HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-12, Page 2• )
11111K*K7404...****,e47 ...we =von..
Worth $1000
Rid Free to You
; •
lin oae yeer of 1;,1•27,^Kiii. 'no prop rty
• see . e es eei se nee' tie te,i l 1 lose
in fit i.i.,i Were
. as • ,-,.; e - :
. .... ,•. ;,, eneeee in ele e ii niontlie.
• e " - Kidney Remedy s .neee- o la ft P.' 11,11 11.
Carol. iread° from
'Jetts aud is perfectly hatraless. If
yen ten) eufferer from Gall Stones, Te nee. ,11_,ee k!,
Kidesy Stones, or Gravel, Sar.o1 vIll
pottive owe. If you have -
backache, kidney, bladder trouble, o L° • ' r
xbeurantineu that la eaueed by excese ,nt•-er t'len 1•1' It the
Of uric acid, ilizeizess, raiffy swellings ; la, " e. • ; ie el nee •:"1, • oe I's, ee
under the enes, ernellea feet and
ankles, tleed ne.evene feeling, urine very
pale, or eenne ;lr;;I: and cloudy, too ,
frequir.t met eal. 7111 utittetioa, neicts.
dust sediramt in urine after standing '
a int lInTS: Seen are in danger and
Snool Kidney Remedy will save you.
At all Druegists, $1.50 per bottle.
Free Literature. Sanel Manufacture
ing Co, Ltd., I.Viinalpeg, Canada.
For Sale by
J. W. Niet; Sal a leoeureeelet I
^ ilne
. • • '
••',(1:11111 V."1,11.14 r
t: ene lezenni pe..pae.
A pL.ff•' 't.t.fi'l
TTC.11. 1i0t1 ':t r, gee la riee
e • " de et. re leo ; e
fte nee:len pe.e nitereste averts-
To..,:. -ss AT HOME AND
-------- "S. e...! - . nis.., oilleere, one lady pi•ivate
, .,-, rac1-,pri sovroti.rr, ono 3..sistt )ndy private
OrRii .:--- ,:.,:ii,,,Ai:. tv..,,..•.. Irv, '.4r.r1 tese ordo,neelies, with the
, •
eenticeret wives atia dattelitent, c4imprie-
. e „ ,,-, ee tee reey .i...,..41 Cie, Hughes, the
of llillti ,, Mule with him to
.,- i . -, 4 4 •
inirope ittet id 1. 'fiLi estimattd total
ee tee trip hes been stated by the
e ,i, t es e. ',-• , 'a, "
A. W. liteilieSlON,
i. inroel stnic teat when all the kills onal street, oa Wedneetlay last, to Mr. (SEAL.)
• are in the total coet will be vastly in B. T. Jeekins, son of Mr. '1'hos. Jenkins,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
• e ; : neee ,e, t -, ilee.leen ' melees of this eara. The officers receiv- tiluevale road, at a fair figure. I ally, wee tests directly on the blood and
tion i• ' en• nr• +7i''1.'4'''-"' .' 1. :.,er,l,v ' ed nor pey of rank $3,eSt, and for sena- mueotk euefecee oe the syetem. Send
ereee:e , , _.. ; e • e, nie • -.ie. le eed lsiseer,es, and other ellowanee in addition The Seaforth Expesitor of last week
for teeti.n9ni els free. 'Oa •-g
' to a t; rule- eider $10 00 a de ' 1 saye that in a recent letter from Mr. H. F. J G.IENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
free fe, • ,•,• • •,- .1' ' ' ..."13.1.„i .. .
:u....„,_ .
s.,...„„,:. •
Tfl E MOH A'4 ARCH 12 1911
.7.4--,....7477.774444,4.--,.......777--47,-. 7-4 -4447.7 77. -.144-** •.*
°Frl 47,
P74tit !"1
ess; 4 .
Bee Mee -Sejeleatli eervieee
zennene „
ce.;.,net nt 11 a. in. aid ;A:111 11.., :7101001
at 2:30 p. .e. Geileral pa tyl'r meeting
on kVekiii• ev, ;teen Jelin
lenlaeln pee.e.r. Y. mo,t4
ineneldy .1.1 p. ;V. D.
• Pnientr, n. Sueerieeeirleett.
