HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-05, Page 8IVI1NOR LOCALS.
- Spend St. Patrick's Day in Wing -
ham— the Big Dollar Day.
Big Dollar Bargain Day in Winghain
on Tuesday, March 17th, Get some Of
the bargains.
—The regular monthly meeting of the
Punlie SeheoI Board will be held next
'1 nesday.
--It i3 xpeeted that $32,0.1) will be
expended on Kincardine harbour during
the coming summer,
—Lord Mioto, formerly Governor
General of Canada, died at his home in
Scotland on Stualay.
—Mr. Thos. Welsh a farmer near
Kincardine, shipped 120 bushels of tim-
othy seed to Toronto this week.
—Tickets on sale over any route to
the West by H. B. Rlliott, Town Agent
for the G.T.R. at the Timns Office,
Keep Friday evening, March 20th
open so you can hear the Leigh -Smith
Concert Co. in the opera house. Full
particulars next week.
—Division Court will be held in Wing -
ham on Thursday, March 12th, with
Judge Holt presiding, There are a
number of very interesting cases to be
—An important meetingof the Wing -
horn Lacrosse Club will be held in the
Council Chamber on Friday evening of
this week, commencing at 8 o'clock,
All members and parties interested are
requested to attend.
—Questioned by Mr. Proudfoot in the
Ontatio Legislature one day last week,
Hon. Mr, Hanna intimated that no
licenses would be granted in Huron
county on May lst next.
— Mies Sadie Harris, of Hamilton,
daughter of Mrs. 3. D. Harris, Ripley,
Ont., was married on Wednesday of
last week to Mr. Charles E, Pottier at
the residence of Mrs. Shirley Jackson,
156 James street south, Hamilton.
Rev. IL Bevereley Ketchen officiated
13t tit1.4
ELLIOTT—In Saskatoon, Sask.,
Monday, March 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Elliott (nee Dora Knechtel); a son.
DRUMMOND—At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, February 28th, 1914, to Mr.
and Mrs. Errold Drummond; a Son.
WALKER—At the Winghain General
Hospital, March ist, 1914, to Mr. and
Mrs, A. J. Walker; a daughter, Nora
Elizabeth (Betty).
DEYELL At Wingham General Hos-
pital on February 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs.
R. Deyell: a daughter,
LOTT—In Brussels, on February 21st,
to Mr. and Mrs. George Lott; a son.
GARNISS —In Morris, on March 2nd,
Mary Ann Holloway, wife of the late
Francis Garniss, in her 81st year.
DOUGLAS—In Howick, on Feb. 21st,
James Douglas, con. 8, in his 82nd year.
DOIG—In Gorrie, on Feb. 18th, An-
drew Doig, sr., aged 68 years, 7 mos,
and 2 days.
Low Colonist Rates to Pacifiaoast.
Via Chicago & North W ern Ry.,
March 15th to April 15th f m points in
Canada to Salt Lake C'PortlandLos, Angeles, San ranci , o
coma, SeattIe Vititoria, Vancouver,
Kootenay DistrtctInd. Canadian North-
west points.
Through Tourist sleepers and free
reclining ..,hair cars from Chicago. Vari-
able routes, Liberal stopovers. For
full information as to rates, routes and
literature, write or call on B. H. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street,
The undersigned will hold an auction
sale of 20 first-class Durham cows all
due to calve within six weeks, or calf
at foot, 2 Durham steers rising two
year old, at Queen's Hotel on Saturday,
March 7th, at 1 p.m Terms, 5 months
credit; 5 per cent, per annum off for
Auctioneer. Proprietors.
Mr, Jonathan Pattison, of lot 33, con
13, East Wawanosh will hold an unre-
served auction sale of farm stock and
implements on Tuesday, March 10th,
commencing at 1 o'clock. Mr. Pattison
has a good list of stock and implements
and everything is to be sold as Mr. Pat-
tison has sold his farm. 'John Purvis
will be the auctioneer,
Notices 'Under This Head ten cenis aline
for first insertion; five cents for subse.
quent insertions.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
TRUNKS AND VALISES:-13ig stock of
select from at lowest prices.
FOR SALE —Two good milch cows.
Apply at the home of A. Posliff4 Pat-
rick street.
WANTED YET-114ve makers on
now. Want nine more yoefill up mach-
ines. W. D. Pringle.
(10 to C. TENIPLENTAN, tailor, 44 John
at., for cleaning, pressing and repairing
your suits.
WANTED —A loan of $2,00 on first
mortgage on good farm property. Get
particulars at TIMES office.
PEED CORN—Car load of feed corn
just to hand. Get your supplies at the
feed store, or at warehouse at G. T. 11.
YoUND —A lady's black fur muff on
Teoswater road, between Pringle and.
Little's corners. Owner can have soma
hy proving property and paying expens-
ea at the TIMM' office.
"MEN ANA WOMEN An mit of town
firm tants a reliable repronentative
Wingliarri for their large ffne of house-
hold oracles. A perstanent position
with liberal salary is offered. No pre-
,dous experience required. Write P. O.
Box 420. Eincardine."
