HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-14, Page 8Page 8 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Lucknow native involved in production of "Amelia" film Jennifer MacKinnon grew up in the Lucknow area where her parents, Dave and Cathy MacKinnon, and brother, Jonathan, still live. MacKinnon moved to Simcoe (Norfolk County) in 1999 when she became an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer. 'Ivo years ago MacKinnon moved to the Toronto area . where she is a Detective Constable with the . Drug Enforcement Section, and is currently seconded to Pearson International Airport. She was also selected to attend the 2010 Winter Olympics in January in British Columbia to work for 30 - 40 days, and is looking forward to the experience. "Although I have moved away from Lucknow; I retum often and always consid- er it to be home," said MacKinnon; " tfickinnon became involvedin flying about seven seven years ago when a co- worker took her up in a small airplane (citabna). She obtained her private pilot licence and night rating, and later her com- mercial pilot licence. MacKinnon is a mem- ber of the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association (CHAA), which is where she • learned how to fly. It was at an airshow in Welland in 2006 where MacKinnon met, Cam Harrod, who would later be tasked with selecting pilots to fly in a movie called "Amelia", featuring Hilary Swank and Richard Gere. MacKinnon was at work last April, when she received a call from Harrod, askingher if she would like to be in a movie. Harrod had tracked her down and told her he was. tasked to coordinateairplanes and pilots for part of a movie called "Amelia". The movie would feature Swank, cast as Amelia Earhart, and Richard Gere, cast as her hus- band, George Putnam. He was looldng for female pilots who had an appreciation for vintage aircraft and, of course, who could fly them. "I thought at first he was playing a joke on me, especiallywhen he' told me who was. in iVINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL HIGHLIGHTS No Parkin "Excellence in Rural Health Care" 9 Please note that the munidpaflty has changed Carling Terrace to a 'No Parking Zone for the entire length of P property. the hos italg .Diabetes Education The next lass will be held on Nov. 17 from 8:45am.-3:00 in the Terrace P� Room. A doctor's referral is required. For more information or to register call Karen Cook, RN/CDE at ext. 5362 Bring Your Medications When you are coming to the Emergency Department or are being admitted to the hospital, please brin all your medications withg- you, both prescrIpflon and over the counter remedies. This will help us to know exactly what medications you are taking and Hill improve our ability to provide the best possible safe canis Infection Prevention Visitors - Influenza season is approaching again! Help protect our patients by: • Washing your hands when you enter and leave the hospital • NotY u" vaccine •Season flu vaccine � P I visiting if you are ill • Getting the influenza ("fl)cane for those over 65 years of age • H I N 1 vaccine for others (watch for details) Phone:• 357-3210 Fax: 357-2931 Website: wwwiwha.ca .r, 44, Submitted photo Jennifer MacKinnon who grew up in Lucknow took part inthe movie Amelia, that was shot last year, starring Hilary Swank and Richard Gere. MacKinnon was cast as a spe- cial skills expert, who would be required to fly in the movie. She's seen here (second to the left and four down from Swank)with` tail Swank. ?ury and the other female pilots,who took part in the movie.The movie is to be released on Oct. 23. the movie," said Macon. ` : then real ized he v,ras serious. The movie shoot woul three three days at Dunnville airport and would feature a segment of the "Powde Puff Derby The Powder Puff Derby began in 1929 and was a transcontinental race as partart of the National Air Races at Cleveland and was entered by 20 female: flyers. It was also this year that the Ninety -Nine's women's avia- tion organization was : born; this organiza- tion still exists today. MacKinnon was cast as a special skills expert, who would be required to fly in the movie, if required (there were three female pilots cast). Basically, she was a "Powder filmed Puff Girl". She two part days, plus a full day with Hilary Swank "Amelia" and the other "Powder Puff Girls" as part: of the derby. "Swank was a real personable individual, interacting with : all .of the girls and joking around when we had a bit of downtime," said MacKinnon. "When it came to filming; she took her role very seriously and it was amazing to see her transform into Emhart. - Unfortunately, the Director, Mira Nair, uld opted that we didn't fly for liability , but I experienced in three days what it was r like to be a movie star." Macon and her fellow pilots were all dressed in full, 1929 period costumes. "The movie props were unreal; it really felt Tike I was living in that time period for those few days," said MacKinnon. "It was anabsolute once in a lifetime thrill to be a part of." On June 1, 1937, Earhart and,her naviga- tor set off for her next most challenging flight - to be the first woman to fly around the world. Her twin engine Lockheed Electra disappeared somewhere across the Pacific Ocean, near lowland Island, on July 2, 1937. She was declared dead on Jan.: 5, 1939. Her body wasnever found. The life of this remarkable woman is cap- tured in the upcoming movie "Amelia". It is due out on Oct. 23. "Ihope I at least make a couple of sec- onds in the movie, after all the editing," said MacKinnon. "I know rd do it all over again, in a heartbeat!" Challengers lead Monday night league Monday .- HS & HT: Anita Elliott 229, 559; Ron Elliott, 246, 599. Othe over 200 scores: Ron Elliott, 246; Aaron Seip, 204; Patrick Ritchie, 216. Standings: Challengers, 10; Old Klankers, 8; Beetles, 8, Vipers, 6. Tuesday HS & HT: Wilma Elliott, 242; Ron Elliott, 238; Loma Guay, 576; Scott Huffman, 597. Other over 240 scores: Scott Huffman, 230; Bill Fisher, 224; Eric Haldenby, 215; Lorna Guay, , 226; Gerald Rhody, 202, 206; Brad r Engel, 203. Standings: The Execs, 9; Team #5, 8; Scottie's Hotties, 7; Bad Boys, 6; . WWMRJ, 4; Fab Four, 2. lbwn k Country . HS & HD: Noel Murray, 212, 347; Lois Taylor, 218, 338. Other over 175 scores: Lillian Irwin, 182; Don Ross, 180; Gord Dale, 177; Marie Scott, 178. Standings: Snowdrops, 9; Tulips, 75; Hyacinths, 5; Daisies, 5; Pansies; 5; Daffodils, 4.5. ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF ThE YEAR AWARDS , . 7114: If you knowa young person, aged 6 to 17, who is involved in worthwhile comP munity service; a s etlal person who i contributing while living with a limitation; a youth who has performed an act of heroism; or a ` s commitment to making life better for others, doing more than is normally expectede of so gOth kid'who shows a RECOGNIZE THEIR CONTRIBUTION - NOMINATE THEM TODAYI ymeone their age HELP US . Contact this newspaper or the Ontario Community Newspapers Nominations will be accepted AssOciatiou Alt WWW.601a.orgOT 905.639.8720until November 30, wog Sponsored by: NOMINATE' SOMEONE ,TObAlh B "4ft-1 w...a u°14: • Coordinated by: . 1 • •