HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-19, Page 1VOL. XLIIL—NO, ?193
SI A YEAR 11:‘
We erases Shoes and RubberS,
The beet soap to use in the
Spring or any old time is
Harmony Glycerine
Soap •
I5c Cake 2 cakes 25c
Friday and Saturday only we
will give a Wash Cloth FREt
with each purchase of Harmony
Glycerine Soap
Olive Oil and Cucumber
Castile and Olivine Soaps
3 for 10c 8 for 25c.
nr4 t';';.',.R,R.,e1: Start,
"Eyesight Tested Free"
Glasses Fitted and Satisfaction
for Spring
will be Ap-
preciated .
Rae 86 Thompson
Phone 27
hristie's Grocery
Three Montlea Extension.
In the Legislature on Monday, Mr.
°well again discussed the question of
enses being granted Huron and Peel
unties, which recently voted in favor
the Canada Temperace Aet, after
ay 1 next. Ur. Hanna said that new
enses would not issue, but with the
neurrenee of the local license corn-
ission three went& extensions would
granted under the present licenses
enable the hotel preprietors to t3;s-
se of their stock. This is what was
one a year ago.
Hydro Electric Figures.
In the annual report of the lirdro-
ectric Power Commission, tabled in
egisIature, Monday, it is shren that
7,47 miles of lines are completes. end
8 miles are under contruction. The
tit capital investment is $5,9115,724,
bile the Province had advanced to date
,022,646, Of this amount $5,1908
as been expended on the Niagara sys-
m. On Provincial account for the
oar 191243, $138,835 was spent for
ngineering assistance to municipalities,
ydrographic surveys, rules and regale -
ons, shop and developement work and
ther servieee not chargeable to the
unicipalities direct.
Hardware Store Remodelled,
Mr. A. Young is having the interior
f his hardware store entirely remodel-
ed. Mr. W. IC Rintoul has completed
he carpenter work and the painters
re now doing their work./ New shelli-
ng has been placed in the store and an
ntire new lot of boxes for hardware
upplies has been installed. The office
as been moved to the centre of the
tore. When the work is completed
r. Young will have one of the ,best
ardware stores in Western Ontario.
Eclipse of the Moon
(From our own Correspondent).
Evanturel resigns on Tuesday with -
cut any fuss, without any speech,
The House adjourned on Monday out
of respect to the memory of the late
Sir George Ross, after Hon, j. J. Foy,
Mr. Rowell and other members had
given their appreciations of the former
Prime Minister of Ontario.
Wednesday night Wingham people saw
lunar eclipse. It was worth noting
s it was the only eelipse that will be
enn this year, according to those who
ake a study of the heavens. There
vill be a short eclipse on September 4,
arly in the morning, but it will be vis-
ble on the western coast of the pontin-
nt. Wednesday night's eclipse was
sot complete. The surface of the moon
as not wholly in shadow, but about
1 o'clock nine -tenths of the orb was
Mr. Hanna made his third statement
in regard to the visit of W. K. Snider,
Provincial License Inspector, to the
Counties of Peel, Huron and Welland
in the week preeeecling the votes on the
Canada Temperance Act. The fact
that Mr. Hanna has had to make so
many statements in regard to this
seems to show that they are not receiv-
ed with satisfaction. Indications point
to this Snider affair as one of the most
important subjects for the Legislature,
and much more will undoubtedly be
heard of it in the following weeks, It
is admitted by Mr. Hanna that this
Provincial License Inspector visited
the three Counties and advised against
the passing of the Act. Mr, Hanna,
however, infers that Mr. Snider went
only to officers of the law, whereas the
charge is that he visited prominent
Conservatives and told them that it
would embarrass the Government if the
Canada Tempe ance Act carried. Mr.
Hanna has dodged this issue but the
affair is by no means closed. There are
many indications of great public inter-
est and it is felt that nothing but a
thorough investigation will be satisfac-
Hon, W. H. Hearst introduced a Bill
providing for a reward of $25,000to the
first person who discovers radium in
Ontario in sufficient quantity for com-
mercial extraction.
