The Wingham Times, 1914-03-05, Page 6eairoff THIS I.,F,TTER FROM MR. GEO, W. BURT, of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan, shows how well satisfied the farmers of that section are with con- crete roads. Nearly one hundred miles have been built in Wayne County. "Mr. Edward N. Hines, Board of County Road Commissioners, Wayne County, Detroit, Mich. Dear Sir:— Our concrete roads are, far ahead of the ex- pectations of the majority of us farzners. Where we used to be two days marketing fifty bushels of produce, we now market twice as much in one day, and can go to the city anytime we want to. We do not have to wait till the roads are good so we can go. Also, our horses and waggons last twice as long. Hoping you will keep right on building these roads, and that the county will stand back of this movement, 1 remain, Yours truly, (Sgd.) Geo. W. Burt Redford, Wayne County, Mich. Concrete Roads are the best, cheapest and most satisfactory roads that can be built. Best, because they permit bigger loads, increase land values and im- prove conditions generally. Cheapest, because they are permanent and require practically no repairs, which permits road taees to be spent in building more good roads,. Most satisfactory, because they are open to traffic every day in the year, lower cost of inarketing and cost of living and increase the farmer's profits. Good Roads literature telling all about concrete roada will he sent, free, to everyone interested. Write to Concrete Roads Department 6.4&iAJ Canada Cement Company Limited 7 804 Herald 1:3tailding, Montreal FEAT../RES O.' FIR r WEEK OF LEGISLATURE. Sir James Whitney sent a letter of thanks through the Legislature to the people of the Province for their good 3.5.rish.,.$ during his Maks; and their ex- pressions of hope that hie recovery would be complete. Mr. Pen% en moved that this letter from the laillae Mieister be acknowledeed and that rerther as- surance be sent to Sir James of the earoest wish of the people of Onturio that he naight bt euthelo well oni•e more. The speech from the Throne t,efis even niore colourless than the -e deenmente usually are. Reference was inede to the Good Roads Commission and the Workmen's Cont:b-nsition Bill to be brought beft.r.. the Mr. Rowell in his reply to the sooech from the Throne forecasted speciel at - tendon to the problem of nerierilture and rural life geaerelly Mr. Rowell called for a tborough in- vestigation of the problem el unemploy- ment which is a serious question this winter in many Provincial centres. He reviewed the steps taken to cepe with the difficulty in other countries find ‘17 11ARCH. 5 1914 a id ;'oeJstd4sColdn.1:la For :31 inada the proportion of criminals IS NEARLY co OF 2)A per 11'0,000 of mutation. Purim; the year the number of young ()genders inereast d by thirty per eent , the tote) number of charges laid against yeet hful eriminqk hi4ng 1,881. Ifemafe offondera totalled 7.00, or 0.19 per 10 1.- 0 0, There were fifty-two charges of murder and tweaty-live eonvictioz, during the year. Of the twents-:h'' men found guilty of ir.uudkr onle • in were born in Confide. The nuin!ier convictions for tunkt'te tteeed eezet,n171, an increase of 11,-112, or r t. THE MULE. You couldn't call the ".% However much yen boaet f Ifhn, For pulchritude is not his suit, To say the very most of hien; His disposition, too, is not Especially con reerdable. And, though he'll often stet d alet . His temper's utelepeadalre. Hen; hard of rrouth mid oretinate; I Acquaintance sem, reveals. fa Mtn That it is sometimes tempting fate ' To get too near the heels of him; And when he lays those long ears back No beating or reprovieg him ' Will ever stir him from his treck Urtil the spirit' e trevirg, him. And yet—ond yet the mule w'll thrive And labour with agility Where horses cannot keep alive, But die with great facility; • IIis treatment frcquently is rough, But he le quite tesigned to it, • And he can toil with vim enough When he makes up his mind to it. Not always is a heavy stiek The most effective charm to him or, though his muleship's hide is thiek Good ueage does no harm to him; So look on him with kindly eye And you will not repent of it; Ilis market price is very high, And he's worth every cent of it! - Berton !Braley. --efeen'eno- chided the Government for not having D.