111.4 WIngharn Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RAMS FOR PATIENTS -Which include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15, per week according to location of room. For further informatiOn, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND Tau 111 RAILWAY SYST/C111 TRAINS--ANAvi eon London ..- 6.35 am-. 8.80p m Toronto &Nast MOO a.m.'0.45 a.m- Kincardine -11.59 aan... 2.83 p.m._ - 0.15 p.m ARRIVA PROM Kineardine -0.80 n.m.-11.00 a.na ...- 2.80 p.m, London . - 11.64 h,rn ..... 7.85 pan Palmerston.- - 11 24 a.m. Toronto 5, Past ...2.80 p.m... 0.15 p.m BURGRA.-SP Agent, %gingham C NAD1AN PACIPIC RAILW A if TriAI-Aii-f.11-A VII rote Toronto and Bast- - 10.0040 pe..mtn... :108..2062 pp..mul: TTeeseeawaWattfeirr AnnIva 6.114400am 105 pan, Toronto and Bast.. - 1250 pan- -10.22 p.m. J. U. BUSHER, A freiat.Winghem OVER GH YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE IVIAMIS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone mending a ketch and deallptien may qtdony necertain our opinion tree wnetber an kivention ISprobOtblypnontftb e. Dommunican Mtn etrictiyeenndentiel. illifw iille on Patents glert tree. Oldest agency for aeouring_patents. !entente taken through Munn k co. recall,. Wadi WNW, withont ober a, In the SCIentif le Itlerkane . ji A botideorner illustrated weekly. Lereest oir. re] ali IdT016t'leyear,itgr 3" tPrac,iiiid."rgelegi atinnewlas ere. . rat co,46:174watiatilfk, 1. 13. PiLLIOTT, ?ramie/tor and Publisher DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OrriCcs-Corner Patriok and ()entre Sta. PHONES: Offices Residence, Dr, Kennedy Residence, Dr. Calder 43 143 151 Dr, Kennedy speoializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. ROBT. C. RBD3110ND, 11.C.14. (Eng L. R. 0. P. London. PELYSIOIAN and SURGBON. Oilloe, with Dr. Chisholm DR. H. J. ADAMS Late Member House Staff Toronto General Hospital, Post Graduate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. T. FL Agnew, Office Macdonald Block. w. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., am, Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific/ Medicine. (Mice in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 118. Dr. J. R. macdonaid Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. Dr. R.. Parkar, D.8,0 A., F.S.D . -""OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Eye Specialist Food Scientist Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 a,rn., Main St. (over Christie's Store). J. A. FOX, D. C. f:GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Trni-Orn-.actise is SUCCaS3r111 in Bach d1m3u11 08508 85 Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheum I. tism, Heodaches, Constipation, Chronic Stom- ach, Liver and Bowel Tronble,33"em51e Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D S. Dootor of Dental Surgery Or the l'eunsylvanie D tal College and Licentiate of rho Hoya • ege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oinc. odonald Blook, Wineheln, • oe closed eVerY Wednesday afternooe from May /st to Oot. 1st. Q H. DOSS, D. D. 8., LI. D. 8. Honor graduate of the Royal College 01 Dental Stirmons of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the Uhl versity of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Office over H. E. Isard & Co',., store, Wing - ham, Ont. Mice closed e.very Wednesday afternoon from May let to Oct. let. W. J. Moon The Cook's Delight qu Iled I ()An \Oren you 11 .3 1111V II 1. er tbinge to oat, u g 3 h, 11 t.. Inc Veterinary Surgeon LATE GOVT, VET. INSP. (Mice of late Dr. Wilson Residence Wingham, Ont. Cor. Frances and Patrick Sta. Office Phone170, Phone 182 AroVANSTONR. • HAMMERS. SOLIC/TOR, ETC Private and Company funds to loan at lowe rate of intereet. Mortgagestown and fay sr property bought and sold,. lileaver Block. Wingliam j A. MOUTON/ BARRISTBIL tem Wirlithank Ont. DUDLEY HOLI1E5 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. Custom Grinding we gi. e t en tion to this branch ,,ur hs • t 'at We might Pieatitt 1' u Let t y. We me .11 ahvi- g to ii.il he town p w r, t he.h along wi It our steam pwAer, will put 118 10 a hotter posiia n h.iu e•ver to 0 py Y oar ens. tomers' wants at all times of the year, Flour, Peed aryl all Lido f Meals given in e)cenange for traiu Try it tack of the eelebratA Til - son's ()Aiwa' fresh from the mill EZRA MERKLEY Phone 84, P.O. Box 62 LEHIGH COAL. Any de il-•rs who say I am not selling the genuio Lehigh Hard Coal either do not kno v what they are talking about or else they are not honest In confirmation of this I hold a certificate in my pess,,ssion I also sell the Free - Burning Connell Anthracite, Cannell and Steam Coal, Wood and Kindling. Full weight, Prices right. R. J. CA.NTELON. neett...S. ... ENTAL STRATFORD. ONT. 0a.dada's best practical Training rs School. Three departments- GommerGial Shorthand and Telegraphy Cotirsea are thorough and prac- tical. Individual instruction is given by a strong experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. tVintACHLAN PRINCIPAL. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the azepiellaki Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartere-Princlod Accuntant 17 Vicepal H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. C9nat4ian Northern Ilnus Ocean Steamships. CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27,1 nelueive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL ekes' arrival regular 10.20 p.M. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and fernlike without live etock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonlit and Teurist Sleepers. e w. istotiri. r 7.7.---,aine..7 o Zi 7 4 7 -L 7; COLONIST CARSON 101'.--Thrie 1IQ cbrge for Baths. Iptfrook ClAgigi Nelda Memo!, or . te. urphy, Do,P,A -; Toroa. M Partieulars fee m W Aft saeraori, Won agent phone 47 .7 1 ateemee, ittittion agent, photo :',