HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-12, Page 6• 1.Nakcs,-Nito.,01.1a.W..•
7..',(1_,.trrIVINNT 1.
Ivort el,' W. P. S. for February.
;or.. LV.. Spell., Arith., anti
Cotneron ilIcTavish 311.
Jean Ci) tie .. -308
RoJe- Pie -v 289
Lieeio Cuerie 285
Viola -271
liewee ... 201
Alic,! .....263
FOrre! Seott • 258
Jenni., Seot t 234
Fred S'.orily ... 249
Vera Strielte- 248
Ilawvey Ii 2,17
. ...... .246
N11 MLm246
Ncel Drummond• 241
Katial,en Mills. .238
Lee -d 231
Archis, Williamson 222
Jean C.itistie 218
Vera Davidson .217
John Niet:oll 207
Annie Davidson 201
Annie Baker..204
George Allen 202
Charlie Smith . . 109
Prank Robinson197
Teddy Murch .199
Mart Piper .191
Willie Dear . 178
Phyllis Johns. 160
Varo:d Mann ... 156
Roy Forsythe 154
Ilugh Angus. 144
Bertha Gilhom . ..... -.139
Ratio Huffman „ISO
Jim Sell • -.127
Clair Crawford .122
Lottie Zurbrigr ..111
CecilArgue 93
Ezra Pocock -. 72
Eeamined in Gram., Comp., Arith.,
and S.pell. Total 393. Those marked
7, missed an exam.
E. Musgrove 362
S. Brown. 361
G. Fryfogle ......361
C. Baker 359
R. Anderson 356
AL Coutes 354
J. Dobie 345
IL ALgiis 845
T. Sanderson 324
L. Jarvis 316
J. Cosham ........ • ... 315
9. Lockeridge.....,... 308
C. Adams ......... 307
A. Imlay
C. Lloyd . 802
R. Smith
S. Robinson ...... ...299
J. Saint 298
M. Passmore ...... „298
P. Joynt 297
M. Robertson ............2S9
E.Doble 285
IL Aitel.ison . -284
.... 273
E. Jolliest on . • , . . 0 . 271
P. Hit.,10.M 268
C. 'Merltiey 202
Irwin ..... „.. ..... -255
L. ...
C. Neock 211
S. Bell ...... .........240
N. Irwin -238
V. Hamilton „ ..... 226
A. Bloomfield ..........?25
K. t.,liehol . .221
C. Wild ..............164
Mary Coolies, Sarah Brown, Percy
jo,,,Int, Geo. Frvfogle perfect in spell-
ing for month.
Senior Division -Total 850.
A. Thomas .765
M. Walker 740
A. Vickers. ....... 078
(). Hutton ..... . 074
C. Hardy 613
.A Taric.r ...... Olt
V. Johnston 609
W. Aitchison 574
H. Gannett °'16
J. Davikison 524
G. Holmes. -514
A. Galbraith..........05
G. Cruickshank .-..475
W. Currie .414
L. Ceseinore41
C. Bell ... . 447
H. Hamilton ....
Seott .
Jlinior Section - Total 63.)
K. Wilkinson . 581
M. Robertson .....-...583
C. Pocuck. ....... 565
C. Robertson ..fl
M. Reid •
I. Reid . . • .._
Blael,hall 315,
IL .491
Allen . . . . 451
E. Rintoul . 450
V. Hill _ 434
C. Nilson ..... .. .-,433
M. Walker... . 411
R. 'Sanderson -389
B. Stevens 341
I. Day .321
Lutton . :117
WINialAM 1ES 1.thel1 12
$7,oao Stock
cry, Silverware, Cut, Glass
Leather Goods, I..ad:cs'
and Gent's T
Stationery, Wallpc:pers,
Windowshades, l'ency
Goods, etc., to he sold at
/. and below cost,
of• eft
As owner is Leaving own
Everything Must be Sold
w On
'Phortr, CS
alr,00siL; NEUional Hotel
I. Simmons .90
A. Gilham 202
M. Dalgleish .174
Senior Section, total 847.