11 enseenele en Colleen -e'enheele ver -
1 v!ein; it se ire nest 7 er eneeley
nee • tot te ;lee) o. at. Le. eole
• ,- • I e 1 ' ee
lee:Ix ,nie f
0/.10 V7.44111,.3, V.
!,•\'‘i 11.f p.e;sne 13..ze'S•taitll,
GOI I 1-.1. S.
ViCria' at 11 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sunday
Seheol at nen) p. m. Genf:wet prayer
meeting' oa Wedneedey eveninnee. Rev.
D. Perrie, paetor. Dr. A. J. Lewin, S.
S. Superintendent. .
Frou the Tones ot ni etc% 9, Med ; vrAT): ov Ouzo, CITY Oil TOUR))
Frank .1, Ceeeee makee teeth Olt be
LOCAL NEWS. I 1, :,.intor • pIrtrutf,r ue tine firm a F. J.
The town of Settforth is ofTering its Clu nay oe Co , deiag bueiness in the
electrie light plant tr.r salv by t, n • r. (149. af• CtiWitY tV"I at''' "fft"-
f.;ald, and the said firm will pay the sum
The thaw to d rain cf the fore peee of ONE' 11 nieiLKSED in)ntsAlen nor
of the weel: :Tinto the slay( t a die MO and everer leo or 'atarrh that
cannot be eared he the me of Ilall'e
Owe r. very muddy condition. Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY.
Swore to before me and subscribed in
Mr. S. real eetate anent, 0633
" • Vieb:•ei limee who are Mr. Samnel Sm.t i's cottetse, on Dia _- A.D., 1886.
inv presence, tide 6th deo of December,
retuee •1 : ;41 nr. a. :'!•;; ,ral , - • •
S, •
sale a; e • eleee. •en ' W tine Col. Sam Hughes wen entertain-
preveino • ••• eionree tine Gold Braided brignde on the
singe, ale; ',erre telV continent he engaged on an average of
in Onn,^io. ielenee 'el,: tee inn :wee» automebiles per day from the
Pre,li`""J• Pe'r '" " Woiesley Motor Car Co„ Ltd. These
long tele, . care were sent from England to Boulogne
We ean ' •-; seu thrirdn•1' le` "nY end from there conveyed the Party over
point in Die ;•,. en ad lezeime et nonehip
North and North Eastern France and
tines, Prepeue lit*rt4 litS0 i
other eootinental countries. The auto -
If it's- ele•elt Wo have the
mobiles were with the party from Sep -
inform .trea am" en' give it to you
cheer{ ales. ternber Srd to Oetober Nth:and the
total amount paid for automobiles alone
H. 13. ELLIOTT was $,3,901 26.
W. C. Meyer, late of this town, the
latter etated thee since going to the
Northwest he has had good heelth, and
has now gone into bueinese, with excel-
lent prospects.
Tee freight train betwee3 Wingham
and London, on account of the small
amount of freight moving, is only run-
ning every other day until further n, -
The report of the licenses for tha !
Province shows that while there were .
164 liquor licenses in Huron in 1875, the ,
During the years 1912-13 the Militia number was reduced to 102 in 1892, and
To%., n Agent G.T.R. Departreent paid out for repairs, fur- from 37 shop licenses in 1875, the num-
Timee Giliee, Win•Olem, Ont. nishinge and upkeep of theAutomobiles ber dropped to five in 1892. The areoera .
''_____ owned by that Department in Canada received by the Ridings as their propor-
TO ADVERTIEErs $S,041 e2. * tion of the license fee was, East Huron,
During the Surnmer of 1912 Col. Sam $926.10; South Huron, $2405.02; West
Notice of enetnees mu ..t be left at this Hughes and Sir Ian Hamilton made a
nee nf.1 later t,letts SatUrday 1101)11. Huron, $2037.61.
tour of inspeetion through Canada on al
The cepy for eheneres must be left There is but one store unoccupied in
specal train with a host of attendants
not later than Monday evening. , the II, edoneld lidoek now, .
Casual advertisements accepted up and officers. This trip cost the country
A heavy ram
to noon Wednesday of eech week, n storm prevailed in this
8. B ) r tret...gna AND PticsPitf,roft
The Government voted down three
Opposition proposals.
1. To grant Tax Reform, asked
for in petitions from country and
city alike.
2. To censure the Goeernment
for not doing what it eromised tveo
years ago, to introduce anti -treat-
ing legislation, and fer not propos-
ing either to abolieh the bar or toke
other effective steps to control the
evils of the iiquor traffie
3. To eat] lire into the question
of unemployment and to establish a
Department of Labour.
