The Wingham Times, 1914-03-12, Page 8THE WINGHM1JOS, MSRCH 12 1911
Dollar Bareains
TID.,MS to new eubscribers for 14
months for $1.
Five 25e. writing pada for $1.
Six 20e. writing pads for $1.
Twelve 10c, writing pude for $1.
12 packages 10c. envelopes for 1.
pacloges 5c. envelopee for $1.
Numerous other bargains in staple
stationery at the
TIMOS Office
- The weight limit of parcel post is 1.
ROW made eleven pounds, the restrictiv
to six pounds having been reinove0; the
additional five cents fee in carrier dist-
ricts has also been removed.
- Provincial ConstabePhippen visited
Clinton on Wednesday of last week and
found a quantity of liquor in one a the
hotels, contrary to the local option law.
We understand charges will be laid.
--The editors of the Liberal news-
papers of Ontario tendered a banquet
to N. W. Rowell, KC. and other Lib
eral members of the Ontario Legisla-
ture at Toronto on Thursday evening
last. Mr. H. B. Elliott was in attend-
ance from Wingham,
-Dollar Day in Wingliare next Tues-
-Bargains in stationary at the TIMES
office on Dollar Day.
- Spend St. Patrick's Day he Wing -
ham -the Dig Dollar Day.
-The Clinton Spring Fair will be ht Id
on Thureday, April 2nd.
- For Dollar Day only. The Tams
to any address in Canada for 14 months
for $L
-The Leigh -Smith Concert Company
in the opera house on Friday evening,
March 20th.
-Owing to extra advertising this
week several news items are crowded
out of this issue.
-Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday
evening of this week.
-Mr, Robert Elliott was re-elected
as Reete of Gcderich. The vote was -
Elliott 507. Cooper 277.
Irish Concert and Social in the
Presbyterian church on St. Patrick's
night. Admission 15c.
-Mrs. John Currie, sr„ one of the
highiy esteemed pioneer residents of
Eest Wawanoah, is seriously
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coat.
Via Chicago & North Western Ry„
March 15th to April 15th from points in
Canada to Salt Lake City, Ogden. Los
Angeles, San lorancisco, Portland, Ta- '
coma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver,
Kootenay District and Canadian North-
west points.
Through Tomist sleepers and free
reclining Mair cars from Chicago. Vari-
able routes. Liberal etopovers. For
full information as to rates. routes and
literature. write or call an R. H. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Youge Street,
Something wrong in Ireland,
England cries peace, peace,
When there's no peace,
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Ireland still in trouble groans,
The Boyne rolls between.
Ulster shakes her orange flag
Connaught waves the green.
Belfast, Belfast, true to the last,
Your downfall Britain may rue,
Loyal and orthodox, true to John the
Your flag is the red, white and blue.
Wales in her pride treats you with scorn,
England lies painfully low,
Scotland has turned her face to the wall,
Derry opens her gates to the foe.
As Heratius stood alone on the bridge,
.A. raging torrent below,
As the Bass Rock braves the ocean's
Belfast surveys the withering scurge
That's gathering sure and slow.
Belfast, Belfast, loyal to the last,
You've lasbed pair helm alea,
Spiked your colors firm to the mast,
Turned your prow to the raging blast.
Your foot to the foe stands firm and fast,
Your falchion raked like the Eagle's
You've sworn to be loyal and free,
-St Patrick.
-Geo, C. Middleton, aged 80 years,
for three-quarters of a century a resi-
f Clinton district, died on Friday
-In the opera house on Friday even-
ing, Mareh 20th the Leigh -Smith Con-
cert Co. will give one of the best con-
certs of the season.
-Mr. W. J. Deyell has been awarded
the contraet of building a new school
house for S.S. No. 13 on tile Gth
eon -
cession of East Wawanosh.
-D. J. Anderson, Principal of the St,
Marys Public School, bee pure,hased the
St. Marys Argus, Mr, Anderson is an
old Listowel boy and at one time was
editor of the Atwoed B.
-Four rieks of Wingham curlers vis-
ited Lacknow on Monday and played
two games with the players in that
town. In the afteratien the se ore wa
a tie and in the evening Wingham won
by shots.
xottces Under This Wad ten cents a lire
for &at insartj9:1; rive cents tor subse-
quent inaernotra.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
'TRUNRS AND VALISES: tg stock of
select from at lowest roacies.
oe/W. J. GREER.
Big Bargains in clIinwareieon Dollar
Day at J. H. Baker's. /
See what you can hoi6 at Curvie's
furniture store on Dolfar Day for $1.
WaNxon-Good general servant .3t
onee. Apply to Mrs. Wm, H. Rintbul,
Leopold street.
See our collection of aetielesafor dol-
lar day. They are. gra buYing, T.
