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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Septeember 16, 2009 Page 3
Tuesday's Table is back to help out
Sentinel Staff
The meal program
called Tuesday's Table
is is coming back to
three local churches in
Lucknow. They have
seen a need for some in
the community for this
type of service and want
to bring, a good hot meal
to those who .need it.
The three churches
involved in the program
are the Lucknow
Community Christian
Reformed Church, St.
Peter's Anglican Church
and Lucknow United
Church. The program
had a trial run on the
first three Tuesdays: of
May, June and July and
is back for the same
thing in October,
November and
Pastor Rita Klein-
Geltink believes the ini-
tial three months was a
success and believes the
program will grow' in
the upcoming three
months. She knows the
biggest obstacle is peo-
ple feel uncomfortable
attending the meal, but
the churches want
everyone who attends to
know that it's more than
a free meal; it's a way
for the churches to be
there for the communi-
"It's just meeting an
immediate need," said
Klein-Geltink. "It's not
addressing the underly-
ing causes. We know
that, but it also opens
the door to people to a
friendly atmosphere. It's
just puts a friendly face
on all of Lucknow."
The three churches
will be going through a
rotation of five different
dinners, in order to pro-
vide a variety. .
The program's goal is
to help people who are
facing tough financial
times due to the things
like the repercussions of
the economy and are
finding it hard to make
ends meet.
Everyone involved
wants to see the. pro-
gram grow and a way of
doing that is to try and
get the local businesses
involved. It's a way for
the churches and busi-
nesses of Lucknow to
come together in a posi-
tive way.
"The community,
Lord willing thepro-
gram grows," said
Klein-Geltink, "If it
does we will be talking
to some businesses to
see if we can get some
support and donations
from them. It will just
make things more of a
community event."
Oct. 6 will be the first
day of Tuesday's Table
and it will take place at
St. Peter's Church at
5:30 p.m.
Anyone who wants to
donate or help in any
way can contact one of
the three churches put-
ting on the meal pro-
gram. Anything from
food to money, to just
helping out would be
appreciated by the
The Lucknow Lawn
Bowlers invited the
Teeswater Lawn
Bowlers to play a
ftlendiy match on
Thursday, Aug. 27.
There were eight play-
ers from the Teeswater
club and 14 from the
Luck.now club, which
resulted in five greens
in play.
The • overall winner
was Brad Petteplace of
Lucknow together with
Ann Hawkins of
Teeswater. It was
through the efforts of
Ann Hawkins, who is
the president of the
Teeswater club, and
Dorothy Hamilton, of
the Lucknow club, that
awn Bowlers keeping busy
the friendly games were
organized. Previously
Lucknow had visited
with Teeswater for a
friendly match on the
Friday of the 014 Boys
Region weekend. .
Lucknow Lawn
Bowling Club's Annual
Labour Day Men's
Tournament hosted visi-
tors from Chesley,
Hanover, Walkerton,
Goderich, Seaforth, St.
Mary's, Stratford,
Kitchener London and
Peterborough. The
tournament kicked off at
10 a.m. with eight
greens in play. After the
first. game, sausage on a
bun, chili ' and salad with
pie for dessert was pro-
vided for the players.
Due to unforeseen cir-
cumstances one player
could not attend, so our
very : own Diana May
stepped in and bowled
alongside the gentle-
men." Great bowling
The woofer was skip
Lee Ryan and team from
Seaforth with three wins
and 50 with an over of
one; second was skip
Steve Schuknecht and
team from Chesley with
three wins and 41; third
was skip Rick Wood and
team from Seaforth with
two wins and 52 with an
over of nine; fourth was
skip Larry McLellan
and team from St.
ardwo.od C �.
Mary's with two wins
and 52.
All players received a
prize due to the generos-
ity of the merchants and
manufacturers of
Lucknow and area who
donated all the gifts that
were offered. The tour-
nament ended around 5
p.m. at which time the
drawing of the winning
ticket for the afghan that
was being raffled took
place. The winner was
Betty Bone of Lucknow
with the winning ticket
number 138.
The Lucknow Lawn
Bowling Club wishes to
thank the merchants and
manufacturers for thein
support and generosity.
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Submitted photo
Heather Sande, formerly from the Lucknow area, was in town
conducting two workshops for the HAWK Theatre this past
weekend. Sande put a young group of people through their
paces on Saturday afternoon, while they learned to be "masters
of disguise". Sande in the forefront is seen here teaching the kids
the art of acting. The young group was made up of Kelsey
Fischer, Barry Hewitt, Shane Logtenberg, Emma Metcalfe, Mark
Metcalfe, Jessica Nelson, Logan Stanley, Karly Woods and Sarah
Correction The LCPS staff member on the front page pic-
ture of the Sept. 9 issue was Colleen Stadelmann and not
Colleen Stutzman.
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