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BlackHorse mixed seniors golf results
BlackHorse mixed seniors on
Aug. 17 was nine holes played on
the Stableford scoring system
with handicap in a team format.
The first place team with 28
points consisted of Joanne Martin,
Jan Grant, Richard Martin and
Don Bone. High individual points
went to Marge Heimpel and
Pauline Pegg (46). For the ladies,
and for the men Stan Grant (48).
Longest putt on number five went
to Barb Helm and Wayne Farrell,
and closest -to -the -pin on number
six was Joanne Martin and Bruce
Heimpel. Low gross for the ladies
was Joanne Martin (48) and for
the men Bruce Heimpel who
parred the front nine with a 36.
Falling away from the ball really
works eh Bruce, or maybe it was
the horseshoe shaped tee blocks?
BlackHorse senior men on Aug.
20 was 18 holes on the Stableford
scoring system from the gold tees,
with par threes from the blues. Art
Helm finished first with 37 points
and there was a four-way tie with
36 points for second place with
Dave Evans, Jim Cooper, Wayne
Farrell and Don Bone.
There was a new wrinkle on the
prize markers today. All four were
on the number seven hole with
the out of bounds hazard on the
right and water on the left.
Longest drive was Glen Matthews
with a career bomb of 300 yards
and still on the fairway. The
strong tail wind helped. Closest -
to -the -rope was Al Hackett, clos-
est -to -the -pin from any shot out-
side the 80 yard marker was Don
Bone, and .longest putt was Al
Summer has arrived for golf in Wingham
Summer arrived last weekend at
the Wingham Golf and Curling
Club. The weather was hot and
dry and for most of us that is what
golf course has been waiting for.
Monday, Aug. 17 the club host-
ed a group of firefighters from
Tiverton who played 18 holes of
golf, enjoyed lunch on the patio
with a few needed refreshments.
The Tuesday night ladies held a
Mexican night this past week.
Seventeen senoritas played golf
with their five irons only.
Lowest score was Linda Walker,
most honest was Sue, most honest
putter was Ann Ross and Debbie
Currie won the draw. Thegirls had
lots of laughs and enjoyed an
excellent meal, fajitas, taco ,salad,
Mexican dessert and even threw
back a few margaritas.
There were 35 golfers out for the
Wednesday morning (Aug. 19)
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men's seniors as the young and old
joined together for a 'happy face'
scramble and the scoring was cer-
tainly good. Capturing both the low
gross and low net with a par 35 and
low net of 29 was a foursome made
up of Gar Lawrence his grandson
Cameron Lawrence, Harry George
and his nephew Craig. Martin.
Second low net went to the
Pewtress boys, Jeff and Brad.
paired with seniors Bob Johnston
and Wayne Gordon. In third spot
Brent Jarvis was teamed with sen-
iors Don Rae and Doug Barfoot.
The juniors put a lot of presstue on
the seniors and the event was such
a success for both young and old
that plans are to make this an annu-
al event. .
The Thursday night (Aug. 20)
men again proved they are die hard
golfers. After getting belted with
two inches of rain, the group still
• •
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had 30 golfers out.
The winners were. Murray
Foxton, closest to the pin, rongest
putt Foxton and John Matekovik,
hidden score Dave Gamble and Joe
Orourke. Low gross with a 37 was •
Jay Marston, Trevor Hopf. and
Foxton. •
Friday morning Trevor flopf ran
the final junior clinic for the sum-
mer. The girls and boys worked on
basic skills of driving, chipping
and putting before heading out to
play on the course. Trevor and
Teny Anger who ran the clinic the
previous two weeks both made
comments on the potential the
group of kids have. Thanks to the
children for participating and spe-
cial thanks to 'Teri.), and Trevor.
The sign up sheet for the John
Malick Memorial Tournament is
available at the pro shop or call
' 519-357-2179.
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