HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-01-01, Page 6PI', 4 • •X •
Baby Eczema
Mrs. Lois McKay, Tiverton, Digby County, N.S. writes:—
"My children were taken with an itching, burning skin disease and
tore their flesh until it was sore and their skirts would sometimes be
Wet with blood. The doctor ilid not seem to know what ailed them,
and could give no relief, so I began using Dr. Chase's Ointment.
"Wherever it was applied it did its workewell, and has entirely
cured thern of this horrible disease, They suffered so they could not
sleep at nights, and rthink if it had lasted much longer I would have
gone crazy from the anxiety and loss of sleep. I cannot find words to
praise Dr. Chase's Ointment eneugh for the good it has done my
children, and hope other sufferers will try it."
Dr. Chase's Ointment is a necessity in any home where there
are children. By curing irritation and chafing it prevents torturing
skin disease. 60 cents a box, all dealers. Sample box mailed free, if
you mention this paper. Edrnanson, Bates aa Co., Limited, Toronto.
I c
sem atr
We are receiving every
week new lines in the latest
designs of Furniture, such
A number of Odd Chairs at Special Prices for the
Christmas Trade.
We are sole agents for "Osterrnoor Mattress" and
"Nobrush Varnish."
, Night Phone, 155 -
Day 'Phone 51
Prompt delivery to any part of
the town.
Try our Hardwood and
Kindling; the best and cheap-
est in Wingham.
Orders may be left at the
store of R. R. Mooney
R. J. Cantelon
P. O. Box 127
Agent for
Allan Lino
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern LitiS
Ocean Steamships.
The Selection of
the Cloth
Rests with you; the cutting
and making with us. If \ OU
are as well pleased vtith your
ch.)ice as you'il be with the
St>IP, Fit and Finish of r ur
work, mutual satisfaction. will
result. Our
Meets with the approval of
Stylish Dressers and oil- prics
'please the economical.
Orval Taylor
It Seems to Have Been Intentionaile
iltillt Out of Plumb.
That Immutable piece of aretia
teeture, the leaning tower of l'1:44.
always been a eubject for discue-
'idea an I conjectero, Many archi-
tects have closely inepeeted
foundations, measured its columns
and theorized as to its strange de-
parture from the perpendicular. lo
1773 Goethe explained it as intim.
tionally so built for the purporie of
attracting the spectator's attention
Gout the ordinary straight simits of
which Pisa in the twelfth century te
said to terve had 10,000.
The baptistry of the cathedral in
Pisa, built also in the thirteenth cen-
tury, leans seventeen ieches out of
the perpendicular, and the plinth
blocks of its foundations tilt doe 0
gradually and evenly for nine inches
in the direction of this inclination.
The Campanile of San Niccolo leans
forward in the same way, as like-
wise do the facades of the Cathe-
dral of Pisa. It is worthy of note,
too, that they curve back toward the
In the leaning tower there is a de-
liberate effort above the third floor
to return to the perpend'cular. This
is made by a.. delicate series of
changes in the pitch of the columns
on the lower side, evidence taken by
some investigators as indication of
an attempt to remedy an error made
by the architects, the foundation
according to one theory having sub-
sided as the result of their inexperi-
ence with the peculiar soil of Pisa.
Careful measurements below the
third floor show that the arches of
the staircase were deliberately in-
creased in height and that the down-
ward dip was so arranged that the
weight of the tower was thrown off
the overhanging side, writes Mr.
Isaac )3ickerstaffe in The London
Field. This would have been quite
unnecessary if the architect had
meant the tower to rise straight up
from its foundations.
The Mysterious Gegenschein.
There is visible in the night sky,
under favorable circumstances, a
faint light, rounded in outline and
situated always exactly opposite, to
the place of the sun. It is called
the "gegenschein" and is one of the
most inexplicable objects known to
astronomers. According to a scien-
tist, it may be a sort of cometary or
meteoric satellite attending the
earth. He supposes it to be com-
posed of a cloud of meteors, situated
about 1,000,000 miles from the earth
and revolving around it in a period
of just one year, so that the sun
and the meteors are always on op-
posite sides or the earth, Re esti-
mates that the size of this ghostly
satellite may be nearly the same as
that of the plamet Jupiter—viz,
about 86,000 miles la diameter.