Thick neck and goitre, cancers, tum-
ors. piles. gall stones, asthwat, bron-
chitis and deafness restored *hen hope-
less. Will be at Queen s tel. Wing -
Dam. on March lath: at Mr. Basset's
house, Litawe1 MaclyI7th; Bingham's
hotel, Harriston, eh 19th. Mail
orders pi omptly attended to, Mrs. 8,
V. Gibson, 95 Norfolk street, Guelph.
Evanturel Sensation In Legislature. the Bar policy has also been .strength-
ened by this undoubtedly unfortunate
ineident. Temperance men, Conserva-
tive and Liberal alike, now realize as
they never realized before what Mr.
Rowell has to contend with, not only
the opposition of his political opponents
and of the liquor interests, butalso the
plotting of one of his own members "a
true friend to the liquor interests." It
is now apparent beyond a doubt that if
the reform of Abolish the Bar is to be
accomplished at the next general elec-
tion, all temperance men, irrespective
of party, aided by the combined forces
of the women of the Province, must
fight for Mr. Rowell. The liquor inter-
ests to a man are united. 'llie temper-
ance forces must be similarly united
Howard Ferguson, M.P.P. for Gren-
ville reads letter written by Gustave
Evantural, M.P.P, for Prescott offer-
ing his services in the house of the liq-
uor men and asking in return $10,000.
Extracts from the letter: —
"I have pledged myself as a true
friend of this Association, (the
hotelkeepers') and prepared to fight
In the House and vote against my
Leader on that question of abolish-
ing the bar."
"I am and always have been a true
friend of the liquor interests."
"I am a poor man living only up-
on my small sessional allowance and
thr expect that the Association will
see its way clear to help me along
and in my letter to the Board I ask
at least $10,000, payable $3,000 now
and the balance per instalments in
order to support me. I am prepar-
ed for that sulary to be the defend-
er of the Association and introduce
before the Legislature any amend-
ments to the Government measures
to restrict the liquor traffic."
"I believe that it would be useful
to your Association to have an M.P.
P. who would be there in the House
all its suggestions comingfrom your
important body."
"I will sign any agreement which
your Board will require to be sure
that I am the man who will fight for
your cause in the House,"
"I would like to have the mater
settled up as soon as possible as I
have to be financially supported at
the present time."
Mr. N. W. Rowell and the other Lib-
eral members read Evanturel out of the
party at once whenever it is learned
from Evanturel himself that he actual-
ly did write the letter.
Mr. Rowell asks Evanturel to resign.
Hon. J. J. Foy, acting Prime Minis-
ter, hints that the Government will take
further action against Evanturel to
maintain the dignity of the House. Mr.
Rowell assures the Government of the
co-operation of the Opposition in any
course they may pursue to this end,
Members of the Legislature, Conser-
vatives and Liberals, from newspapers
—Government and Opposition from
prominent citizens of Toronto and from
all parts of the Province, in fact from
points outside Province, has come spon-
taneous praise for Mr. N. W. Rowell
for the courageous action he has taken
in the Evanturel incident He has
shown definitely that he practices what
he preachesWhen he found a canker
in his own party and among his own
members he ffid not falter a moment
but read him out of the party, demand-
ed his resignation and declared there
was no justification for his action.
This stand is also one taken by the Lib-
beral press. It is already recognised
as a hopeful sign of the times.
Mr. Rowell's advocacy of the Abolish
Once again at their annual convention
on February 27th the Ontario Branch of
the Dominion Alliance endorsed N. W.
Rowell and his policy of Abolish the Bar,
"a policy," it declared, "deserving the
hearty support of the temperance elect-
You Can Only Recover From Its After
Effects by Enriching the Blood.
Few diseases so shatter the health as
la grippe, or influenza. Its victims all
tell the same story. They are left des-
pondent, tired, weak and wretched in
every way. They have no appetite,
ambition or strength; cannot sleep and
suffer from headaches, backaches and
nervousness. In the weakened con-
dition lies the real danger. The body
fails an easy prey to bronchitis, pneu-
monia, and even to consumption. Near-
ly every farm of nervous trouble has
been known to follow an attack of
la grippe. Dr. Wilhelm' Pink ills
give the quickest and most thorough
relief from the after efft- Os Of this
trouble. They build up and purify the
blood, drive the poisons out qf the sys-
tem and give strength and tone to the
whole body. The followingiS an example
of their power n eases, of this kind.
Mrs. R. A, McLe n, Wentworth Station,
N.S , says: "Two yearsago Herbert E.
Freeman, a younb,Or living with us,was
attacked with lit/grippe. At the time
he did not have a strong constitution,
and we feared the trouble was
settling on his lungs. He was not
able to walk fifty yards without being
out of breath, and his general vitality
was very low. For months he contin-
ued in this position, notwithstanding
all we did for him, and it was at this
crisis that we got Dr. Williams"Pink
Pills for hiin. By the time he had used
three boxes there was a noticeable im-
provement; and this WE'S followed by
his being able to do light work, and
later he had all the strength of a grow-
ing boy. His cure was looked upon as
remarkable by all who knew him, and I
am giving the result in the hope that it
may be of benefit to someone else."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or sent by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc. and , ,00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
: DOLLAR : $1
per day increase in profits from your hens a- nd cows if
you adopt or system of doing this part of your busi-
ness. While in town on
Tuesday, March I7th, 1914
do not fail to get one of our recfpes on "How Best to
Market Farm Produce. We are giving Ea special
prize for the best wagon team in Wingham that day,
Telephones: Office, 174; Residence, 108.
