HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-16, Page 8Page 8 Luc'mow Sentinel, Wednesday,. September 16, 2009
Photo by Gorit Reid
Kelsie Alton tries to put bat to bail, last Friday night during the,
8th annual Lucknow Lancers Slo-Pitch tournament. It was an *11
weekend event that saw teams come from all over the area.
The Grief 1•.
Recovery Outreach ;
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Be strong for others ''M Hide your falai
Whether your loss resuhs from depth, divorce or
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Clinton - Goderich Seaforth • Wingham
519-527-0655 or 519-357-2720
* This program is affiliated with and endorsed by
the Grief Recovery institute. A member of the Huron United Way.
Protecj Yor Pet or,d Your family
s25Low Cost
Rabies Vaccination
Animal vaccination at these clinics includes GST. certificate and tags
Blyth Veterinary Services
St. Helen's Community Hall
234 Queen Street South, Blyth
Seaforth Animal Hospital
80205 North Line, Seaforth •
September 24t 1 pm -4 pm
September 26th 9 am -12 pm
September 26t 9 am -12 pm
Thames Road Veterinary Clinic
74 Thames Road West, Exeter September 26th 10 am -2 pm
Wingham Veterinary Clinic
11 Alfred Street East, Wingham September 26th 9 am -12 pm
Zurich Veterinary Clinic
20 Main Street East, Zurich September 26e 8:30 am -12 pm
• Clinics are for cats and dogs over three months of age.
Please have your pets on leashes or in 'carrying cages.
• These low cost clinics provide Rabies Vaccination only.
• No other treatment will be available.
Sponsored by Huron County Health Unit and the above Huron County Veterinary Clinics.
Hetp control the spread of rabies virus.
Council in support of new townhouses
Sentinel Staff
A new town-
house complex
was discussed at
the Huron -Kinloss
council meeting
on Sept. 9.
Council has sup-
ported the rezon-
ing application of
Gary Rutledge, for
a seven unit town-
house complex on
Huron Street, even
though the Bruce
County Planning
Department repre-
sented by Heather
James recom-
mended approval
be deferred until a
site plan control.
agreement is in
place. C They are
concerned about
the amount of
green space and a
buffer between the
development and
adjacent residen-
p peity.
Council is
allowing : the proj-
ect to proceed. The
property. is located.
south of the Ripley
Curling . Club.
"This is thetype
of development we
want in this town-
ship," said coun-
cillor Jim Hanna.
Bruce Beach
The Bruce
Beach Cottagers'
Association wants
Huron -Kinloss
council to do
something about
the excessive veg-
etation on the
At the request of
the Brtice Beach
Association, a
meeting was held
on Sept. 5 to dis-
the excessive
vegetation growth
along the shore-
line. A proposed
20 forst strip
removal of vegeta-
tion from the
shoreline was dis-
cussed as
Huron -Kinloss
Mayor Mitch
Twolan was hesi- .
tant with 'this idea,
asking how far
would the removal
go if it started 'at
20 feet.
K et` h
MacDonald of the
association told
council at the :gen-
eral committee
meeting Aug. 5
that there` area lot
of weeds and grass
in the way of their
view of ;:the lake.
MacDonald was.
back at council for
the Sept. 9 meet-
ing to once again
ask Huron -Kinloss
council for their
support and to try
and to do some-
thing about the sit-
However, there
was a delegation
that was not in
agreement . with
the Bruce Beach
Association and
were more in
favour of letting
nature run • its
course on the
One of these mended by the
people was Bruce Bruce Beach
Beach resident • Association," said
Tom Karrow, who Twolan.
didn't think there Twolan said the
was a problem, MOE is assessing
that it's just the the situation and
natural progres- entertaining the
sion of the ecosys- idea of the propos-
al. . -Right now all
they are _coming to
do is an evaluation
of. the • situation,
which should be
sometime metime
o during
the : first week of
Bruce Beach
K. a •i h
`Beaches are f MacDonald, presi�
dynamic, they dent of the Bruce
change over. sea- :: Beach Cottagers'
sons and time due Association has..
to greater wind an concerns regard-
ing speeding and
possible solutions:
,(on Bruce Beach
:Road). One of his
who suggested the suggestions was
more speed limit
signage and speed
In response to
the suggestions,(
Hugh Nichol,
association and the
township meet
with a botanist and
a representative of
the ministry to
check out the situ-
ation. The issue
was deferred for
further detailed
discussion to the
best way to keep
the beach as natu-
ral as possible.
"Council has to
have a meeting
with a botanist,
which was recom-
To possibly
spend � thousands
of dollars and ruin
the beach when
this so called prob-
lem has only been
occurring for
about a year would
be : a bad idea,"
said .Karrow.
called the Ministry
of Environment
was. Sept. 17 to Sun. Sept.10
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director of public
works, sees no
need for additional
speed limit sig-
nage or a request
for more frequent
OPP patrols. In
addition the yield
sign on Highland
Drive is scheduled
to be changed to a
stop sign next
Public works
was also not in
favour of : speed
bumps due ,to the
liability factor. If
damage to a vehi-
cle occurred,
whether by loss of
control or exces-
sive speed, the
township could be
held liable.
Cat problem
A neighbour-
hood in : Ripley is:
bein over -run.: by
Three residents
came :: to }limn-
s council
Sept. ` 9, asking the
townshipto • do
something. They
said the cats are
starving .avid are
running all over
.the place looking
for food.. The ani-
tn-als' owner has
abandoned the
property which
has no hydro or
water so the cats
are trying to get
• into the neigh-
bours' houses
because they are
used to being fed.
Make a Difference in Someone's Life...
Be a Hospice Volunteer
01 MTK Szto vircit
As a volunteer, Lucy gives her time and says
she receives so much more. Lucy wanted a
volunteer position as unique as she is, so she
checked out Huron Hospice Volunteer
Service.. Now she experiences a deep
satisfaction that comes from helping
others when they need it most.
Hospice is about living, not dying.
'raining starting
Monday, September 28th, 2009
7:OOpm to 10:00pm.
Knox Presbyterian Church, GODERICH
Contact: Huron Hospice Volunteer Service
519-527-0655 or 519-357-2720