HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-01-22, Page 5THE WIN(PiAM TIMES. JANUARY 22 1914 THE MINT OF THE MONTH' • Gampbell's Bi Slauthter Sale of MEN'S SUITS BOY'S SUITS MEN'S OVERGOATS BOY'S OVERGOATS The prices. will surprise you. Come and see for yourself. W. A. GAIIPBELL THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block Opp. Bank of Commmerce tr-41011.141.4114441.1641,1146,41114101W44.1klita. .414/04411,16.41,11/6411,‘441104,16110"/"alt EI A\ \A & CO. Look! Look! We offer for one week only our entire stock of Ladies', Men's, Boys' and Children's COATS Fur Collared Coats and Mink Collared Coats, with Quilted Linings, at the reduced price of Twenty -Five per Cent. off We have a big stock to show you of up-to-date Coats in all sizes. Do not miss this chance as we know we can suit you. Hanna 82 Co. awromonmmommourammen•••••=olor 'PHONE 70 Mr. Cowle of the House of Hob- berlin will be here January Fourteenth and Fifteenth to take special orders for Suits and Overcoats for Winter and Spring. Consumption Takes Hundreds of People Every day and the surprising truth is that most cases are pre- ventable with timely, intelligent treatment. These appalling facts should warn us that after sickness, colds, over- work or any other drains upon strength, Scott's Emulsion should be promptly and regularly used be- cause tubercular germs thrive only in a weakened system. The tested and proven value of Scott's Emulsion is recognized by the greatest specialists because its medical nourishment assimilates quickly to build healthy tissue; aids in the development of active, life-sustaining blood corpuscles; strengthens the lungs and builds physical force without reaction. Scott's Emulsion is used in tuber- culosis camps because of its rare body-building, blood -making prop- erties and because it contains no alcohol .or habit-forming drug. Be sure to insist on Scott's. Scott ge Bciwne, Toronto, Ontario. 13-76 011111••••Mill 1ST. IFIELISN'S Aleetings of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the Mechanics' Institute hall, on the afternoon and evening of Friday, January 23rd. The meetings will be addressed by Mr. Al- bert Sivinr, of Mabee, and Miss S. Campbell, of Brampton. It fcLi3RAVE The annual report of Knox Church has been printed and we find the total reverue from all sources was $184536, dividtd as follows: Schemes, $362 20; Session Fund, $2S.66: Sabbath School, $250.94; W.F. M.Sp, $94.45; Ladies' Aid Society, $35.45; Young People's Guild, $21.31; Mission Band, li7.90; Stipend: $578.55; Collections, $215.05; repair of Manse. 2.51; interest, $8.85. EAST WA.WANOS fl. The first meeting of the Council for 1914 was held on Jan. 15th, the mem- bers thereof being J. N. Campbell, Reeve and Messrs. Buchanan, Currie, Irwin and Stonehouse, Councillors Having each taken the statuary declar- ations of qualification and of office, and after a short and appropriate address from the Reeve, the minutes of last meeting in 1913 were read and confirm- ed. Communications from the Children's Aid Society, Goderich and the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, asking for assistance for their respective Institu- tions, received and read. No action taken in either request. Currie—Irwin —That Wm. W igh tm an be appointed Assessor at his former salary of $65.00.—Carried. J. W. Bone and John S. Scott were appointed auditors of Tp. accounts for 1913 and John Gillespie as member of the local Board of Health. Seven copies of the Municipal World were ordered as formerly for use of the Council, Clerk and Treasurer. Regarding'claim of J. Williams for payment of account for ditching off lots 38 and 39, Con. 5, ordered that Mr. Williams be paid tor this contract when the same is completed in a satisfactory manner. By Law No. 1. 1914 confirming the appointment of Tp. officials and By -Law No. 2, 1914 appointing the Council road Commissioners, both read and passed. On motion of Currie and Irwin the following accounts were ordered to be paid: -Foresters of Belgrave school use of school house for Nomination meeting, $5.00; H. B. Elliott, balance printing contract in 1913, $23.75; A. Porterfield; salary as clerk in 1913, $120.00; A. Por- terfield, postage and telephone mes- sages, 10.35; The Municipal World sub- scriptions to paper, $5.75; Thos. Con - gram, refund of dog tax, $1.00; Mrs. Ingold, refund part taxes, W. H. Lot 32, Con. 3, $4.30, Isaac Brown, tile, $5.- 10; Duncan Robertson, inspecting gravel- ling contract, Cons. 8, and 9, $3.00. Moved by Mr Stonehouse, sec'd by Mr. Buchanan that the Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb. 9th, at one o'clock. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. 11.111•••••••••• C AND -TRUNK MAU TIME TABLE CHANE A general change of time will be made January 4, 1912. Time Tables con- taining full particulars may be had on application to G. T. R. Agent. tow Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railwayis the most direct route from allpoints east through Canada via Chicago, De- troit or Bufialo. Full particulars, Tiicket.4. eta.. etc,, from R, B. ELLIOTT, Town PasAenger and Ticket Agent. 'Phone 4: W. F MAN, Station Agent. 'Phone 50. GREY All the township officials of Crey township were re -appointed for 1914 at last Council meeting. Hugh McCartney and Charlie Mc- Donald are here from Saskatchewan for a holiday. We are always glad to see the boys. Mrs. John Dark, 9th con., who was so seriously injured several weeks ago by being thrown out of a buggy, is making favorable progress arid is able to look after a share of her house work. Last week John S. Ritchie, 17th con., sold two 2 year old cattle to S imuel Walker, of Morris township, for which he received $153.45. The price was 7i cents, There must be money in stock at such figures. It is reported that Hartwell Speiran has purchased the fine 100 acre farm of John Ewan, 15th con , and is to b ke possession in the spring. Mr. Ewan and sister will move to Brussels where they already have a house and lot on corner of Market aud James streets op- posite the Pryne & Co. mill. Report says Mr. Ewan will build a new 1 esi- dence on the vacant lot. ...m1.01••••••11110=1.1•N CANADIAN PAC I IFI WINTER TOIJES Lo CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and the SUNNY SOUTH RETURN TICKETS AT LOW RATES The Logical Route TO THE WEST 1 Fo- WinnipeG Leave Toronto 2.30 p.m, DAILY For Val r1C0111.telr Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m, DAILY Compartment Library Observation Oar, Standard Sleeping Car, Touriat Sleeping Carr, Dining Car, First Class Coaches, Col. oniss Car on both trains. Full particulars ?rem Particularsfrom W.H. Willi i, town Agent, phone 11, .1, if. )3emper, station agent, phone7. ADVERTISEMENT. HURON COUNTY BUSI- NESS MEN'S ASSOCI- ATION. • On Prohibition A MOTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER. Is To Guard Her Health by Keeping Her Blood Supply Pure. Anxious mothers who see their daugh- ters fail in strength, become pole and languid, can be certain that the cause of their anxiety is the condition of the growing girl's blood. At no time in her life does a girl stand in greater need of pure, red blood and the strength which it alone can give her, than when she is developing into womanhood. It is then that anaemia rapidly develops and the growing girl finds herself in declining health. If your daughter complains of feeling constantly tired, if her appetite is fickle, if she is breathless from slight exertion, or if her heart palpitates violently on going upstairs, it is a cer- tain sign that her blood is failing to meet the demands upon it, because it is thin and watery. It is at such times that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are worth their weight in gold to tired anaemic girls. They actually make the new, red blood, that brings brightness to the eye, the bloom of health to the cheeks, and strength and activity to the whole body. The follow- ing is an instance of their value to young girls: Miss Hilda Pearly Snowe, Barrington, N. S., graduadit drooped under an an attack of aoaemia. At first she was pale and lietress, suffering from occasional headaches, but as the trouble progressed, a, severe cough also attacked her and her' friends feared she was in the grip of consumption. Almost from the outset she was being treated medically, but with no apparent benefit. At a critical stage in her illness Miss Snowe wisely decided that she would give Dr. Williams, Pink Pills a trial. After taking them for some time there was a noticeable improvement in her case and the Pills were gladly continued until she was fully restored to health. Miss Snowe is to -day as healthy and rugged as any girl could wish to be, and her friends believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life. These Pills not only cure anaemia, but all troubles due to poor blood and weak nerves. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. No. 11 We regret this is our last paper be- fore the day of voting. The time has been too short for an educational cam- paign. And is it any wonder that our friends, who style themselves the Tem- perance party, would have rushed this vote on in November, had they. had their own way? Anything but Infor- mation that bears down on Prohibition for them. Of what value is anything that will not bear the light of scrutiny? In our papers we have shown beyond contradition, that Prohibition is abso- lutely bad. We submit for the careful consideration of our readers these fade concerning Prohibition:— 1. It does not prohibit. 