HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-14, Page 12Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Oct.ober 14, 2009
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1 Insertion... 17.25*
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Births... '10.00
Births with Cards of Thanks... '15.00
... with picture, add $5
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Choose the area of your choice
Cards of Thanks... 20 words... '7.25
*extra words 100 each.
• Deadline 4 p.m. Friday • Phone 519-528-2822
In Memoriam... '7.25
*+ 350 per line of verse,
...with picture, add $5.00
Please add GST to all rates
Fax 519-528-3529 • Email lucksentebowesnat.cam
• The Goderich Signal -Star
• The Clinton News -Record
• The Kincardine News
• The Lakeshore Advance
• The Mitchell Advocate
• The Seaforth Huron -
• The Shoreline News
• The Wiarton Echo
Allads must be prepaid
4 Cars for Sale
17 Apartments.
LUCKNOW LEGION CASH` calendars, $20,
over $5,000 in prizes, early bird draw Dec. 5, 2
x $100. Weekly/special _draws throughout
2010. Great Christmas gift. Calendars avail-
able at Bell's -Variety, McDonagh Ins., Branch
Canteen, any Legion Executive Member. - 42-
potatoes, leeks, onions, now available. Order
organic freezer beef for winter enjoyment. Call
McQuail's 519-528-2493 near Lucknow or visit
www.meetingplaceorganicfarm.ca - 41-43ar -
BLOWOUT SALE ON all perennials and
shrubs at Smeltzer's- Garden Centre.
Perennials from 500 to '$4, shrubs $5 to $10.
Others at clearance prices. Still available, fall
mums, pumpkins, gift certificates. Located 1
block north of Amberley, tum west on Conc. 2,
down 1 block, south side fire #3267. 519-395-
5206. - 41,42cc
iarkidar. 11, ION 1P111
Various styles available
Drop Into the Sentinel Office
for full Information
619 Campbell Street
Lucknow - 519-528-2822
WE WANT YOUR good quality furniture and
appliances for our new store at 330 Lambton
Street, Kincardine. Call Ted at 519-395-4842,-.
for details. Quality consignments. - 41-42cc
OVER 100 VINTAGE Fisher Price toys, two old
Coke machines and lots more new and .excit-
ing treasures now available at Carlow
. Mercantile. Open seven days a week til 9 p.m.
519-524-7799. - 41,42cc
37345 Belfast Rd., RR 2, Lucknow. No Sunday
Sales. 40-44x
CUT AND SPLIT hardwood bodywood now
available at Folmer Phillippi Sawmill. Delivery
available. Reasonably priced. Call 519-366-
2326. Ask for Mike or Steve. - 32tfncc
HOT TUB/POOL table - 2009 model, fully
loaded, 40+ jets. Cost $7,895, sacrifice
$3,950. Pool table - every upgrade, 1" slate,
with accessories. Worth $4,295, sell $1,200.
519-722-4077. - 41-44cc
DOUBLE D COMPANY Billiard Specialist &
Games Room. New & used Snooker & Pool
Tables. Moving recovery & set ups welcome.
Cues, cases, lights and all accessories, shuf-
fleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned,
slot machines from casinos for home use.
Showroom 4 McGivern St. West, Walkerton, 1.-
-519-881-2113, Duffy. - 39tfcc
rubber stamps, self -inking stamps and pre -
inked stamps can be ordered at the Lucknow
Sentinel. - 36tf
Association's network classified advertising
program provides advertisers with a conven-
ient, one-step method of reaching 1.7 million
households in Ontario for about $2 per news-
paper. Your classified ad can run in 183 com-
munity newspapers in Ontario and up to 600
newspapers across Canada. Call The
Lucknow Sentinel, 519-528-2822 for full
details. - 39tf
Need Business Cards?
Thee Sentinel can now order them for you.
Drop into the office for more information.
619 Campbell St.
PH: 519-528-2822
• • •
• ♦ . • . • . .
