HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-03-05, Page 2here ii is at
teaete cy Ileraceen made from
lissiee.„ :del peiisetly harmless. If
yea asei a esti-serer ts-orn Gall Stones,
leierey St'nc r Ceavel, Sanol will
effect a. positive. ctere. If you have
backache, Lidecy, leadder trouble, or
'rheumatism. that is caueed by eecess
of uric asies Cie:tease siay
under tee ce c"1 feet a-sd
atildes, tired v f tree e very
pale, or e. era de-% rere. cnettdy, too
frequeet a: .1 trin,....tion, brick
dust sediertet s Leese afesr ssardieg
a fen heursd sena fres It ea-ecr mei
Sassol leallecy Iseseeey seve yov.
At all Penegists, .97.5e per bot.
Free LiSerstuie, Serve leemnfecter,
ing Co„ Ltd., V.Tinnipses, Caeree
For Sale by
J. W. NiellIBBON, Druggist
eseires,sliane, Ontario
merited seet re condemnation for failing
to bring about sueli an appointment.
In his Halifax platform, and on other
occoeions, he pledgedhimself to appoint
a prosecuting officer for election cases
sf he gained power. • -
in his Opposition days Mr. Borden
had as another favorite theme the nec-
essity of publicity as to campaign ex- 'nig Times to January 1 ..',., 1915fcr
. , - $1.00
penditures and the prevention of con- I
Times ansi Tot0I1t0 1) lily Glob... to .ii:)scr ben
tributions to such funds by corpora- s
on rum' out, i \ ear for . - 3.50
tions and contractors. He spoke with TinleS an. i Toronto I) 1ly Globe to subA.cribers
vigor and seeming sincerity of the needi - 4.50
n t on rural 10.10 S , I enter for .
for action in this direction.
Mr. Borden gained office Times I -I lid Saturday Globe, to Jamary ist., 1 O 15 L90
campaign in which the party he led heel
in 1911 in a I
Tiatts and Toronto Mad and li..in, Are at same
upon Mr, Borden's sincesity, Those
doubts have been confirmed by events
since he became Premier. His speech
of his insincerity.
bate regarding the appointment of an
independent prosecuting officer to ex -
e, dice the hearing of elertion causes.
Not one word did he say in that de- Times and Weekly S in to January tst. 1915 - 1.70
paper or m)gazine. Your order midi receive prompt
n the recent debate gave further proof
attention. If it is anything in Ole reading matter line
consult us,
We can giv you low clubbing rates on a.ay ne,ws-
campaign fund in the history of Caries TitneS and Family Herald and We,:,.. tly Stu'
at its command the most enormous rates as above,
istence of that huge fund cast doubts to January 1st, 1915 for - .,,, - 1.85
diem political contests. In itself the ex -
Not one word did he say as to publi-
'say regarding campaign funds or as to il.......,
e.ontributions from corporations and WINGHAM, ONTARIO
popolar routes, to any point in America 1 contractors:
- East, West, Smith, Northwest, Mani -
Vibe, Pacific. Coast, etc.
'Bag:sem-re checked through to destina-
tion and full information given whereby
travelling will be make pleasant and
free from annoyance. Tourist and
return tiv <sits to above points also on
sale at I iwest figures, and with all
prevailing advantages.
Single and return tickets to any point
in Ontario. Your business will be ap-
preciated, he your trip a short or a
long one.
We ran ti.:ket you through to any
point in Europe on all leading steamship
lines. Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
informetion and will give it to you
Grand Trunk Railway System
i MattO
3 p
We can issue through tickets yin
Town. Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
The record of bye -elections since Mr,
Borden became Premier has been one
marked by the most outrageous corrup-
tion practised on behalf of Goverment
candidates. Expenditures have been
made by the Government orgauization
ehich point clearly to the existence of
great election funds to which, no doubt,
the corporations and other Special In-
terests frienely to the Government
have cern generous contributors. In
Several cases the hearing of protests
arising out of the elections has been de-
layed deliberately by the lawyers of
the Government organization. If Mr.
Borden had been sincere in his desire to
stamp out these evils, surely they could
not have been so glaringly evident dur-
ing his regime as Premier nor could
they have existed if the Government
organization was not a party to them
rhe facts are telling comment not upon
the sincerity but upon the insincerity
of Mr. Borden.
