HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-12, Page 4•01.1*.F.01517,4, sr.,..,pca.nr...,:r Iwo 4.r. . • tatt WINtinn IMES, ft. 6 tii,i;t0TV, Pourasnsa Asa Paortaroa THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914 night this week,. The event of the eve ning was an ably &livered address by . A. L, Posla. prineipal of Wingbazne Publie Sehoel, on the eharacter and works of the poet, tnreanyeon." Seen • Tennyatin rumbers were given on eeepeogrant iocht.ling`'Swoot and by a eherae of ladies, Mrs. WOO, Mvs • .1. W. King, Misses B. Meseer, Miss Aggie Aitchison mud Miss Carrie Dia - mend. This beautiful song was very sweetly sung. Robt. Shaw gave a fine reeding of Tennysons poem "Dorn." and Hugh Sinnamon rete a "The Charge of the Light Brigade" precened by a brief eketch from J. W. King a th • historical incident about whieh this thrillaig pot m was written, Miss Lil- ian McCall contributed a fine piano solo nelspageole Bolero" ttlodard) and nliss Jolmston areeitation on the woman problem. One of the most pleaeing and interesting features of the program was an artiele by "The Literary Dig- est" on an old 24th -of May celebration in Inuevale, J. Stewart favoured the audience, with several eelections on the pnonograpla At the previous meeting ea site cdingy instrective and enjoy- able debate was held on the question "Resolved, that emigration other than einglish speaking is detrimental to the best interests of Canada." The affirm- ative eide, Ruseell Jermyn and Milton McVettie were especially complimented by J. W. King on behalf of the judges for their delivery although the op- posing side Walter Smillie and C. For- rest won the argument. On the same evening A, McBwen gave an entertain- ing talk on the oil engine, showing its advantage in economy of energy over the steam engine. titaltiv a. I. tt Rig Dollar Bargain Day in Wingham on Tuesday, Mareh 17th. Get some of the bergains. Mr. and Urs. James Messer wish to heartily thank all their neighbors and friends who assisted at the time of the tire lest week when their residence was destroyed, also for assistance in settling in their temporary home. The members of the "Mohawk Cross Roads LadiesAid" with their husbands made a descent on the manse, Bluevale on Friday evening last and surprised Mrs. Greene alre. Trite) by presenting her with a beautifully ornamented ad- dress mai a tine "Alanclin" hanging mattle`seineit toltee of their appreei- ation of her hoepitality at their "Old Time Ilse:inn.: ee. Mg," a Plan given by them le i. eee. crime el Fel:weary tith. A eletrant evening was spent with g0flit., reeitations and singing after whieh lunell was s..gred being en- joyed to the "full". . The fellowing is the woreing of th addrees. Dear Mee. O'Neil.. when last we met It grieved the Ladies' Aid To multi hospitality Shoule tee sent repaid. By havine tea spilled on the floor We ali tt vita> annoyed What ru uur Boston friend have thought. That Mr. Fitz de Lloyd? Of course the rug was getting old But that :.s excus.e . For acting i tee wee she did That• carelees Mrs. Bruce: And then the tren'tle and expense Refrosi.mouts a w•sys melee! And though your ks are rather fiat Theene ;nest ae bard to bake. So when e • leeese lamp% reduced From 'V o 1'r -fifteen' During the month of Meech people Miss, Hai - tend -Let us make a girt who are afflicted with rheumatism be- ro glee ansd Mts Greon:" gin to have unpleasant reminders of their trouble, Tne weather is change- able balmy and springlike one day, raw am! piercing the next. It is such • sudden changes of weather that start the pangs and tortures of rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica going. But it must be born in mind that ulthough weather conditions start the pains, the tronble is rooted in the blood, and can only be cured through the bloed. All the liniments and lotions in the world ean't cure rheumatism. Rubbing may seem to easo the pain whqe you are rubbing, hut there its valun ends. Only At the next meetiue.; a the Literary by treating the diseasenthrough the Society, Wednesday, March. lath. a de- il,sev,ti!ver)iryieltrme siheugarig.s rai,t 1 atitz,.