•partmen.t of Labor instead of seattering various Labor Branches among differknt Departtnents as at pre svn t. Mr. J, C. Elliott Liberal member for West Middlesex, reintroduced his Bill to grant the Municipal Franchise to married women otherwise quelified. Mr. J. G. Anderson, Liberal member for South Bruce, reintroduced his Bill providing for publicity in campaign con- tributions. Canadian Crisninal Statistics. According to the annual report of the Department cf Justice dealing with criminal statistics for Canada for the year ending Sept. 80, 1912, there were altogether 20,168 charges of major crim- inal offences entered throughout the Dominion, with 15,tie7 convictions. This represents an increase of 20.31 per cent in the number of charges, and of 25.2s per cent in convictions, as com- pared with the preceding year. The only Provinee4 showing decreage es are Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. Both these ProviAces show- : d the smallest percentage of criminals, the number being twelve per 100,600 in the Island Province and thirty-eight in Children Cry 100,000 in New Brunswick. - For Nova FOR FLETCHER'S Scotia the proportion is 117, for Quebec I 124, foe Ontario 2-.3. for Manitoba 208, CAST ORUA for Saskatchewan 215, for Alberta 350, HANCIVER 'nE9 Whnipog Unque5tionab1e Saf ty Lt, o his inveqinn is much in n -e. imp it It -1r to the small investor dual to CI, c:p'talt-t. Tu- I tt,..tr may b.... able now and then to 1fi;m1 a too'i 11 inve,,ttnenr, but ,he former cannot. R i all,:ing this ,,,-.1 h ,v:•, , i.tter!ec - cotzlidelce in the. soundnes4; (4. their T.r i.)..,,, tio:Liln.R thAnce, Investment a,ld Derelooing C,,ni:, tly, 1.:inl/t.e,i, f.j.•:t°, W;th every Agree- in,mt of Sale :3 n A,,r ,-n.•.nt 1.,) i'.:..i,u c.:f.I is.: wi:hin a speci- fied time, and o-, t nn-; r.i.i. to.Yoth•!qt-t4ti. The :•nr-t: .. A R, ,.; 1.1,1ite lave ument in a town or c.iy cl, p e: '.> :l 1' 0.! thft./.., th'ng-s. (t) The town or m.1 -t 1), t ...P OM NG, i:wd Iikelk, to grow. (2) The. 1 pr p;-ry mu .t ,.t. Ilk: TOE GROWING AREA. (3) l'hf7 c'l. r , t t'l !;-,,,i1,111t1,,, on th . p HOW OUR PR..:,./?.',.'Atit METS REQUIREMENTS. ir, Wriounp ,,, . , ,,,i 0 .vir g r pi iy a, d I kely to grow for year:, fc) come •:.. Il tuf,‘' r 11-ico: has. the Sh trp Bou'evard and th t avt.nu:;s oh ccia:;i. ske running through t7te. prop.Aly. Alon.; tL,. sh ..,,I) B0Lovard and the .ivenuei etrill i.,ide ii th t tno,t r,,p-dly gro.4 mg r sid,..ntial district of Winn;p, g. 3 -We ha:e iinpoied a building r,striction of $4,o0.) 0-, all lots i: -n ,:n the Boulevard 411,:l $3,ouo on the 0,1],ce aveiti s :Am.,. '1 ;tiring t good rdentiti diitriet. 4. The comp ,,iy re-mv -as and intends to re -invest evfi-r dollar in imprIving awl deve.I 'ping the proprtv. tinquestion ,b1.1 SAfety a,si ti your investment. Write tor price list. The Reliance Investment 86 Development Company, Limited Head Ofliee: Hanover Ontario W. J. CURRIE, Local Agent, R. R. No. 3, Ix/Ingham 1...eareseselaseaseorravassforatiewelatieosimposisesest HOMESEF.KERS' EXCURSIONS AND SETTLERS' TRAINS TO THE WEST. Those taking advantage of abeve Ex- cursions should bear in mind the many exclusive features offer.ed by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway in connection with a trip to the West. It is the only all - Canadian route. Only line operating through trains to Western Canada. No change of depots. Only line operating through standard and tourist sleepers to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All equip- ment is owned and operated by Cana- dian Pacific Railway, affording the high- est form of efficiency. Homeseekers' fares will be in effect each Tuesday, March 2rd to October 27th inclysive, and round-trip second- class tickets will be sold via Canadian Pacific Railway from Ontario points (Azilda and East) at very low fares -for example, from Toronto, also West and North of Toronto, to Winuipeg and re- turn $35,to Edmonton and return $43. Other points in proportion. Fares from points East of Toronto will be slightly higher. Return limit two months. Homeseekers' trains leave Toronto each Tuesday during March and April. Each Tuesday during March and April, the Canedian Pacific will run Settlers' trains to Winnipeg and West and for the accommodation of settlers travelling with live stock and effects, a colonist car will be attached to the settlers' ef- fects train. This car will leave Toron- to on regular train at 10.20 p. m., and on arrival at West Toronto it will be attached to settlers' effects train as memtioned above. For those not travelling with live stock arid effects, speeial Colinist cars will be attached to regular trains from Toronto, running throt,gh to Winnipeg : without change. No charge is made for accommodation in Colonist cars. Tourist sleeping cars are also operat- ed on regular train leaving Toronto 10.20 p, in. Full particulars from any (1. P. R. Agent or write M.G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. STUN IN THE MB GIN PILLS SAVED HIM 513 TAMES Sr., ITAMILTOR, 0111", years ago, I was taken down with whet the doctors called Inflamma- tion of The Bladder --intense pains in back and loins, and difficulty in urin- ating, and the ettaeles, -Mach became mare frequent, amtainted to unhearanle agony. 