HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-01-01, Page 5111 THE WINGHAM miss, JANUARY 1 1914 momr........mer.....o.morro,•••••••••••••.....a.................••• 1......0.rtrumossamompono..../ usworwalwassal laWk. wwwwwwWarawswasatallasiwairiaraoalwalmintWalasammitwaramilinin 401, Ili) Happy New Year Good-bye, Old Year, Good-bye! Not the best of years, nor yet the worst we've ever known Let's forget its sorrows and remem- ber its joys The New Year promises much, and we trust it will be kind to us all For the favors so liberally extended to us during the Old Year, we 'are truly thankful IFor the New Year we shall, with in- creased effort. strive to serve our patrons better than ever before A Happy New Year to Everybody We'll be closed all day New Year's W. A. GAIIPBELL THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block - Opp. Bank of Commerce •••••••••• 1 411W 44444.44644,444".444,44441v"/ Thanking You for Your Patronage in the past and with best Wishes fora STORE PHONE 40 MILL PHONE 20 ,...1100.11111111 BRANDS OF FLOUR quality Five Lilies Prairie Rose Cream Pastry Ontario Iappy and 1). 11 IS 1 Office of RESIDENCE PHONE 20B or 225 utglpun :Flour Mills HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK, Proprietors Warehouse—G. T. R. All kinds of GRAIN AND FEED WINGHAM, December 31st, 1;913 DEAR SIR On and after January 2nd, 1914, we will ()cony the store now occupied by J. L. Awde, and carry on!'a Flour and Feed Business. We will have the agency for the famoui "Five Roses" Flour. We will also handle "Milvtrton," "Exeter", and any other flour our custo 1 rs require, besides our own "Quality" -blended flo -and "Five Lilies -high patent Manitoba. We will arantee every pound of flour we sell and if you find/,;'t does not meet your expectations we will givO you so ethinghat will. No order too small and n ne to large. We will buy and sell a11'1/4k ds of grain. It will pay you never to buy or sell ore getting our prices and seeing our stock. Mill Feed always in store. Oat meal, Rolled Oats, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat, Cream of Wheat and other kinds of Breaksast Foods, Flax Meal, Molasses Meal, 011 Cake &c. Poultry supplies of all kinds. Call and see us. We will be glad to show you our goods, whether you buy or not. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New Year, We are, Yours sincerely, HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. anti, 411111111•INIU• ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under Thi Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Chrisiie's. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big ;stock of select from •at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES Office. —Envelopes, writing paper and all staple lines of stationery on sale at the TIMES office. NOTICE—Having ditTosed of my busi- ness, all accounts owing me must be settled at once by cash or note. —J. L. A.WDE. —We are prepared to pay the highesa prices for all kinds of grain at our store house at the Grand Trunk Station. TIPLING St MILLS. DON'T FORGET when you want wool and Jute blankets robes, string bells, shaft chimes arid driving Gauntlets, we have the largest stook in Huron County to choose from. Prices right. —Thos. Kw. AUCTION SALE of Valuable Farm Property • in the Township of East - Wawanosh. Pursuant to apower of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there.will be offered for sale by public auction at the QUEENi 'S HOTEL, n the Town of Wingham, on SATURDAY, the 3RD DAY of JANUARY A. D. 1014, at 2 o'clock P. M., by Frank McConnell, Auctioneer, the following valuable farm property, that is to say: The South half of the North half of lot number thirty-one in the Eleventh Concession of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron con- taining fifty acres of land more or less. This property is situate about eight miles from the town of Wingham and hve miles from the village of Whitechurch. There are on the property a comfortable frame house and a good frame barn. The property is well watered and will make a good grazing farm. TEers k11.' Shalia Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within twenty days there- after. The property will be offered subject to e reserve bid. Further particulars and conditions of the sale will be made known on the day, of sale or may be had on applieation to the undersigned. Dated this 121h day of December, A. D. 1913. R. VANSTONE, Wingham. Vendors's Solicitor. Prosperous NEW YEAR. TO ALL. tommiorimmiimm• Hanna 82 Co. 