His remarkable Silence aS to campaign
funds and as to the appointment of a
prosecuting officer dueing the Commons
debate of Wednesday last, is another
evidence of that insincerity. More
than two years in office, he has not re-
deemed,his pledge to improve the elect-
oral laws. He does not even forcast
now any action of the kind he had
promised when in Opposition, He con-
sented to a Liberal n otion for a com-
mittee to inquire into the question of
electoral reform, but he did not even
eoggest that the committee &meld en-
deavor to frame provisions which would
check corporation contributions to cam-
paign funds or bring about the appoint-
ment of a prosecuting officer.
Mr. Borden is in power now. The
corporations are friends of his party
because that party does their will. Mr.
Borden's Minister of Elections is an
"expert" in trickery of the gross Man-
itoba kind of electoral rascality.
These are the reasons why the Prem-
ier fails to make good his pre-election
pledge regarding political coeruption
The evils have not become less, but
rather they have become greater sinee
Mr. Borden took office and he does not
propose any effective action to check
corrupt methods which help his Govern-
ment in elections.
-- -
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
,ASTABLibfir D Mrs
Tw WiNfilla TIMES.
Ei. B. ELLIO T 1', PiranterlEit Azin PRODinToi:
The singular indefiniteness of Premier
Borden's speech in the Commons debate
on electoral corruption on Wednesday
last is significant. The debate was non-
partisan and had to do with a subject
which is admittedly of vital importance
in Canada today. Under these circum-
stances, any Premier would have been
expected to speak out strongly and
definitely. Boldness and definiteness
were specially to be expected from Mr.
Borden since in Opposition he had teen
so vigorous in his denunc:ation of cor-
ruption and so specific in his sugges-
tions as to the steps which should be
taken trestamp it out.
Unfortunately, however, Mr. Borden
chose to content himself with a speech
which not only lacked decisiveness of
statement but totally lacked any refer-
ence to steps which, in Opposition, he
declared it was of first importance
should be taken.
Before 1911 Mr. Borden insistenly de-
manded the appointment of an inde-
pendent prosecuting officer for election
teials in the Dominion. He pointed to
the delay which so frtquently ocears in
the hearing of election trials and to the
perniciousness of "saw -offs." To pre-
vent these evils and to hasten the pun-
ishment of wrong -doers, he declared, the
eppointment of a prosecuting officer
was absolutely necessary. By insinua-
tion, if not by actual statement, he
suggested that the Liberal Governmeet
Are an
Pimples are caueed by the blood being
out of order. Those little festering
sores eppear on the forehead, on the nose,
on the this' and Other parts of the body,
and although they are not a dangerous
trouele they are very unsightly to both
you and your friends.
There ie only one way to get rid of
them, int i that is to purify the blood,
turd, es 'blood Bitters is without a
clout the best remedy on the market
lOr this purpose.
Wm. It. Donohue, Jr., Hamilton, Ont.,
writes: -"About six months ago my
little son's face was literally eovered with
pimples. I tried evety preparation I
eels told of by my friend, but to no
*Vail. Soon 1 thought 1 could not have
them fixed up, and would have to wait,
• and let him grow out of them, but
thanks to Burdock Blood Bitters they
are all gone, and I gladly recommend it
. to anyone."
Ilurdock Mood 13itters is manatee -
tared solely by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Out,
BAPTIST enuacu-sabboth services
at 11 a, in. and 7 p. us. Sunday School
at 2:30 rs. in. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. John
Pollock, pastor. B. Y, P. U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting eti Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, pastor, F. Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent.
From the TIMES of March 2, 1804
Mr. W. H. McDonald, dentist, has
moved his office into Macdonald's
Mr. Geo. H. Irwin hasMoved his tail-
oring establishment into'esthe shop one
door north of Mr. A. Ross' bookstore.
The late and early trains on the South-
ampton branch of the W. G. & B. rail-
way are only run every alternate night
and morning now. This change went
into effect last week.
Last week was the coldest snap we
have had this winter. On Friday night
the thermometer registered 20 below
zero in town.
Skin Soft As A Child's
"I was a great sufferer fsom eczema
and salt rheum for years," writes mr.
