HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-14, Page 11Equipment. section
The 1995 Ford L9000 International plow
truck was sold at the Huron County
Jlighways Municipal auction on Sept. 26
for $5,200.
Paul Zinn, Broker
Ph: 519-528-2411
Cell 519-524-0264
Fax 519-528-3523 www.mcintee.ca
E-mail; lucknow@mctntee.ca
Saturday, October 17
1'0 to 12• noon
727 Havelock St. Lucknow
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 14, 2009 - Page 11
Huron -Kinloss Twp. to receive less money from reinvestment fund
From page 1
Ontario Municipal Partnership
Fund Allocation
Huron -Kinloss Twp. council treasurer
Jodi .MacArthur explained when the
Community Reinvestment Fund was
replaced r by the Ontario Municipal
Partnership Fund. in 2005, the new formula
decreased the amount of funding the munic-
ipality received from the province.
At that time, the province implemented a
stable funding guarantee, so the municipal-
ity would not lose` funding. Since then the
municipality has been receiving a total of
$1,391,00 annually.
H -K Twp. staff recently received a phone
call from AMO with concernsthat the
province has not committed to providing
the stable funding guarantee for 2010. For
2009, the stable funding component was
only $647,500.
• "I didn't realize it was a decrease to this
extent," said councillor Anne Eadie. "It will
make budget time a little more difficult."
MacArthur is following up with other
municipalities in the area whose funding
has also decreased. They are hoping -to meet
with Carol Mitchell in the near future to
voice concerns.
Bruce Beach Drain proposal
•Huron -Kinloss Twp. council received a
letter from David Larson, P. Eng. in regards
to a ditch proposal on the east side of Bruce
Beach Road. Larsen had originally request-
ed a delegation at council, but was unable to
attend the Oct. 5 meeting. An update on the.
proposal will be provided through email.
Waste management
The director of public works Hugh
Nichol attended a waste management tech-
nical sub -committee meeting on Sept 29
and the session's topic was a . review of
waste diversion within the county, . such as
bale wrap, electronics, tires, etc.
Bruce County has agreed to .oversee the
hazardous waste . collection for 2010, but
their belief rema itis that recycling prograos
should ' remain the responsibility of the
lower tier municipalities. -
Arthur Potts, from Biowaste Treatment
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Open: Mon -Fri Sam -spm Sat Ram-lpni
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Technologies, made a presentation on a
mechanical/biological waste treatment
developed in Israel, known as the arrowbio
process. The process involves taking all
household garbage, including recyclables,
dumping the material into a vat of water-
based bio -process liquid, which sorts out
the recyclable material by density and
results in an end product of biodegradable
organic material. Potts is hoping tobuild a
$30 million dollar facility in Dundalk
dependent on Ministry of Environment
approvals and arum five year guaran-
tee from local municipalities that 50,400
tons of garbage. would be ,delivered to the
site per year.
poles and moving about 50 other poles
along Hwy. 21, and replacing 11 kilometres
of older conductor with new, stronger, more
robust wire which is less susceptible to
weather damage and can carry heavier elec-
trical loads.
More information for customers, munici-
pal representatives and local media will be
provided leading up to the outages.
Township bleachers
Huron -Kinloss Twp. council has turned
down a request for use of the township's
bleachers at a snowmobile racing event in
January, 2010, at Family Funland.
Huron -Kinloss Twp. , recreation and
parks director Mike Fair recommended that
if council approved the use of the bleachers,
that the township payloader would have to
load and unload the bleachers so they are
not damaged. He said cost for the man and
machine is $60 per- hour, plus a recom-
mended rental rate of $50 per bleacher.
Fair said the bleachers can be moved
around, provided it is done properly and
with the township's equipment but that the
users would have to pay to move them. The
group making the request is not a service
club, he added.
"They are township ' resources," said
councillor Jim Hanna. "I. say. no. We're not
in the rental business.
Lucknow Library
The HAWK Theatre is submitting a
Celebrate -Anniversaries grant application to
the Ministry of Culture.
This is the same program
.:.._ that provided
grant money to the Point Clark Lighthouse
150th celebration that took place Aug. 14 -
16. . -
The HAWK group has requested some
in-kind services from the municipality, such
as maintenance, coordination, planning and
advertising through the ,. Huron -Kinloss
Extension of services
Campbell Street
Cliff's Plumbing & Heating has complet-
ed the extension of water and sanitary serv-
ices to the new building at 1136 Bruce Road
86 (Campbell Street) in the of
At the township's request, water services
were upgraded to four. houses enroute to the
new building and sanitary sewer laterals
provided to existing properties presently
serviced by septic systems, for future con-
Hugh Nichol, director of public works
and the contractor have agreed upon a cost
sharing:pfor the ' n nt- of
� proposal place
about 200 feet of sidewalk.
While only Darts of the sidewalk sus-
tained damage . during the construction,
publicworks would prefer to stay away
from piecework repairs. It was also decided
-not to proceed with the new sidewalk until
spring to allow for the settling of the exca-
vated area. Final cost to the township has
yet to be determined. .