• eenteet will be land between' sewed so many thousan s of cases of Bluev..le and Salem. The subject for this trouble. The nee., rich blood these debete wa. be "Resolved. that Napo- uterine. make out the pois- lenn wen a ,r tr. ,nerai thari Well- • - and i.rbaematism, lumbago i SI kladred treaties are banishei. ingtoa." This shouni be the most ex -i Among the manyiufferers from rheu- eiting,debete of the winter as the speak-. znatism cured by this medicine is Mr. R. et on the negative side will be Wm. ; J. Sinclair, of Gose, N. S., whosays: Mines and Stanley Elliott, who have al-) "About two years ago I two months was laid up_ with rheumatism. For I ready won a el i..batiate contest ml thin,; eeuni not walk sad had to stay in an subject while the atiirmative wiIr ll be a- invaliers chair. My feet were badly held by two of Ma:wale's, eeampaee swollen and my arms seemed to'be per- baiers, d. w. King and A. nlyeen. I hadbeon usingdoetors medi- The tinge! meetiog, of the t'.3oeiety for the 7 enOntiernra3..2el,tmg and the doetor finally told time but it dui not eeem present sensoye will take *ace 071 Mar, tne that the only t ling that woull cure 2ni and will coneist of a grand program .ne would ne a change of climate. At contest between the married andthe ti?'s time I neeideci to give Dr. Williamsupply.s' Fmk Pi1is a trial and got a single members. It win be a climax te After I had taken them for a while I the long series en suceessful evenings found they were helping me, and I got whieh have heott given hv the Literary a further supnly. ann they completely Society tIns winter. Owing ta a preen: lu.,17,!.etlineetn. anitienitgyrnilecletnbeementl.,esnieak tine! ous eng,agenwnt et the hal the meet- Winiarns. Pink Pins for this trouble." ing of the scvio,,, was Ilene en Mendny H you suffer from rheumatism, or e...• any other dieease of the Wed or nerves, 11P-,7;nt to cure :ourself t&' -day with Dr Williams' Pink. Pills, which under a fair trial will do for you what they have done for thousands of others. Se'd by all medieine dealers or by tnail at ;50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 froen the Dr. Williams' Maleine Co., Beeekville, Ont. RHEUMATISM DURING MARCH Victims Can Cure Theraselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In Boetose airs. Fine deelares These see,as aro all the rage While M. Harris cries "That's righ And eat in iota of sege." So it eves wed mai seconded That we sh.lued earno tonight And gratnrowletns husaand says They make a perfeet light. We therefore beg you to accept This prosent from us all And hope to see Yell la:;ghte.11•NI 1.11) When next we come to call. :aa •T:,7:12a: 14.,1 AV.82tS ezn.ce, Zee. The Smail Depositor tmi dercaltora in this bank ate giVen the same tourteou,s treatment and thorough etthsideration Chet are given eestomers with large aecounts. The airn of this itstitutien Is to entourage systematic saving. Many/4 fertute te. gen with a singe dollar, which futnishee evidenee that the ameunt of the tint deposit is stet tee impertant as the fart that it Es ginning. Every eix mottba the highest current itterest will be credited to your account. C. I'. SMITH 'Maslow* no wtch Big Dar B rgain Day in Wingbatn en Taesday. Mateeh 17th. Get some of the bargains. Another piceeer has passed away in the eersen ef James Dugas. of. the kb eon, Howick, in his eelnd year. De- eeased was tern near Donaghdee, Ccunty Down, Ireland, in the year 1S, end anee to Canada in 1$147. The family -1 settled near Stratford, Ont.. wheze he maimed for a number of years andl:, 'helped clear a farm After srending a uple of years in New Yerk State he retrad to Carnni for three years lived in the Tee of ICinge Yerlt County, ;, Where he farneel and teamed grain and ether predae.e te Toronte In Ida'.4 he ' tame to liowiek. then a forest. and etred en tots 2i4 and 'di.