HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-30, Page 14Pae 14 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 2009
38 Auctions
of farm property for
Patricia- Devereaux
at 38668 Glen's Hill Rd., E 1/2 Lot 29 Con 7,
Wawanosh, Township of North Huron, (9.3 km West
of Belgrave on Belgrave Rd. to Donnybrook Line,
then 2.7 km South to Glen's Hill Rd., then 1 km East
to property on left) on
Monday, October 19,1 p.m.
PROPERTY - 100 acres mil with approx. 94 acres
workable,.4 acres of hardwood bush & balance in
drainage ditch. No buildings located on subject prop-
erty. Near Wawanosh Park Conservation Area.
Property will be offered at 1:00 pm sharp, subject to
a reasonable reserve bid. Terms are $10,000 down
day of sale, by certified cheque or bank draft,
payable to Feehely, Gastalde Barrister & Solicitor In
Trust, & the Balance within 30 days. Note: Land is
rented & they have the right to harvest their crop this
For more information please contact Len Metcalfe at
519-367-2791 or email metcalfe@wightman.ca or
John Metcalfe at 519-881-9676.
Auctioneer, Staff or Owners not responsible for.
injuries or accidents. Verbal announcements take
precedence over anything printed.
MiLDMAY, (519) 367-2791
Email: metcatfe@wightman.ca
Visit & sign-up to our website for auction listings at
43 Births
Jackie and Nick are thrilled to announce the
birth of Mercedes Summer Nicole, on August
3, 2009, at Stratford General Hospital, weigh-
ing 7 Ib. 14 oz. Proud and delighted grandpar-
ents are Larry and Katie Hackett of Lucknow,
and Janet Daer of Goderich. - 40x
47 Cards of
I would like to thank
the Royal Canadian
Legion, Branch 309,
for sponsoring me in
the 2009 Ambassador
competition. I also
want to thank Rick
McMurray for provid-
ing the car and driv-
ing me in the parade.
It was a wonderful
experience: and. a
weekend that will be
Courtney. - 40x
Don't forget,
our deadline
is -4 P.M. on
Of Antiques/Collectibles & Miscellaneous Items
to be held for Richard & Dixie Askes
930 South Kinloss Ave, Lucknow; 2 km North of Lucknow (County Rd 1
and 3.2 km East on South Kinloss Ave to 930. WATCH FOR SiGNS
Saturday, October 10, 9:30 a.m.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Canadian school books; library books; how-to
books; craft books; cook books(some from localarea), etc. etc.; magazines; pic-
tures; newspapers; Royal Family books & magazines; calendars; old
maps(school); collector plates; old LP records; display cases; sock stretchers;
wood ironing boards; Beady tub & wash stand; wash boards; milk bottles; canning
jars, lids, tops, etc; crocks & jugs; milk & cream cans; tins & honey pails; linens
table clothes, napkins, runners, doilies, finger towels, placemats, quilts, blankets;
men & women's hats(old VON); ladies' gloves, scarves, hand muff, purses, .hat
boxes; chamber pots; sewing supplies-buttons(many still on cards), wooden
spools of thread, spindles, knitting needles, etc; Granite ware; old cameras; Match
box collection; salt & pepper shakers; salt cellars; creamers & sugars; Bone China
cups & saucers; dishes; plates; glasses; serving sets;
Silver: serving sets, spoons, candle holders, etc; kitchen utensils; wooden rolling
pins; butter paddles; butter bowl; wood ladders; feed cart; Imperial Oil gas can;
steel garden gate; grain scythe; wood rake; old pulleys; old tools and wrenches;
drill & auger bits; forge tongs; chair spindles; dumb waiter pulley system; maga-
agazine rack; collector cars & trucks; HOME HARDWARE collector trucks (complete
first series); license plates; lanterns; globes & chimneys; old light fixtures; insula-
tors; brass bells; spites; syrup cans & sap pails; cigar & cigarette boxes; canes;
umbrellas; toys & cut out dolls; collector reference books.
ANTIQUE FURNITURE: chairs; dressers; chest of drawers; buffets; china cabinet;
parlour stove; ship's stove; wooden cradle; drying racks; Granite tub & carrier; but-
ter churns (wood & crock style); high chairs; old head boards; piano stool; wicker
plant stand; old scale & weights; old architectural pillars; tables.
MISCELLANEOUS: wood toboggan; child's rocker & chair; mirrors;. pictures &
frames; wicker baskets; jewellery boxes; carpet & rugs; marbles; horse collar; ani-
mal tattoo outfit; Buggy steps; rope pulleys; iron wheels; coal shuttles; riding lawn
mower; MTD rear tine rotor tiller; MTD wood chipper /w gas engine; sand blaster;
snow blower; stacking chairs; garden tools; pots & planters; lawn roller; tool
boxes; weed eater; gas cans; sump pump; chicken wire; plastic barrels; scythes;
bicycles; wood lathes; shelving; cross cut handles; skill saw blades; electric
welder 110 volt and gloves; paint & stains; canoe paddles; tents & camping,gear;
camp stove & oven; tent heater; squash & tennis racquets; roller blades; air tools;
assorted tables; paddle boat; lumber; steel beam 25' x 8 x 5 used; steel posts and
drivers; craft supplies; storage jars; Tupperware; toys & stuffed animals; train
table; sewing machine & knitting machine; many more items too numerous to
Plan to attend this large auction. Richard & Dixie have been collecting for 30+
years. Many rare and hard to find items, a sale not to miss.
