HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-12-02, Page 16PLACE IT! SELL IT! (519) 528-2822 dtssifiedextra. 1. Articles for Sale 13. Livestock 25. Child Care 2. Computers 14. Horses 26. Help Wanted 3. Yard/Garage Sale 15. Pets 27. Employ.Wanted 4. Cars for Sale 16. For Rent 28. Business Opp. 5. Tnidcs1RV's for Sale 17. Apartments 29. Tenders 7. Sports 18. Houses 30. Miscellaneous 8. Motorcycles 19. Bed & Breakfast 31. Service Directory 9. Farm Equipment 20. Accommodation 32. Personal 10. Farm Services 21. Commercial 33. Legal 11. Farm Land 22. Real Estate 34. Educational 12. Farm Produce 23. Wanted 35. Notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions 39. Lost & Found 40. Engagement 41. Marriage 42. Obituaries 43. Births46. In Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks 48. Coming Events 49. Seasons Greetings 1 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 2, .2009 - Page 15 Canada's largest classifieds network 1 insertion... '7.25' 2 Insertions... '13.50* 3 Irxseraons...'18.75• 'eased cn 20 wads wad • wa a wads fa 20c Kick Cards of Thanks... 20 words... 7.25 'extra words 100 each. 4110 • Deadline 4 p.m. Friday • Phone 519-528-2822 • Fax 519-528-3529 • Email lucksentebowesnetcom • All ads must be Births... '10.00 Births with Canis of Thanks... *15.00 ... with picture, add $5 In Memoriam... 7.25 '+ 350 per line of verse, ...with picture, add $5.00 Please add GST to all rates ca Sympatic. Increase your coverage in 8 other papers for as kttfe as $4.50 per papert Choose the area of your choice • The Goderich Signal -Star • The Chnton News -Record • Th, X incardine News • The Lakeshore Advance • The Mitchell Advocate • The Seaforth Huron- • TxPosiior he Shorelir Nuns • The Mallon Eta 1 For Sale re aid ENVIROTEC CORN STOVES, sales, parts, service. Grain stove fuel: cleaned com, no cobs, no fines, no Red Dawg. Get a better, cleaner, more efficient burn. Also available - cleaned wheat. Donkar Farms - Don and Karen Ritchie. Home 519-395-2806, cell 519-440- 9082. 49tfar BAKINGS No time to bake? Let me do your baking for you. Eight dozen squares and cookies, 16 vari- eties for $42. Pies $8. Specialty cakes also available. Call Debbie 519-524-7795. 49-51 cc CHRISTMAS TREES - FRASER fir, Scotch Pine; White Pine, Balsam, garlands and wreaths. Christmas tree stands and tree bags. The best sold. Trees are stored inside. Delivery available. Niel and Cathy Edgar 519-357-2122. 39085 Amberley Rd., Hwy. 86. Open everyday, Sunday noon - 5 p.m. 49-51 cc • . SANTA LAVES TO shop here for games, . toys, books and clothing for children. Great quality, terrific prices at our second hand shop. IODE Op Shop 202 Anglesea St., Goderich. Open Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 3 p.m. - 49-50cc. GREAT GIFT IDEAS this Christmas. Gift certifi- cates from Smeltzer's Garden Centre. Please call 519-395-5206. - 48-52cc Me 2 You Thrift;Shop 598 Campbell St., Lucknow A shop where you can find good quality items at a reasonable price Christmas Special Dec. 2 to 10 Small bag of clothing for $2 (we supply the bag) Currently seeking consignments of clean household items - fumiture, night tables, tables & chairs DONATIONS ACCEPTED We are a drop off spot for food donations for the North Huron Community Food Share FOOTWEAR FOR ALL seasons. Men's work boots and shoes. Come and check out our vari- ety. Simon B. Martin, 1371 Grey Ox Ave., across from and one farm east of Kinloss Produce. 49-01x HOT TUB/POOL TABLE - 2009 Model, fully loaded, 40+ jets. Cost $7,895, sacrifice $3,950. Pool Table - every upgrade, 1' slate, with accessories, worth $4,295, sell $1,200. 519- 722-4077. 49-51 cc MATHERS' CHRISTMAS TREES - Cut your own tree $25. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 pre., Dec.,4 to Dec. 20. Stone School Road, 4 kms. south of Wingham, 519-357- 1891 - 48-51 cc 27" 91/2 HP snowblower, $600 OBO. Pressure washer with gas engine $75. 24' aluminum construction ladder $175. Phone 519-529- 7783 or 519-524-3759, email .ritgenehot- mail.com - 48-51 cc CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree. Beautiful Blue Spruce, 5 to 7'. 