Need to get the infor-
mation NOW? The
Lucknow Sentinel can
send or receive faxes
for you. Drop into our
office at 619
Campbell Street, or
phone 519-528-2822
for more info. - 33tfnx
SENTINEL is avail-
able at: Mac's Milk,
Bell's Discount,
Knechtel . Food
Market, and Hamilton
Fuels. - tfnx
• • • 4 • 4 R * 4 • •
2005 CHRYSLER: 300 - Touring. 74,000 km,
never winter driven. 519-440-8215. - 41,42
11 Farm Land.
WANTED TO RENT: good' cash crop land.
longterm. Call Alma Short and a Villa Farms,
519-233-7467 or 519-525-0509. - 42-02
15 Pets
BLUE HEALER/BORDER collie cross pups,
$25 each, vet checked, first shots. Available
now. RR 1, Lucknow, 86106 St. Augustine
Line. No Sunday sales. - 42x
LAB PUPS BLACK, parents on site, first shots,
vet checked, $150. Teeswater area. 519-392-
8722: - 42.43xv
Pet Rescue
Marlowe Is a gorgeous grey mede
Australian shepherd.
Another new boy coming in soon is
a black flat coated retriever male -
he Is a mere 10 months old and was
in a pound for 3 weeks. He was due to be put to sleep24
hours from when the rescue found out about his plight. The
rescue agreed to take him in and the pound took him to be
vetted. Soon thereafter the rescue was informed that he
has had a broken femur for 3-4 weeks and his bone is
completely out of the socket. Thankfully the 3 weeks of
being caged has allowwed.the bone to regenerate and it is
attempting to heal properly. The rescue is hopeful he will
not need hip surgery or replacement.
Please watch the site for updates on this special boy at
16 For Rent
Indoor winter storage available for cars, pick-
ups and small machinery. Call 519-628-3724. -
400 SQUARE FEET of stackable storage per
48' trailer. Short and long term rates. Pick up
and delivery. Cali TTK Transport Inc.,
Goderich, Ontario. 519-524-4331.- - 51 tfcc
18 Houses
CLINTON - MODERN 4 bedroom home for
sale. Large country kitchen, hardwood floors
throughout. 2 full baths. Quiet neighbourhood.
Large lot, garage, $189,000. Call mortgage
network Clinton, 519-482-7675. - 39tfcc
and stove. included, $650/month plus utilities.
Available Dec. 1. 519=528-3722. - 41 tfar
DOWNTOWN LUCKNOW, 2 bedroom apart-
ment, includes stove and fridge, $450/month.
519-395-5247. , 40tfnar
LUCKNOW 2 BEDROOM, 2nd floor apart-
ment. Stove, fridge, parking, $490 plus hydro.
Call 1-800-615-3156 or 519-335-3.1.56. -
20 Accommodation
Lucknow. Nightly/weekly accommodation
available. Suitable for contractors. Only 35
minutes from Bruce power area. 1-866-863-
2557. - 42, 45ar
23 Wanted
BILL'S SCRAP SERVICE, wanted to buy,
scrap. cars, trucks, bu5es, farm machinery. All
types of metal. Roll-otf +container service. 519-
364-0853. - 41-43cc
26 Hop Wanted
Westland Hogco Inc. has full time positions
available for a
Farrow Technician
and a Breeding Technician
These positions offer the opportunity to be part
of a team working together in a safe clean envi-
ronment to reach production targets. Our com-
pany is seeking caring individuals to provide
and perform daily necessities to ensure that our
livestock is healthy and comfortable. No expe-
rience needed, will train the right candidate to
help you succeed in the requirements of the
job. We are looking for individuals who have a
positive attitude, . reliable, mature and work
well with a team and -independently. You must
have your own transportation. We offer a corn-
petitive wage and benefit package with an
attractive incentive program.
For more information call the office 519-236-
7185 or fax resume to 519-236-7187
Classifieds produce results. Try
it. Phone 519-52&2822 before
4 a.m.. Friday to Mace your ad.