HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-16, Page 22Page 22 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce may close doors BY SUSAN HUNPERTMARK Huron Expositor Staff Epilepsy . Huron -Perth -Bruce will be maidng the decision on. Sept. 31 about whether it will have to close its doors. Executive director Lynne Armstrong, along with several Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce board members, attended the first-ever South West LHIN "board engagement session" in Seaforth last Wednesday to repeat a request for base funding for the local organization. "If we don't receive public funding, we won't be in opera- tion next year," said Armstrong, adding that Epilepsy Huron - Perth -Brice is currently $40,000 short of the. $85,000 it needs to fundraise every year to exist. The South West Local Health - Integration Network is holding board meetings outside of Lonclon to talk about shared concerns in the healthcare sys- tem throughout Southwestern Ontario. Lorraine Devereaux, chair of the Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce board, told LH1N board mem- bers that despite a high need for the organization's services, finances are threatening the group's survival. "We consistently have to fundraise to keep going and we are now at a point where we can't survive without funding. It's, a terrible environment to exist in, being dependent on the general population to keep ' the doors open," she said. Noon Gamble, chair of the South West LHIN, responded that the LHIN doesn't have the ability to add orgytions which have not traditionally been funded by the provincial government. "We might . be able to give one-time funding but that type of spoon feeding is not good :for an organization and will eve ally come back and bite you," he said. However, Gamble acknowl- edged that the South West LHIN needs to get to the point where it reviews the 150 organizations. that are provincially funded and determine if that funding is justi- fied. Brian Melady, a board mem- ber for Epilepsy Huron -Perth - Bruce, told the LHIN board members that the Epilepsy organization significantly reduces costs for both the provincial health care system and the education system by educating families and school communities about the neuro- logical, condition, preventing visits to emergency departments and ambulance rides. ''When my five-year-old has_ a, seizure at school, ' than ng the they real- ize they just need my seven- year-old to . make my son Com- fortable and 45 minutes later, he's _ around healthy as Network Classifieds. Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! NEW AZ Ft .his Parturient 00erdngir Fiat Bed. Tanker - iNisauga, U.S. Teams. Canada Only Teams, Single Highway - Mid Haul. 1 year experience waved. Cat 7 days a week 1-888-213- 9401 or visit our website at www .iraneporyobenst, MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMViC. 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New Dell laptop + PC computers! ideal for education, bust - nese, entertainment! 'Free printer first 50 approved custorners. *Almost everyone approved! ('simple conditions) www.nationa com. 1-877- 226-0660. can be," explained Melady. He said 35 per cent of the organization's funding comes from the United Way and the other 65 per cent is a result of fund-raising by volunteers and staff. "There would be a huge cost burden on the Ministry'of Health' and the IVfmisty of Education without us," he said. When LHIN board member Linda Stevenson asked what the impact would be if the local Epilepsy chapter closed, Epilepsy board member Lia. Brown responded that clients could be referred to.London where a huge geographical area is already being served Melady also pointed out that many family physicians and other health care workers ate not experts in epilepsy and don't have the answers the organiza- tion does. 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