519-529-7783 or 519-524- 3759, 36007 $elgrave Rd., Ashfield .Township or email ritgen@ hotmail.com - 48-50cc SALE METAL BUILDINGS 25% OFF, Steel and metal buildings - agricultural, Industrial, commercial, residential. DiY or contract built. Local dealer/contractor. SCL Schmidty's contracting Ltd. 519-393-5224. - 47-50cc A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING is a year's subscription to. The Lucknow Sentinel. $30 plus GST can be: paid via your MasterCard or Visa credit card, or cheque. We'll even send a gift card on your behalf, or take the gift card with you and present it yourself. - 47-51 n> DOUBLE 0 COMPANY Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New & used Snooker & Pool Tables. Moving recovery & set ups welcome. Cues, cases, lights and all accessories, shuf- fleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned, slot machines from casinos for home use. Showroom .4 McGivem St. West, Walkerton, 1- 519-881-2113, Duffy. - 39tfcc FAXING Need to get the information NOW? The Lucknow Sentinel.can send or receive faxes for you. Need Business Cards? The Sentinel can now order them for you. Drop into the office for more information. 619 Campbell St. • Lucknow PH: 519-5284822 PERSONALIZED ADDRESS LABELS and rubber stamps, self -inking stamps and pre -inked stamps can be ordered at the Lucknow Sentinel. - 36tf THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is avail- able at: Mac's Milk, Bell's Discount, Knechtel Food Market, and Hamilton Fuels. - tf nx THE ONTARIO COMMUNITY Newspapers Association's network classified advertising program provides advertisers with a conven- ient, one-step method of reaching 1.7 million households in Ontario for about $2 per news- paper. Your classified ad can run in 183 com- munitynewspapers in Ontario and up to 600 newspapers across Canada. Call The Lucknow Sentinel, 519-528-2822 for full details. - 39tf 11 Farm Land WANTED TO RENT land.. Wiping to pay com- petitive prices. Call Matt or TIM Devereaux 519- 440-8498 or 519-440-6910. 49cc WANTED TO RENT farm land, any size acreage. Call Matt. 519-263-2566. - 45-52cc WANTED TO RENT:. good cash crop land. Short and long .term. Call Alma Villa Farms, 519-233-7467 or 519-525-0509. - 42-02cc 16 For Rent STORAGE TRAILER. RENTALS 400 SQUARE FEET of stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and long term rates. Pick up and delivery. Call 1TK Tanspoft Inc., Goderich, Ontario. 519-524-4331. - 51 tfcc - 17 Apartments ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments for rent, 475 Ross St., Lucknow, $350/month plus hydroAppliances included. 519-576-8906. - 48,45. DOWNTOWN LUCKNOW, 2 bedroom apart- ment, includes stove and fridge, $450/month. 519-395-5247. - 40tfnar 18.NoesRos. FARM HOUSE FOR . rent in Huron -Kinloss area, 3-4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, two storey home. $600/ month, plus heat and hydro, some appliances included. Call 519-523-9657. 49- 51x CLINTON - MODERN 4 bedroom home for sale. Large country kitchen, hardwood floors throughout. 2 full baths. Quiet neighbourhood. Large lot, garage, $189,000. Call mortgage net- work Clinton, 519-482-7675. - 39tfcc 23 Wanted STANDING TIMBER, ASH and other hard- woods marked by an independent forest techni- cian. Payment in full prior to cutting. Elam Martin 519-574-0600. - 48-01 cc Where LOCAL eoie find LOCA( news 52 weeks of the sears 1 Year Subscription fon-line or mai() $30 plus GST Phone: 519-528-2822 E-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com 26 Help Wanted PARTTIME WAIT staff needed for Finlayson's Village Dining & Drink, Lucknow. Drop off resume at restaurant or email to finlaysonsOtnt2l.com-.48,49ar Child and Youth Worker Required Shifts include evenings and weekends. Post secondary education required. Please respond with resume by December 10, 2009 by mail to Betamarsh Inc., 21 Waterloo St. S., Goderich, Ontario N7A 3N8 or by fax to 519-524-6537 or by email to. homestead@betamarsh.com 31 Service Directory DENTURE CLINIC ISTVAN VASARHELYI DSD (AMPL6Tre :t PARTIAL DENTURES RELINES REPAIRS MON: & TUES. WED., THURS. ER1.8.SAT. CALL CALL NO CHARGE DIAL1116495-0930� 14100-e48-8834 FOR APPOINTMENT FOR APPOINTMENT HOURS: MON.-9 A.M.-9 P.M. TUES. - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. 824 WILSON AVE. (Formerly Campbell St.) POINT CLARK 32 Personal "BUT OF THAT day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36. Questions? Herman Oldengarm, 519-395-5395.- 48,49x CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE. Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our. 24-hour hotline collect 519-323-3751 or drop in at 189 Main St. N., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. - 49tfar