D. Fells 761
La. Ellacott 741
C. Zurbrigg...........715
A. Anderson.. .... .. 709
K Hutton 693
V. Joynt . 683
D, Lynett 680
E Ricker . 675
S. Donaldson 670
Lil. Ellacott ..... 669
E. Kew ... 667
R. Mills . ..... 664
N. Varey 638
E Hart ... 615
M. Johns .... 572
A. Sturdy 537
H. Carruth. ..522
C. Showers. 519
M. Carruth 514
F. Sperling 431
C. Stapleton 426
qoetioe, total 7; ;.
A. Rand
1). 1), 031
A. Miin.t _ 1119
IL Wilson .. , tis3
L Joimeo.). . 5011
W. glee t .... 516
F. Piper ..... 117
It. Willi sms .311
1. 1301 . 1(17
W. A 457
S. Holmes 411
M. Sea, 453
It. Barrett- . 1,17
V. V.Isler. 4-1.1
N. .mertien • - . 442
J. A.t.1 . in))
C. IliogPton 394
F. . ..203
Senior Section, total 4C0.
G. Fives, . 864
M. Cosens . 300
H. Williams . 341
P. Frost :342
S.° Robinson 333
A, Scott .............30
M. Redmond 334
M. Dennis. 332
N. hard, 330
R. Clark _ 328
A. Brown 290
S. Ha mon. 288
A. Irwin.. ... 281
D. Piper ... ..... ....284
A. Gould ..278
K. Donaldson. 250
M. Vanstone.. 2.16
L. Campbell...... ...... 216
N. Clark ..... ....,202
L. Bell. 198
E. Wild.,.. 174
S. Bennett. . 110
Junior Section, total 4.,0.
L. Lewis...............370
S. Frost , . -370
D. Cloakay..), . 370
W. Brooks.. 368
M. Pilon 316
V. Amsbury
C. Dobie .320
E. Rogers ..318
E. Taylor. 314
A. Forgie 310
F. Pocock 286
G. Bisbee 280
L. Sanderson 278
G. Bowers 260
I. Watson .... . 250
A, Williams . 244
B. Irwin . - 242
C. Linkman228
C. Casemore 222
C. Hinscliffe 214
E. Gibson ... 208
C. Mason. .188
For Itifaxtto ttna. Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
IV. ALtun. ;
.A. Cerruti). ... 108
E.Stevons 100
Senior Section Total 333.
0. Cruieksbank 351
3. Johnston. 819
E. Vevey ..340
B. Boardman .341
W. Lockeridge 341.
E. Currie _1139
G. Gibson
M. Angus
L. Zurbrigg
I Lutton
(4. McTavish .........827
V. Robinson .. 323
G. Simmons 821
R. Brown .. 318
F. Aldington .........313
H. Aldington .317
R. Holloway . 311
T. Vickers 34.9
C. Boyce 307
C. Cooke ............269
V. Bell . .. .241
Casemore.... 183
J. Hayles 80
Junior Section - Total 347
L. Kayser ......347
A. Williamson 317
L. Hanna ....... .. 345
V. Robertson 843
M. Schaefer 341
K. Cruickshank... 341
C. Bennet 941
M. Hendrikz 3.38
K Munro 329
S. Hutton 328
V. Dennis.. 326
B. joynt ....... ...... 323
A. Cloaky 319
13. Coutts 316
S. Page ..... 301
P. Alcorn 2q9
W., Sturdy 206
R. McLeod ...295
H. Aitchison 230
J. Carr.... ..220
W. Clarke ..... 220
M. Holloway 211
M. Stratton 202
C. Hardy 193
C Donaldson180
L. Holmes 171
G. Arde 171
J. Cooke 111
Class IV. -Aggregate 1025
.3. Carruthers 1010
T. Stricker....... 930
L. Hicks . ...873
D. Lloyd .760
W. Bailey675
C. Pattison . .595
B. Dobie ..................590
E. Amesbury .570
HANOVi Pi; Et) ".111"
Unquestionable Safety
,,s h s 13Vn ,t n .tat 13 trineh fl re' t t‘) smA
inveittir tha to The c.lp!talt‘t. 1h 1,tt).c ab1e.
rum, th-qt ) afford a foo'ish invo,! •nr, int he former
this 11Lt1 h tying o-r!'ec ,ce in the
som1,1nteie01 (h-ir vr.)pls tion, Th R1i tric )vettri,-nt
and 1).e'oyaing C,,mpany, Limited, give w'th ,,..very Agree-
ment of Sate on Agreement to r--;:.1.1 ch s wi lrn a speci-
fied time, and on terms fair to 1.,othiat C4.
