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Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 7, 20092
Turkey Supper
Hosted by Lucknow United Church Women
Tuesday, October 20
Sittings at 5 & 6:30 p.m.
Sit Lucknow Community Centre
Tickets: $ 12
children 1 1 & under $5; Preschool FREE
• Advance tickets: Marlene 519-528-2046, Nancy
519-528-2203 or at: Everiastings,
Armstrongs Bakery, McDonagh Insurance
• Take -Out Available - 519-528-2542
before noon October 20
Lancers gearing up for another exciting season
Sentinel Staff
The Lucknow
Lancers are revved
and ready to go for
another season in
the WOAA Senior
A . League. The
team had a hard
training camp
September and they
are ready to • take it
to the ice and
improve on their
strong finish : from
last season.
"Expectations are
pretty high this
year. We have a few
new guys that are
young, fast and
ready to play," said
Lancer captain
from last season
Ean Moffat. "We
'have looked pretty
good in our last
50th Wedding Anniversary
The family of
ass and Beatty Irwin
ret,te pleasure of your company
at an afternoon tea on
Saturday, October 10, 2009
at St. Peter's Anglican Church Parish Hall
Best wishes only, please.
couple of practices,
but we are still
looking to improve
from last year."
The Lancers fm-
ished seventh out of
11 teams last sea-
son and lost in the
B championship
finals to a tough
Lucan-Ilderton Jets
team. Moffat and
the Lancers would
like to do better
than seventh, but
they, know it's
about how well the
team plays together
and not how many
points they have in
the standings.
"We were play-
ing pretty good at
the end of the year
and going into the
playoffs," said `.
Moffat "We were
well conditioned
last year, which is
so we need.
to : continue for this
season. When we
played . a physical
game we : were usu-
ally in the ` whole
game and that's
what will be most
important for the
The official . ros-
ter is not set yet, but
Moffat did say a
good core of play
Y ff ! / , i !f
Photo by Carat Reid
The Lucknow Lancers have been practicing . for the past.month and look to `get things
going this weekend: in an exhibition game against Walkerton. Ean Moffat is seen here
taking a shot on goalie Erol Kahraman during one of the team's last ,training camp
practices last:
ers. will be returning cheer r on their team.
with some new tah- It's easy to see how
ent. One of the much Lucknow is
things that will be a into their Lancers
bonus for the team when the seats are
is goalie Erol always full. Hockey
Kahraman will be . is a big part of any
returning. town inCanada and
Kahraman had an it's no' different in
impressive season Lucknow.
last year, keeping : A ° bonus for the
his team in a lot of team is they will be
close games. starting the season
One thing is for ` on schedule this
sun, Lancer hock- year, the ice is in
ey is back and: that, pristine condition
means the strong and ready for the
community of Lancer skates to hit
Lucknow will be the :ice.
out in full force to "The community
Kincardine News
The four-way
corners in Ripley
are now brightly
Two weeks ago,
50t% 4ffiafreAra/41
You are invited to help celebrate the
50th Wedding Anniversary of
Barry and Betty McDonagh
Saturday, October 10
9 p.m to 1 a.m.
at the
Lucknow Community Centre
Music and light lunch provided
No gifts, please. If you insist on
giving a gift, please make a donation
to the Wingham & District Hospital
Foundation or charity of your choice.
a , four-way flash-
ing red light was
hung above the
corner, letting
motorist know of
the upcoming stop
Huron Kinloss
Public Works
Hugh Nichol said
store owners and
Ripley residents
had been com-
plaining for years
about motorists not
shows the. team _ a at the Lucknow and
lot of support and District Sports
that's always good Complex. They
to see every year,' play their first regu-
said Moffat. "We lar season game
appreciate every- and home opener.
thing our fans and the following week,
sponsors do . for us Oct. 17 against
during the season Shallow Lake,
and off season. It's Saturday tight at 8
always nice to see p.m.
when we come out For : more infor-
for a big 'game that enation on the
there are a lot of : schedule, statistics,
fans to support us." . roster and scores,
The Lancers see visit www.luc-
their first ex ibition k n o wl a n ce r s. c a.
game on Saturday, The schedule can
Oct.. 10, 8 : p.m., also befound in the
against Walkerton week's issue.
light at f:ti
stopping at the stop
He said the deci-
sion to install the
light was agreed
upon : by Huron -
Kinloss, council
and the Bruce
County Highways
(BCHD) about a
year ago when the
streetscape and
Lewis Park proj-
ects began.
way stop:.
when council and
BCHD starting dis-
cussing traffic
lighting,' they
decided to install
the flashing red
"It was to : be.
installed as part of
the upgrades done
to the two county
roads last year," he
Although con-
cerns were brought
to council for
years, it was out of
their hands
because it was : on
county roads. All
they 'could do was
pass on the con-
cerns to the
Finally, • BCHD
gave the go ahead
to have the flash-
ing light installed.
It may have
taken a year, but
the lights are up,"
said Nichol.
We are an assisted living centre located in Ripley for the past 11 years, with 24 hour staffing.
Please drop in for a tour of our beautiful facility and meet our wonderful, caring staff.
Prices for a private room start at $1705/month which includes rent, meals, housekeeping,
nursing care, medication administration, laundry, activity programs, physiotherapy etc.
The heart of our philosophy is the creation of a warm and caring atmosphere through laughter.
Locally owned and operated.