Watch our Whitewares).Window Dis-
play on Dollar Wye;
J. H. Miami..
WANTED -A gooill general servant
girl. Apply to Mrs. R. Vs:nett:me, Minnie
At Currie's furnitorOtore many 81
bargains are being offered. for Diener
Call at Thos. Kew's dellar oday and
see what you can vet for yqr
It will surprise you. e-•
FOR SALE -Four light double' wagons
with or without tops, (tale diay and two
bob sleighs. Apply tt, TIM 5,7p.
DAVIES CO. LTD. Wingltazit
I am prepitred to accept imaaireineuts
for nursing in Materniteeaz,ee.ii Rt fey -
ewes: Drs. Hatnbly end Roitcleed.
Mrs. Jaee
l'amlyn Block.
FOR SAM -Tv,TO gOtgl rileb cows.
Apply at the borne of A. Posliff, Pet-
rie': street.
WANTED Yore -Have 51 mahers en•
now. VII:n nine more to fill op mach- •
Thee. W. De Pringle.
Cal to C. TEMPLU, 4! .)ol3R
yo.' suits.
Waveren aeot Iv!' en fleet
of"Ploaa, lea r -t; i fn 1,1,0i•oy,ty, Get .
partiettlitre a Timaa Lama
Fni.ot Cotir. -Cer load of feed corn ;
just to band. Get your snpplies at tha
feed eteee or at warehome, at (4, la la
Ttetest; & Mates
To Whom It May Ceacere.
Telco notice that e a a ail •oienf accomits
that are pant duo :eat etiepaid, and:
if not settled bei:ove l!ao .11 It tem oa
placed in court for e erten.
Thick mat tind p;oitre, cancers, tum
ors. piles, gall stonee, nethina, bron-
chitis and deafness rotored when hope,
less. Will be at Queen's hotel, Wing -
barn, on March 1.80): a Mr. Basset's
house, Listowel. Mftrelt 17f O 1.9tate
hOt01, Itarrieton, Marei, 19th. 11ai1
ordera.preinotly attended to. Mrs. S.
Gibeen, 95 Norfolk street, Guelph,
Toronto Daily Gloho.
The Toronto Globe announces that in
future the yearly subscription price to
the Daily Globe will be $3, through the
mails, whether the subsvriber live on a
rural route or not, This arrangement
will make a difference in tam clubbing
rate. Ie the future the rate for the
Tietoe and Daily Globe to all subscrib,
ers will be $3.75 per year, or we will
receive sobscriptions for the Daily
Globe at s3 per year. All orders left
at the TIMES office will receive prampt
Mr, John Duckett, of lot 1, con. 1,
Morris, south of Wingliam, will hold an
auction sale of farm stock, implements
and household furniture on Wednesday,
March 18th. The sale will commence
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. ,E,very-
thing to be sold as Mr. Duckeyt is mov-
ing West. John Purvis, aootioneer.
-John Armstrong will hoWan auction
sale of farm stock anymplements at
lot 19, con. 4, Culross, Friday, March
27t5. About thirty ,head of cattle and
other farm stock./Also a quantity of
pure seed, No. 21, O.A.C. barley and
Siberian oats. John Purvis, auctioneer.
Mr. A. E. Thomas, of lot 28, con 1,
Turnherry, will hold an auction sale of
farm stock, implements, etc., on Wed-
nesday afternoon, 'March 18th, There
is some good stock and implements.
John Purvis will be the auctioneer.
Doael-In Wingham, on Saturday.
Feuruary 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Dean; a daughter.
READING -In Hamilton, on March Gth
to Mr. and Mrs. JO C. Reading; a daugh-
ter, (Marjolle Eileen.)
RAsson- In Lower Wingham, on
March 5th, Catharine Lee, relict of the
late William Ransom,
GRAY In Toronto, on March 7th,
Mark Gray, formerly of Wingham, aged
Si years.
Fulaiole In Mather, Man. on Feb-
ruary 17th, Thomas Finnen,,formerly
of East Wawanosh, aged 90 years and
G rnontlt,
Gaaztou - In Clinton, on March 2nd,
Rosetta Kerr, relict of the late Jamee
Glazier and sister of the late Henry
Kerr, of Wingham, aged '76 years, 6
months and 25 days.
KING - In East W awanosh, on
March 4th, Margaret Wilson, aged
81 years, 4 months and 4 days, relict of
the late William King.
CASENIORE In Turnberry, on March
1st, Margaret R. Wright, beloved wife of
William Re Casernore, aged 28 years, 3
months and 11 days.
HOGG-In Dundalk, on March 2nd,
James Hogg, formerly of Turnberry,
aged 87 years.
Suoonme In Morris township, on
March 3r9, 19144 Jean Lauchland, relict
of the late Wm. Shedden, aged 89 years
and 21 days.
Sommtvtat.E-In Morris township, on
Feb. 28th, 1913, Catharine Cathcart,
relict of the late Jno. Somerville, in her
78th year.
Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times OHice, Wingham
for $ Day Ki
Greater Values
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
per day increase in profits from your hens and cows if
you adopt our system of doing this part of your busi-
ness. While in town on
Tuesday, March i7th, igi 4
do not fail to get one of our recipes on "How Best to
Market Farm Produce. We are giving a special
prize for the best wagon team in Wingham that day.
Telephones: Office, 174; Residence, 108. '
Dollar. Day
Our list of Bargains
62 pairs Wornen's Oxfords, regular $2.n0 for $1 00
The above lot consists of odds and ends in several.
kinds of leathers, namely Patent, Doogola Kid and Vic'
Kid. All sizes for Women 2 y2. to 7
48 pairs Men's Shoes in Patent, Dongola Kid, Gun
Metal Leathers, broken lots in our, $3 and $4 lines.
Per Pair for $2.00
30 pairs Boys' Shoes in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, regular
and $2, for $1.00 per pair
18 pairs Child's Shoes, sizes 8, 9, ro, regular $1.50 for
$1.00 per pair
18 pairs Misses' Shoe, sizes It, 12, 13, t and 2, regular
$1.5o to $2 for $1.00 per pair
The above will be on sale on above day mentioned
at any time after to a.m.
WH. Willis & Co.
Sole Agents,,.(.;12,:a7 For Ladies
UAL MARCH $ALE $hopiir possible
25 dozen Kid Gloves, colors black
and tan, siz,s 6 to 714. Dollar Day
barg-in, 2 pairs for $1.00.
5 clozm Woollen Gloves, all sizes and
colors, 19c a pair.
Zit alt the Lesdiug Shades.
The first two weeks of our Sale has been an overwhelming Success.
Hundreds came and Saved Money. Greater Bargains than ever for
DOLLAR DAY, TueSday. March, 17th. The response of, the people to
. our Annual March $ale proves that the public know from our past sales
that the genuineness of the bargains we offer are just as represented.
Special Prices for $ Day, Tue$day, March 1 7th
50 pairs Corsets, 12.5
and 1.50 value, b;oken
lines and sizes, Dollar
Day, $1.00.
Lined Un,:?erskirts, black
only, all sizes, $1.00.
too all Wool VesIs and
Drawers, odd lines, 1.50
value, Dollar Dav, 1.00,
25 Ladies' Waists, odd
lines, all sizes, Dollar
Day, $1.00.
Dress Goods Priced for
Rush Selling
52 inch Whipcord and Diagonal
Suiting, yery popular for Spring
Suiting. Colors, black, navy,
brown, mustard, purple and toupe.
Regular 1.50 value for 98o,
All Wool Serw s, Pan imas,
Tweeds and Taffeta Cloths in all
the leading shades, Dollar Day,
39c a yard.
Parasols and Umbr llas
straight and turned hand-
les, union top, values up
to 2.00, Dollar Day, $ t.
20 doz. Ladies Cashmere
Hose, soc values, sizes
81 to 10, Dollar Day, 3
pairfor $1.00.
Ladi-s' and Children's
Coats, Fur Sets, Muffs,
Sto'es, Stc., greatly re.,
duced for Dollar Day.
Come and see them,
$5,000.00 Fur. $ale, Greater Reductions than ever
for Dollar Day. 50 Men's Fur and Fur Lined
Coats to be sold March 17th. Conte early
and get lst choice.
8 Men's best quality Dog 6 Men's Racoon Coats.
Coats, farmer satin lined, These.prices are for Dol -
wind wristlet and inpd lar Day only and must be
guard, $27.5o. Dollar
Day, $19.25
12 Men's Dog Coats, well I only $15o Coat $tro.00
lined and finished through 1 only $t35 Coat $95,00
out, guaranteed, reg 25,00 I only $too Coat $72.5o
Dollar Day $16.5o 3 only $75 Coats $42.5o
36 inch black Mousseline Silk,
very rich finish, and soft even
weave, special 98c. Cheaper
quality at 79c.
25 Dress Length, Fancy Bro-
mks and Stripes, 1.50 and 1,75, on
sale oi Dollar ray at $ t.00 tri- yd.
20 Men's. Marmot Collar quilted
lined, Beaver. .SheI1 Coats, on sale
Dollar Day, $18.00 value tor $9,75
6 Men's Pur Lined Coat,‘, Mar-
mot Collar and Lining, Beaver
Shell. $47.50 value for $33.00.
Exceptional Values in
Scrims, Lace Cur-
tains, 82c.
to pieces extra heavy Scrim,
this season's newest patterns,
regular 35c to 50c, sale price 23c.
Dollar Day, March r7, we will
give special prices on Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleum, Oil Cloths, &c,
• :Oa'
25 pairs 3 -yd Lace Curtains, very
pretty designs and foll size, Dollar Day,
2 pairs for $1,00.
Make this $tore your headquarters for $ Day. Terms for $ Day are Cash. Phone 71