2. It brings into existence a coft, empt for law. 3. It breedsdeceit, lyingqiialice and in any conimunity./ 4. It tends to deteriorate the mental and physical n4ures ofahose oppressed by it. 5. It leads toHKCOnsumption of:drugs and patented nostrums most detrimental to health. 6. It produces the worst form of drunkenness there is, owing to the adulteration of the intoxicants sold in prohibited territory. 7. It is utterly unscriptural. What- ever ground the Temperance Party may have from the standpoint of expediency, they literally have not any support whatsoever from the Bible 8. THE BIBLE DENOUNCES DRUNKENNESS, BUT IT DISTINCT- LY ENJOINS, EVEN COMMANDS, THE PROPER USE OF INTOXICAT- ING BEVERAGES. We have every confidence that the men of Huron will not be misled by the representatives of those, who, while generally sincere, are pursuing an ignis fatuous, they call Prohibition. We have no hesitation in pronouncing PROHIBITION TO BE 2%. CURSE, AND NOT A BLESSING. Respectfully, THE HURON COUNTY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. JOHN RANSFORD, President. Wm'. JACKSON, Secretary. ouLttoss. The 200 acre farm on the 4th con- cession, known as the John McKenzie farm has been sold to Messrs. George Falconer and sons. The price paid was $6,700 and the Messrs. Falconer have secured a good property. 11 TO NBERRY. Tax collector Wilson of Turnberry re- turned his Roll on Jan. I4th with all the taxes in the Bank except $4.86 Total amount collected being $14,865.21. Minutes of Council meeting held Jan- uary 12th, 1914. Members all present except Mr: Rutherford. After taking their declaration of qualificEitbn and ot afice the members took their seats. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and McBurney. Moved by Messrs. Wheeler and Adair that By -Law, No. 1, 1914, be passed for the appoinetnent of Road Commis- sioners for the current year. Wheeler—Adair—That By -Law, No. 2, 1914 be passed by the appointment of Robert Black and Benson Cruickshanks, auditors for the current year. Wheeler—Adair—That By -Law No. 4, 1914, be passed appointing J. Mulvey, Wm. Cruickshanks .and Dr. R. C. Red- mond members of the Local Board of Health, P. Powell, Secretary, and that Wm. S. Linklater, A. Cleghorn. James Elliott and Chris. Jobb be appointed sanitary inspectors in their respective polling sub -division. Wheeler—McBurney—That the Coun- cil take no action petition to open boundary between Kinloss and Turn - berry. On account of severe storm the Treasurer was unable to attend Council meeting, consequently all accounts will be held over for next meeting, McBurney —Adair—That this meeting adjourn to meet Monday, February 2nd, 1914, Bluevale, at 10 a.m. P. Powsu, Clerk. MORRIS Miss Maud Jackson, 8th line, was visit- ing her friend, Miss Laura Wheeler, of Grey townshipduring the week. George Pollard is visiting at the hyme of his son, Chas, Eiket boundary. The old gentleman is enjoying fairly good health. We are sorry to hear that Wm. Mc- kercher, of Howick township, father of Mrs. Allan Adams, 5th line is seriously ill. The old gentleman is in his 86th year and has boon a marvel,for youth- fulness until the past year. During the past week Edward Town, of Winnipeg, was visiting at David Smith's 6th line. He is a brother -hi -law to Mrs. Smith. The visitor is a rail- road engineer running out of Winnipe g in which city he has been for the past 15 years, Mr. Town is a son of the late Thos. Town, formerly of Brussels, who is well remembered by the older resi- de Ms. The W innipegger is a wideawake, jolly fellow. STOOK MARKETS Toronto, Jany. 10 — Union Stock Yards —Receipts for to -day, 162 cars, with 2,869 cattle, 65 calves, 2,515 hogs, and 607 sheep and lambs. With a moderately heavy run of cat- tle offering, buyers were inspired with the happy thought that prices were due to come down a peg or two. The re- sult was a slower market, with a tend- ency to drag, but how far bidders were successful in lowering prices was a mooted point at mid-day, with claims made on both sides of the question. The hog inarket was a little demoral- zed and weak, but with prices covering a wider range than usual at from $8.65 to $9, f.o.b.. the bulk going at around $9.25, fed and watered. Sheep and lambs strong and firm, with a light run. Calves steady to firm. Export ..