HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-01-01, Page 4EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE East Huron Farmers' Institute bold meetings as follows:- FORDWICH Wednesday, Jan. MOLESWORTH.Thursday, JAMESTOWN...Friday, 6.4 BLUEVALE. Saturday, BELORAVE. .. Saturday, The speakers are: Albert Swinn, of Mabee Thos. McMillan, of Seaforth Misa Susie Campbell, of Brampton Meetings at 2 o'clock and 7 30 p.m. W. H. FRASER, P. A. MCAR.CHUR, President. Seetretary. 46 66 will 7th 8th 9th 10th 17th Turnberry Agricaltural Society Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society, will be held in the Council Chamber, Wingharn on Tuesday, January 20th, 1914, at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purpoiee of receiving the Direc- tors' and Arsaitors' reports, the election of Directors foo the current year and the transaction of other business. All parties interested in Wingham FalloFair are inyited to attend. W. J. Cullom, President. IL B. ELLIOTT, Secretary. ADVERTIiKUS 'S. T. pr HURON COUNTY BUSI- NESS MEN'S ASSOCI- ATION. IP On Prohibition The MAIN D/FFICULTY that advo- cates of Licence Law ve to contend with is THE IGNORANCE generally prevailing on the quttion. In spite of the most impressive essons to the con- trary, Prohibitiodests are .DOING THEIR BEST to *CREASE the USE of INTOXICANTP. The explanatio of this paradox is easily obtained. " The majority do not read or study out the question for them- -selves. They listen chiefly to advice given in sermons -and the preachers of these sermons generally assume that legislation can change customs, control appetites, and banish from our midst what is legally made, sold and imported. LEGISLATION NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL DO THIS. In the no- torious State of Maine, General Neal Dow, the father of Prohibitionists there, testified that he could show very fine residences owned by men who had AMASSED A FORTUNE SELLING RUM SINCE PROHIBITION CAME INTO FORCE. Evidence furnished by the highest authorities, can be given, almost ad infinitum, showing that in Maine Pro- hibition ha e signally failed to bring about the results desired by its advocates. Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,7509000, 'Total Assets Over $43,000,000. Your Opportunity IF a y promising pro- pottaloo re submitted to you Lame pw, one that required a "Natie capital, would you be Tv a position to accept it, or Nvould you be forced to step back and allow Someone else to grasp your oae chance? There are few oppokuni- ties for the man with noth- ing, but at the door of the man with a bank account fortune knocks often. Start an aecount with this; bank. One dollar is , h. Add t� it regulata iy4isnd^yott will soon build up a substantial balance. • C. P. SMITH Metwager, Wingham Nothing short of "Rotten" rieaeribes the conditiens there. ONE EXAMPLE -In PORTLAND, Maine, under PRO- HIBITION the arrests for DRUNKEN. NESS in 188) were 43.44 par thousand. In 1893-39.14 per thousand, In MON» REAL. under LICENSE LA.W, 19.24 in 1889, and in 1893, 10.38, Will Praha, bitionists - will those who think of vot- ing for Scott Act SIMPLY PONDER OVER THESE FIGURES, and read, mark, learn and inwardly digest their import? A SEAPORT 01TY under PRORI131- TION in 13 pears varies ONLY from 43.44 to 39,14 in arrests for drunkenness -and mind you we are told "Prohibition prohibits"; and another SEAPORT OITY under LICENSE, during identi- cally the same period, GOES DOWN from 19.24 to 10.38. In Quebec during the same period -under LICENSE the figuses are 33.13 in 1880; down to 6.75 in 1893. Surely there is no ignorance so dense and so hard to dispel as the ignorance bred of fanaticism Respectfully, THE HURON COUNTY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. JOHN RANSFORD, President, Whf. JACKSON, Secretary. WHIT ECHURull. LOGS WANTED -Highest prices paid for all kinds of saw logs A large stock of Lehigh Valley Nut Coal always on haud-JAs WILSON, Whitechurch, Ont Mrs. Cuyler, Whitechurch, aenounces the engagement of her daughter, Edna Idzumka, to Mr. James Ramage, of Asquith, Sask., formerly of St. Helens, Ont., the marriage to take place early in the New Year. WEST WA.W A NOSH. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods, of St. Helen's, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Mary A., to Mr. Daniel IL Martin, of White- church.. The marriage will be solem- nized at their lame in West Wawanosh on Thursday, January 1, 1914, at 4 p.m. WEST FIELD. Mrs. John Bell, of Barons, Alta., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell. Mr. Will Buchanan is home from Wingham for the holidays. Miss Helve Campbell is home for the holidays. Mr. Thos. Tunney is home from the west, visiting with his father, Mr. Robt. Tunney. LTIC KNO W. Frank Bogues, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bogues, while crossing the river near the Carding Mill, broke through the ice, and was rescued with difficulty by R. T. Douglas, who happened along just at the time. Had Mr. Douglas have not been near, without doubt a drowning would have o3cured. Frank's little sister, Margaret, was drowned in the same river only a couple of months ago. EAST WAWA NOSH. The members of the family of Mr. and Mrs James McGee, gathered at their home on Friday even'ng, Decem- ber 19th, and spent a very pleasant evening. The parents were each pre- sented with a handsome easy chair. Mr. Johnathan Pattison has sold his farm on the 12tb concession to Mr R. W. Irwin, of the 10th concession, who will take possession in March. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Pattison will move to Wingham. GREY, Miss Jennie Rands. principal of the Gorrie Public School, is enjoying the holidays at the parental home. James Lucas, 7th line, has traded his 50 acre farm with Jno. McKee for 100 acres on the north bdy., west of Moles- worth. The purchaser will take pos- session March lst next. He has been on his present farm for tne past nine years. We wish him success. Wm. and Mrs. Telfer and Miss Kate, old residents of the 16th con., moved to their new home in Brussels last week. They carry with them good wishes of the neighborhood in the enjoyment of a well-earned rest. Saunders and Mrs. Frain, of Rosser, Manitoba, are hereon an extended visit. He is a brother of L. Frain, 3rd con., and was a resident of Grey in his boy- hood. It is 3 years since he visited in Ontario. Mrs. Frain was formerly Miss' Elizabeth MacDonald, of Brussels. WINI411Ag TIMES, JANUARY 1 iftrAlmog•••(•••*••••••••••,•••• THE DOMINION BANK OM EDMUND 0. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. O. MATTHEWS, VIPE•PPIVIIDIAL 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. This Bank Offers Farmers a complete a.nd satisfactory banking aervice. Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on sueli notes at reasonable rates. The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository ior your money. Interest at current rate* is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. One Lollar opens an account in the Savings Department, WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. ••••••••••••••••• Mrs. omas Webster, of G lamis, is vis ting tier sister, Mrs. Barbour, at present. Our teacher, Miss Luella Shaw, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McPherson, of Grand Valley visited for over Christmas with Mrs. Robt. Haines. mantas. Miss Cora Speir, of Toronto w as home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Walker, of Toron- to were holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, 6th line. Mr. Chas, Garniss, 2nd line spent a week with his brothers, Messrs. Frank and Harvey Garniss, at Charlton, New Ontario. Miss Mary Dark is home from Tor- onto for the holidays Mr. James Ireland, of Saskatoon is visiting his father, Mr. Jas. K. Ireland, 3rd line. He has been in the West for thirteen years. Miss Ellen Evans, who has been teaching near Milverton. has engaged for 1914 with the Sheffield Board, near Galt, and will commence work after the present holiday. Miss Irene Clegg is home from the Hamilton Normal School and Irvin Ferguson, of Stratford Normal, is visit- ing under the parental roof for the vacation. Dr. Jno. F. McCracken arrived home frni Coalhurst, Alta., where he spent several munths. He is a son of Will and Mrs. McCracken. Dr. McCracken has not yet decided where he will locate. From the Cleveland Christian Journal we learn that Mrs. Mrs. Ella Jewell formerly of this township, has been appointed Superintendent of the Flor- ence Crittenton Horne, 523 Eddy Road, Cleveland Those who are acquainted with Mrs. Jewell will know that the work will be in good hands. Another of the Morris pioneers passed away on Saturday last in the person of Mr. Samuel McCurdy, aged 80 years. The deceased was highly esteemed and had resided on lot 4, concession 5 for many years. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Wingham ceme- tery. BRUSSELS. Miss Ethel Scott, B. A., who taught in the local continuation school for a few years, is visiting friends here. She is now on the staff of the Port Hope Collegiate. Mrs. Mainland, of Brampton, mother Electors of Morris vote for C. 6. CpAMPBELL IttiVE and thus secure ec)nomi- cal and efficient municip- al Government. of Mrs. (Rev.) A. J. Mann, of Brussels, died recently at the advanced age of 84. She had not enjoyed rug- ged health for the past four years Two sons and five daughters survive. At the Methodist Church anniversary $100 were asked as an offering. Up- wards of $106 were placed on the plates. Rev. Mr. Wren conducted the services. Recently Miss Luena Baeker, of Cavalier, North Dakota, who is a daugh- ter of Mrs. Geo. Baeker, of Brussels, was married at Miles City, Montana, to H. Zinn, of Roundup, Montano, where they will make their home. Prepare to enjoy its exhila- rating frosts by making your blood rich, pure and active to pre. vent colds, grippe and rheumatism. Good blood prevents sickness and Scott's Emulsion will energize your blood a n d create reserve strength to endure chan gi n g seasons. • Scott's Emulsion is not an experiment but has served humanity faithfully for forty years it contains the purest cod liver oil -free from alcohol or stupefying drugs. Scott's Emulsion is nature's greatest blood -maker and furnishes the elements necessary for body warmth, rich blood anti healthy