Professional Forging.
Forging is generally quite an ama-
teur affair in England, but in India
where the professional forger flour-
ishes, it is the business of a lifetime.
A father, for instance, who thinks
he detects in his son an aptitude for
the occupation, apprentices him to
one of its masters. He learns among
other things, engravings, photo-:
graphy, paper -making, chemistry, so
as to deal with colored inks, and,
above all, fine penmanship and deli-
cate miniaturelike painting. After
several years hard work is pronounc-
ed proficient and sets up in business
for himself, generally commencing by
counterfeiting government stamps.
b. Plague of Cats.
The Australians, besides the plague
of rabbits with which they have been
afflicted for many years, are now
obliged, it appears, to fight a plague
of cats. The cats were introduced
originally in the hope that they might
take to killing off the rabbits, and
now some planters are putting in
dogs to kill off the cats. The canines
having misbehaved in some instances,
the victims are looking about for dog -
killers, and apparently there is to be
no end to this endless -chain game of
The House that Jack Built.
Functional Disease.
Organic disease is so called in easels
where the structure of the organ has
become so affected as to alter its char-
s ,iter. If the liver hardens or the kid-
neys decay this is organic freebie.
The doctors call it a functional die -
ease when the functions of any organ
are deranged --that is, do not work
normally, when, for instance, the liv-
er pours its secretions into the sys-
tem too freely or the kidneys,
through a cold, do not remove the im-
purities from the system,
The First Monotheists.
So far as we are able to discover,
the Egyptian priests were the first
monotheists. Tlaere existed in Egypt
two kinds of religious teaching, the
"exoteric" and the "esoteric," that
for the masses of the people and that
for the seleet few, the little company
of the "wise." The masses were poly-
theists, believing in the multitude of
gods, while the fees believed only hi
one god, of whom Osiris, head of the
popular deities, was but a weak res
Spoiled Children.
The child that is constantly in-
dulged, who Jute every wish gratified
teg soon an expreseed, is sure to be a
very miserable child and man. It
thinks that the world revolves about
it, and when at school or in the world
It finds Data it must both give and
take It lo made utterly wretched. The
Wpo112d ehild is not only a terror to
all other, hat most painful to itself.
St. Peter's, Rome,
St. Peter's, florae, was three and a
half centuries in construction, and
during this time forty-three pepea
Huge Coral Reef.
Ladies' and Gent's Tailor The largest coral reef in th world
Is the Australian Barrier Reef,
Wilson Block, Wingham which is eleven hundred miles; toss.
A German Seientist Sap; It May Act
as a Nerve Destroyer.
Professor Oppenheim, a great
German nerve epecialist, finas that
music has become the plague of mod-
ern life, in his practice he has been
struck by the fact that the largest
percentege of eufferere come from
the hotels where there is what he
ealls a "perpetual plague of music."
lie adds that U10 VODIII1011 1?101101/
Of going to a seaside or monntain
resort for rest ana stopping at one
cif the large hotels where the ramie
tvges as badly as in the elites,
miette see! rest frr the worn nervee
ietroesial.i. Ile objects, too, to the
OX' meet eating indulged in tes
those affiliatel with nervous troubles.
bui finds that murie, so called, le the
were!. torture to jangled nerves.
"Am inst title evil there cannot
too one etitie proteet and action. I
am not unmusical. I have haa nany
enjoyable hours with music, and I
have tie en written upon the healing
value of music, but there is no long-.
:t queztion of enjoyment and bene-
fit, but 01 disorderly disturbance,
whicb should be checked.
"A benent that is forced upon us
oecomee an agony and a burden and
wrecks nerves, and that is what re-
sults from hotel music, which you
must bear whether you want to or
"Enjoyment and the beneficial ef-
fects of retsic are dependent upon
the condition under which it is
heard. There must be a free choice
of where and when and what kind
of music one wants in order that it
be soothirg instead of irritating.
Hotel music should be played in a
special room with thick walls."