DD. it. W. CHASE'S
is sent direct to the doeased parts by tba
nproved Mower. Heals the ulcers, took firsefor gent's comie drese. In the
clears the air pa9sagas. stops drop.
pings in the throat and permanent- three mile race, Mr, G. Stuart too::
ly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. h..^2I, and Mr. 0. Elliott second.
• 25ea box ; blower free. .Accept no
substitutes. All &aka- or Edmaneen, Mr. G. MeIatyre is openiug out a
Bates es Limited, Taranto.
section on Tuesday last.
Wingham skaters were successful in
carrying off several prizes at the Lucie
now carnival, last week, Mr. T. Dodds
The taint of political trickery seems
to have permeated the whole Borden
general stsre in Mandonald's block, this
week. fIe takes the large store at the
north end of the block, and it will be a
fine roomy shop.
The choir of the Congregational church
Cabinet. The most recent instance ex-
held a very sucessful social at the real -
posed in the Commons relates to the
Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Martin
Burrell, whose attitude of apparent non-
partisanship and fairness has hitherto
eenee of Robert Currie, Esq., of East
Wawanosh, on Friday evening last.
The thaw during the past week has
taken off all the snow, and caused quite
been fairly well sustained, a freshet. On Tuesday evening the
When the Agricultural Estimates water w as running over Josephine street
came up on February 24th, one of the a couple of feet deep, near the first
, first points to be discussed was the new bridge south of the town.
I Agricultural Gazette, a monthly period- The TI1KES has to acknowledge an
Ica' started in January by the Minister vitation from the graduating class of
to boost his Department and to help
"educate the farmer." When Hon,
Mr. Benet s attention was drawn to
tee gross inaccuracies this publication
. co stained, he was obliged to admit that
it hod statements which would convey
to the casual reader, the impression
that the Liberal Government had done
comparatively little for agriculture
while the Conservative Govern -
m snt had done mech.
On the first page of this publication
over Mr. Burrell's own signature ap-
pears this statement, "The magazine is
designed to supply to the press and to
thase who are engaged -in agricultural
work, fats and information relating to
the educational and scientific side of
During the discussion in the House of
Commons, after some glaring inaceer-
acres evidently designed for political
effeet had been pointed out to Mr. 13ur-
re1l, the Minister said, "I have no doubt
that it may be. that there will be inac.
miracles, but these will be very quickly
set apart." When it wes shown that
that he had inflated the Agricultural ex-
penditure for the year 1913-11 by count-
ing twice an item of $709,000, all he
say was "The item on page 52, should
not, so far as 1 can see, have been re-
peated." When asked why the statis-
Cod table giving the expenditure for
1004-5 (under the Liberal regime) did
not eantam certain votes, Mr. Burrell,
said' "X do not know," and added, "I
am not disputing that there may be in.
atenracies.'"rhe Minister proceeded
t� make the best he could of a very
awkward position,and eventually ptom.
bled the members that in a subsequent
number he Would correct these inaccor.
sties. It is to be remembered thatthe
people d Canada are paying for the
publication of this Agricultural Gazette.
Affairs have come to a nice pass when
a Minister is obliged to admit in Parlia-
ment that the flgures SO paid for have
been framed in a manner calculated to
deceive the electors as to the aetual ex-
penditures on agriculture under the
Borden and under the Lander ,Admin-
' istrations.
In the twelve months prior to the
purchaee of lan i for a querantite Pta-
don at L -vis b; Ilo i Martin Serve!' 99
Minister of Agri.tolttre laqt year a e
prize of Use, peeperty reee from $5,n3
to $32.750. Toe rani aro as follows:
In July 1012, land at Livis. Que., was
pu chased by on Butean, for $5,500.
E'even months later Bateau sold the
property on June 20t1,, 1913, to a Con-
aervative, Dussault, for $19,200. Dos-
sault thirty days later, on July 26,1913,
sold the property to W. R. Doben for
SAM. Dohen four days later sold it
to the Department of Agriculture for a
quarantine site for $32,750, an increaae
t 2o Housework
ilEMIT fag SO DAD.