$ 8 00 Butcher cattle choice ... 8 70 do medium . 7 25 Butcher cows choice .. . 6 50 do medium...........7 25 do common 7 00 do bulls . 5 50 Feeders 6 00 Stockers........ 61 5205 do medium... do light... 3 75 Canners and cutters 3 50 Milkers, choke 6500 0000 Springers .. Common and medium.. .. 35 00 . Lambs 870 Light. ewes — . 6 25 do bucks .........8 00 Hogs fed and watered 9 00 do f.o.b... . .. . 8 75 Calves 5 00 $ 8 05 9 00 7 75 7 50 7 '75 7 25 6 25 6 75 6 75 5 00 4 00 4 00 00 00 65 00 45 00 8 90 6 '75 3 50 9 25 8 90 11 00 • i'l7.."77-',"T• •••-•••••••• • 5 4) Stock Reductio Sale NOW GOING CON at ISAR We wi I offer for the Month of January Great Price Reductions on all lines of Winter Goods in the fifteen Departments of our Two Stores, NOW is rhe time for you to buy at these Greatly Reduced Prices. All Goods will Compare with any in the Cities for Quality and Style and you Musl See Them to appreciate the Wonderful Slash in Prices. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Winter Coats at a Saving of 20 to 30 per cent. All Furs including Fur Coats, Fur Lined Fur Collared Coats at a Great Sacrifice. Overcoats for Men and Boys all sizes; also Winter Pants and Suits; all lines of Winter Un- derwear a..nd Sweatercoats, Overshoes, Heavy Rubbers, Felt Boots, etc. All at a Big Snap to Clear. Come early and often. Me are After BIG BUSINESS THIS MONTH. 111 H. E. ISARD • CO. In the last year Iowa produced 96,953, 183 pounds of butter, which was sold for $28,285,240. The French people are great chicken raisers. A return gives the income derived by them from this industry as $335,000,000. Sale of SHORTHORN BULLS 6 Broadview Shorthorns—Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (Imp.) For sale are six bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and will be sold reasonably. If you need any thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Wingham, Ont. (Farm 1M miles south of Wingham.) WINOIIAM MARK ET It ',VONT.' Wingham, Jan, 21, 1913 Flour per 100 lbs I Ii;a11 wheat ., ats Barley Peas Butter dairy Eggs per dos Wood per cord Hay per ton HOP,. .6616•0**1 9 10 tO 9 10 2 75 to 3 15 ... 0 80 to 0 85 . 0 35 to t) 36 0 48 to 0 50 0 05 to 1 00 0 25 to 0 25 0 80 to 0 30 2 25 to 3 00 .12 00to13 00 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE CCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER ANGtlik1011 lortpled with a REAL ESTATE and MoNEy LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Insurance Offioe over Malcolm's Groonl. Lehigh Coal Another car of genuine Le- high hard coal Free from "Dirt- and ac- cording to State Authorities 4 to 6 per cent. richer in fixed Carbon than any other I will continue to sell the free burning Anthracite to those who desire it. The most economical fuel on the market. The following prices for Chestnut coal from surrounding towns compared with Wingham will be of interest to those who burn coal. APRIL and MAY: • Brussels, $7.501 Clinton, $7 50; Goderich, $7.50; Wing - ham, $0.75 to tk7 15. SEPT. to DEC, — nriseels, $8 00; Clinton, $8 00; Goderich, $4.00; Wing ham. $7.40 to $7.75. Why I; Whigham from 25c to 75e lovver? Wood and Kindling always on hand. R. J. Cantelon P. O. Box 127 James Paisley, seaman on the G.T.R. liner Prince Rupert, lost his life in Van- couver harbor in a gallant attempt to rescue a lunatic. Chas. Anderson, who had jumped overboard. FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, 100 -acres 85 cleared -all under grass, well underdrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, 1.34. -.story frame house, kitchen and woodshed. Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, windinill and water in house and stable, 1Mmiles from post office, school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to Will. WIGHTMAN, Lot 35. con 10 or Belgrave P. Y. For Sale Good Apple Butter, 6c per lb. in any quantity while it lasts. Call and get a sample. Will de:iver to any part of town. FLOUR — Robin Hood, Fine X, Maple Leaf and Milverton ; also, Pastry. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop, Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for Flour, Bran, Shorts, and Meals. When in need of anything in this line, call or phone 84 WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL EZRA MERKLEY CENTRAL 12iS STRATFORD. ONT. Cadada's best practical Training School. Three departments - Gommercial Shorthand and TeleAraphy Courses are thorongh and prac- tical. Individual instruction is given by a strong experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free Catalogue and see what We can do for you. D. A. MolACHLAN PRINCIPAL.