In concluding the debate on the Bud-
get, Mr, Rowell estimated the net defi-
cit of the Province last year at $3,450,-
000, severely arraigned the Provincial
Treasurer for not presenting a financial
statement which was fair, charged a
gross abuse of authority on the part
of the Government, in securing loans
under the Northern Ontario Grant Act
and then using the money for ether
purposes, which amounted to a mis-use
of trust funds, and declared that if the
Treasurer of any private Company con-
ducted business like the Provincial Treas-
urer has done during the last year, he
would quickly be called to account.
Government votes down resolution of
Dr. McQueen, Liberal Member for North
Wentworth, declaring that the patron-
age system was inimical to the highest
efficiencY of the public service and that
the public interests demanded a non-
partisan civil service commission.
House passed resolution urging the
Federal Government to grant aid to the
iron industry. Mr. Rowell advised that
the Legislature would be wise not to
pass upon matters outside of their jur-
House diecussed the Bills of J. C.
Elliott, Liberal Member for West
Middlesex, to grant the Municipal fran-
chise to married wo.nen, otherwise
qualified. Debate adjourned until next
Must Move Refuse
Now that indications point to open
weather, citizens are reminded to see
that all coal ashes or other refuse are
prepared for removal from their prem. -
sea. The Ontario Health Act providee
or municipalities proceeding agains •
people who fail to have the winter's re
use removed from their property on or
afore May 15tn of this year. It is
till two months to that date,
but the old adage of forewarned is fore-
armed, should meet with, the pablic's
atteneion For a breach of this clau-
e in the health aet °fenders are liable
to a fine of $10.
A Rural Mail Rule.
It is strietly against the rules of the
Post Cate Department to distribute
bills or any kind of mail matter in rural
mail boxes unless full postage is paid
thereon, and couriers are instructed to
collect all such deposits and deliver
them at the post office, where they will
be treated as "dead" matter. This is a
point in eonnection with the mai mail
delivery system that is not generally
known, ad we give it as a piece of in
formation. Any person, however, can
deposit a fully prepaid letter or parcel
in a rural mail box for any other rural
mail patron along the same route and
it will be delivered by the courier as if
mailed at a post office. It is necessary,
however, that the courier obliterate or
deface the stamp before placing it in
the box to which it is addressed.
Read our ad on last page
A Literary evening was enjoyed by
the members of the Anglican Young,
People's Assoeiation on Monday even-
ing, when excellent papers were given
by Miss Greta Kennedy and Miss Freda
VanStorte on "Canadian Story Writers,
Robert E. Knowles and Ralph Connor."
Next Monday evening, 2drd inst., will
be a musical evening when a splendid
programme will be given.
AnnualtYlissionary Day in the Metho-
dist Church next Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. Dr. Endicott, the Mis-
sionary Secretary of the Methodist
Church of Canada, will preach at both
services, Dr. Endicott, for many years
was a missionary in China, and is recog-
nized as one of Methodism leading
statesmen and orators. Let everyone
come. The pastor will have charge of
the serviees. Good music. A. hearty
Leigh -Smith Concert Coming.
The Leigh-Sinith Concert Company
will give an entertainment in the opera ,
house on Friday evening, March 20th,
under the auspices of the Methodist
Church Choir. The company is compos-
ed of Vera K. Mullen, soprano, whister,
pianist; Bessie Leigh, reader; Alice !
Genevieve Smith, harpist; Harry Robin-
son, violinist. The company Is a good
one and so well pleased in Lucknow that
they are making the second visit there.
The admission is 25c, with reserved
seats at 35e. Pisa of hall opens on
Friday of this week at McRibbon's drug
Good News for Wingham.
On Monday, the 9th instant, the
shareholders of The Cana.la Furniture
Manufacturers, Limited, met at the
Head Office of the Company in Toronto,
to and approve of a plan for the re -ors
ganization of the Company's finances,
which had been prepared by a Special
Committeeof the shareholders, where-
by the preferred shares of the Company
are to be upon a dividend paying basis,
and the proceeds of $1,000,000.00 of
eecurities turned into the coffers of the
Company. This transaction will have
the effect of making the Company one
of the strongest finaneial industrial in-
stitutions in the Dominion. Any mis-
giving that may have prevailed in re-
gard to the permanency and the contin-
uence of their works here are now
therefore, effectively removed, and we
may confidently look forward to the
enlarging of the sphere of their opera-
tions here.
Good Telephone Advice.
