HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-08-19, Page 15Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club On Sunday, Aug. 9 the Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club spent a very pleasant afternoon hosting players from London, Hanover, Mitchell, Seaforth and Clinton for their latest tournament sponsored by The Lucknow & District Co-op. Once again six greens were in play as the optional pairs garpes got underway. The weather cooperat- ed as the thunder- storms that were predicted came before the games began and waited until after the games were com- pleted around 5 p.m. The winners were first place, Brad 'Petteplace from Lucknow with three wins and 48 with an over of four; sec- ond place was Rick Wood from Seaforth with two wins and 42 with an over of five; third place was Rick Elliott from Seaforth with two wins and 39 with an over of four;= fourth place was George Golden from Clinton with two wins and 39; fifth place was Done Bone of Lucknow. With two. wins and 35; con- solation place was Ken Rolph from Mitchell with one winand33. elen's pherds m. preparations for Bayfield Fair The $t. Helen's Shepherds had a meeting to wash and trim their sheep for Bayfield Fair. Gary Finlay, junior leader, taught us how to wash, ' dry, trims hooves and pre- pare our lambs for the fair. Thank you Gary for tak- ing the time and helping the boys. Results at the Bayfield Fair on Saturday, Aug.. 15 were as follows: Senior Breeding Ewe Class -- first Graham Finlay, second Cody Younglao, third Sam Irwin, fourth Stuart Cameron and fifth Duncan Cameron. Overall 'Champion Ewe was Graham Finlay. In showman- ship, Cody placed third; intermedi- ate, Graham placed first; novice, Sam placed sixth and Stuart placed sev- enth. , In pre 4-H class Duncan placed second. Fun was had by all. The club also participated in the judging competi- tion in Seaforth. This was a new experience for all members. They had to judge and give reasons on market beef, breeding ewes, sweet corn and survival kits, and then judge meat rabbits, dairy cows, bore goats and cheese trays and do a 25 ques- tion quiz. Job well done boys. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,August 19, 2009 - Page 15 Three municipalities hoping to use Exeter landfill BY SUSAN HUNDERTMARK Huron Expositor Staff An agreement between Huron County, South Huron and the three municipalities who hope to use the Exeter landfill site when the Mid -Huron landfill reaches its capacity, was deferred by Huron County's committee of the whole on .Aug. 5. Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) asked for the deferral, stating that Huron East is still concerned about some unan- swered questions' surrounding costs. "My concern is why would the county pass it when a lot of things aren't answered yet. It's Inappropriate to sign the document at this point," said MacLellan. MacLellan asked that another meeting be held to "sit down and fill in the blanks that haven't been filled in yet." He said that Huron East had not been able to send a rep- resentative to the last meeting held about the issue. The proposed agreement between Huron County, South Huron, Huron East, Goderich and Central Huron says the three municipalities will begin in February, 2011 "or another date agreed to by the parties" to use the Exeter landfill for a maximum. cumulative total of 65,000 tons. The Capacity is broken down to 3,500 tons for Central Huron, 6,000, tons for Goderich and 3,500 tons for Huron East for a total of 13,000 tons annually for five years. The tipping fee, which "will be calculat- ed by South Huron's consulting engineer after notice is received under clause four," will be based on anticipated tonnage over five years, capital recovery for equipment andsite invements, operating costs, administration, site replacement, closure, perpetual care, environmental risk and roy- alty. Clause four says Central Huron, Goderich and Huron East will give South Huron 12 months' advance notice of the date they propose to start using the Exeter landfill. Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goderch) said he was happy to go ahead with the agreement and that a bylaw :must still be passed by county council approving the agreement. "There have been a tot of meetings and if your concerns were that important, you should have had someone there," _ he told MacLellan. County planner Scott Tousaw said that while county council must approve the final Network Classifieds: solution, it is up to the lower tier municipal- ities to work out the details. Coun. George Robertson (South Huron) said negotiations have been "dragging on for a long time" and agreed with Shewfelt that Huron East should have l sent someone to the last meeting. . "We have a landfill site and we have to run it. Maybe we don't need anyone else," he said. ' Coun. Bill Dowson (Bluewater) said he understood South Huron's need to proceed with the agreement but asked if waiting another month would "be the end of the world." "Hopefully, they've got the message now that they need to show up," he said. MacLellan responded that while he agreed negotiations had been dragging on, Huron East has only missed one meeting "and unfortunately that was the .last meet - Mg." He said that while he didn't blame South. Huron, a change of council and administra- tion at South Huron had caused the need to "start the process over again." "It's not Huron East that's held it up to this point and we want the `opportunity to sit down before: the county approves it,If,._. 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