HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-01-08, Page 8TIIE WINGIIAM TIME JANUARY S 1914 eavy Winter Goods We are offering to the public several lines in Men's Fur Coats at a bar- gain, such as Bulgarian Lamb, Corean Beaver, i Russian Calf, Coon and China Dog Also a few Ladies' As- trican . Jackets, was S35, $40, and S45 ; your choice $10.00. All kinds of produce wanted r }{?ILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. W INGHAM, ONT. 11 \A -DRU -CO COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and. Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5 oc. and S i .00 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor *to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE W I NGHAM MINOR LOCALS. —Big Scottish concert in the Opera House on Friday evening of this week. —Buy your Grand Trunk Railway tickets at the town office in the TIMES office. —Hear Jessie Maclachlan, the Scot- tish prima donna, in the opera house on Friday evening. — Mr. R. C. Kittson, a former resi- dent of Wingham, has been elected as Mayor of East Side, Oregon. — Mrs. Thos. Bell, formerly of Wing - ham has been elected as a member of the Southampton Council. —Clubbing rates on all newspapers and magazines in connection with the TIMES. Your orders will receive prompt attention. —Mr. Charlie Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler, Bluevale road, has secured a school near Caledonia and entered on his duties as teacher on Monday. We wish Charlie success. —Ritchie and Cosens report the sale of lots 11 and 12 in Angus survey to John A. McLean, and lots 3 and 4 in same survey to C. M. Walker. All these lots belonged to the John Elder estate. —Mr. Peter Campbell was called to Detroit on Saturday last to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late W. P. Campbell. The deceased gentle- man had been in failing health for some months. —The Citizens' Band serenaded the the successful candidates on Monday evening and the band treasury was en- riched. The members of the band wish to heartily thank the successful candi- dates for their donations. —Dr. Crow and C. J. Halliday; who were candidates for the Mayoralty of Chesley publish an agreement not to canvas for votes. This is as it should be. All candidates for municipal offices should enter into similar agreements. —Keep the night of Tuesday, Jan. 27th open for an entertainment in the Town Hall, "An old fashioned Ladies' Aid Business Meeting at the Mohawk Cross Roads." A chance for the older people to see the costumes they wore forty years ago. towicwitamasee Wonderful Values in 1 WOMK\ 'S Rich and Fashionably Designed FURS Odd Muffs, Stoles, Matched Sets, in Mink, Marmot, Persian Lamb, and Oppossum. Each and every piece of Fur we have in stock has a striking Individuality, which goes to show the and the uncommon quality of our Furs. Remember--- WE GUARANTEE all Furs and will replace any defective skin that does not give satisfaction. Men's 8z Ladies' Fur & Fur Lined Coats We have some exceptional values in High -Class Coats, that are worthy of your inspection before b exclusive style Highest, Prices for ,FKI\G V FURS BROS. Dying. PHONE 71 Follow the crowd to the J. K. Irwin's big sale, where you buy $2 worth of goods for $1. Only 13 days left for you to buy goods at zero prices at Irwin's. Just now you get 25 to 50 per cent off furs and coats at Irwin's. Take advantage of a good thing while it lasts. The Irwin's sale closes Jan. 20th. A. D. Campbell, BSc., of Calgary, warned eastern farmers in an address at Morrisburg against low grade feed grain from the west as abounding in noxious seeds Father Cascon, a pioneer missionary the Oblate Fathers among the red men of the Mackenzie River and Great Slave Lake died at Winnipeg, aged eighty- seven. The Mounted Police patrol from Sask-,-' atoon Lake, which, it was feared, had been lost near Porcupine river, is on its way back with the prisoner under arrest. The silver cross, one of the highest awards, was given to Assistant scout- master J. Banhan of Brant ofd for bravery in rescuing a boy from drowning okotli Nr ".Mti.•...iM� wwa,ods"ivs +s +t{f'+►sr p"oahr tAt• bra. 'eti oet,ANkiva'.+rvi duct o ale of Wh T 17B •ES and FELT GOODS also 0 Worth of BOOTS AND SHOES g Saturday Next, January 10th $2, Beginni $1500.00 worth of Heavy Rubbers and Felt Shoes at 75 cents on the Dollar or in other words 1-4 off the regular price and $2,000.00 surplus stock of Boots and Shoes at 70 cents on the dollar. We wish to be plainly understood regarding the Boots and Shoes we are offering a �a v#irprinAly blur w.rav4:1 r-. These ar e I h E. newest stock we have ---some have been in stock six months and some a year but none of them are what would be called old goods and every pair will give satisfaction. The lot consists of all kinds namely:— $5.00 shoes for Men at $3.50 per pail Solei Agents '8'19 vaonsesOMO For Ladies eneavesiamenli $4.00 shoes for Women and men at $2.80 per pair $3.00 shoes for Women and Men at $2.10 per pair $2.00 shoes for Women and Men at $1.40. per pair $-1.00 shoes for Children for 70 cents per pair also shoes for Girls and Boys at the sane low price, 70 cents on the dollar This sale begins on Saturday next January 10th and will continue one month ending on Saturday, February 7th, in clusive. WILLIE & CO Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises •-JWr �wJ1r+