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Page 6 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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Goetz wants consultation to avoid wind farm complications
From page 3
Wind farms have
been contentious in
other areas, where
opponents complain
about esthetic issues
and unresolved
health impacts of
living near the tur-
Goetz wants con-
sultation to avoid
similar problems in
new developments.
"If we'm going to
partner with it we
should be left in the
loop," Goetz said.
"I'm not sure the
Green Energy Act is
going to answer all
(the public con-
Nextera-Energy is
proposing six -tur-
bine wind farm near
Formosa, Paisley
and Tara, and a 12 -
turbine develop-
ment near Durham.
At this point
Bruce County plan-
ning hasn't had for-
ormal notice of any of
those proposals.
"I think we're
prime players here
and we don't know
nothing about it,"
Goetz said in an
interview. "I just
think the Bruce
County planning
had the same feel-
ings that I had - that
we were left out of
the loop at leastso
The newly -
passed Green
Energy Act : takes
planning decisions
forwind farms out
of county hands.
Nextera Energy
has negotiated with
landowners :. about
the proposed devel-
evel-o ents,and said it
will visit muiucipal
councils and hold
sessions once
study areas
been narrowed
2007 feature exhibit -
of ice age mammals
earned $125,000,
but this year's inter-
active dinosaur dis-
play beat that by
$10,000, curator
Barb Ribey told
county councillors.
Museum mem-
berships are also up
this year and the
children's proms
has expanded to two
days a;, week with a
possible increase to
three tdays next year.
bey the
could be a factor.
"I believe #fiat the
people ih the area
are spending more.
in Bruce -
y," Ribey said.
And, : it's really
worked out well for
But she said
another keyto : the
unproved visitor
numbers is a :deem-
sion to vide: kid=
friendly exhibits
hands-on .
On June 5 2009,
Jfrom Wilfrid: Laurier
wn with an Honours
: onou
chetor of Arts degree in
This Fall, she will be
attending the University
sof Toronto for her
bachelor's degree in education.
�futailons RIa1!
Matt Van Osch, son of Perry and
Wendy, graduated with distinction on
Friday, May 29, 2009 from the
University of Guelph, Ridgetown
Campus, with a diploma in agriculture.
He is currently :working on the family.
dairy farm and dipping and fitting dairy
cattle in Canada and the U.S.A.
love, Mom, Dad, Brad,
Connor and Emily
;nth is
a record
"Absolutely it's
the young family-
oriented exhibits
that really.bring the
people to die 'nuse-
U l," she.said.
The hands-on
theme extends to
the museum's light-
house exhibit. Sand
and water activities
for kids have been
added to a ` light-
house exhibit that
has historic interest
for adults.
we. re going
more toward the
Science North type
ofexhibits where
there's dots of inter-
action," Ribey said.
"It's not just
and laokin
ions to the
overat au.os & 1:est AkhL
Laura Weir graduated recently from
Carleton University, Ottawa with a
Master of Arts in Public History. She •
is currently working as a Research
Officer, Pleuralism Initiative, Aga
Khan Foundation Canada, In
Mark Weir received his Masters of
Science degree, Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences (Health
Professional Education) from the
University of Western Ontario,
London. He is employed as a Policy
Analyst for the University of Ottawa.
Love to you both, from Mum, Dad, Claire, Jason, Anna and Jordan
Hary Birthday. July 16 �.
Cathy (Hamilton,) McRonald
Love, from your family and friends
Congratulations! • -
Caitlin Agnew
graduated from
Huron College -.
University of
Western Ontario
receiving an
Honours Bachelor
of Arts Degree In
French and
Caitlin will be attending
University Teacher's College,
in the Fall. •
We're very proud.
Mum; Mike, family and friends
North Bay,
oats: Museuinnear
Owen ,Sound and
theMay is for..
ship drive also
hem push :this
positive • heights,
Ribey said.
Livestock Indus-
Bruce county
council wants the
federal and provin-
cial governments to
step in and help the
livestock industry.
Councillor Ron
Oswald said pork
producers are in
etre straits, Selling
piglets for as'httle
as $1 each. The
price was $13, 40
years ago..:
The federal and
irvumcial . govern-
ments are
pouring,billions into the
auto :` nidus
Osw1d said, an
should have the
same :k rid of regard
for difficulties in the
agriculture :;sector.
He ` :described the
livestock sector as
in dim straits ` -with
especially desperate -
financial problems
g podcPie
Oswald said
some families are
ready to "drive
down the lane and
leave everything
behind" because of
low prices that.don't
cover the cost of
production. _
"We're going to
lose.our pork indus-
try" Oswald
Osv ald said with
beef producers
already' suffering,
ht's `tilde the. govern-
ment gave the same.
help, tthe livestock
industry; hat it -has
to the.auto _andIman-
g �s� cto s.
He's urging poht-
pressure to::back
up the . , request,
because., with less
two per cerin of
the population in.
e Culture the
industry "gets:. the.
short end; of the.
stick'' when it
comes to govern=
rent aid, ..Oswald
aa� h 'mss yi ,
Photo by Garin Reid
Lucknow U l 4 midfielder Christine Miltenburg contra's the bail
during Play on Thursday night against a tough Goderich -team.
Amanda Scott: graduated June 12, 2009 from the
Veterinary Technician Program at St. Clair
College, Windsor.. She received the Luke
Thomson Clinical Pathology Award. Amanda is
currently employed at the Ripley Huron Vet Clinic
and Mary's Restaurant, Lucknow. •
Congratulations Amanda - we are proud.: of you
and all your achievements.
" Love, Mom & Dad,
&others Garry, Steven & D 1-
Aug. 3 is
a holiday.
for the
Aug.. 5
issue of
The Sentinel
is therefore
4 p.m,
July 30.