% ten. Se where be cleared seversaerea and lived far , abeet eight e ears. He th.n wemt Brace County and sett'eS neer Pais:ey where he married Yrs. Iseae Jackeen,1 I formerly Miss Ar Stieeee, wed zAter, living three years nn Ceeeeteek they retnred toIlk ned tt:e3 the fent new OW CEA. by their see. 1,Vm. P The tehfeet of thf.s eitet h wee a; ' 3 tied atTeationate husbar..5 at] parent, !ovez3 and resneeted by al whei knew hirn. He was uife hvegOrange-, r4at.s. Da:easel heel aiwoes teen healthy Man unti &nut three eears go when lae suffeta a steolte fn.= which be tever fully rezspveN.,,-3. He is served by fent daughters. NIrs Ales. IMeRer.ele, Mintor. Um*. Reuben Ilaraine li3th coo.; Mrs ..Ichn Campteli• Sithe,•fz; . 'land Miss Minnie, at home. ar.3 two sans. " 1'3 -awes of Behrme, atO Wm. F., ts.v ' home. Mrs. Douglas passel away four -I teen years ago. WINGHAM IBMS, MAU, 1 12 1914 THE DOMINION BANK 1/01 EDMUND 0. OSI -58, M P , PREStDENT, W. 0 MATTFICWS, VIOE.PRE.51DEN1, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund and Undivided Pr• ofits $5.400.000.00 7,100,000.00 You Can. Start a Savings Account with $1.00. It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a large sum of money in order to start a Savings Account with this Bank. An =aunt can te opened with $1.00 and more on which Interest Is compounded twice a year. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. ilgisiriPwomsr-4.urqtm-,7,--za-arttsaatt. ULLA RATE 1 On Friday evening last Rev. and Mrs. Boyle entertained the country members of Ktiox Church at the Manse and on Manday evening the members of Calvin 1 Church were entertained at the Manse. ! A very pleasant and bappy time was spent both eveoinge, and the kindness of Rev. and Mrs. Boyle was appreciated. Mrs. Andrew Taylor visited over Sun- day at London with her uncle, Mr. John Wheeler. Miss Laidlaw of Blyth was the guest . of 'elm Allisoa last week. Mr. McCleaaghan of Whitechurch has moved on to the farm formerly owned by Mrs. J. L. Geddes. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. McCienaghan to our midst. Don't forgit the Oirish Social in the basemint of the Prisbyterian church next Tuesday night, March 17. Coime and have a good toime. Admission 15 cents. itUint We regret to announce the death Mrs. Wm. Casemore which occurred at her home, on the Brussels gravel, last Sunday morning March lst. The de- ceased had not been in the best of heal- th for nearly a year but no apprehenston was felt until recently when her trouble took a more serious turn, Mrs. Case - more was a daughter of Mr. P. W Wri- ght. The sympathy of the cammunity goes out to tier husbend, her little daughter and her father in their deep loss and bereavement. On of the first settlers of the Town- ship passed away in Dundalk, on Mon- day, Mardi 2nd, at the ripe old age of eighty-seven years in the person of Mr. James Hogg. For a number of years; he served as ceuncillor in the township of Turnberry and will be well reinerabered bs many of the older people. At the first election ever held in Turnberry he and one other man were the only two voters. The deceas- ed was twice married and by the first union there were two Fons Richard of Orron and Robert on the B. Line Turt- berry, and by the second five children. The late Jas. Hogg was born in Irelrnd and as a young man emigrated to this country, where with the early pioneers he bravely foaght the battle of the forest. He was* stauneh Conservative and a member of the Church of Eng- land. M1 w.tur vac' ISO a To -night an Entertainment will -Ike given in the Methodist Chureh, when a; lecture will be given by the Rev. S. W. Hilbert, Winghani. entitled "Rambles in Scotland and England." Songs will be rendered by Mr. Frank Hill. Wing - hare, and the Church Choir. Admission 15r., proceeds in aidof Church. The Foresters' hall was well filled on Friday evening last to hear the Scotch and Canadian program given by the Literary Sceiety. The program opened with a eliorus, "Sets Wha Hae," fol- lowed by a selection on the accordion by Mr. R Carriek; Scotch song by