John W. Naas, Lunenburg, N. S. "Five
veers ago three boxes of Dr. Chase's
Ointment cured me and the old trouble
never returned. My skin is soft as a
child's now, and I shall always say a
good word for this Ointmint."
yiniTABLISED 18T2.
The Times Office Stone Bloat.
Talibfe Of StalflaRiPTION-$1.110 per annum in
advent)°, 21.50 if not so paid. kl'o paper diem,
tinned till all smears are paid, twilit at tin
option a the publleher,
.P.DVARTISING Mum. Loget and tatter
8a3nalltdverti3oreento 10a per Noapariel tine tor ge,
first insertion, So per line for wort abceqtlent t
Myer tiee ments loeal °Aura As ere asaarabo I pletely cover so
Iridescent green peacock feathers COM:-
per line for eaoh subsequent insertion, me of the new spring
10 cis per line for aret I Inferno a, and 4 een,,e
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting oe Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at ).i a. in, and 7. p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Rev. E.
H. Croly, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent,
at 11 a.m., 3p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
7.15 •
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m.
to 6:30 p, m. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast-
Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co, doing business in the
City of Toledo, Counts, and State afore-
said, and the said firm will pay the sum
each and e,very cise of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's,
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A.D., 1886.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, and acts directly on the blood ad
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Fa:nily Pills for consti-
Mr. A. W. Webster has moved his
tailoring and gents' furnishing establish-
ment to the building one door south of
Slr. R. A. Graham's grocery, Josephine
There was a good number of horses
brought out to the fair, on Thursday,
and several sales were made, the prices
ranging from $60 to e80. There were
four or five buyers present,
On Thursday evening of last week, a
grand carnival was held in the Wing -
ham skating rink. There was a large
turn out, and the merry maskers en-
joyed themselves immensely. The
dresses of many were much admired.
The prises were awarded as follows:
Best dressed gent, L. Hembley; best
comic dress, gent, Mr. Jones Walker-
ton: Clown, Percy Hill; best dressed
lady, Miss Jennie Bell; second do., Miss
E, Cook; lady's ticket prize, Miss R.
Roderus. The two mile skating race,
between Masters Geo. Cook and D.
Dinsley, was well contested, and David
Dinsley was declared the winner.
Mr. F. Patterson, of town, has been
appointed Fish and Game Warden for
this district, in the place of Mr. R.
Kinsman, who was not able to devote
the time to the position that it requir-
"Jimmie" Fax, the celebrated hum-
orist, of Toronto, spent a ilew hours in
town on Wednesday.
Mr. Wm. MreGregor preached his
farewell sermon in the Wingham Bap-
tist church, on Sunday evening last.
Mr. MacGregor has been resident of
this town for upwards of two years and
a half, and was always ready to assist
in every movement for the betterment
of the people generally, and we are
sorry that he is leaving town.
Some figures quoted in Parliament on
Tuesday last by Hon, G. P, Graham in
discussing the Government's Redis-
tribution Bill, are interesting as throw-
ing light on the disparity between the
Conservative and Liberal representation
in Parliament as compared with the vote
cast at the last general election. The
figures show, on a proportional basis,
irrespective altogether of the fact that
the 22 Nationalist representatives from
Quebec were not elected by the peptise
as supporters of Mr. Borden, that tne
standing of the parties in Parliament
at present should he 114 behind ibe
Government to 107 Liberals. Out of
1,307,628 votes cast in the last general
election, the Conservative eandidatee
including Nationalists, received 669,694,
Liberal candidates received 625,103 and
Independents, 12,831. Thus there was
a difference of 44,401 between the num.
ber of votes cast for Oonservativea and
theinnmber p.)11ed for Liberal can diiatese
In the Province of Ontario on a propor-
tineal basis there should be 38 Liberals
and 48 Conserved.< es instead of the
versr wide disparity at present.
The difference of the popular Ittrength
of the parties in the country is not near-
ly to great as the Government majority
in the HORS0 would seem to indicate.
It will require a turnoverAf less than ,
two per cent of the electors at the next
general election to give the Liberal
party a Majority in Parliament as large
as the Borden Government now has,
Mrs. Vivian Cahill is Beekime devor-
ee in the Chicago courts beeause her
husband, who does a tight wire perform-
ance with her, fias a playful habit of
kicking her off the wire when he is
displeased with her.