If a woenan who lives on a certain
party line doesn't stop listening there
is going to be trouble. She is the only
woman On the line Who has a dying
baby, and you can pick up a receiver
any time of the day or night and hear a
baby bawling. If she wad devote years of work for the Master, and
more time to her baby and would spend hoped that MIMI good would be accom-
less time spying on the conversation of plished in the future of the Society,
her neighbors maybe her brat wont n t
of people in Town—Merchants Report
a Big Day's Business
\(-Dollar Day was a success. °^*-2
Tuesday of this week clearly demon-
strated what can be accomplished by
a little united effort on the part of
the business men of the town. The
Dollar Day venture was it success in
every particular and St. Patriek's Day,
1914, will long be remembered by the
people of Wingham and for many miles
around the town. /
The mild weather had played the
mischief with the roads and there was
a rather blue outlook on Tuesday morn-
ing, but notwithstanding the bad roads
the people "came to town," and they
came in all kinds of conveyances -
sleighs, cutters, wagons, buggies and
many came to town on the train.
The co-operative energy of the busi-
ness men, the wide publicity given the
campaign, the real bargains offered
by the merchants—these were the things
that made Dollar Day long to be re-
membered in Wingham. Not only were
tha merchants satisfied with the day's
business, but., if looks count, the custo-
mers were also satisfied. It was a big
happy throng that crowded the streets
from noon until evening. in search of
bargains, which were being offered.
The croveds were far in advance of any
day prior to the Christmas holidays and
the crowd was composed of people who
were out to buy goods. Even business
men who could hardly expect to benefit
from Dollar Day, saw an advance in
their business for the day. There was
not a line of business in Wingham that
did not reap some benefit from this
co-operative scheme. The Timm man
heard merchants say on Tuesday even-
ing that it was the best day for busi-
neas that they ever had in Wingham.
The program of prizes was carried
out as advertised. There was a keen
contest for the prizes in all the horse
lasses. The judges on horses were
Geo. Cruickshank, of Turnberry, and
Wm. Hartley, of Winnipeg. The
names of prize winners are given below.
„ The Citizen's Band, rendered an ex-
cellent program of music which was
very much appreciated by the large of
The "17th of Ould Ireland" was fit-
tiugly celebrated in the Presbyterian
Schoolroom on Tuesday, when the
Ladies Aid of that church held an Irish
social, The room was crowded, and
Irish emblenss were as plentiful among
the audience as on the walls, which
were tastfully and appropriately decor-
ated for the occasion Rev. D. Perrie
was chairman and in a riled address
pointed out that this was without doubt
the most Important, St. Patrick's day
ever celebrated, coming so close to and
heralding. the return of Irish National-
ity which would come with the 'sussing
of the Home Rule Bill. He also spoke
of the claim which the Scottish people
had to St. Patrick. A fine programme
of approrriate songs and recitations
was given by Mrs. II, Campbell, Misses
Currie, Griffin, Gillespie, Vannorman
and Messrs Parker, Wilson, Hill and
Elliott. The church choir also assisted.
Miss Gracey presided at the piano.
After the concert the ladies served
refreshments, the waiters and waitress-
es being appropriately decorated for
the occasion.
The meeting of the W. F. M. S. of
St. Andrew's church, which was held
Wednesday afternoon, 4th. was well at -
attended. The program was entertain-
ing and helpful to all present, Mrs.
Perrie, the President, gave a most bene-
ficial Bible -reading and talk on "The
Women of Samaria" and two very in-
teresting papers, dealing with the W.
F. M. Board, in all its relations, were
read by Mrs. McGillivray and Mrs.
Carruth. Miss Mary Currie sang very
nicely "Somebody's waiting for me."
At the close of the regular meeting,
Mrs. Petrie was requested to vacate
the chair, and Mrs. John Campbell pre-
sided for the remainder of the program.
After a solo by Miss Jean Vannorman,
Mrs, Perrie, who has been President of
the Society for twenty years was pre-
sented with the following address,
which was read by Mrs. John McLean:—
Dear Mrs. Perrie:—
On this/ the twentieth anniversary of
your coming to Wingham, we, the mem-
bers of the Women's Foreign Mission-
ary Sodety, the Happy Gleaners Mis-
sion Band, and the ladies •of St. An-
drew's ehurch, desire to convey to you
some expressions of our appreciation
and respect.
