HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-16, Page 14Pa8e 14 - Luckn
w Sentinel Wednesday, September 16, 2009
hillips excited for the chance to teach a class full-tinle
BY CyARIT 11101)
- Sentinel Staff
There is a new face this
year at Lucknow Central
Public School - as Emily,
Phillips will be taking over
full time as a teacher for
the Grade 3/4 class.
Phillips who is originally
from Owen Sound and
now lives in Hanover, is
excited about her new
position at the school.
Phillips had her first
teaching job last year at
Brant Township Central
School in Walkerton
teaching a Grade 6/7 class.
"I met my class on the
first day of school last
week. They are super cute,
really nice kids and 1 can't
wait to start teaching
them," said Phillips. ` it's a
really fun age to teach.
They are still really excit-
ed about learning, but at
the same • time they can
.also do a lot on their own."
�i Have a."Bear:BerryGOodTirne"
1 September 25 & 26
DAT19DfrY - ADULTS $5, STUDENTS (12 & UNDER) $2,
• Super Frog Contest
Bring your own frog!- 730 p.m.
• 3rd Annual Garden Tractor Pull -
(east of bail diamond)
Registration 6 p.m. Pull time 7 p.m.
• Ambassador Competition with
• Variety Show • Entertalmnent
• PJe'& Cake Auction
For Phillips the staff has tain periods of history
been very supportive of among other things.
her transition to LCPS and "There are a lot of really
she said that everybody neat things planned," said
has been nothing but Phillips. "The Grade 3/4
friendly. ' She says she .year has a lot of cool
already feels part of the things to it. There willbe a
team. medieval times theme and
"The school has been a habitat day. I'm expect -
just wonderful," said ing to do a lot of explo-
Phillips. "All of the staff ration and experiments
are just always wanting to with the class."
help, so I'm really looking One of Phillips' main
forward to being here . at goals and the objective of
the school." every teacher is to prepare
Phillips anticipates a fun their students for the
year with her class future and the year or
because of what she has years ahead. That is some -
seen in the curriculum. thing fps will look to
They will get to do a lot do and do it with a fun and
fun things through themed positive attitude. She'll
days, learning about cer- bring a fresh perspective
to LCPS and with help
from an experienced staff
at LCPS, Phillips feels
she'll fit right in. {.:
"1 hope to get them
ready for the older grades
because it's a different
kind of game when you
get up into grades five to
eight here," said Phillips.
"A big goal of mine . .will
be preparing my students
for the next year and
"I'm .very excited to to
start teaching here," said
Phillips. "I think. • this
school has a lot to offer
and the class is just won-
derful. I'm really looking
forward to the school
• Largest exhlblt of Agricultural . Displaye in : the Asea
plus Light & Heavy Horse,
Poultry & T -Bone Show & Sale
• Mammoth Parade NEW TIME 11,E p.m.
• official Opening -12 30 p.m. Murray Culbert
• 4411 Competition Dairy, Sheep - beginning
Saturday at 8 a.m. r
• John Murray Miniature Horses
• Log Serving & Nat! Driving
Saturday afternoon on the ball end
• Karaoke Singing CompetItIon,.
Arena Floor 1 p.m. ' �
J� s
• Car & Truck Show Saturday of ternooi s em%
• Antique Tractor Display Saturday aftemoorTz kirk ..
The 6aIIab
Main S
9 P.M. to i a.m. $10/person
Ase of IMaiority
• Friday night -
no backpacks
• No alcohol
on fairgrounds
• Close at 11 p.m.
Friday & satunliy
.per $25
For further info:
Ripley Agricultural
New LCPS Grade 3/4 teacher Emily Phillips
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all enjoys therapy role
From page 11
Although Wall has only
been visiting at Pinecrest
for a short time, she has
already indicated that she
wants to become more
involved in the therapy
dog program when she
retires from teaching.
Heading off to Lucknow
with Shady every
Saturday morning has
become a very important
part of her week.
"With tail wagging,
Shady greets everyone
with that `happy to see
you' look. He loves the
attention and doesn't
care if it's a shaky hand,
a weak hand or one that
is strong and pats . and
strokes his fur," said
Wall. "He will offer
unconditional love in
return. The look on each
person's face and twinkle
in their eyes tells aria that
our' visits are always
Wall admits that tears
have come to, the surface
on more than one occa-
sion an,' it's those special
monies :s that make ther-
apy dog work so very
rewarding. She would
encourage anyone who
has a special dog in their
life to consider being
evaluated as a therapy
dog team.
"If Shady and I can
brighten someone's day,
then we bave made a dif-
ference in their life."
Anyone interested in
learning more about
Therapeutic Paws of
Canada and therapy dogs
in general, they can visit
www.tpoc.ca or contact
Margaret . Burkhart at
519-528-3544 and you
will be referred to the
appropriate contacts.