HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-07-22, Page 56
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - Page 5
Being a quick thinker helps in many life situations
There are very few situations in life that leave me at
a loss for words. I consider that a testament to my skill
as a quick thinker. Others will tell you that I just can't
shut up. Either way, my mouth has rarely failed me.
Endangered me? Many times. But rarely failed me.
There are certain scenarios,- however, that have
been known to give me verbal cramps. This is
mostly due to my fear of people in uniforms or
"cubscoutaphobia." The sight of a uniform turns
my head to cheese and causes my tongue to roll
out the side of my mouth.
I first noticed this phenomenon when my
buddy Trevor and I were trying to cross the
border into Michigan. We had heard about
a new Sports Complex and were anxious to
check it out and flex our rippling muscles.
Everything was going well until we stopped
yelled, ` S !"
I, reacting on nothing but instinct at this point, turned
to the Customs :Cop and ALSO yelled, "TENNIS!"
To quote Trevor as we pulled away: "We were lucky
they didn't shoot us."
The border isn't the only place where this hap-
pens. Two weeks ago my sister-in-law had her
baby and my expectant wife was with her
throughout the labor. In order to see them, I had
to get past the Head Nurse.
H.N.: "Can I help you?"
Me: "Yes, um, my wife is pregnant
and going to have a baby, ,but her sister
did first so I'm here to see het"
The H.N. stared at me in silence.
Me: "It's my wife's sister that had the
baby just now, like this time, but my wife.
The guard approached us "Citzenship?"
Me: "We're going over to the States..."
Guard: "Citizenship?"
Me "Oh, um...Canadian?"
(It's always wise to put your answer in the form of a
question.) •
Guard: "Where are you going?"
At this point, I'm sure the man could smell the
Limburger coming out of my ears.
Guard: "Where. Are. You. Going?"
Me (turning to Trevor). "I don't know. Where ARE
we going?"
Trevor, who wanted to avoid a body cavity search,
Doc Wal
is going to have a baby soon, too. But later" •
I didn't catch exactly what she was muttering about
new fathers, but she did point idle in the right direction.
The last example took place when our CEO came for
a visit. Although he was only wearinga business suit,
it still counted as a uniform as far as I was concerned:
As he walked through the office meeting people, I
found myself picking up the phone and saying loudly
to no one in particular "YOU KNOW, WE COULD
The boss has promised me a qday off the next time
this guy visits. That kind of treatment is worth explor-
er is
The sound of country
music .will be hitting the
good old outdoors of
Lucknow on Aug. 22.
The inaugural Music in
the Fields, being present-
ed by the Lucknow
Kinsmen will see a
strong lineup of country
music . stars.
The lineup will
include Johnny Reid,
Doc Walker, George
Canyon, Beverley
Mahood, Tara Oram,
Alex J. Robinson and
Mike Lynch and The
River Junction Band.
The event will be hosted
by Mr. Lahey and Randy
from the 'hit Showcase
series Trailer Park Boys.
Artists from the . con-
cert ` lineup will be high-
lighted each week and
this week the group Doc
Walker will be looked at.
you know when a
group's got it, that elu-
sive chemistry that only
comes from years . of
bickering, bonding and
each other, when their
harmoniesring out clears
as bells; in Canadian
country trio Doc
Walker's case, their har-
mony -laced new album
Beautiful Life leaves no
doubt - these boys have
it and then some.
Today, doc Walker
may be on their way to
becoming one of the
hottest country acts in
North america, but the
• core guitar -playing
threesome of Chris
Thorsteinson, Dave
Wasyliw and Murray
Pulver have known each
other since they were
just scrappy kids fooling
around with guitars in
small-town Manitoba.
Schooled by the best
axeman in town - guitar
virtuoso Pulver, who's
three. years older than his.
band mates, first started
making music together at
the ripe . old age of f 14.
From the . sounds . of : it,
their atrociously -named
group Freedom made the
fellas the rock gods of
ninth grade - feathered
80s hair and all.
"It was one of those
bandswhere you ° had a
band name and a band
jacket long before you
had a song," said
Thorsteinson. "I remem-
ber the .drummer writing
Freedom on the back of
his jean jacket in pen
during our boring grade
nine math class."
The name of Doc
Walker was stumbled
upon by accident, when
Thorsteinson's good
buddy and sometimes
roadie Jason Walker for-
got to bring the sniffly
lead singer's cold med-
ication to a gig. "I was
like, 'Nice going, Doc
Walker ','•' said
But although all three
have been playing
together forever, their
album Beautiful Life
marks a huge step for-
ward for them. it's the
first time all three band
members have written
together as an equal
team. it's . not that they
didn't make great music
before now - heck, their
self -titled . disc was
named Album of the
Year at . the 2007
Canadian Country Music.
Awards - but Beautiful
Life is the sound of three
seasoned musicians
finally '. finding their
shared voice and telling
the stories:. they really
want peopletohear.
"I think Beautiful Life
sounds more like a band
than. anything we've
done before," . said
Pulver. "Everyone's per-
sonality really shines
through on.; this record.
and .there's a real conti-
nuity in the material."
For tickets and infor-
mation on the festival
visit the Music in the
Fields website at
www. musicinthefields.c
Doc Walker
Photo: y Joanne Osborne
A 14 -year dream was Fulfilled in Teeswater last Saturday, July 11.
Teeswater Kinsmen chair, John Sutton, told the approximate 50
people gathered for the official opening of the park, that the dub
had 100 per cent cooperation from the municipality, which
loaned funds to produc.e the park. Memory stones were pur-
chased from the dub to launch the project.
Ra;ing:* *
1 3
2 4
8 7 9
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