circulation. Shur; alcoholic substitutes and demand the genuine Scotee Emulsion AT ANY DRUG STORE 13-73 SC,/.41 A Ifl'. '4 1•. • HANOVER PLACE WINNIPEG FORDYCE. Mr. Walter Tisdale has arrived borne from the North West and is looking well. Mr. John Jamieson spent Christmas at Mr. Gaunt's, St. Helena. Mrs. Aitcheson, who has been quite ill, is better again. Mrs. Souter Taylor is at preset very We hope to soon hear of her re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, of Toron- to, are spending the Christma9 holidays with Mr. John Webster. Miss Pearl Webster, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at home. Misses Pearl, Annie and Daisy Turner, of Teeswater, are visiting for sfeW days at the home of Mr. 3. Turner, 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. Perrier and daugh- ter Luella'spetat Chriatmas at Brussels, ORTH WINNIPEG is the most rapidly growiug residential district inside the Limits of Winni- peg North Winnipeggers spent $2,000,000 in New Homes during the year 1913. On the streets north of Mountain Ave., the good class of residences being erected varying from $3,500 to $10,000 each. "In this Northern portion of the City, there has been issued a far greater number of permits in propor- tion to the aggregate of the building than anywhere else in the City" -Manitoba Free Press, Nov. 8th, 1913. Erected on streets running through Hanover Place towards Ma'n-Atlantic Ave., $67,650; Banerman Ave., $43,800; Landsdowne Ave, $209,650; Poison Ave., $51,- 600 and a large number of fine residences in Inkster Boulevard. Land values between Main St, and Hanover Place is now selling at three times what it was two years ago. Invest now in this money -making Proposition as prices will soon be raised. Write for particulars to The Reliance luvesimoot 8b Developing Company. Ltd. BOX 200 HANOVER.. Ont. (Agents Wanted in unrepresented Diettlete) W. J CVRRIE Local Agent 1914 Poi -1rr mr-w vir HALF PRICE i SALE , $20,000 Stock of. Jos. K. Irwin in the hands of The Merchants' Brokerage Co. c1 Every Dollar's worth of the entire stock must be slaughtered in 'THIRTY DAYS. We have in- structions to clear out the entire stock. Everything 6 goes at a price ---half-price or less. Positively no Reserve. Sale opens on • Saturday, December 20th The whole stock must be turned into cash in THIRTY DAYS We know of only one way to turn this stock into money in this short time. That's what we have got to do and have cut the prices less thanh ne dollar will be as good as two. t.. rone from far and near will get a cha e of a lifetime to buy at your own prices. WHO WE ARE -Our business is to close out stocks to turn goods into money'to wind up estates. We have been hired to sell without reserve every dollar's worth of stock in this store. We have agreed to do this in 30 days. You know what th5t means-WE'I L GIVE THE GOODS AWAY. Read every word of the Bargains in this advt. and come here expecting to find- ten times as many more. You will not be disappointed. Eggs, 45c. Butter 25c. We pay highest prices for Ducks, Chickens, Geese and Turkeys. With goods almost given away, can you afford to miss this chance? Dig up your dollars. It is now they count. Get your supply of gods for less money than it cost the man that made them. Did you ever hear ANYTHING LIKE IT? A FEW PRICES ON DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY 25 to 40 per cent. off all Furs and Fur Coats 50 per cent. off Rain Coats 25 per cent. off all Cut Glass Ladies' white wear, collars, fancy collars, gloves, scarfs, corsets, hosiery, under- wear, unders'cirts, rain coats, flannelette blankets, wool blankets, cottons, sheet- ings, lawns, curtains, sweaters, shirts and shirtings, tickings, woO1 sheeting, col- lars and ties, silks and satins and a thousand other things at wholesale prices. Groceries 2 boxes Royal Yeast for. 5c 2 boxes Pearline for . 5e 4 boxes Corn Starch . . 25e 4 boxes of Extract for • 25c 7 ,bars of Comfort Soap. 25c 3 cans Salmon for 25c Maple Leaf Salmon • 20c Peas, per can 10c Tomatoes, per can 10c 3 cans of corn .25c 40e Brooms for .... ...... .... .. ... 25c 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for ..$1:00 3 lbs. Raisins for . 25c 3 lbs. Currants . . 25e 2aa lbs. Seedless Raisins .25e Men's and Boys' Overboats and Suits Regular $26.00 Suits for a $12.50 Regular $14.00 Suits for aa.$10.00 Regular $10.00 Suits for 4 $7.50 25 per cent. toll, per cent. off Overcoat -as and Men's Odd Pants and Vests at cost. a Ladies' Jackets Regular $25.00 Jackets for $15.00 Regular $16.50 for $12.50 Regular $12.00 for $8.50 aildren's Coate at less than makers' prices 20 per cent off all Boots, Shoes and Rubbers 25 to 40 per cent. off all Fancy Dishes and Toilet Sets. That means regular $5.00 sets you buy for $3.00 Put a team in the sleigh and bring the family out. Get busy. That means -you. STORE OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK. Take warning. Come early and often. Everything must go. Be here next Saturday morning, 4 December zoth, when the clock strikes nine 111.11•11•MOOMPIW .11•1•11111•1•0101.111111101•••••=1MINIMMIN! Merchants' Brokerage Co. BREAKERS OF HIGH PRICES L Selling out J. K. IRWIN'S STOCK