HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-23, Page 5• As parents, moms and dads do things different There are a lot of people out there who believe a man cannot handle his own family without his wife's help. Most of these critics are married to the men themselves, or have them as fathers. The first thing you have to realize is that dads do things WAY differently than moms. This does not mean they do things the wrong way -in fact, sometimes it will be more fun and memorable. Take for instance the issue of camping. The moms in my household truly believe that, if not i or them, the family would have no experience in the great outdoors. This, of course, is an outrageous lie. Even without her, I would still be sure my, kids knew the basics of camping, even going so far as .to watch several episodes of "Survivor Man" together in a group setting. Moms :want to make sure that their kids have . a great time as they head out on the road: Dads do, too, and guarantee that this happens by first stopping at the Bulk Food Store and buying sixteen pounds of peanut M&Ms. There is a strategy here that mothers do not fully appreciate: 1. M&Ms make a great snack. 2. They are a formidable weapon, should the need arise to ping your eldest off the noggin. 3. They can be used as bargaining chips if accosted by a surly band of ill-tempered squirrels (you cannot be too prepared...) A mom's top priority is a weekend chock full of Learning Experiences. She will accomplish this via mandatory Nature Walks and Campfire. Sing Songs. Now don't get me wrong -bring experiences are a great thing but most dads aim at the more practical side of life.:. Example: Dad: "Alright, son. It's midnight. Time to go to bed." Son: "Okay, Dad. Which tent am I sleeping in?" Dad: "Whichever one you set up." Son: "But, I didn't set up a tent." Dad: "Ooh... bad choice, son." I can guarantee that the next time this family goes camping, the very first thing on the boy's mind (assuming he survived the night outside) will be secur- ing a place to sleep. What could be a better lesson than that? Another area often under dispute is that of injury. Moms will consistently try to cuddle with a child if he is hurt. This is not natural. Dads, however, will teach them to celebrate the injury. wl'hink of the cool scar you're gonna have once that heals....if indeed it does heal." We also focus on the character -building quality of each painful event. Some of the smartest people I know are missing fingers and/or toes. They are also the ones who are paid to write the instruction manuals for most of the power tools available in North America. Example. "Attention! When operating this chainsaw, do NOT try to stopthe chain with your fingers or toes, even if it is really dull and you are getting frustrated with it. Also, do not try to shave with it" Yes, without dads, the world would be a much dif- ferent -and more boring -place! Mark Thrice is our nationally syndicated humor columnist. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - Page 5 • HPV vaccine The Grey Bruce Health Unit is offering the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to Grade 8 girls as part : of the school immunization program. HPV is a very common virus that can cause genital warts as well as cervical and other can- cers. Cervical cancer is the second most com- mon cancer among women under 50 years. There are 500 women diagnosed with cervical cancer and 140 deaths each year in Ontario. About 75 per cent of the population will have some form of the HPV in their lifetime, so it is a good invest- ment in their health for eirig :o girls to get.. the three shot series. The vac- cine protects against four types of HPV, two. of which cause about 70 per cent of cervical cancers. When all three shots are '.completed, the vaccine is consid- ered close to 100 per cent effective in pro-- tecting against these four types of HPV. The vaccine has an excellent safety record. In a study . reported in the August 2009, Journal of the American Medical Association, the HPV vaccine was assessed after 23 million doses had been administered in the United States and there were very few ered to rade 8 girls serious events reported. Our experience in Grey Bruce is certainly no different. The vaccine is proving to be very well tolerated. Every year we have had increased numbers of girls receiving the vac- cine and to date we have not had any seri- ous untoward reac- tions. The Ministry , of Health and Long -Tenon Care is funding ` the HPV vaccine at no cost to all girls in Grade 8 through school clinics. Parents of Grade 8 girls should watch for the consent forms coming home with your daugh- ters early in the school year. Cost of the vac- cine without the Ministry funding is $450. As well as protecting against the most com- mon cause of cervical cancer, the HPV vac- cine also prevents the development of precan- cerous lesions that cause women pain and anxiety.. The brief inconvenience of the injections is minor , compared to the i la, jor benefits gained by hav- ing the protection of this vaccine. For more informa- tion, call Public Health at 519-376-9420 or 1.- 800-263-3456, -800-263-3456, or visit our website at www.publichealthgrey- bruce.on.ca McClinchey not seeking Liberal nomination Greg McClinchey, North Huron Councillor and the 2008 Federal Liberal candidate for Huron -Bruce, con- firmed last week that he will not seek the local Liberal nomination for the next federal elec- tion. "Despite working in the political arena for 15 -years, the 2008 elec- tion was a tremendous growth experience for me. When I first com- mitted to seeking the nomination, I said it was my intention ' to make my campaign one of positive ideas," said McClinchey. "That said, the campaign was also an experience that demanded a consider- able amount of time, energy and. resources. While I would not rule out seeking the nomina- tion at a future date, I am today first and fore- most a husband and a father of two wonderful young children. With this in mind, I am please tosay I will be focusing the lion's share. of my time and energy on these respon- sibilities." Photo by Troy Pattern Brandon Murway, j Lucknow_, Gibson and Dalton Black lath placed second In the under 12 round bale rolling competition. 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