'PHONE 70 Curling Bonspeil A local curling bonspiel will be held in the rink, on New V'ear's day. Rinks as follows; Rinks No.1: Chas. Munro Joe Holland J. A. McRae 3 A. Currie T Fortune H. Shane J. W. Pearen Dudley Holmes Rinks No. 2: F. Davidson A. Gregory 3. W. Dodd N. T. SnacIsir D. Fortune R. A. Currie L. F. Binkley C. N. Griffin ' Rinks No.3: Wm. Jones A. Coutts E. Small C. P. Smith A. Nichol J. Murray A. E. Porter 0 Elliott Rinks No, 4: C Crawford Scottie Forbes Win. Isbister B. Towle 13 Elliott . .T. Carr A. M. Crawford Wm. Mitchell Rinks No. 5: john Morgan D. Rae E. H. Croly T. Hardy J. Cummings D. B Porter C. Knetchel A. J. Alderson C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT PtInn er IAIPS tl1/4 CLICA3:14:14A Insurance WEATHER Sa 02*----7417—do loupled with a REAL EST ATE and M01.11/1* LOANING( 13rtsiness. better of Marriage Licenses. (Moe swat Italoolnist Grocery. 1 and 2 play at 8 a m; 4 and 5 at 10 a m, 6 and 3 at 12 noon; 8 and 7 at 2 p m. Losers of 1 and 2 play at 4 p m; losers of 3 and 4 at 4 p m; losers of 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 play at p m. Win- ners of 3 and 4 and land 2 play at 8 p m; winners of 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 play 8 p m. Final play at 10 p m. One point forfeited to his opponent for every ten minutes late after schedule time. Industrial Accidents. The toll of death from industrial ac- cidents throughout Canada during the year 1912, as shown in a report just published, cost the lives of no less than 1,220 workmen, while 5,780 received ser- ious injuries. Thus 7,000 workers in Canada's industrial army met with fatal or serious accidents while in the dis- charge of their duty during the twelve months. Your vote and influpice solicited for, ROBERrALLAN for the Board of Education Your vote and influfence will be appreciate0y F. BUCHANAN for "file Board of Education W • ;II • HOWSON will appreciatd/your z,/ vote and,ine fignce for his elec n to the Board of Education H. E. ISAR!) Pub'ic school trtiSeee is seeking electiOyto the Board of tducation Your vote and influence respcctfully solicited A Happy and Prospeirous New Year to all LADIES' WEAR STORE Great display of Useful New Year G fts 'or Ladies, Misses and Child ei Mtke yiur selecti,ms early %bile stock is complete. • Store Open Every Night Silk Waits, Silk Belts, 1,,c,1 Co lar4, Cuff nd Collar Sets, Fancy Frilling. Lai es' .47.i1k Umbrt 114s. Dressing Sacques, Kimonas, Collars, Handkerchief, Fancy Embroidered or Initial( d. Sweater Coats, M ,tor Scufs, &ink Comb., SiCe Combs, Barrets, Hair Bands, Hand Bags, Purses, S 'tin Underskirs, Fancy S lks, Mufflers, Ribbmi, Kid Gloves Furs of all kinds at special New Year prices. VACUUM CLEANERS.—Whit b her or more useful present in the home th-in a go d Vacuuin Cleaner. We have b th Hand and Electric Cle*Intrs in stock. The "Cadillac" does the work thoroughly. It combines all the uits of the Carp t Sweeper and Vacuum Clean( r in one operation. Our Cut Price and ChriArras Bargain will be $10 for this guirauteed Hand Ceaner. "61:1G6..1.0.1131.1••••••6•1011•••• MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful New Year Gifts for Men and Boys Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Silk Muffler., Braces in Fancy Boxes, Armbands, Garters, Cuff Links, Sweater Coats, Hockey Caps, Hockey Shoes, Fancy Slippers, Umbrellas, Fancy Socks, Fur Lined Gloves, Collar Boxes, Fur Caps, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats. •11•1111•1•••••••110 BIG PRICES FOR DRESSED. POULTRY H. E. ISA & CO. LIVE sTOul At it RAN:TS Toronto, Dec. 29 -Little demand pre- vailed for the stock off3red th m i?n- ing at the Union Yards. The I) trade has been supplied and cad/ a q ILA business is being done. Export . ... ........ $ 8 50 $ 8 75 Butcher cattle choice .. 7 75 8 00 do medium.. . ... ..... 6 LO 7 50 Butcher cows choice... . 6 25 7 00 do medium ..... 5 ( 0 6 (10 do common 5 0.) 5 50 do bulls 6 25 7 0)) Feeders 5 50 6 75 Stockers. .. 5 50 6 00 do medium .... I 00 1 25 do light.. 4 75 5 00 Canners and cutters 3 50 4 25 Milkers, choice, 85 00 95 00 Springers... 55 00 00 00 Common and medium.. L5 00 45 00 Lambs . . 870 885 Light ewes 5 25 6 00 do bucks ... 3 50 4 50 Hogs fed and watered . 9 00 00 do f.o.b 8 75 00 Calves .. ...... 5 0 ) 11 00 NV INGRAM AIA.RICET REPORTS. Wingham, Dec. 22, 1913 Flour per 100 lbs 2 75 to 3 15 Fall wheat ... 0 80 to 0 85 Oats. 0 35 to 0 36 Barley.. 48 to 0 50 Peas 0 80 to 0 80 Butter dairy ........0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz.. ..... 0 35 to 0 35 Wood per cord 275 to 325 Hay per ton .12 00 to 13 00 Hogs . 9 10 to 9 10 .••••=m111 For Sale Good Apple Butter, 60 per lb. in any quantity while it lasts. Call and get a sample. Will de:iver to any part of town. FLOUR — Robin Hood, Fine X, Maple Leaf and Milverton ; also, Pastry. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop, Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchai e.e for Flour, Bran, Shorts, and Meals. When in need of anything in this line, call or phone 84 WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL EZRA MERKLEY • N r No man is as important as the Mar- shall of the Day used to' look to you when you were a boy attending the celebration. Neither must you go back to the farm in order to worry about the weather. When the leaves of tea were first brought to England they were eaten. All some men have to be proud of is their chests. Servia has placed an order for 90,000 War medals with a Swiss firm. Because a man differs with you he isn't necessarily unfair. And to declare he is, is unfair. Eastern nriarnifisetures are looking to the northwest for hardwoods for the manufacture of clothes -pins. Birch is particularly wanted, A lot of office holders have an iti.m when their own name is involved. ,Accer4ing to the latest available statistics the Republic of China is now possessed of 5,960 miles of railway opened to traffic and has under con- struction 2,273 miles, .1 REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MUM. Witrist6w's seornixo WOWr has been aged for Over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS f.v their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING. with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUM* ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, atid iS the Vest remedy for DIARR/ICEA4 It is kb., solutely barmiest,. se sure tad mak Itor "atm. Wisslow's SoothIRE Syrup" Okla take Ea OWE Wad. Tweinparu coats a bottle. J. A. McLEAN is a candidattfcr the Board of\ Education SUGGESTIONS 'XMAS GIFT and your vote and in- fluence is solici ed on his behalf Wingham Club WINGHAM, ONT. Your vote and inliO-neut respectfully si);ic/ift'di by A. TIMING Board of Education Vote for W. F. VanStone Board of Education Safe, Progressive New York state school laws now re- quire 180 days' attendance yearly by all pupils between seven and sixteen years of age. Diamonds are beautiful, but an ineau- dastent light hal greater brilliancy. NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP Club to be opened on or about January 1st Will have facilities for all Out- door and Indoor Sports Will also have Literary Department The Club has applied for in- corporation with the following provisional directors N. I. Sinclair, W. H. Gurney. A. 11. Wilford, A. L. PoslIff, G. R. Smith, W. A. Campbell, Dr. A..1. Irwin. J. Ritehie, R, A. (" .rrie, E. B Walker H. C. McLerie, Dr. G. IL Rosa, Dr. 1i..1 Atha., J W. McKibbon, I. Kenneth. W. A. Miller, R 1 irookes, G. Jacques. The Membership Fee is initi. don and $5 annually. Application for merabership ran be made to any of the above mentioned provitional directors. The Club will meet the wanta of all classea, fOS WIDE AND JOIN IT. Silver Ware Gillette Safety Razors Carvers Pocket Knives Hockey and Spring Skates Hockey Sticks and Pucks Sleighs Sleigh Bells Carpet Sweepers Aluminum Ware Call and inspect our Stoat before buying Rae & Thompson