Planned power outage
Hydro One is conducting a planned
power outage in the Kincardine area from 8
a.m. to 2 p.m., Oct. 17 and 18, and Oct. 24
and 25. The affected areas include part of
Huron Township and d Ashfield Township
and the bottom part of Kincardine
Huron -Kinloss Twp: council was told
that the company is installing more than 50
This Week's Specials
October 14 to 21
Edenpure infrared Heaters (in -stock)
• 300 sq. fit. $372 • 1000 sq. ft. $497
Oak Laminate Flooring
8 mm $.99 sq. t.
20 kg Softner Salt
$5.99 cash and carry
Insulated Door/Frame
Steel, b panel 32x80 $ 129.94
Roxul Insulation
• R1415 - 60 sq.ft. $29.99
• R2215 - 39.85 sq. tic. $29.99
782 Havelock St., Lucknow 519-528-3118
Mon. --
fill 7:30 - 5:p; AV) Pt; 4: •� t
1 1 :
Twp. website. These services are part of the
annual operation and will have no budget
implications. The application was sent in on
Sept. 30.
Removal of vegetation on Bruce Beach
In a response to Huron -Kinloss Twp.
council and the Bruce Beach Cottagers
Association the Ministry of Natural
Resources will not be visiting the Bruce
Beach site this year due to lack of time. The.
MNR didn't give a time when a meeting
wouldtake place. They alsowill not be
bringing a botanist in to assess •thee situation
this fall. They said time constraints was the
Amanda McClenaghan - Sales Rep
Tel: 519-528-3129 Cell: 519-525-8600
E-mail: realestate@hurontel.on.ca
Lucknow - NEW PRICE - 2 BR bungalow, Ig. country
kitchen, living rm and seperate family room,
central air, central vac, needs some upgrad-
ing. NOW $109,900.
Paisley - private country home on 4.05 acres, double
brick Century home w/newer addition, custom
kitchen, plus more. Asking $255,900.
Lucknow - Century charmer meticulously maintained
and upgraded; newer HE furnace, C/A, elec-
trical, windows etc., 2 fireplaces, 4 BR, 2
baths, double garage - this home has it all!
Asking $228,900.
Fish. Cove - perfect lakeview location close to rec cen-
tre, beach etc. Older well maintained 33'
Citation with add a room. Asking $14,900.
Lucknow - Income property - 3 res. units, 1 comm. unit.
building in excellent condition with 2 long
term tenants. N W Price $119,000.
Lucknow - Classic Red Brick Bungalow (Royal Home
built 1981) 3 BR, 2 Baths, lots of solid oak
cabinets, partially finished basement and
attached garage. NEW PRICE $179,900.
Klnloss • Renovated Country home with hobby
barn/garage on 4.74 acres with creek running.
through. New Price $194,500.
Lucknow/Pt. Clark - Building lots, $39,900 to $48,000.
Take your pick.
Paul Zinn, Broker
Phone 519-528-2411
Cell 519-524-0264.
Fax 519-528-3523
f -mail: lucknow c@mcintee.ca
.75 ACRE private country budding lot. Conc g
West, Greenock Up., drilled well, septic. $ 48,500
090663 -
SERVICED BUILDING lots In Lucknow starting at.
348 SOUTH DELHI - 2 8R bungalow, attached
garage, 80% renovated interior, materials on site to
finish. Bsmt bath and BR. Family room 16x22 at rear
of garage. $124,900. 092715
WELDING SHOP - 40x60 plus 40x40 steel buildings
with hoist, plus 2 BR residence. Dungannon. 092464.
EXCAVATING BUSINESS - JD excavator, Kabota
mower, dump truck and trailer. Maintenance con-
tracts available. Call for details.
557 ROSE ST. - 3 BR bungalow with 2 baths, office,
rear patio and 12x20 workshop. NOW $148,900
567 VICTORIA ST.- 3 BR, wood floors trim french
doors, detached garage, patio with hot tub.
NOW $139,900. 092024
75 ACRES - Excellent buiding site overlooking 2
spring fed ponds, 32 acres workable. Trails,
pine/mixed bush, trout stream at rear. 2 miles east of
Holyrood. 091732. $269,000
99 ACRES - $199,000 - 4076 Hwy # 9. 30 work-
orkable, 60 mixed softwood. Older brick house. 080067
St HELENS LINE - former brick school, 3 storeys,
20 x 20 shed, ground source heating. $210,000.
745 HAVELOCK ST. - 4 BRs, totally remodeled
home with wood stove and corn stove, new windows,
flooring. $129,900 091101
INCOME PROPERTY - 9 residential units, 3 com-
mercial units. Main street, Lucknow. $389,000
59 ACRES - Hwy. 86, remodeled 4 BR brick home,
inground pool, garage/paint booth for autobody. 25
acres workable. Now $399,000. 08081810
1716 BRUCE RD # 86 - 1.16 acre country home with
4243 i h mv_Fmo b•o iio° P f itiliM169,P00