HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-11-25, Page 5Report found dogs to animal control
Dear Editor,
Pet Rescue would like to remind To the Editor
all residents of any township
that any found dog has to be
called in to the animal control.
The samegoes for .an injured
dog found on the road. If you
cannot •get an animal control
agent on the phone when an ani-
mal is in distress then call the
township office for authoriza-
tion for that animal to be
brought in to the proper vet clin-
ic that serves ' as their area
Pet Rescue does not take in
found dogs or injured dogs
direct from the finders.
Animal control is paid to do
these duties and Pet Rescue is
Pet Rescue takes in dogs from
the local vet pounds after the
dogshave had 3 days to be
claimed by owners but have
remain unclaimed.
The rescue also does not take in
found cats or kittens because
there is no way for the rescue to
ensure they . are not simply
owned pets who . have become
Sadly there is no cat control at
all in the .majority of the local
townships .- therefore the animal
control does not even pick up
found cats in most townships.
The rescue is happy to list a
found cat or kitten on their web-
site so that the owner may be
located. The steps to, do this are
located on the website.
Pet Rescue is a volunteer service
started in 1998 when the
founder discovered that dogs
were being :euthanized after
their time was up in the pound.
They are notfunded by anyone
including any township or gov-
ernment agency.
Pet Rescue has taken in over
2000 animals and has always
paid for their vet care and sup-
The fact ' that there are no ani-
mals left in the pounds to eutha-
nize . is saving taxpayers thou-
sands of dollars because the
municipalities are not paying for
the euthanization or .disposal of
the bodies, which in turn would
have been passed on in taxes.
The rescue also does not receive
any money from the municipali-
ties toward the spaying or neu-
tering, vaccinating, deworming
and parasite prevention, nor any
other emergency care they may
They rely on donations,
fundraisers and adoption fees to
help ,to cover the $45,000-
$50,000 a year in vet and supply
The rescue begs people to have
their pets wear their township
dog tag, and better yet wear
proper i.d. including your name
and address and phone number,
so they can be reunited if lost.
Neutering or spaying your pet
will also help to curb its desire
to wander, as will proper bound-
ary training
If you need any further informa-
tion on the bylaws in your town-
ship or to find out which animal
control agent to call in you area
- please call your local township
Kathi Newell Nicholson,
Pet Rescue
A Pj,!!'4 can be a handful at times
When my 13 -year-old asked if he could buy him-
self a snake, I wanted to say "no." That is my answer
for everything and I fmd.:it keeps our expenses down.
My wife, on the other hand, likes to say "yes" when-
ever possible. Knowing that a kid taking care of his
own pet is probably a good idea, I had to find a way
to get to a "yes" all the while understanding that if I
was the guy who pushed for it, I would be held
responsible if the snake devoured one of the
kids. Then it would be me requiring a heat
lamp and a new place to curl up. I gave the
best answer a man in my position could give:
"Ask your mother." Then I added: "But prob-
ably not."
Once she knew I was maybe not "on board,"
his mother immediately gave the green
light and Duncan bought a baby
Columbian Rainbow Boa Constrictor.
The first big job involving Atticus the
Boa Constrictor was feeding time.
Step One; Defrost a frozen mouse that has been
living in your freezer and staring at you whenever
you .open the door.
Stop Two: Be severelywarned by your. mother:
Remove the frozen mouse from: the microwave. "I
will NOT have a mouse explode in a kitchen appli-
ance. Put the mouse in a mason jar and fill the jar
with boiling water. Do this in the sink. You WILL
NOT spill the water on anything."
Step Three: Agree heartily.
Step Four: Struggle with the lid of the masonjar
and spill the contents of said jar across .the counter,
the floor, the ceiling, the dog and the microwave.
Step Five: Say something silly like, "Cool! Now I
smell like mouse. I wonder if the snake will try to eat
Step Six: Dangle the thawed mouse in front of the
snake and watch as it hungrily crushes and devours
Step Seven: watch with pleasure as Mom becomes
the "no" parent.
Benji "Can I get a snake, too?"
My Wife: "No."
Emma: "Can I hold the snake?"
Duncan: "Yes."
My Wife: "No."
Duncan:' "Do you want to hold him, Moinm
My Wife: "Absolutely not."
Benji: "Can I get a mouse?"
My Wife: "NO!"
Me: "What's the problem, honey? It
seems like you don't like the snake
My Wife: "I don't. I didn't know it
would... you know... squeeze the . poor
mouse like that."
Me: "The poor dead mouse?"
My Wife: "Yes. I don't like how 'it squeezes..."
Me: "You mean "constricts"?"
My Wife: "Yes. I don't like how it constricts the
dead mouse."
Me: "Honey, what would you expect a boa con-
strictor to do? Tickle?"
My Wife: "It was my understanding that the "con-
strictor" was only a sub -category of the boa species."
Me: "Like the black sheep of the snake family?"
My Wife: "Exactly. This was a bad idea of yours."
Me: "Right. 1'11 get the heat lamp ready."
Mark Thrice is our nationally syndicated humour
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 25, 2008 - Page 5
Music in the Fields
Photo by Gait Reid
Ken Irwin (left) and Rick McMurray (right) of the Lucknow
Kinsmen presented a commemorative poster of Lucknow's
Music in the Fields to Huron -Kinloss. Mayor Mitch Twolan during
a recent township council meeting.Tickets for Music, in the Fields
2010 go on sale in time for Christmas on Dec.5 and will be avail-
able at the Music in the Fields store at 634 Campbell St.,
Lucknow, the former Gender Lines store.
5 7
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• Each of the nine
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• Each of the nine
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