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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 14, 2009 - Page 7
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Photo by Garit Reid
Construction has begun on the future site of the Lucknow and
District Fire Hall, which is a joint venture by the. townships of
Huron -Kinloss and Ashfield-Colborne-VVawanosh.l'he project is
part of Canada's Economic Action Plan to improve municipal
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From page 2
And Hughes said the public
relations and media interest in
the audacious rescue mission
amounts to a wealth of free
promotion for Bruce County.
"When it comes time to
actually perform the task
think it will be a sight to see —
a Bruce coast lighthouse tra-
versing across the sky with a
helicopter. It's pretty outstand-
ing," he said.
The Stokes Bay light tower.
will go into storage until the
tourism and museum commit-
tees decide where to rebuild it.
Museum director Barb
Ribey made it clear she's
interested in preserving the
Stokes Bay lighthouse, and
suggested it will fit with the
upcoming Marine. Gallery
redevelopment. But she also
emphasized that the museum
has no money in the budget to
help with the project at this,
That doesn't daunt museum
chair Mitch Twolan.
"These are the types of prof
ect. that don't come along
very often," he said about the
bold plan for a last-minute res-
cue of a county landmark.
Bruce County puts consid-
erable effort into promoting its
lighthouse tours, Twolan said,
and preserving the Stokes Bay
light tower"is a central part of
our promotion of tourism."
'Nolan agrees with.flughes
about the positive side of the
--money that will be spent on
the helicopter lift.
"That (lift) in itself is going
to draw a lot of attention to
our museum and our, tourism
so that in itself is a ood
thing," he said.
Power demand
Electricity demand that jfit a
low this summer has yet to
• recover.
That's the prediction that
_Bruce Power spokesperson
Ross Lamont gave Bruce
County during questions after
his monthly report to council.
Lamont said the trend is nei-
ther surprising nor expected to
"You can attribute some of
that to the weather," he Said
about the moderate summer
and fall temperatures. -
"But we do know that with
industry shut down in a lot of
places in Ontario there is a,
lower demand. As industry
starts back up there will be
some increase but we're not
expecting it to return to the
pre -recession level any tune
soon," Lamont said.
Lamont said we're experi-
encing a "fundamental shift"
in demand -for electricity.
But he said that hasn't
affected operations at the
Bruce site.
"We're still committed to
operating eight unit* and
refurbishing those units and
producing 6300 megawatts (of
electricity)," he said.
"Obviously (the low
demand) has dampened the
government's need to build
new nuclear plants in
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