If our hotels take the advice of
Professor Oppenheim they will have
music only in epecial dining rooms,
uotifying their guests as to which
are the silent and which the "musi-
cal" dining rooms. Then we shall be
able to eat in peace, if we wish to,
or have all the noise we desire.
What Professor Oppenheim would
saer abont music as played at the
"dancing teas" miglat add to the
severity 01 his pronouncement. No
one doubts that nervous persons at-
tend these teas, but what will be the
Hues of the Butterfly.
It Is perhaps' not generally known
that butterflies close their wings
like a book, and the underside of the
hinder pair is often colored so as to
match the surroundings, but they are
not quite so largo as the fore wings
and therefore do not cover these up
completely. The uncovered portion
of the underside of the fore wings
• repeats in a great number of instance%
the pattern and coloring of the under
surface of the hind wing and thus
carrEL: out to perfection the conceal-
ment, while the remainder of the un -
tier surface of the fore wing, covered
when at rest by the hind wing, has
often quite different .coIoiciag and is
in many cases of most brilliant and
conspicuous hues.
Old World Clartale.
China has led the world in the mat-
ter of canal making, and. to this clay
stands first among the nations for the
skillful utilization of her inland wat-
erways. One great canal maintains
communication between Peking and
Canton, a distance of 1,200 miles,
and the total extent of the canals of
China is over 5,000 miles. Russia
owns the longest canal in the world,
extending from St. Petersburg to the
Chinese frontier, a distance of 4,472
miles, and also the second longest,
covering 1,434 miles, between Astra-
khan and St. Petersburg. As regards
numbers of separate canals, Holland
claims precedence, but her total mile-
age of inland waterways is only 930
The Fez hi the Orient.
The fez or tarbusb is limited by no
considerations of nationality or faith.
ft is the almost universal head cover -
lug of the eastern and southern lands
of the Mediterranean and has been
widely distribuated in the still active
dientsion of Mohammedanism. This
type of felt hat withoet brim is of
the utmost antiquity and seems to
have undergone no marked change
save the tassel from the eaely monu-
mental record of the Euphrates val-
ley. The designation fez, compara-
tively modern in its application, de-
rives from the oasis of that name,
which was long considered the only
eource of dyestuffs wlaich could give
lie. peculiar shade of red moat
Some Meteors.
One of the earliest known meteors
fell in 204 13, C. in Phrygia, where
Lor a long time it was worshipped. It
was carried to Rome and was suppos-
ed to be a messenger from the gods.
Livy describes a shower of meteorie
stoaes. The people were greatly
alarmed, and. the senators were de-
moralized and declared a nine days'
festival to propitiate the gods. There
Is at Mecca a meteorite which fell in
600 A. D. and is still worshipped bY
the faithfui,
Where the Shoe Pinches.
Every man will dispute with great
good humor upon a subjeet in which
be is not interested. I will dispute
very calmly upon the probability of
another man's son being 'hanged, but
if a man zealously enforces the prob-
ability that my Own son will be hang-
ed I shall certainly not be in a very
good humor with him.—Johnson,
Thb Alternative.
A Frenchman applied to a local of-
ticial for a passport to visit Matter-
wingschen, in Switzerland. The fune-
ihinary, who was not a fellow of any
geographical society, studied in vain
with the spelling of the plate's name.
rhen, unwilling to confess his dile-
edity, he blandly asked, "Would you
is lief visit twine °thee town?"
Tiffin; rem- Red finite
rc,c1 h lir is Po MIICh
t .that tnany women dye their
ese ibis color.
El; 0 lerienelle Salntation May
Scare a Stransem.