All the smart married women, at a
recent luncheon in London, wore their
wedding rings on the little finger of the,
left hand, the only exception being a
militant suffragette who said she was
too old-fashioned in her viewe to chan-
Advertisemeets of Strayed, Farms le,
or to Rent,and Binznar, es.os for first the,
weeks, and. 25 oente for eat% subeeeneur
ItenAs for the insertion of edverthemente
for speotitos:pRekroes 10:3-6;fte following table sit
OneColumn -2170Z.0014' 248010o, 2234.4L817. t'84.4
Half Column- 40.00 25.00 15.00 thuO
QuarterColumn- - 20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00
()ne Ittoh 5.00 ' 8.00 2.07 1.00
Advertieements without speolflo directiens
will be inserted 6111 forbid and charged reword-
ingly. Transient advertieementa must be wail
for in advance,
Ttei 3-011 DAPARTILANT le stocked with
extensive aesortment of all reenlist:es for print-
ing, affording faollities not equalled in the
oorattyfor turning out first class work. Lftrgt
type and appropriate outs for all stylee of Vest
ers, Hand Bills, eto., and the latest styles of
oholtie fancy type for the finer Matisse of rrint
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the. Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe en 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib-
TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. ,1 Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. IVIcKibbon, Reeve; H. B.
Elliott, Wm. Ishister, W. A. Currie,
A.. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and
Treasurer. Board meets first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd,
Rob t. A lien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
everything was scld. The live etock,
with the exception of the horses, brought
good prices. Mr. McLaren will give
poss.eesion of the farm to Mr. Davidson,
in the course of a few weeks. --Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Tipling returned on Tues-
day from a short visit to friends in Lis-
Doon, Galt, &c. They had a
very enjoyable time.
Since Jan 15, D. Hogg, undertaker,
Brussels, has buried four persons who
had attained ripe ages. They were, P.
Murphy, 88 years old; Mrs. Hyslop; 81;
Mrs. Oliver, 84; and Mrs. McNeal, 83.
McClure -In Wingham, on February
28th, the wife,of Mr. D. A. McClure; a
Cassels -In Wingham, on February
28th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Cassels; a
James -In Turnberry, on February
201h, the wife of Mr.- Thos. James; a
Pringle -In Turnberry, on February
281h, the wife of Mr. John Pringle; a
Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A., • PHYSICIAN and SURGEON
Specialist inMathematics '• Mr. Ewing,
Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Oalott, with Dr. Chleholra
Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss
B E. Anderson, Firet Form.
Proprietor and Publinher
Oreroina-Corner Patrick and Centre Sts.
°faces 43
Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy ape:Mazes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis
eases of the Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat.
Byes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
DR. torbaguli,Dmp, 51 B.C.8. (Sow
Greig -Kerr -At the residence of the
bride's mother, on Feb. 28th, by the
Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. David Greig, to
Martha Kerr, all of Wingham.
Leaver-Carriek-At the residence of
Mr. John Lowrie, Turnberry, on the
28th of February, by the Rev. Mr. Den -
nicks, Mr. James Leaver, of East Waw -
nosh, to Miss Jane Carrick, of Turn -
Wid Cold In Cheat.
"1 am happy to tell you that 1 used
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tor -
The annual public meeting of the pentine, and was promptly cured of a
Wingham branch of the Upper Canada very bed cold in the chest,'writes Mists
Bible Society, was held in the Congre- J.sosuchainnedepeGauer,t tdh ionDr. Do a Ss eo t h yOrnu p.
gational church, last Friday evening. of Linseed and Turpentine to relieve
The President, Mr, P. Fisher, in the and cure all inflammation and irrate-
chair. tions of the throat and bronchial tubes.
The election of officers for this year
woe taken up and resulted as follows: They who botrow trouble pay usury
President, Itobt Currie; Secretary, W. lin worry.
Feseant; Treasurer, A. Ross; Trustees Amsterdam, N. Y., has raised salar-
Baptist church A. Robertson, Geo. les of firemen to a maximum of $76 a
Pocock Congregational church -Thos. 1month.
