Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-07-15, Page 7• %%%%%% • • 1 • • 1 1 • • • 1 1 • • • 4 • • • - r • • • • • • \ • • • • • • • • \ 1 • ' vtifTff»C f,Off IQ••',, ! ,,.,,rr@ �r T • LucknQW Sen(inel, Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - Page 7 Moratorimrequested for wind farm projects in ACW Twp. BY DENNY SCOTT Signal -Star Staff At the Ashfield- Colborne- Wawanosh July 7 council meeting, the President of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture has asked local munic- ipalities to put a moratorium on commercial wind projects. Wayne Black asked local coun- cils, oun- cits, , including Ashfield - Colborne Wawanosh Township Council, to support an epi- demiological pi- demiolo 'cal study into the health :act of specific p infrastructure of wind J energy i:o"- g pi:o)- ects, as well as a moratorium on commercial wind energy : projects, pending results of said study. - Blau. _ exPlajilcd that many initia- tives have asked for environmental studies around wind turbines, but ignore the health impacts. He ` said that farmers would like- to seethe results of this study. Reeve Ben Van Diep.enbeek explained that council isn't ready to enact such a moratorium, and that even if they did, the new Green Energy. Act, . soon to be implemented by, the Province of Ontario, would over -ride any rul- ing madeby coun- cil. "I can definitely support the [study], but I don't think we're in a position to make that decision; we're 'going to be superseded any- . ways," said . Reeve V Die :.._n Van pe beck; Coun. Barry Millan explained that orato �ium ht m n s can only be placed so many times on any one kind of land, : to which Blacks responded , make the moratori r um -only affect spe- cific lands, like Agriculture Zones one and two. "It looks to me like the province is taking a good look at this; they're not rushing like they were. If we put a moratorium on this, we'll be strap- ping ourselves for future actions," said Millian Administrator/el erk-treasurer Mark Becker explained that the, debate on the. moratorium is not a pressing mat- ter, as there are no wind projects approved in ACW in the near future. Minnesota's department of health determined that wind turbines were causing health problems, especially inner ear problems, . accord- ing to Black, and the HCFA believes this rom is an epidemiological study, which focuses more . on health effects Black said that they don't know what needs to be done with the wind farms, but:that they need to have scien- tific research and reasons for set backs, and not just base them on feel- ings. "Currently the Submitted photo Present for the $ 17,275 arttiouncement on Thursday, July 2, of funding support, from • the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, for projects to protect species at risk were (left to right): Lawrence McLachlan, chair, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) board of directors; Ken Oke, mayor, Municipality of South Huron; Carol Mitchell, MPP, Huron - Bruce; Dave Frayne, ABCA board a/directors member (repre- sentin limMicipalities of South Huron. ands. Perth South) and Mark • ABCA board of directors member (representing municipe lHies of Lambton Shores and Warwick):• setbacks that .the lower tier munici- palities have vary from one region to another. There should be some scientific basis for setting those set- backs other than emotions - although emotions are not truly scien- tific. What we would like to know is • what is - safe for our families and member s who::hve, work, play, :and sleep in, our. com- munities? . We may fiilik that • the setbacks should be_ set at 1,5 km as the World Health o rg � a n i z a t i o: n. Oj recom- mends, or we may find.. that - - t 350 Metres is an appro- priate setb k ac , ." Black said, `Black p e lained that, :as president of- the HSA, he represents individ- uals both interested in having wind farms : and individ- ua ;against them, but he has to *pre- sent both: "We: have mem- bers who are iboth for and .against the wind projects and we need to assist both sides. By saying no to the wind power we would be denying some farmers of 'the extra income from ' the lease agreements or electricity sales if they built their own systems," he said. "By saying we can build the turbines and infra- structure associat- ed with the wind projects anywhere, we l could be deny- ing the farmers who's l health is being negatively affected." ACW council members ate.., sup- porting su p- pog rtin the health impact study that Black called for. St Helen's Hall Ashf ie,ld- Colborne- Wawanosh• Township council has increased the amount of money they are giving to St. Helen's Hall to purchase fryers • for their local fish fry. The fryers, origi- nally . estimated to cost $1,000 each • for two -small - ers, or _ $2000 for one big model, will FAIR FACTS Theme for 2009 Fell Fah' =Sept. 18, 19120 "Dairy ... More Than Mlle Decorate Your Driveway Contest Get in the spirit of the fall fair and decorate your driveway, business or school. Decorations must be completed and ready for judging by Sept. 8 and remain up until after the fair. Contact is Elizabeth.. Irvin at 519- 529-7594.. to register :your entry. There is no cost to enter. The fail fair books are now available at: the Sentinel, Home Hardware, Lucknow Co-op & Holyrood Store cost council $3,780. The increase of price comes from a misunderstanding in price according to correspondence between council and the St. Helens Hall Committee, but : council has agreed ; to pay the extra.. $1,780, as two 'smaller fryers will theoretically cost less to run than one larger unit. The. fryers are going to . be used for St. Helen's fish .fries, and will tie into :the recently installed gas sys- temniche hall. a bylaw. With the help of local farmers, council plans to create a property standards bylaw for residents on agriculturally zoned • land, but have put off any decisions and plan- ning until after the busy : season for rural _areas. Council also appointed two of the three citizens at large for its proper- ty standards bylaw; Sally .McCullen, who recently grad- uated from.' the University of Guelph's . Rural Land Use Planning program, and Chris Basden, a seasoned bylaw enforcement officer for the Town = of Goderich. arty Standards :Bylaw Residents Ashfield - C lborne- Wawanosh living in agricultural mond lands may have been left out of the -: recently passed Property Standards Bylaw, but ACW council is going to see to it that all the town - is under such Now:Come : -oi Js For Dinner Mondays,Thursday,Fridays and Sundays. Monday Sam. • 7:3dptri. 'lbeeday - Wedne ► .m. Thursday -Fridays - Saturday -8a.m. Sunday 8a.m. - Ask about our out-of-trorld cam for any occsslon. ONT[D Malesand Females, ages 17 - 22, Males and Females, ages 8 - 12 compete in the Lucknow Fall Fair for the 2009= 2010 tide of or & Li1' Ambassador` of Lucknow .. Contact Amy Blake 518-528-5136 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS - AUGUST 28, 2009 COMPETITION WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 2009 PARK THEATRE 30 The Square .' GODERICH 524-7811 8.00.. 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