The L•afetv of a Re If t.. tate investment in a town or
y d,in is mtinly on three. th'ngs. (I) The town or
city mmt be GROiArl NG and likrly to grow. (2) The
Pr mut oe 1 N T HE GROW ENG AREA. (3)
The ch ir4eter of the buildinz on the property
I.. Winnipeg is gro virg ripii'y a d 1 kely to grow
for years to come
.2. Hanover Pltce bas the Sh trp Boutevird and the
avenues on each side running through the property. Along
the Sharp Boulvard and the avenue; e.a.:h side is In most
rap1dly growing, rt sid ntial district of Winn'wg.
3. We have itneoie a building rt-striction w $1,000
on all lots facing on the Boulevard Ind $3,o 0 on the
other avenws thus insuring a good residenti tI di,trict.
4. The company relay ':43 and intends to re -invest
evert, eollar in improving and devel ping the property.
Unquestionable Stfety as to your investmr.nt. Write
for price list.
The Rolianog Investment 81, Development Company, Limited
Head Office, Hanover Ontario
W. J. CURRI 3, Local Agent, R. R. No. 3, Wingham
E.Jorgie. ...... . 515
F. Bell • .485
C. Showers ... . .....465
M. Hill ... .... -.410
G. Simmonds .... 370
C. Tennant, 370
M. Holmes ... 370
M. Hendrickz 300
C. Wright 215
IL Wright .150
W. Alerkley ..... ...123
E. Lynett . 25
Class III. -Aggregate 700
A. Field -.635
E. Simpson......... ....625
D. Haller ...... .605
G. Anderson ..590
K. Carter 580
F. Hart 540
T. lsard. 490
M. Swanson,... 450
W Kew ,.383
B. Jarvis -370
A. Doyle .... .37
I. Aldington ..330
E. Blackball.. 315
M. Tennant.....
M Fells . 160
T. Saint
Class II. -A, Corbett, L Bennett, E.
Willian s, P. Pilon, 51. Lewis, C. Loutitt,
H. Wilde', K. Irwin, C. ackson, M.
Vansikle, 1. Ellacott, F.,Page, R. Carr,
H. Vickers, F. Angus, N. Fixter, W,
Scott, E. Thornton, E. Wolfe, G. Led-
eitt, P.Stokee, R. Lockman, E. Walton.
Children Cry
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, .
:,...-- .4,-, .:
ARCH 1 4h,,, 1 141
. . ..,...............
Itis the purpose of the business men and merchants of Wingham to make this one of the most sensational
bargain days the town has ever k.nown. The purchasing powerof SI .00 will be greater than ever before in the
history of Wingham. Every merchant whose name appears below has promised to give his customers an
Exceptional and Extraordinary DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOODS
Luxuries- and necessities"' are included in this sensational DAY OF CU -PRICES.
A Dollar Bill will do mood service on Dollar Day. Watch the advertisements and come to Wingham prepared to
tale home your share of the big offerings of the following business men:
Young, King Bros., W. J. Greer, Hanna & Co., L. Kennedy, J. J. Davies, J. A. Mills, Thos. Kew, D. Bell, Canadian Bank of Commer
e, Dominion Bank,
Bank of Hamilton, Dr. A. J Irwin, Harry Brown, 12, Mooney, Knechtel & Co., R. A. Currie, Field Bros., John Galbraith, Dr. Ross, F. Carter, W. J. Bell, Ezra Merkley,
Ritchie & Coen, A. H. Wilford, W. H. Willis & Co., A. M. Knox, W. G. Patterson, W. A. Piller, Carson & Pyke, R. A. Taylor, Howson & Brocklebank, W. A.
Campbell, J. W. McKibbon, R. S. McGee, H. T. Thornaon, JamesWalker, H. B. Elliott, W. J. Boyce Rae & Thompson, Geo. Mason & Son, H. E. Isard & Co, J. H.
Christie, Wingham Publishing Co., W. W. Hough.
The Brunswick, National, Exchange and Dinsley Hotels will give Three Meals for $ on this date. For horses -Hay: 1 horse, 15c; team, 25c.
Remember the date:
TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1914