Deane, M. Robertson Episcopal church j Wireless telephoning is now success-
-E 0. Clarke, A. E. Smith. Metho- ful up to 300 miles. Marconi says that
dist church -John Cooper, John Kerr. the Atlantic will be spanned very soon.
Presbyterian church -S. Gracey, D. M. 1 Four turnips, weighing altogether
' sixty-one poonde, grown at Dunrobin
Farm, near the Duke of Sotherland,s
nestle, are exhibited at a shop in Gole-
pie, England.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss, Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Mr. Pettr MeLarers'e sale on Wed-
nesday hien was largely attended, and
Voice Culture and Violin
Mr, Peter Wilson will receive pupils
in the above at his home, Catherine
Street, opposite Public School grounds.
Tuition in the evenings only.
A lady's comment --
Tastes better -goes farther.'
a is good teals
and anyone having live stock or °the r
Articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
gee the same for sale in the Tutus. (Mr large
stimulation tells and it will bo strange indeed if
you do not get a customer, We can't guarantee
that yen will soli because rola may ask more
for the article or etoelc Theo it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Truss and. try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
inch as teachers wanted, bnainess ohanoes,
mechanica wanted, articles for sale, or In fact
my kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
ither city papers, may be left at the TIMES
I face. This work will receive erernet attention
Ind will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates Will be quoted on application. Leave
or Rend your next vonrk of this kind to the
Labe Member ECILI•• Staff Tomato
General Hospital.
Post Graduate London and Dublin,
Sucoessor to Dr. T. H. Agne
Moe Maedonald Bleak.
There is still a craz s for the wierd
featherized trimming fantas-
The silk or satin shirt holds its own
for morning wear.
"The greatest science man can study
is the science of living with other men.
There is no other thing that is so taxing,
requiries so much education, so much ,
wisdom, so much practice as how to live
together." We are studying how to
control the forces of nature are more
difficult still. There is no art that is
finer than the art of being at peace
with our neighbors, national and indi-
vidual. -Selected.
w. R. Hambly,13.Se., 74.D., 0 Ai,
Wingliam, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of Prome.:.
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Scientific
Ofilce in the Kerr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful. attention.
Phone 44. P. o. Box /18.
Some Marriage Donee
An eminent clergyman adds to the ad-
vice in regard to matrimony, with
which the world is flooded, the follow-
ing "don'ts" for girls.
Don' marry a man about whom you
know nothing, If you do, the bliss of
your is apt to be painfully
Don't forget that married happiness
depends more on what your husband is
than what 110 has.
Don't depend a minute on any reform-
ing influence you will have on your hus-
band after marriage. It would likely
be no greater than it is now, if as great.
Don't marry a man whose clothes are
better elk his habits. His clothes he
will wear out; his habits. yese they. are
apt to wear him out.
Don't marry principally for a home*
If you do you will likely live all your
married life in a house instead of a
Don't marry a rung man who, as a
son or a brother, is faithless or incon-
siderate. As your husband, he would
doubtless be true to his nature.
Don't engage yourself to one whose
business or social life could not stand
the light of investigation. Neither
could his matrimonial career stand th4
test. Demand a clean record, physic-
ally, mentally and morally.
Don't become engaged, much less
J. R. marry, before you are 21. Most dom-
estic shipwrecks are due to immature
Don't be in a burry. There's plenty
of time, and it's a long way ahead,
with turnieg places few and wide apart.
Until you see the coast -wait."
Wingham: Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the Tuns
Dr. R. .Parker, D.B.O.A., P.S.D.
Eye Specialist Food Scientist
Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated.
Glasses Scientifically Fitted.
Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10,30
a,m., Main Si. (over Christie's Store).
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic ie successful in such. difficult
T I E$ 4° F 11(4) Wing ham casesd, a/1g &Pal Lail' I oAir eao. nRi oh eStit raomi-•
ach, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Fema(e Trouble,
Office in Knox house, back of Post
Office. Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RAM FOR PAT/Eft/TB-which A.. WHIM J. IRWIN, D, D, S., L. D B.
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $16.
per week according . to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Herm peaduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgepne of Ontario and. Honor gradu-
G.R. 1.ND TRU AK RAILWAY SYSTZW1 ate of the Ditl varsity of Toronto, Faculty of
TuAues LNAVe 105 Oface over H. E. 'sera & Oo's., etore, Wing -
London . . 3.05 - 80e.en ham. Ont.