1 became Fe weak that 1 could not walk acmes the floor. My Wife read in the papers about OIN PILLS and Feet for a box. From the very firet, I felt that GIN PILLS were doing ii:e good. The pain wee relieved at once and the attacks -were less frk gnent. ltteix weeks, the Stone in the Bladder re:fee away. When I recall h.ow I sul'lnred raid how eow I am healthy atel able to work, I cannot exproes mynelf rtros,gly enougn when I spook of what GIN PILLS have done for rie." JOUN IIIMMAN. 178 GIN PILT.S aresoid at 50e a box --6 for $2.50. Seat on reecipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. Sample box free if you write us, mentioning -this paper. Money back, if GIN PILLS do not give eatisfaction. National Drag & Chem. Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, may be a good plan to abstain for twa. or thrte weeks from everything exeopt bread . and butter, potatoes and rice, Such diet will often cure, a uric -acid skin des -ease that has resisted all treat- ment for months. In addition to dieting, the patient must be very sure that the poison does not remain in the intestines long enough to be absorbed. For this purpose an English surgeon has intrrduced the use of liquid rariffin, in doses of two tablespoonfuls, for it is not absorbed, and acts only as a lubricant. Ask the advice of a physician before you take it however, for sometimes there are reasons why it would be better to use some other means of eliminating tho food poisons. Inefficiency in Housework By watching myself and others at work I have been able to group the causes of eighty per cent, of the effic- iency of modern housework, writes Christine Freerick, in The American Review of Reviews. (1) The Worker does not have all the needful tools or utensils at hand before her when she begins to work therefore. he fiftn:tr.rs 4tc. We're ueing sanitary cups when we sotn the train; We're neyer going to let these micr.itees feast on us again. Just when a germ le going to bite iS1 mighty hard to tell. We've lo.ocked out all the roller tow's, tn public brush find • con. h Has been pieced on the taboo list ,n ken ever ;toe may roue. The sanitary washregs are the only kind we'd use. To wash with common old hand soap Yee stoutly do reftete, We careat eiss the rabies new, sweethearts are ulso barred, Dan Cupid under these new ru'es Mete :deciding mighty hard. We'll eat r.o taffy condy that's dis- played on public stands. And some of es have gut SO scared we've even stopped shaking hancie. All paper money is tabeoed, for it spree& grim dieeafte. We must stay far eway from these that cough or even sneeze. We must b a re outdoor t1. opirg rooms and eani Wry bcds.. And all else that ma/ be thought up in scientifle beads. We've got to be so e.aref u1 that it takes all of our time 11 IN We boil cur dtinkirg water and we S4IEI V r it as well; (2) She wastes time and effort walk- ing to, hunting for, or fetching ingred- ients, tools, or materials she neglected to have at hand when she began the tusk. (3) She stops in the middle of one task to do something else quite unrel- ated (4) She lov; ers the efficiency of good work by losing time putting tools away, generally due to poor arrangement of kitchen, pantry and closets. (5) She uses a poor tool, or a wrong one, or works at a table, sink, ironing - board or molding -board of the wrong height from the floor. (6) She loses time because she does not keep, sufficient supplies on hand, and because she does not keep her tools and utensils in good condition. Food Poison and Disease. There is, says Youth's Companion, more or less disagreement among phy- sicians concerning the significance of uric acid in the system; many deny that there is any such thing as the "uric - acid diathesis." But whether uric acid is the agent that produces disease, or it is a product of some •other more sub- tle poison, matters little to the patient. He suffers from headaches, pains in the muscles or joints, poor circulation, or eczema, and he is less interested in the precise cause of his trouble than in its cure • Undouhtay the poison, whatever it is, is the result of the chemical changes that certain kinds of food sometimes undergo in the digestive tract. To re- live the condition, we must attend care- fully to two things—we must see to it that the patients eats little of the foods that produce these harmful toxins; and that the poisbn that is formed does not stay in the intestines long enough to be absorbed into the system. Meat is the source of most of these toxins,a.nd any one who gives evidence of suffering from uric -acid poisoning eat less meat than he has been accus- tomed to. although it is not always wise to stop all meat at once. How- ever, if the eczema or the joint pains or other symptoms are obstinate, it CASTOR IA For Infants And Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of To keep the germs from sending us to i some much warmer clime. But, with all our new-fanglk fl schemes the husy germs to foil, Folks seem to keep on shuffling off this sad old mortal coil. Welland county scrutiny of Canada temperance act ballots is closed and now shows a wet majority of 31. ANYONE CAN DYE THEIR CLOTHES WITH BYO LA The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Perfectly, with the SAME DY. Chaneo of Mistakes. Clean and Simple. Ask your Druggist or Deafer. Send for Booklet. The Johnson-Richardoon Co. LIMIted, Montreal Antique blue and tobacco brown form a popular combination, Children. Ory FOR FLETCHER'S A s -r o Fz 1 A The Cook's Delight Will b'e equalled by 3, our ois;i3 when you find bow roach betlier things to eat you get by usingffir Flour. ..,,, • A , a a II OMESEEKERY EX CURs .r. tp N S .........