Mr. H. McKay; recitation. Minks Cuddle Doan" by Mrs. Henry; solo by Miss The Tortures of R11:.zumatisru Inicaiiresm2C2201:21MINIMIrirma are ugeravated during climatic changes beai - cause the impure bleed is kcep able of resistance and ordinary treatment ree.ms useless -but the fame of Scott's Emulsion for relieving rheumatism is based on logical principles and scientific facts. This oil -food promptly makes active, red, life-sustaining blood corpuscles and its body-building properties regulate the functions to expel poisonous acids. Scott's Eizolsiou, with tarefu diet for tilt month, will retie: the lame muscles and tiffauei .oints and subdue the unbeara- ble sharp pains when other t-emedies fail. Ireicart of alcoholic imitations and insist on the purity of SCOTT'S. AT ALL Di UG GISTS 'At COMP, TO McGee's Grocery for your Bargains on DOLLAR DAY Note a kw of the bargains )0 offer a ledoz clover leaf cups and 8114 rs, le: dos 7 or 8 in. plates to mate ; dos p eb fruit servers to match -all f $1.-00. Berry sets consisting of,/ berry dish d In fruit server- for 1 20 lb pail table syr for $1.00. You may sele t of the different to comprise $1.00 lines quoted bel worth of goods. 3 cans Aylmer tomatoes for 25c. 3 cans peas for 25c. 3 cans corn for 25c. 7 bars Comfort soap for 25e. 3 packages Kellogg's corn flakes lot 250. 4 packages corn starch for 25c, 6 bars sunlight soep for 25c. 2-31b tin Clark pork and beans for 25e. 2 bottles catsup for 25c. We will display i t our store window several other lines of goods to comprise our $ Day bargains. .e'en-ar`ar=r•-"7.--"n7t= -neen enn77--- 10101011111.01177-4SEIRdreadintalltrneall11110111111.1111110111.11111111.11111111MInaa'ntenenelno R. S. McGEE W. BONE'S OLD STA\ D Gordon; mouth organ selection, by Mr John Bglestone and Mr, Cecil Middle- ton; recitation, "Bairnies Wauken Up' by Mr. M. Ross; quartette, "Flow Gently Sweet Afton". Miss Evans read the fortnightly number of the "Erho," which reflected the Scottish and Cana- dian spirit of the evening and contained some amusing references to Scoteh humor. The chorus "0 Canada" was pleasingly rendered and an interesting address on "Canada" was given by Mr. F. Davidson. This was followed by a duet "Huntingtower" by Miss Gordon and Mr. J. A. Simpson; recitation "Can- adian Born" by Frank Ross; solo, Rev. Mrs. J. U. Stewart; duet, Misses Greta Fox and M. Gordon; recitation, "Last of.Cuddle Doan," by Mrs. Henry; dia- logue, "The Advanced Geography Mattel" music, by Mr. R. Carrick; reci- tation, "Rab Comes Hame" by Mr. M. Ross; reading by Mrs, J. IL Stewart. The meeting closed with "Auld Lang Syne," Ate interesting program is be- ing prepared for Friday evening, March 20th, when a box social will be held under the auspices of the Literary Society. err, KOSS. It the Town Hall, Teeswater, March 4tb, Council met. Members of the Board were all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sus- tained. Mr. Neil McDonald was retunded two dollars being error in return of stetute labor. The contract for the Township print- ing for the current year was let to the Wingham Advance at 345.00. Armstrong -Case -That we put the I price of statute lubor up to $1.50 per Donaldson-MePherson - That thel day. rate rer day fur unperformed statute labor be put at $1.25 pe day. For the! amendment, Donaldson - MePhereon - Kuntz; for the motion Armstrong - Case -Amendraent. tCarried) Case -Donaldson-That we appoint Tinos. McPherson to inspect the bridge oa Con 10, known as Day's bridge aud have the ice cut if he considersit neces- sity. {Carried) McPherson -Case -That Jno. Arm- strong be appointed to have 40 rods of road gravelled between lots 20 & 21, Con A. (Carried) FINANCt REPORT 3. A. Green, breaking gravel road $ 4 75 71 R. E. Campbell, stationery and supplies .....4 5 Jacob Breeder, e'ql yds gravel 0SS Neil MeDoeed, refend statute 200. Witagham Pub. Co., re priuting 14 00 Robt, Ireland, breaking gravel Robt Colvin, breaking gravel vas:I •• Ili • • • • ...... ••• • • •• nward,Tackson, breaking gravel read...