MTS. Thome Melville, Salteoats, Sask.,
9i(t:-" 1 thought it my duty to write
and ;ell you how much your Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills did for me. My
heart was so bad I could not sleep, eat,
uor walk about the home. 1 could not
do my housework at all, what my bus-
baed could not do had to go undone.
1 heel two small children depending on
ittn 1ties three men to took for, and it
ve,rreel to not be able to do anything.
Me lnin. • e 1 leul talseu some of your
pins, eeae yeere ago, and insisted on
tr-i'-e thetie so 1 started, and be-
fore t hart taken them two weeks 1 was
co,kiderebly better, and before 1 had
taken two 1 tor,:s 1 wee doing toy own work
again. Anyone suffering from heart
or nerve troubie of any kind should
jut give 3 ear pills a trial. If anyone
carts to write to inc 1 will gladly give
them all the information 1 know eon.
(truing your wonderful mediclue."
Milherit's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50e. pee box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all
flealer, or mailed direct on receipt oi
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Sold by all thew:tits, ?ea
Tek Heire Famile Fele far consti-
1C94 of the Pennsylvania Col:age of
Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia, to at.
tend the "Cominencement Day" exer-
cises, which toelt•place on the 8th in-
stant. We notice among tls gratuating
class the names of Idessre. A. J. Irwin
and J S. Anderson, former pupils of
Mr, W. IvIcDonald, of this town.
Messrs, J. F. Grovel and Wm. Rob-
ertson were in Wroxeter attending the
Distriet meeting, of the 1. 0. 0. F., on
Patm's Gunnell, EmoorAt,
bath services 4t 11 a. m. and 7. p,
Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Rev. E.
11. Crolv, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, 8. S. Superintendent,
at 11 min., :3 p, m, and 7 p.m. on Sancley,
At 8 oa Thursday eveniag.
There will le emeteal mwie provided in
the Sunday eveaing service from 7 to
POST OPPICE-Office hours from 13a.m.
to GM p. in. Open to box holders from
7 a. ro. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, pisetenaot-
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will he
open every afternoon fe an 2 to 5;30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib-
Lediett-In Wingham, 012 March 5th,
the wife of Mr. Robt. Lediett; a son.
Fyfe Mason -At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 71h inst., by
the Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., Mr, James
Fyfe, of Morrie, to Miss Teem M„
eldest daughter of Mr. Robt. Mason, of
East Wawanosh.
Davidson-McnIannus-At the reai
denee of the bride's father, on the 7th
inst., by the Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., Mr
Thos. W. Davidson, of Atkinson, -Ili., to
Miss Elizabeth A. McMannus, of Wing
Gillespie -Strath -At the residence FARMERS
of Mr. J. K. McLean, Teeswater, on
the 20t11 ult., by Rev.. Jas. Malcolm,
Mr. John Gillespie, of Saltoun, N. W.T
to Miss Mary Strath, of Culross.
1i1TAI1LI4114.1) .1879.
giViAY TiltitISDAY
VA 2 risixl 011ie() Stone Moak.
9I3alli.1 0.7 Strarjf14.1 it4.4
*ganef/ till al. ?i!•
option of tea
&Mar:0441'NQ •. •,„ ,
entn4a1adre91504rite4i144oIrm.;ii.:4(.. . ..-1
firM Inaotitlea, 00 per Lima for ca -.i a tbe:...z. Lt
.14dv,;v:1tsext, -ate 1 a imal maurn •-•
10 de per lino _for fleet I ne,vezo-t,
per line for °nolo sul,eoqaatast
Advortisemeatri of P13,781-,1, senate ee
or to Rent,ena rli3O.1 for ill: t‘z. •
weeks, ant ;i5 citrate et,oti taMiso:it.ent
OonwrianT ltd,'.201-'.6204.10771nu Bete° d
our rates for the liaemtion of intro.;11.:U4i
for speeltiod periods:-
81meg. 1Ira, e no. is no.
Om:Column -870.99 $4009 ,,t.
Half Coluran- d0.00 95.09 17.99
QuarteroUoiumn- 9100 19.50 7. bit 4.09
Oise Inch 9.09 9.00 2 19 1.09
Advertionneats wlehotit 51).•,0150 rAff.rtf
will be ineerfed MU ferhid and olaaris-ol.
ingly. T.ranslarat adverrs:
tiseonus must es 104bW
'for It; advance.