For more information call Richard & Dixie at 519-528-3935 or cell: 519-955-1473
TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper 1.D. Proprietors & auctioneers not respon-
sible for accidents, injury, or loss of purchases. Verbal announcements take precedence
over advertising.
Auctioneers: Brian Rintoul 519-357-2349, Bill Horst 519-595-2626
Lhank people
for their
ndness here!
47 Cards of Thanks
Would like to thank
everyone who was a
part of the Lucknow
Minor Hockey Float
at the Fall Fair
Thanks to parents for
bringing out their
kids! - 40ar
We would like to
express our deepest
appreciation to neigh-
bours, friends and
family for the support
we were given at the
time of the death of
our dear little
Dakoda. Your kind-
ness was greatly
appreciated. Velma
and family. - 40x
Thank you to all who
supported us in the
Parkinson's • walk.
Cathy and Jean. -
Thank you
cards - $T.25
for 20 words.
Iluron -Kinloss
The Township of Huron -Kinloss is seeking a qualified, person for the position of
Landfill Attendant. .
Thisp osition is 22 hours per week and the successful applicant will assist in the
operation of all landfill services.
Applicant must possess the following:
• Ability to operate machinery such as a Landfill 518 Caterpillar Compactor and
Small Dozer
• Good communication skills
• Ability to work unsupervised
• Computer skills an asset
• A valid driver's licence
Full detailedposition descriptions are available at the Municipal Office.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit a confidential. detailed resume with references
no later than Wednesday October 7, 2009 at 11:00 Lin. Sealed envelopes should be
clearly marked with the position title and addressed to
Township of Huron -Kinloss
P.O. Box 130, 21 Queen Street
Ripley, ON NOG 2R0
Attn Hugh Nichol, Director of Public Works
Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted In accordance with the
Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, personal information. is collected under the
authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M45, as amended and will only be used for the
purpose of candidate selection.
-::MEETINGSBL C �t�F �'� �
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township' of Huron -Kinloss pursuant to Section
34, (12) of the Planning Act is holding a Public Meeting to consider a `Housekeeping
Amendment' to the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law prior to Council's
consideration and passing of the proposed by-law.
THE DATE, TIME AND LOCATION of this meeting is:
Monday October 26th:
Starting, at 7:00 p.m.
At the Township Council Chambers, Ripley.
proposed PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the by-law is to renumber and re -label
various site specific zone regulations and symbols resulting from a Consolidation of the
Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
Several corrections to site specific sections are required; no changes to the actual uses or
regulations are proposed. The proposed by-law is to be known as the `Housekeeping
ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal
presentations either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed by-law.
IF A PERSON or a public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Township of
Huron -Kinloss in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law does not make written and/or
oral submissions to the Township prior to the adoption of the Zoning By-law, the Ontario
Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
THE PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW and the consolidation of the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law will be available for public review weekdays from Tuesday, September
29th at the Township office in Ripley between the hours of 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m.
DATED at the Township of Huron -Kinloss this 25th day of September, 2009.
Sonya Watson
Clerk, Township of Huron -Kinloss
2 1 (,aleft Street, VO. B(oy 1. it)
ON NO(2I:0 5 1 `)-,195- i;'
hili'onl\vp"r h1Iroilt('l.OIl.( �l \vwv v.htir(lilkii h,,,,,.( ()ill
I would like to thank
the . Lucknow
Agricultural Society
for the opportunity to
be the Lil'
Ambassador. 1 look
forward to represent-
ing Lucknow. Jessie. -
I would like to thank
Everlastings for spon-
soring me in the
recent Ambassador
competition. Thank
you ` to Amy and
Danielle for organiz-
ing a great compet1
tion, Thanks to the
Agricultural Society
for a wonderful fall fair
and to all of the local
businesses who
donated the great
gifts. Emma. - 40x
We would like to
thank our family and
friends for all the help
and support with
Ange, and Jamie's
wedding. Special
thanks to Rick and
Karen McMurray,
Ryan •Grei ig, Dwayne
Porter, Chris Hackett,
Scott Peebles, Lynn,
.Murray, Rod and,
Preston Crich, Greg
and Julie McClinchey,
Judy Sanderson,
Janine Hamilton,
Brian and- Kathy
Knechtel, fan:,
Montgomery, Brian
Van Leerzem, Maggie:
Cleland, Ken
MacLean; and, most t
of all to: Cath and
Dave McKinnon,
Katie and Larry
Hackett, Ron and
Lynn Nicholson, Willis
and Marie Bromley,
Russ and Danielle
Sutton, Huron
Landscaping and the
Chester family. Mike
and Dianne. - 40x
Thank you to our
sponsors: Lucknow
Co - o p ,
Lucknow/Ripley Vet,
Lucknow Auto Parts,
Cut n' Curl, Maitland
Valley Ag., Dauphin
Feed, Dan Byler,
Triple J. Fries,
Finlayson's, Mary's
Family Restaurant,
Studio C, Cowboy
Loft, Alex and Cindy
Simpson, Traci and
Steve Simpson, Rosie
Gilmore, Misti
Humphrey, Margo
Messenger, Joanne
Woods, and Sue
Christie. Thank you to
all the competitors,
committee members
and volunteers for
making the show a
huge success.
Special thanks to
Shawn Coiling. See
you next year. - 40x