As President of our Missionary So-
ciety you have ever been devoted .1
faithful; zealous for the noble wor f
the Society. As a friend you have I n
kind and obliging, willing to aiu in
times of sickness and distress. You
have encouraged and advised as only
a pastor's wife is called upon to do
You have been an example to us in
many ways—by your modest demeanor,
earnestness, and faithfullness to your
duty, arid by your Christain c ittracter—
inspiring us always to that higher life
of whieh Cheist is the example.
Our earnest and heartfelt hope is that
you may long be soured to dwell among
no, and that the continued blessings of
God may be bestowed upon you. We
ask you to accept this expression of
our more appreciation and regard.
Signed on behalf of—
The W. F. M. S. --Mrs John Campbell,
The Happy Glearners Mission Band—
he Association's prize of $5 for the
largest load of people brought into
Wingham was awarded to Albert Fox,
ton, of Culross, who brought in a load
of thirty-one people.
Jas. Forster, of West Wawanosh
won Dr. A. J. Irwin's $5 prize for the
best team of heavy draught horsea,
Thos. Gilmore, of Turnberry won
Geo. Spetton's $5 prize for tbe best
single driving horse,
A. M Scully's 35 prize for team of gen-
eral purpose or agricultural horses was
awarded to Jas. Forster, of West
A. H. Wilford's $5 prize for team of
horses suitable for a creamery wagon,
went to Thos. Weir, of Turnberry.
W, G. Patterson's $15 gold filled
wateh to the party spending the largest
amount of mono with Wingham mer-
chants was won by J. D. Anderson, of
East Wawanosh.
The Western Foundry Co's prize of
$5 to the rnost recently married couple
went to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGee, of
The $5 prize to the party coming
the longest distance was won by David
Gidclins, lot 10, con. 1, Hovvick, 15 miles
from Wingham.
Walker and Clegg's $12 upholstered
chair to the oldest lady went to Mrs.
Vanalstine, who was born in Prince Ed-
ward County on Sane 4th, 1821, being
in her 93rd year.
The $5 armchair to the oldest man
was awarded to Adam Reid, who was
born in Ireland on May the 23th, 1827,
being in his 87th yew"
In addition to the prize winners, the
following old ladies and gentleman
registered at Ritchie & Cosens' offfice:
—Mrs. Mary Ann Holmes, berg in Ire-
land in 1821; Mrs. Elizabeth Dodds,
born in Ireland, January 25th, 1828:
Mrs. E. J. Barbour, born in Ontario,
February 24th, 1832; S‘Irs Sarah
Brydges, born on board ship, May 20tle,
1835; Robt. Barbour, born in Scotland,
Deceraber 22nd, 1828; John Bell, born
in Ireland, August 5th, 1830.
Mr. Alex. Scott left on Tuesday for!,
the West.
Messrs. Arthur Gurney and C. Mor-
rison left last week for London.
Mr. John Kerr, of London was calling
on old friends in Wingham last week.
Miss Leo Kerr, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Alder-
Mr. Albert Coling has returned home 1
after spending the past few. wecks in
Miss W. B. Henderson, of Lucknow, •
spent a few days this week visiting
friends here.
Miss Jamima McKenzie has returned
home after spending a few weeks with
friends in St. Thomas.
Rev. J. W. Ilibbeet was in London
for a few days this week attending a
meeting of a committee of the London
Rev, D. Perrie was in Landon last
week attending a meeting of the Mis-
sionary Committee of the General As-
sembly of the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Lott, who have
been spending the past few months with
relatives and friends in Wingham and
vicinity, left on Saturday for their home
in the West.
Mr. J. L. Awde was calling on old
friends in town this week. Mr Awde
intends locating in London where he
will likely engage in the flour and
feed bt.sin.ess.
Dr. II, J. M. Adams left on Tuesday
for South Carolina, acconsphnping a
patient, who will spend a few months
in the southern climate. Dr. Adams
expeets to be home in a week to resume
his practice.
Mr U. Howard Ferguson, M. P. P.
sces 'of 'Si. Andrew's Church— for Greeelue, has, aecording to the re-
Mrs. IL Campbell, vised statutes of Ontario, forfeited his
Little Miss Edna Campbell and Mao- seat in the Legislature and become Ha-
ter Walton IVIcEihbon then presented ble to a penalty of $2,000 per day for
Mrs. Petrie with a baguet of flowers. every day on whioh he has occupied his ;
In her reply, g1.8' rerrie expressed her legislative seat since his acceptance of ,
appreciation a the eneoura.gement the Trent Canal Investigations Comm -
which had heeh give° her dilririg her Won from the Dominion Government.