In Sicily you muel not believe
everything you think yen hear, and
above all you must not, net rashly
eigni nest impreselons. Wben a
Is fooling well his "Good
morning, sir!" sounds like "Spar-
tacus to the gladiators." When any
cno addresees you as if murder was
contemplated, with yourself as tile
vietna, be easy. Ile lo prointbly exe
presaine a polite wish for a pleasant
journey in "Vistas In Sicily" Mr,
Atthur Stanley Riggs gives his own
experlenco of this characteristic'
Latin fervor and inflection:
On our first morning in Taormina
a wild looking peasant beauty, bear -
hie upon her Shapely head a huge
dripping amphora, stopped us with
eneouth geetures and a laugh so
eldritch that it startled us. ,Terking
her finger at la signora, she poured
forth a torrent of impassioned
Sicilian dialect that we mad not
understand, although I suspected she
was saying that we were unfit to be
In Taormina and had better leave
Unpleasant thoughts of the Me-
nus', the Black rand we loosely call
them, swept through me. The girl's
utterance was so fierce, her expres-
sion so menacing, I wondered
whether she might not be really an
agent of the dreaded band. But be-
fore my combined annoyance and
alarm led me into difficulties, two
Taorruinians came up and explained
in Italian, "The signorina is afraid
your signora will lose her handker-
chief. It is falling out of her belt."
I was glad I had not shouted for
the police!
When I asked the girl, who could
understand Italian perfectly, al-
though she spoke none herself, if I
might photograph her, she consent-
ed. and refused any gratuity. Then
she wished us a torrential good day
and vanished up the black and
smoky stairs of a stone hut on one
side of the side streets.
When Hanging Pictures.
An annoyance to all good house-
keepers is the line of dirt on the wall
that forms at the backs of all pictures
at their :ower edges and requiree fre-
quent dustings to prevent the paper
or paint from being permanently mar-
red by an ugly discoloration. To ob-
viate this, take small nails, called
brads, that are about the thickness
of an ordinary pin and about half an
inch long, and drive one in each lower
corner of the !ram et where it touches
the wall, leaving perhaps a quar-
ter of an inch, • 111 prevent the
picture from re best the wall;
no dust can possibly tle there; it
permits of a free cirmaittion of air,
and the tiny heads of the nails will
not mar the most richly -decorated
Reading Between the Lines.
To get the good of the library in
the school of life you must bring into
It something better than ce mere book-
ish taste. You must bring the power
to read between the lines, behind the
words, beyond the horizon of the
printed page. Philip's question to the
chamberlain of Ethiopia was crucial,
"Understandeth thou what thou read -
est?" I want books not to pass the
time, but to 1111 it with beautiful
thoughts and images, to enlarge my
world, to give me new friends in the
spirit, to purify my ideals and make
them clear, to show me the local color
of uuknown regions and the bright
stars of universal truth.—Henry van
Dew Point of Air.
To determine the air's dew point,
Heygendorff, a German roeterologist,
fills with water a cup of silver or oth-
er good heat conducting metal and
introduces sal ammoniac, hypoeul-
phite of soda or other salt that low-
ers the temperature in dissolving. As
the salt is slowly added the mixture
Is gently stirred with a thermometer
bulb. At the instant when the cool-
ing causes a deposit of moisture to
begin on the outside of the cup, the
indication of the thermometer is
taken and gives the desired dew
point or temperature at which the
moisture present in the air would
become complete saturation or 100
per cent, of humidity.
Mexico's Oldest Theatre,
The oldest theatre in Mexico, an&
indeed the oldest on this continent,
is the Teatro Principal of the City of
Mexico. There is nothing particular-
ly distinetive about its architecture to
testify as to its antiquity, however,
for its two stories of repaired facade
covered over with lurid posters cor-
responds in general style to the other
playhouses of the city. Then, too,
there is a certain animation about the
crowds that pass in and out the en-
trance that is somewhat misleading
to those on the outlook for the reilem
of the past.
Getting Back.
"Why do you insist on trying to
sell me beefsteak and beans and
buckwheat cakes?" demanded • the
barber, "I told you all I wanted was
too fried eggs."
"Well, 1 was in your shop yester-
day," retorted the restaurant man.
"All I wanted was a shave, but you
bulldozed me into a shampoo, a foam
fizz and a tonic rub."
Broke It Gently.
A railway man who was instructed
to inforra a lady that her hushanii
had been killed by a railway accident
and was cautioned to break the nevi*
gently is credited with writing the
following letter:
Dear Madarn--/ write to ow that
your husband is unavoidably detain-
ed, An Undertaker will call on you
to -morrow with full po.rticula.
Reason For Athletics?