• ...... . -.....• Dipkison, breaking gravel, 001 DON'T VORGEET W. 6. PATTLI2SON'S TIM 110 Hali-Price Jewellery 5 I -- Now is the time to buy your Diamonds, Pearl Goods, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Leather Goods, Toilet Sets, Manicure Pieces, Jewellery of all kinds. Look for Goods Marked Half -Price qr SPecial Price 1 Special for 17th March We will sell six $1.00 Alarm Clocks 25c each and six $1.00 Watches for 50c each from 3 to 4 o'clock p.m. For DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS keep your eye on Goods marked in South Window No Goods Given out without Spot Cash CM& UK'S, W. G. PATTERSON THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAM Municipal World, supplies 11 32 'BEGORRA' Says ST. Chas. Button, registration .. .. 19 40 The finance report was read and PATRICK, "TIS adopted. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, April 1st DAY AT CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. A boctor asserts that heavy under- wear causes red noses. In the last year 16,122 marriage li- cences were issued in Philadelpia A scheme of road lighting has been suggested consisting of electric lamps secured to the curbstone. Two mines that are said to be as near fireproof as coal minas can be made are located near Taylorville, .111.. there is not a stick of tiraberin either mine. In Rangoon, 13urmah, the average in- come of an ordinary barber shop owner would not exceed $160 per month, and that of the very beet establishment would average spout $201. 001 .... . . 50 Wfogbarn Advance, bal contract printing.- 21 01 .!no McPherson, bal due school section. ... 11 Dollar Day St. Patrick's Day Special: 7 per cent. off every thing in the shop for Cash, except. Nails. Wire and Lead. Rae&Thompson Phone 27 kb, .1411, Knox' s. LOOK AT THE BARGUNS 1 only $4.50 8 day clock, $1.00, 3 " 2.00 alarm clocks, 1.00. 2 " 2.30 bedroom clocks, 1.00. 1 " 4.50 fruit dish in silver stand, 1.00. 1 only 8.30 gold lined silvegruit dish, 1.00. 1 only 2,50 martnaladyjar, 1.00. 1 pr. 3.00 silvertrairn and sugar, 1.00, 1 only 1,75 Rogereberry spoons, 1.00. 2 " 3.59 bracelet watches, 1.00. 6 " 1.50 boys' watches, 1.00. 1 " 8.50 gents' gold Bd. chain, 1.00. 3 " 2.50 solid gold birthday rings, 1.00. 3 only 2.50 pearl set scarf phis, 1 00. " 2.50 gents' fobs, 1.00. 3 " 2.50 gld. fld. locket chains, 1.00.. 3 " 2.50 gold filled lockets, 3 pr. 2.50 gold fined cuff links, 1.00. 3 only 2.50 gold filled brooches, 1.00. 0 only 1.75 piece cut glass, 1.00. Bach castomer is privileged to only , one of the above articles. A. M. KNOX Phone 65 Opp. National Hotel GENUINE -14‘ & W1 COAL All Sizes Promptly Delivered 85 CI SHINGLES BEST GRADES 3 X, for 95c. per 4 X, $1.00 5 X, $L05 ti tt Bunch ti FIRE WOOD Dry Cedar Kindling, $2 cord Dry Hard Wood - $3 cord Dry 4ft Hard Wood, $4 cord J. A. MeLEAN Dealer in LUMBER, COAL, WOOD JAR FREE FARMS FoR FAR-SIGHTED FARNIERS There ate now open for entry 125,000 Free Homesteads in Western Canada. The bulk of these are located along or near the "CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY" which is recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMER'S RAILWAY From March 3rd to the end of October, Horneseekers' Nunn siou tickets are on sale every Tuesday and are good to return two •months from date of issue. Friar to August these tickets may, be extended for two months on payment of 45.00 to Agent at destina- tion for with month or pert thereof. Stop over permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port .Arthur. SOME CANADIAN NOPTHEIIN r• OBLICATION "Forty -Five Vital questions" Peace River. Alberta, and How to Reath It" "Western Canada bps a Home for You" "Thirty Thousand Five Free Homesteads.' _ _ • For Tourist Car accomodation and all particulars in addition to above publications, apply to your nearest C.N R. Agent, or to General Passenger Department, 68 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario. iliNimMikiwilvelli0101.01110.1.11.1111.1111111161.1111.1111.101110