HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-11-25, Page 18Page 18 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Lucknow Senior Tykes defeat Teeswater team
Senior Tyke
Nov, 21
Lucknow 8 - Teeswater 7
Goals: Carson Stutzman, 3; Preston
Kerr, 2; Tori Cutting, Peter Jakobsen and
Connor Thomson.
Novice LL
Nov. 5
Lucknow 1 - Wingham 3
Goal: Justin Livingston.
Assists: Myleen Duquette.
Nov. 22
Lucknow 0 - Tiverton 8
Novice Rep.
Nov. 20
Brussels 5 - Lucknow 2
Goals: Craig Murray.
Assists: Tyler Jones, Kyle Hogan and
Charlie Schumacker.
Atom LL
Nov. 17
Lucknow 1 - Walkerton #1 0
Goals: Luke Hendriks.
Assists: Zane Livingston.
Nov. 19
Lucknow 7 - Normanby 0
luron -Kinloss
(Housekeeping Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law)
TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Township ,of Huron -Kinloss passed By-law
Number 2009-115 on the 16th day of November, 2009, under Section 34 of the
Planning Act, R. S.O. 1990.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or public body may appeal to the Ontario
Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of
Huron -Kinloss not later than the 14th day of December, 2009, a notice of appeal
setting out the objection to the By-law, and the reasons in support of the objection.
This By-law is cited as the `Housekeeping Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Township of Huron -Kinloss.
THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of this By-law is to renumber and relabel certain
zone regulations within the Comprehensive Zoning By-law as amended.
The effect of this By-law is to eliminate duplication of zone labels and renumber site
specific sections to clarify the uses and regulations permitted.
No changes to the permitted uses or zone regulations are proposed for any land within
the Township through this By-law.
The By-law is available for review weekdays at the,Township office in Ripley between
the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. It has also been posted on the Township's website
DATED at the Township of Huron -Kinloss this 24th day of November, 2009.
Sonya Watson
Clerk, Township of Huron -Kinloss
Contract No. 09126
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Township Adtaninistrator, Mary Rose Walden,
21 Queen Street, Ripley, Ontario, NOG 2R0, will be received by her until:
10:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 9 2009 ,
The work includes approximately:
• 180 m of 150 mm dia. PVC watermain installed
Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the undersigned
upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $30.00, which includes all taxes.
Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of $5,000.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Consulting Engineers
62 North Street
Goderich, ON N7A 2T4
Phone: (519) 524-2641
Fax: (519) 524-4403
21 Queen Street, P.O. Box '1:40
Ripley, ON NOG 2R0 519- 17 Vi
ht1fl )I)t\t 1r'' 11uronte1.on.ca www.hu )l LinlfSs.(()r»
Goals: Cody Westecott, 4; Lucas Angst,
2 and Zane Livingston.
Assists: Zane Livingston, 2; Ayden
Jamieson and Tyler Murray.
Nov. 21
Lucknow 8 - Clifford 1
Goals: Tyler Murray, 2; Tanner Maize,
2; Jessica Nelson, 2; Ayden Jamieson and
Cody Westecott.
Assists: Cameron Pickard, Tanner
Maize, Zane Livingston, Lucas Angst,
Jessica Nelson, Kaeden Conley, Duncan
Cameron, Drew Leblanc . and Tyler
Atom Rep.
Nov. 16
Lucknow 1 - Listowel 3
Goals: Aleya Murray.
Nov. 21
Lucknow 7 - Zurich 0
Goals: Easton- Kerr? Craig
Murray,Kurtis Murray, Clay Smits, Aleya
Murray,' Brandon Murray and Haydn
Assists: Haydn Gibson, Austin Irwin ,
Craig Murray, 2; Aleya Murray,
Brandon Murray, Kirkland . Murray . and
Dalton Black.
Assists: Jack Gibbings, 2; Chad Gorel,
Ty McMurray and John Cameron.
Lucknow 3 - Wingham 2
Goals: Martin, Jamie Johnston and
Atkinson. "
Assists: Cameron, Gibbings, McMurray
and Dan Sloetjes.
Intermediate Girls
Walkerton Int.7 - Lucknow 3
Lucknow 4 Walkerton Midgets 2
Goals: Missy Kuik, 2; Steph Meriam, 2;
Shannon Vance, Katie Feagen and Justine
Assists: Emma Hackett, 3 Hart, 2 Rosa
Meriam, Hilary McDonagh, Vance and
Nicole Van Dyke.
Midget Girls
Lucknow 1- Saugeen Shores 0
Nov. 22
Goals: Robin Hendrik.s
Assists: Brooklyn Alton and
Goalie: Riley Aitchison.
Bantam Girls
Nov. 19
Lucknow 7 - Normanby 1
Goals: Jilly Hackett, 3 Jill Martin, 3 and
Emma Murray.
Assists: Emily : Sloetjes, 3; Casey
Westercott, 2; Taylor Wright; Martin, 2;
Hackett Kayla Murray; Jess Atkinson;
Kate Higgins; Emma Murray and Maddy
Midget LL 2
Lucknow 4 BCH 8
Goals: Brandon Martin, 3 and Justin
ural Society wraps
The Lucknow
Horticultural Society has
just wrapped up their 51st
season with their banquet
and final meeting on
Friday Nov.. 13 at the
Legion. Ninety-eight
people attended and
enjoyed a wonderful roast
beef dinner.
Finlayson , representing
District 8 and Lillian
Abbot representing
Huron -Kinloss were in
attendance along with
representatives from the
Goderich and Hanover
Final business for 2009
was conducted with offi-
cials for 2010 `elected
Margie McPherson will
now be the new president;
Sharon Nivins (past presi-
dent) retired with a stand-
ing ovation for her contri-
butions as president for
the past three years.
Two awards were pre-
sented to Joan Martin and
Shirley Bolt (life time
memberships) for their
long time contributions.
Both . these ladies have
been members for over 30
years In the past both
served as president and
continue their contribu-
tions today where they are
still active participants in
committees and events.
The President's: Award
was presented to Barb
Helm for her many contri-
butions;. the . Beatty
Ladder Award was pre-
sented to Suzanne
Andrew for the most
points in the Flower Show
and the Red Rose Award
was presented to Shirley
Bolt for her entry of the
best Red Rose in the
Flower Show. Sarah
Alton received the Jean
Whitby Award for the
most points in the youth
section of the flower
This year saw many
events; a card party; a
successful soup and sand-
wich and garden tour
event; the best _ flower
show ever held at the
United Church and we
thank the church for giv-
ing us the opportunity to
present the wonderful
event that took place; the
float in Fall Fair Parade
won first prize; a bus tour
of many gardens which
was applauded by all who
Betty. Bone and Sharon
Nivins attended the
Ontario Horticultural
Society Convention in
Peterborough and by all
accounts had a very good
time and as always
brought back some inter-
esting information.. The
Society thanks our many
volunteers for their tire-
less work, without them
our village would not
look as beautiful as it
does. In memoriam this
year we bid goodbye to
Jean Farrish and Lynn