TPISI j()33 D3SPAIECIADEtTli steeLed ode -rs,
extensive assortment of all reemeiteetee panz:f.
lug, affording faellitiee not squalled in tea
conntyfor turning out tint plass worn Laeg,
type and appropriate. outs for all sty lee or
era, Hand Buie, eta., and the latest nty/os ei
choice fnnor typo for the f.ner olassera of print
TowN COUNCIL -Dr. A, J Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B.
Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie,
A, Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Councillors; John F, Groves, Clerk and
Treasurer, Board meets first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson, W. A, Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tiplinge A. E Lloyd,
Robt kUen,L. A, Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A„
Specialist in Mathematics; Mr, Ewing,
Speeialist in Classics; Miss White,
Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss
B E. Anderson, First Form.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss, Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OP HEALT11.-Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Voice Culture and Violin
Mr, Peter Wilson will receive pupils
in the above at his home, Catherine
Street, opposite Public School grounds.
Tuition in the evenings only.
The first Social Service Congress in
Canada opened at 0 ttawa, Re•v. Charles
Steizie being one of the principal :Veal: -
Rev. Canon Tucker of London, Ont.,
at tha Social Service Congress, scoth-
ingly nriticized Canada's treatment of
the. Indians.
Build Concrete
Crib Floors and Supports
HEY keep the rats, squirrels and other
rodents from carrying away your profits.
Millions of dollarsare lost to farmers each
year through the ravages of rodents in
cribs and granaries. Part of this loss is
paid by every farmer whose crib floor
isn't built of concrete.
Concrete crib noon and supporta stop the waste be.
They Protect Your Grain
Concrete is strong, durable and clean. It never wears
out and needs practically no repairs. It is the cheap.
est of all materials for cribs and granaries.
Write for this frit book "What the Farmer can do
with Concrete." It tells all about the uses of con.
trete and will help every farmer to have better
buntlines and save money.
FettTheres ittformatitos But.***
Canada Cement Company Limited
$23 Harisld Builftng IVIontreid
and anyone having live stools or otto r
articles they wish to dig -pone of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in She Tzmus. Our large
eironlation tells 1100- 19 will betatro0/0 indeed if
Ton do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
thee yoa wits sell because you may aek more
for the article or stools than it is worth. Send
your adverbisernent to the Txtess and try this
plan of disposing of year stank and other
. Orders for the insertion of advertisements
anch as teachers wanted, business ohanoes,
meehanies wanted, artiolee foreale, or in feet
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Tnine
race. This work will reoeive prompt attention
sud will save people the tronble of remitting
tor mid forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on applioation. Leave
..jr gond :row* neat work of this kind to the
'VEX #174 0 FCC E. Wins:ham
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situabed. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATIOS FOR PATIENTS -Which
nicittd.e board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Ga 4.ND Tau 'Til RAILWAY telfriTtiM
Thatias LaAVA Pon
London . 8,85 a.rn, 931e.m
Toronto siNatit 11.00 a.m8.45 8.111...., 2.8Jp.m.
Kimmtdine..11.59 a.m... 2.S3 p -in 9.15 pan.
Annie,* rally
Rincardine 289 P.M.
London. 11 54 IA+ 7.a5
PA anwston..... s. 11 2i.m
Torent,) ant * 2,84 ro e,15 oar,
W. P. attneevl A.1' 4.gbt,t, %kir imam
CAVAlitAls. 1-'ACIP1(
Pa:01Te Le ire frOti
Toronto and gait . 11,40 0.tyl,
TtOevciisat . (4) p. tit 10.22 pan,
ettAtVe 9tt()S1
%vat, r 540 0.45 tierilir
Toronto and Sist " -12 50 pan.
'.1141;44 VOIR. A geut.Witighara
Anyeile Mynah% heeetenerid demiption MAY
tralekli ateettaln one opinion tree weather an
ention is problypatenjah ak_gommunica.
mons aridly conedentitd. RAND Wit on Potent/
sent fle°Mm
e. eat es? for_asecan A vuring_patents.
Patents taketh
n rough swg. TeC61Ve
*paid notice, without chefs% MORI
Stletilifie .11111,tricat
A hatilhortietY 114instrated ansek,y, ripest or,
violator, of any scienilfie Journal. Terme for
cenada, $4.75 A you, pontege prepaid. Bold by
ali newsdealer's.
MIffitt Le0,6raMadIVAY' Nevi/trk
twn 13‘.1Ysibistuse, ,
,JL 13. nr,Ltorw,
nroerietor and Publisher
Ovetcnes-norner Patriek and Centre Ste.