Toronto 2412a1;t 11.114 min.
. 8.45 mm..... 2.8Jp. m ()Mee closed every Wednesday afternoon
K3ncar4ine..11.50 a.m... 2.3) 0,15 pot from May 1st to Oot. let.
Alinws Pim(
Kincardine - -0.80 a.ns-11.00 eon 2.80 p.m
London .. ....... 1L54 a 2.85 p.ni
Palmerston -........11 24 a.ni
Toronto ite* 2,8o Min 845 me
UR ,
V7, P. B 311 1. V' • • 00. , iiVii•ircom
taAtNe oAr ?OR
Toronto and Oast.... 6,40 min .. 3.05 mot.
Teelimater ..........1 Oe p.m . 10,22 0.m.
Teesvfater.. . .... .8,40 a.m. .... 8.05 p.m,
Torente and Vest -12 60 p.m- ..1%22
.1. H. BROM% Agent:Moshe% .
Dootor of DentalSurgery of She Pennsylvania
D tad College and Licentiate of 811. Royal
•Le.ge of Dental Surgaorte of Ontario. (Mace
codonald Blook, Winetham.
• 't oe closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 181 to Oct, 1st
Q II Tema, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Anyone sending a Amt.* and deserlpooft now
quickly' ascertain our *Photon tm
ree whether an
invention is prohnhiy entensee es, Comitnicee
t)onsetrietirconneential. (Midi 001( on Petente
sent free. Oldest agency or sorurtne patents.
Patinae ,taken _through Munn es co. receive
'peck/taw, witnout charge, lathe
Stitittifie iftliefitat
A hendsontely glustreted weekly. Largest air -
Miran, tiSreitrref,gart,17104.Tegiidra
all Donee. GM
Bo New New Ytgk
Washirtsfon, IA
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
(Mee of late Dr. Wilson Residence
Ont Cor. Frances and
Patrick Sts.
Ofilem Phone170, Plume 182
111113f VAX1BTOt,
rdeate and Company tondo to loan at lowusi
rate of Interest. mortgagee, Sawn 47112 ?Atm
property Pot:tight and !old.
011feciBeaver Bloat. Pirlorthere
1 e.
Wingluffn, One
The Indiana public utility commission
notified Merle N. A, Walker, city at-
torney, that Indianapolis detectives and
policemen may ride on the city street
cars free of charge, even though they
be in civilians' clothes, if they are pro-
vided with official badges to be shown
to conductors on demand.
Madagascar has 617 official schools,
attended by 35,318 boys and 19,499 girls
There are 403 missinnary schools, vvIth
40,000 pupils.
Southend, Eng., town council have
realized $33,000 this season on the let-
ting of chairs on the cliffs and esplan-
DUDLEY tioLnes
Barrister, SolicitorEtc.
Unite: Meyer 131oek, Wingham
The Minister of Labor has given not-
ice of a resolution in the Commons to
prohibit the use of white phosphoroes
in the manafacture of matches.
Checks amounting to $2,000, "con-
science money," were received by the
Government at Ottawa through a priest
at St. Anne de-Beaupre, acting for
a penitent.
Rev. T. J. Mansell, pastor of Char-
lotte Street Methodist Charch, Peter-
boro', died suddenly in his home after
having conducted the evening service.
The North Oxford Temperance Asso-
ciation have recommended that Wood-
stock submit a local option by-law at
the next municipal eleetion. The pro-
posal to vote on the Canada Temper-
ance Act was rejected.
If you have cream to sell writeu5 for
cans. We supply two cans free pay all
express eharges. Cheques payable at
par issued twice eaeh month. Highest
pricee paid consistent with an honest
teat. Each can Weighed and tested the
day reeeived and a statement of same
milder] at onee. Ship to Us direct and
save buyer's commission and expenses
of hauling.
Palm Creamery
Palmerston, Ont.
To whom it may concerti: -
2 hereby give notiee that I will not
be responsible for any debts eontracted
-in my name b/ any person unless a
written order, signed by trieisfurnisbed.
St. Marys, Ont.