Values Greater
Than Ever
4444 -
Correct Style. Superior Materials
Best Workmanship
To have the feeling that no other women in
town possesses daintier or more attractive footwear is
rather pleasant,
And that is just the assurance you have when
you wear Queen Quality shoes
Not only aro they recognized style leaders but
the material and workmanship are of the highest
Over a million wearers all over the country is
proof positive of Queen Quality superiority.
This illustration repre-
sents one of the very new-
est in .Queen Quality shoes
You will note that the
heels on the new style are
not quite so high.
The price is the same
all over Canada namely
$5.00 per pair
W. H. Willis & Co.
Sole Agents For Ladies
V•11.1.1•.•••••• .1•11111.1.1.•••••••••MMIIVAIIIMOMEM•4100•1M.
Shop in the Morning
a if possible
THIS is our Fourth Annual March Sale and we promise you Greater Values than ever before. On account of the
exceptionally mild weather in the early part of winter, Heavy Winter Goods did not sell as was expected.
We have decided to clear our entire stock of Winter Merchandise at prices that will pay the investor to put in
their stock of next winter supplies now. Our stock is all new and well assorted. The Best Qualities of Highest
Standard Merchandise is what we are handling, so there will not be cheap goods at cheap prices, but the Best Goods at
Money -Saving Prices. Every Department is jammed full of Bargains. Do your Spring Buying now. Men's and
Boys' Clothing and Overcoats, Ladies' Winter Coats, House Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window
Shades, Hosiery and Underwear, Dress Goods, Silks, Sweater Coats, Furs, &c.
Stoles, Muffs, Sets Priced Very Low
Alaska Sable, Persian Lamb, Mink, Wolf, Bear, Thibet
and Mink Marmot. We cannot quote prices here, but the
exceptional values that were given at our previous sales will
be continued. Come early and get first choice. $5,000
wirth to choose from.
Dress Goods
A Chance to buy your Dress Goods,
SiAs, and Velvets below value.
36 inch Black Messaline Silk, $1.00
for 69c.
for3968th Messaline Silk $1.25 value
20 Dress and Suit Lengths, reg. $1,00 and $1,25 for 89c
per yard; regular $J.5o and $1,19 for $1.19 per yard.
50 pitces best English Print, Light and Dark Patterns.
Those who bought Prints at our previous sales can
testify to their wearing and washing qualities. Price 9c.
Women and Children's fine and heavy Woollen Underwear,
and Hosiery, combination Suits, Vests and DraAkers, at
a saving of 25 pr cent.
Good Values in Household Necessities
'Woollen Blankets, Table I inens, Bedroom Towel, Bec1:1-
spreads, Sheetingo&c. 72 inch Pure Linen Table
Cloth, regtilar 1.50 and I. 2 2 values for 89c.
5 Pieces Bleached Table Linen, reg 6o and 75c for 43c y
25 pairs Woollen Blanketi, These are a lot we got from one
of the best Canadian mills, slightly soiled by water.
Largest size and 7 lb pairs, regular $6.5o for $4.35
20 dozen Linen and Turkish Bedroom Towels, regular soc
and 75e values for 390 pair.
One case Flannelette Remnants, 5 and ro yard lengths,
124c and 15c values for Ge a yard.
TERMS—Cash or Trade. Goods charged
only at regular Prices. KING BROS., WINGH AM YOUR ACCOUNT is now due and Settle.
intent is requested early.
In all the Lading Shads.
Great Economies in
Ladies' and Children's Winter Coats
This Season's latest styles, in all the newest cloths. 91.111111.
$8.5o and $9 values for $5.50. $to and $12.50 for $7.50 4.
$i 5 and $18 values for $11.75
t5 Children's Coats, Traveller's Samples, sizes 6 to 14 years,
regular $5 to $7.5o for $3.25. Come early if you want
one of these.
Broken Lines and Odd Sizes in
Ladies' Skirts and Waists
A good lot to choose from at savings from 25 to 50 per cent.
Men's and Boys' Clothing &c.
Prices that bespeak greater economy in Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Knickers, Under-
wear, Shirts, &c. 15 B .ys W,inter Coats sizes from
6 to 15 years, regular 5.00 to $7.5o for $.95,
) 20 Men's Winter Overcoats, regular $1o.00 to 25.00.
all sizes, 25 per cent. saving.
Men's 3 -piece Tweed Suits, Made from good fine
Engiish Tweed, in fancy grey and brown effects,
regular 12.50 for $8.25.
too Boys Suits in the latest styles and patterns. It will
will pay to buy the boy's Spring Suit now.
Don't overlook your chance to save money on House
Furnishings,. Come in and we will be glad to show
you some exceptional values.