HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-08-19, Page 7. • •
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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - Page 7
Ryan wins gold medal in lawn bowling
It took a lot of
effort and determi-
nation, but on Aug.
7 in Saskatoon,
Kaitlin Ryan, 16 -
year -old daughter of
Bonnie and Terry
Ryan of Kitchener,
and granddaughter
of Ann and Gene
Ryan of Goderich
and Irnia and Ross
Henderson of
Lucknow, saw all of
her preparation pay
off, as she won the
gold medal match
21-18 for lawn
bowling in the
Canadian Junior
Kaitlin, who has
been lawn bowling
for five years,
earned the right to
represent Ontario
after winning gold
in the provincial
play downs in
Peterborough on
June 28. .
This national
Photo by Gorit Reid
Students of LCPS are seen here making and putting together
tickets for a 50/50 draw that will be put on during Music in the
Fields this Saturday. The money raised will go towards buying
new music instruments and books 'for the school. in the back
row, from left to rightkare Sierra Johnston, Emma Murray and
Amber Webb. In the foreground are Robin Montgomery, Craig
Murray, Katie Murray and Murray Montgomery.
looks to weigh arbage
Signal -Star Staff
It's time for
Wawanosh resi-
dents to say that
small prayer, close
their eyes, and get
• on the scale to see
how much their
garbage weighs.
ACW Township
Council recently
accepted bids to
build a scale and
• scale • house foun-
dations at the
Ashfield Landfill
Site. They awarded
the contract to B -
Fore Enterprises
for $14,100.
The installation
of the foundations
is the first step to
having an active
scale at the site,
helping to keep
track of how much
waste is being put
in the site, and
helping the council
forecast . when
changes will need
to be made W
dumping practices.
The scale •house
will provide a shel-
tered location for
• landfill employees
to weigh and
charge for garbage.
Brian Van Osch,
Public Works
Superintendent of
Ashfield -
Wa w a n s h
Township, updated
councilon several
different road and
culvert construc-
tion jobs during
ACW's Aug. 4
Van -Osch stated,
in his report to
council, that
Brindley's Beach
Road Construction
is nearing comple-
tion, with some
drainage work and
planting needed to
bring the job to
fruition. Van Osch
also stated that
Henry -Street and
Maryanne Street in
St. Helens were
similarly close to
Staff finished the
installation of the
new culvert on
Belfast Road, West
of Harper Line.
Installation on
several other cul-
verts that ,need
replacing has been
started throughout
• the township.
Council also
accepted quotes for
extensions to cul-
verts •on
• Road, and awarded
the contract to
Dave Franken
Concrete Forming
litnited •for
Wa w an o sh
Township Council
was' briefed on
building permits
by Chief Building
gold medal is a
major achievement
for her on her first
competition out of
the province, after
claiming provincial
silver the past two
years as well as at
the Ontario summer
games in ' Ottawa
last year.
The competition
out west was very
skilled and Kaitlin
showed her poise
by coming from
behirid in every
match, to take the
wins and complete
the tournament as
the onlyundefeated
player: Despite
falling behind, she
never gave up or
even once thought
she might not be
good enough to
comb back for vic-
tory, a trait she
learned- at a young
age from watching
.her uncle, Lee
Ryan, lawn bqwl.
• Submitted photo
Kaitlin Ryan, 16 -
year -old daughter
of Bonnie and
Terry Ryan of
Kitchener, and
granddaughter of
Ann and Gene
Ryan of Goderich
and Irma and
• Ross Henderson
•of Lucknow, saw
all of her prepara-
tion pay off, as she
won the gold
medal match 21-
1$ foci. lawn bowl -
Ing in the
Canadian junior
Livingston during
their recent meet-
reported that 25
permits were
issued throughout
the township, most
for additions to
buildings or new
buildings for
farms, while others
are for new decks,
and new roofs.
One new modu-
lar home was
installed by
Theme for 2009 Fen Fair - Sept 18, 19, 20
"Dairy • Afore Than Affir
Fall Fair Dance
Settlers Creek Band, a first class, high
energy group, wilt be entertaining at the
Fall Fair Dance on Sept. 19. Tickets
ate only $10 and will be available very
soon. Get a group of friends together
and experience first hand this dynamic,
energetic and engaging band.
Youth Dance - students in Grades 5 to
9 are welcome at the youth dance on
Sept. 19, starting at 7:30 p.m. at the
Legion. Admittance' $5.
The fall fair books are now available at:
the Lucknow Sentinel, Home Hardware,
Lucknow Co-op & Hotyrood Store
www.movielinks.ca long cit%tarice',•1-800-265-3438
The Lucknow Recreation Department extends thanks to all the coaches
and helpers who volunteered their time and effort to help make the 2009
Lucknow Minor Soccer Season a sump**.
Thanks to: U4 Coaches Cathy Gibson, Ange & Dave Gillespie, Emily Atkinson, Sara
Bender, Brad Murray, Marris Garriock, Dionne Smith, Angela Eadle, Stacey Kerr,
Julianne Staehll, Robin Hendriks; U-8 Coaches Shea Hamilton, Cheryl NIvIns, Cathy
Hendriks, Janine McNight, Laurie Hughes; Joan Nelson U-10; Ken Logtenberg U-12;
Jurien Weennan U-14 Girls; Kay Logtenberg and Morten Jakobsen U-14/16 Boys,
Lillian ROW* and Joanne Atkinson IMO Gids, and Jack Mall U-18 Girls.
Also thanks to lioyd Morrison and Jack Mall for all their contributions to the soccer
program. Both have been involved from the beginning. Their time and efforts have
been much appreciated over the years and their contributions will be missed. Thanks
again gentlemen!
Thanks to the BMO who donated $28540 to the minor soccer program from proceeds
relied at their sidewalk barbeque,
Volunteers are needed for the 2010 Minor Soccer Committee.11 you am Interested in
helping or have -any questions please contact the Recreation Deparbnent at
• 519428-3002
5th Annual
Ripley Artisans' (
• 8t Crafters' Market
• Saturday, August 22
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
NEW LOCATION: Lewis.Park, Ripley
Faizted and Stained Glass, Mosaics,
eather, Pottery, jewellery,
Spinning and Knitting,
• oodworking, Paintings
Psst ... the lovely Lewis Park is an ideal place for
children to play while parents visit the market.
• (Bring their swimsuits for the splash pad)
Lunch booth available • Free Admission
• Sponsored by the
Ripley Business Community
, • •
J • •