According to questions placed upon the
Parliamentary order paper on Monday
under which it is not imprahle the De-
partment of Justice may be called up-
on to take a hand. Mr. .Vurguson's lia-
Spring Millinery.
The milliners of Wingharn announce
that their annual spring opening will be
held on Thursday of this week and fol-
lowing days. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to the ladies of Wingham and
vicinity to visit the different millinery
parlors in the town.
d ' daintyAlunch was then served by
bawl quite so much.—Very much in some of the ladies of the "Aid Society"
Mail No Matches or Explosives.
A bulletin issued by the Postoffice
Department states that: Notwith-
standing the urgent and repeated wern-
ings of • the Postoffice Department
against the mailing of matches and
other inflammable artielee in the mails,
the:practice still continues, and the
department is now referring such cases
to the criminal authorities for action.
Under the postoffice aet, section 122,
the sending of inflammable or explosive
articles in the mails is an indictable of-
fence and renders the offender liable to
imprisonment for five years.
The Chief Seat
of Foototrouble
Nearly all foot -trouble is in the toes.
The fore part of the ordinary shoe,
then, is the chief mischief -maker.
It is just here that "The Best Good
Shoe" receives special attention in the
rti eking
The box, the cap and the lining, are
sewn together in such a marmes as to
prevent undue pressure on the toes and
joints, thereby ensuring for "1NVICT-
US" wearers comfort as well as perfect
Those interested in Agricultural
Society work will be pleased to learn
that the Government grant for field
crop competitions has again been in-
creased this year. The amount grant-
ed by the Government this year is $24,-
500 for thio work, These conapetitions
Were inaugurated in 1907 with cnly ten
societies and a grant of $1,000 for the
work. The increasing grants year by
year not only show that the public ap-
preciate the benefits of these compet-
itions but that the Government are fuIlly
alive to the importance of the -work.
There are few departments of agricul-
tural work capable of greater benefi-
cial results than thie and it is gratifying
to know that the people are taking ad-
vantage of it so generally, as the in-
creased amounts appropriated by the
Government. The Turnberry Agrield-
tural Society is this year conducting a
field crop competition and the grain is
white oats. Last year's eompetition
Was a suceems and it is expeeted that
there will be more farmers take ad-
vantage of the competition. The prizes
offered are liberal. Blank entry forms
and full information tan be obtained
the Secretary, a 13. Elliott, at the
TIMES Otrit'O.
earnest. —Atchison Globe. and all present enjoyed the society. I bility extends back to,1912. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS
House and Lot
For Sale
Mr. Wm. Cartuthers Lifers for
sale his fine property on Cather-
ine St. consisting of a seven
room brick house, and three lots.
There is a stable on the premises
also a variety of fruit trees and
beerry bushes. A most desirable
property and will be sold right
Enquire on the pre wises or at
our office
Ritchie 86 Cosens]
Be suee and
see our seeds before
buying. We are
sure you will buy
ours when you see
them and know our
Phone 40
AT 1-10r1E
mmetortakeneararta Voiellonslii•W•mOintsmom
Ihotutsmitti of ambitions ;F-, nn g tit. 0 -
Pio are Iwo wpm:sing in their own
loon, ttt to 'tot uttst Wet mire 1 i Fitions Up
P11,11141, levietrte. booltlu E T.( 1., mograph-
tte.. olvil set vent, tn fart i very. solo re
of ilost.ness Aetivities. You maY itch&
at collt go It you wit,11. Positiona ittiwt--
in to«I ',Inter ooliego any day Twit -
%diktat titstruetibn. Firoi-rt teseherg.
Thit ty you'' expo. ti•iie.- Ler(' t
LI tritit ets in ct, find P. - e e . et ..,eni.ett 9,
Vet t pet•t-e) ettleIrt e, for ttoci .4...
tM A ff Hinted 'with Calumet dal l'elitcar
i' tors' Association of Canada Sommer
.5choo1 at the famous Spotton Business
College., Landon.
I *Ingham Rusioes College
OW. Spottoii,
4.;., • . . !il