Reeldenee, Dr. Irenned)
Residence, Dr. Calder
Dr. ICenuedy speeializes in surgery-.
Dr. Chador devotes special attention to Die
00505 01 the Ilye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
19yes thoroughly tested. Giessen
properly fitted.
L. It. 0. P. London.
Moe, With Dr. Chinholra
Late Member .House Sttik Torooto
General Hospital.
Post Graduate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. T. IL Agnew.
Office Mac:dot:tali Block.
--2. • .47 We.,
1Thc Cook'a Delight
..,in eel! 1,5 e our own wileiN,
.eme; le•ner
eet -.• ft ;.f' 11' •
W. R. Hambly, B.So., SLD., 0 It
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of vromen
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Scientific
°Moe in the Xerr residence, between. the
Queen's betel and the Baptist March,
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118.
Or, J. R. Macdonald
Wingham, Ont,
Office -Stone Block, over the TllidES
Dr. R. Parker, D.B4O,A., F.S.D.
Eye Specialist Food Scientist
Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated.
Glasses Scientifically Fitted,
Tuesday 11,30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30
%inn Main St. (over Christie's Store).
J. A. FOX, D. C.
4J1917.357-icila iiinceessful in suck 'diffit.rult
cases as Insanity, EAllePsY, Mtiuna, Rhourna.
tismHeadaches, Constipation, Cheonic Stom-
ach, Liver and Bowel Trouble,Pemale Trouble.
Office in Knox house, back of Pose
Office. Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m.
ARTHUR 5, IRWIN, D. Do 13.4 L. D S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of etas Panasylvarna
D tal College and Licentiate of the Rua)
age of Dental Buyout; of ilszterio. fittoe
odonald Bleak, Ingham,
ce ;Moiled every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. 1st
a II DOSS, D. n.e., iseS.
Honor giaaduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Honor grade..
ate of the Uhl varsity of 'Toronto, Faculty of
Office over ELS. Tigard & Co',, store, Wing -
ham, Ont.
°Moe cloeed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 151 90 001. let.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
Of5ce of lite Pr. Wilson
Wittgham, Ont Cor. Frames and
Patrick Sta.
C nice Phone179. Phone 182
'814 17.&NEITOb1X
BARRIST101. sot,tomoa, STU
Prliesteata COmpaity funds lb loan es 101.tite,
rate of intereet, mortgagee, town and firms
property bought and sold.
°Bide, Retiree 13100, Vitinghtsria
0 r SIOUT01/0
t3AURISTBR. res.
Winahara, not,
rsupLev HOLrfls
Barrister, Solicitor, Eto.
Oiliest Meyer Mock, Winghtstn.
avklerfan Glr114 ding
g t t titi to•tention to this
brptich ,,nr 14 -Mut We ;right
please. e; Let es try.
ta ;.i. g 10
town p W. 1', -'111' 11 41. 41.1" 'A 1 0 012C
irtenin Cr, 11111 pn 1;ri 10 ;a
n ,11) v.. r to I y our e US-
tOiltalte 110 111 ul 1 Itille8 the
F1001', "leed kids • f Meals
given in Oifehl.Ige l/11110. •
Try a • aek of the et.leb"ated Til-
scn's 0 ittn?a,1 frebh2frotn the mill.
Pheve 84. P.O. Box 69
Any d ialers who say I am not sellieg
the genabie Lehigh 1 -lard Coal either
do not knew what they are talking
about or eke they are not honest. In
confirmation of this I hold a eertificate
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Burning Cannel" Anthracite, Cannell
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Full weiget, Prices right.
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Courses are thorough and prac-
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Students may enter at any time.
Get our free catalogue and see
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Subjects taught abtytheexpert instructors
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'Y 'M. 0. A. BLDG.,
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Students assisted to positions. College
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J.W. Westervelt I. W.Westervelt,Jr,
Principal 17Chartered Accountant
Agent for
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Canadian Northern 1.,!ns
Ocean .Steamships.
Good Local Agent
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Old and Reliable
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A splendid list of frt it and
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Delivery in 19r3 and
Spring. Dilivery in '94.
Start at once and scoure
clusive territory, 'We
supply handsome free out.
fit and pay highest Com-
Write for foil particulars,
Stone& Weilinala
Toronto ()Meal°