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Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-07, Page 20
• 100TH BIRTHDAY The family of Mabel MacDonald invite friends and relatives to join in the celebration of Mabel's 100th birthday, Saturday, Oct. 17, at the Lucknow Community Centre "Meeting Room" from 2 to 4 p.m. Best wishes only as Mabel is moving to Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow. - 41x NILE UNITED CHURCH Hot beef supper, Sunday, Oct. 18, 5 to 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. - 41,42cc Dungannon -Union Pastoral Charge Pastor: Larry Sa _:s, DLM Dungannon, Nile & Trinity United Churches warmly welcome you to join with us in Sunday Worship. For times, please call 519-529-3127 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE • Oct. 10 - Betty and Barry McDonagh 50th wedding anniversary • Oct. 17 - Mabel MacDonald 100th. Birthda Pa FOR INFO OR BOOKINGS CALL McDonagh Insurance 5 1 9-528-3423 F.E. Madill Secondary Schoo Parent-Teacher Night Thursday; October 15 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. • Please register at the Victoria street entrance foyer • Progress reports will be sent home with students on October 9, with information about the forma t of the Parent/Teacher evening. If you have any questions, cal th school at 519-357-1800 Commencement Exercises Family & Friends of the 2009 Graduating Class of F.E. Madltl SS are cordially invited to attend Commencement Exercises Friday, Oct. 23, 8:15 p.m. in the targe gymnasium at • F.E. Madill NOTE: GRADS SHOULD REPORT T O GYM 228 BY 7:30 RM. S U D 0 K U 1194835276 9 8 6 5 2 4 7 3 1 3 7 2 9 6 1 5 4 8 5463.1'8792 2 1 7 5 9 6 8 3 4 9 3 8472165 62975'3481 751 684.923 4831 29657 October 7 solution APPk11°W • Sefr*I1C11,t,*)'"flaY.'s qctote 7 2Q09 - Pag�,11 N Coming Events OPP road safety KOUNTRY KITCHEN BAZAAR Saturday, Oct. 10, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Point Clark Community Centre. NEW this year, we are only selling beef pies made from Bruce County beef. Christmas crafts, dried flowers, preserves, bake table, candy, Pay and Play auction, gifts galore, nautical, Christmas cakes and puddings. Lunch room available with sandwiches, sausage on a bun, muffins, tea and coffee. Sponsored by the Pine River Church, UCW. A gathering place for friends old and new. - 41 cc HAWK THEATRE PRESENTS A special showing of "Suspicious Death in a Small Town" at Pinecrest Manor, Thursday, Oct. 15, 7 p.m. Open to public. Donations appreciat- ed. - 41,42ar VIDEO DANCE PARTIES And : Christina Farrish and Neil Ludyka, present: Halloween Dance, Saturday, Oct. 24, Lucknow Community Centre. 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. $12 each advance, 15 at door. Age of majority. 41,42ar LUCKNOW SCOUTING Beavers/Cubs will be starting Wednesday, Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. at the Lucknow school. Anyone aged 4 to 7 (Beavers), 8 to 10 (cubs), please conte out. Be ready for a hike. - 41 ar CNIB CANVASS Ripley & District Lions Qlub members will can- vass the area of Ripley and former Huron Township during the week of Oct. 11, 2009 (main- ly Wednesday, Oct: 14). Used eyeglasses can be picked up. - 41 cc HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT Weekend courses. Farm families and small busi- ness owners, get control of your life - your finances. Tested methods. Lucknow area. Call Fran McQuail 519-528-2493 for information. - 41- 43ar COFFEE BREAK All women are invited to Coffee Break, a relaxing morning of conversation and discussion, Wednesday mornings at 9:45 at Lucknow Community Church on Place Street. Call Pastor Rita at 519-528-3133 or just drop in any Wednesday morning. 39-41 ar Where do LOCAL people find LOCAL news 52 weeks a year'? In your hometown newspaper of course! For $30 per year you toocan enjoy all th otol Nm on s weekly heist The South Bruce OPP are joining a long list of Police Services across Canada that are participating in Operation Impact from Oct. 9 — Oct. 12. Operation Impact started 15 years ago in support of Canada's Road Safety Vision, which is a commitment to make Canada's roads the safest in the world. According to Transport Canada sta tistics 2,900 are killed and 16,000 are injured every year in collisions. Impaired driving, failing to wear a seatbelt and aggressive driving are con- sistently the number one cause in most fatal or serious injury collisions. "South Bruce OPP members will be out in full force over the Thanksgiving Weekend to participate in Operation Impact. Too often holiday weekends are marked by death and carnage on the roadways. Anyone having information that can assist Police with investigations is asked to call South Bruce OPP at 519- 396-3341 (Kincardine), 519-881-3130 (Walkerton) or Crime Stoppers at 1- 800-222 -800-222 TIPS (8477). OPP Dispatch -- 1-888-310-1122 Network Classifieds. Advertise Across Ontario orAoross the Country! HEALTHIER COFFEE! Healthier Coffee Marketing CO. expanding in Canadian provinces seeking MLM speakers and trainers with a proven track record of success. 905-469- 8667. wWw,CoffeeMillion.com. PERFECT POST - CANADA'S LARGEST FRANCHISE NETWORK of builders and installers of fences, decks and post settings, has Territories available throughout Canada. Enjoy the benefit of brand recognition, national marketing, vol- ume discounts and customer referral program. LOW INVESTMENT. For information contact 1-877-750-5665, franchise a@perfectpost.com. ENERGIZE YOUR INCOME! Distribute hot selling energy drinks. Eam up to 10K/month. 311 Billion Industry. No selling, minimum invest- ment 19K. 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