HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-21, Page 15Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - Page 15 Security on undeveloped land may be postponed by ACW council BY DENNY SCO'T'T Signal -Star Staff Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh was faced with a bylaw to temporarily post- pone the posting of security on undevel- oped land owned by Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek. • The request was a continuance from a previous meeting, and the bylaw was brought forward on Oct. 6. This will see the development agree- ment between Reeve Ben Van'. Diepenbeek and the township amended to have the current security postponed until he can develop the lots. The Reeve has agreed that the securi- ty must be posted prior to the develop- ment of the land. Council deferred the bylaw until more information about similar situations can be investigated. In The Lucknow Sentinel for Sept. 30, in the article pertaining to Reeve Van Diepenbeek, he asked council for release of security deposit, should have read that security payments would be postponed, not returned. Greenhills Cemetery Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Township Council received an in -cam- era report on Greenhills Cemetery in Lucknow, which was recently placed on the real estate market. Council has decided not to commit themselves to any actions at this time. In the LucknowSentinel, on Sept. 30, the headline regarding this issue; "ACW Twp. council considering cemetery pur- chase," may have been misleading, as council. was considering the cemetery's future, not necessarily considering pur- chasing it. Mike McElhone, a cottage -resident of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, addressed ACW council on Oct. 6, and his message was clear; local river water isn't safe. Citing several results in which local rivers tested over the safe amount of E.Coli, he indicated that water quality is continuously dropping, especially after heavy rains, .and that crude testing methods are ineffective; they need new ways of telling if the water is safe. "The method that the Health Unit sug- Network .Classifieds:For moreinformafibncontact Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! year local newspaper NOMINATE an outstanding young person, aged 6 to 17, for the 2009 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards before Nov. 30. Nomination forms at www.ocna.org, from this newspaper, or call 905-639-8720, ext 243. Recognize our leaders of tomor- row. SAVE UPTO$4000NYOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for a no -obligation quote. Open weekends. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. 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Call Herbal Magic 1-800-926-4363 for more infor- mation. Limited time offer. • ft's Affordable • It's Fast • ft's Easy • ft's Effective • One Bill Does ft Alt • All Ontario $429 • National Packages Available! www.networkdassifed.org •,,•• • • • • , • , . • • • . • • • • . . . gests; don't swim in water if you can't see your feet in three feet of water, isn't accurate. I found that if people went swimming in clear water and considered it safe, they would be wrong 23 per cent of the time, and if they didn't go swim- ming due to murky water, they would be wrong 45 per cent of the time." McElhone suggests that, for the safe- ty of the lakefront community, a system be adopted that some towns use on the state -side of the Great Lakes. These systems tests the water and provide results nearly immediately. However, costing $20,000 per location for equipment, it could be a costly expenditure. "I'm not suggesting we put one of these systems at every beach, but maybe one at Bayfield and one at Goderich," he said. "If their tests are bad, that can be an indicator for other beaches." Other results McElhone presented showed that rain -water severely agitates E. Coli levels, making them raise up to 47 times what they are normally. Nine Mile Ricer Tom Orr, a part-time resident of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosli, is con- cerned with erosion around - the Nine Mile River, and visited council on Oct. 3 to discuss the problem. According to Orr, the problem has plagued the area around the river for 40 years. "Our problem goes back many years," he said. 'In 1979, Maitland :Valley Conservation Authority did some :stud- ies on Nile River on erosion problems, but there were no permanent solutions." Originally, the river suffered from flooding problems, ice blockage would cause backups at the beginning and end of winter, and it would flood low-lying cottages. "We've been trying to solve this prob- lem for 30 years, and in the late seven- ties and early eighties, we did find a way to help it," Orr said. "We created berms in the lake to provide steady flow, but it was a temporary solution. The problem was compounded, according to Orr, when a new bridge was installed over the Nine Mile River near Port Albert. "[The bridge] causes the river. to .go south instead of north," Orr said. "And it has taken out a bank. The river has eroded 20 feet this year alone." Orr said that tofind a solution, they first need . to do a study, and was requesting assistance from ACW coun- cil. The tests necessary will cost approximately $15,000. ACW Council pledged $5000 to the cause, and also suggested which groups they could approach to help them reach their $15,000 goal. • , • 1 , • • 1 , , 1 1 1 • . • • • $ $ • • 1. 1