The increasean the practice df ath-
letic sports is said to actouut for Rae
fatt WA man and womett.of ts-dar
are nearly two inches taller than their
• r •
A Common Center. '
"it makes no difference how irregua
larly objects are arranged, their cora-
bined influence at their force center IS
This is a fundamental fact of the
entire aidereal structure. Millions
upon nralions of suns and worlds fly-
ing in all directions as bees in a swarm
Pr moving in cosmic streams and AS
-.:urrent of stars, net by means of uni-
versal gravitation precisely ad though
they were all condensed into a gigan-
tic globe at their common center of
gravity.—Edgar Lucien Larkin in New
rork American,
All Alike,
Miss Agnes Repplier tells in the At.
lantle a story Mint a New York social
worker, a woman of earnest character
and intelligent methods, who bad
worked hard to establish respectable
dance halls for poor girls. The woman
had delivered an address at a meeting.
A young married woman of a wealthy
and fashiohable set inquired whether
the girls for whose welfare the work
was being conducted never stayed at
home. "Never," replied the speaker,
"and you will pardou we for saying it,
neither do you."
Easy Bravery.
.links—Prom what you told me ol
your mother-in-law 1 shonld think
you'd bare heard enough from her in
person, without having cared to in-
duce her to talk into your phonograph,
Filkins—Oh, you can't imagine the
pleasure it gives me to start the ma.
chine going and then shut it off right
In the midst of a sentence.—Puck.
A Human Habit.
"There is one paradoxical thing
which we all do."
"What is that?"
"We long for things when we are
short."—Baltimore American.
London's Owners.
London's 116 square miles are owned
by 88,200 individuals. Only 700 people
own flVe acres or mare, and 14,006
own only the houses in which they
Industry supplies the want of part*
patience and diligence, like faith, re:
move mountains—William Penn.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Beals the ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop.
pings in the throat and permanent-
iy cures Catarrh and Hay Fever.
2,5c. a box; blower free. AnnePt no
substitutes. All dealers or Edmanson,
Bates & Os., Limited, Toronto.
atch Your Liver.
If It Is Lazy, Slow or Torpid
Stir H Up By the Use of
Willburn's Laxa-Liver
A lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible
affliction, as it holds back the bile, which
is required to move the bowels, and lets
it into the blood instead, thus causing
Constipation, Catarrh of the Stomach,
Sick Headache, Langour, Pain tid.cler the:
Right Shoulder, etc.
Mrs. Wesley Estabreoks, Midgic Sta-
tion, N.B., writes:—"Por several years
I had been troubled with pains in the
liver. I have had medicine from several
)y lilen) doctors,1.su Lwalsenontlryiedivirelieviiebdurnfo,s r.aliatixinz
I o
Liver Pills, and I have had no troebk
with my liver since. I can honestly
endttleemto every person who
n .
2,.111burit's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26e
vial, or 5 vials for $1..00, at all dealers,
or mailed direct on receipt of price by
'r;,e T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Where George Eliot Went to School. ,
The ancient cottage at Griff, War-
wickshire, In which nearly a century
ago was held the first school attended
by George Eliot, is situated two milee
from Nuneaton, exactly opposite thid
entrance gates of Grill House, whict$
for twenty years was the residence of
George Eliot's father, Robert IllvanS,
the original Adam Bede, and subse-
quently tenanted by IsaacEvans, thd
Tom Tulliver of "The MW on thd
Floss."—London Times.
Impostor and Malefactor.
Carlyle used to tell of an old Scotch -
woman who, speaking to her family,
said: "There's twa sons, balth doint
weel in Glasgle. T'a.ne's an impostor,
and Vither's a malefactor." It wad
found that she meant "upholsterers
and "manufacturer."
Where the Cost Comes.
"Does it take much money to send a
boy to college?" asked the boob.
"No," replied the cheerful idiot "It's
keeping him there that takes the
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Coral Tooth Powder.
The debris left from coral made lute
articles of jewelry, *etc., la crushed.
scented and sold as tooth powder at a
high price by east Indian perfumers.
We have put in our office
Stationery and can
a complete stock of Staple
supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before Co a
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
who: in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office