**.......*To ................ MANITOBA, ALBER'rA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tue3,1.1y March 3 to th other 27,inclu,ive. Winnipeg and Return - f.i35.60 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Stations Wer,t and North of Toronto. Proporti0nato fares from Stations East of Toron to. Return LiTn5t two month, ............-.......................—................--- REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES ( ONg•WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Satin's travelling with live stock and effete rhou1.1 take SIMMERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaveFr 1170.9t Toronto each Tueaday tinting MARCH and APRIL after arrivAl regular 10,20 p.m, train front Toronto Union Station. .ften.,........a. " ................................. Settlers awl f Mint,. without live stork should us.i, REGULAR 'MAINS. tem/Peg Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through ColotiEt and Toutia Slee,-tr. Through ttains Toronto to Winnineg nod West. (11.1LONI8T CARS ON ALL 'I RAINS No elttrge for Berths. Partienlarsfrom Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. Mut Om D.P.A., Toronto. =i........./............ I Portleularn frOm 'W. A. Sanderson, town agent phono 47; 4/, I.I. Beeiner, Attlee agent, phone 7. . Custom Giinding .,„,,,.',/ braWnceligt1).; eo Trit*Pf citrinactetse.ntioltivetomitghtilst please you. ., ,et us try. We are arranging to inst'aIl the town power, which along with our steam power, will put ns in a better position than ever to Eupyly our'cus- tomers' wants at all times of the year, Flour, Feed and all kinds cf Meals given in exchange for Grain, Try a sack of the celebrated Til - son's Oatmeal fre0 from the mill. 1 EZRA MERKLEY Phone 84. P.O. Box 62 r;rr;e'r44 r-(4.114) W .1t . . . $7,000 Stock of .rAko Watches, Clocks. jewell- ery, Silverware, CuCaass Leather Goods, Ladies' • and Gent's Umbrellas, Stationery, Wallpapers, Windom shades, Fancy Goods, etc., to be sold at and below cost. 42 cITI ° As owner is Leaving Town F,verything Must be Sold Sale is Now On 'Phone CS Opposite National Hotel Sidney Trewey, James Tyo and Bern- ard Barny, young Cornwall men, were sentenced to 25, 18 and 6 months' im- prisonment respectively for getting a young Ottawa man drunk and rifling his pockets. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, President of the C.P.R., denies any intention of his company to acquire the C.N R. in any way. But to square matters,. a Savannah judge has ruled that a jail sentence of 80 days is about right for the husband. who insists upon kissing his wife against her will. Teachers in the public schools of New York City have begun a campaign to' obtain a pension law as adequate to the: one now enjoyed by members of the poli.e force. dinaham Club WINGHAM, ONT. NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP „Club to be opened on or about January lst Will have facilities for all Out- door and Indoor Sports Will also have Literary Department The Club has applied for in- corporation with the following provisional directors - N. I. Sinclair, W. H. Gurney. A. H. Wilford, A. L. Posllff, G. R. Smith, W. A. Campbell, Dr, A. J. Irwin, J. Ritchie, R. A. Currie, E. B. Walker,- H. C. McLean, Dr, G. It Ross, Dr. 1-1. J. Adams, J. W. MeKibbon, • L. Kennedy, W, A. Miller, R Brookes, G. Jacques. The Membership Fee is $2 initiation and $5 annually. Application for membership ma) be made to any of the above mentioned provisional directors, The Club will meet the wants of all classes. BE SURE AND JOIN IT. H. DAVIS • WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Lino, Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. 1 INTING ANC STATI NE Wi have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS IBUTTER Pi: PER WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PAPETE1CIES, PLAYII7G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stech in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us wher in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS TOSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the pr'nting line, Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and "'Magazines. The Times Isffce STONE BLOCK Winghani, Ont,