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I have the iPhone on my mind
Is the iPhone craze all it's cracked up
to be? Is it the best hand held device
one can buy? My answer to that is
simply, yes. It has the total multime-
dia experience you want. All of the
applications , are geared towards
what a laptop offers, but you get to
download video, go on social
networking sites, use a brows-
er to surf the net, take pictures,
listen to your music, like I
said, pretty much everything a
Some people say the price of the
iPhone is too much, and they are proba-
bly right. It's because it's one of a kind
and Apple has always beennotoriousfor
their high priced gadgets.
It will, however, not stop me from
buying one, which I intend to do.
I received an iPod Touch `for a
Christmas present last year and I love it.
I use it more than any other thing I own,
especially more than my laptop.
It 'only makes sense for me to buy the
iPhone. Why not have the phone capa-
bilities along with what I have now
in my iPod.
For all of those Blackberry
lovers, I do agree they have
impressive phones, but as far as
multimedia, the iPhone soars
way above it. Every other cell
phone maker is trying to play
catch up with the iPhone
design. It can especially - be
seen in the Palm Pre and
Blackberry Storm.
My only quibble with the iPhone is
that it can't switch trough applications
like the Palm Pre and Blackberry phones
can do, but with all of the other things
the iPhone can do, it's just a small criti-
Anyone who knows me is aware that
when I want something like a new gadg-
et, I usually give in and buy it and the
iPhone is next on my list.
(P.S. It's Monday and I now own one!)
Economy affected ' b ygiobal recession
Dear Editor, fall the Committee is scheduled to
Canada is facing the most severe visit Ottawa, Vancouver, Edmonton,
global recession in recent memory. Yellowknife, Summerside, St.
While this recession started beyond John's (Newfoundland), Quebec
our borders, our economy has been, City, Regina, Winnipeg, and
Friday August 14 is the deadline
for written submissions.
To appear in-person — deadline
July 31:
- Contact the Clerk of the
Standing Committee on Finance, by
phone at (613) 992-3150 or by e-
mail at fina@parl.gc.ca: Provide
your name or your group's name
along with an address, phone num-
ber or email. Also, indicate your
three preferred locations to appear.
To make a written submission -
deadline August 14:
- Contact the Clerk of the
Standing Committee on Finance, by
phone at (613) 992-3150 or by e-
mail at • 'fina@parl.gc.ca.
Submissions should be no more
than 5 pages in length and include a
short executive - summary prioritiz-
ing your proposals. Provide your
name or your group's name along
with an address, phone number or
With your participation, we can
help' ensure the priorities of our
community continue to be heard
loud and clear.
That's why our Government pre-
sented the earliest federal budget in
history last January. That budget
outlined Canada's Economic Action
Plan a timely, targeted and tempo-
rary plan to save and protect jobs
today, while preparing for the econ-
omy of tomorrow. Since January,
we've been implementing our plan
as quickly and effectively as possi-
- Looking forward as our
Government prepares Budget 2010,
I personally invite all of my con-
stituents to make your voice heard.
The Parliament of Canada's
Standing Committee on Finance is
asking for all Canadians to provide
their input — in person. or in writing
— as part of their annual pre -budget
consultation hearings.
Man y of the recommendations
flowing out of this consultation
process are implemented in the fed-
eral budget. Businesses, organiza-
tions and individuals are invited to
participate in this important
However, the deadlines to partici-
pate are fast -approaching.
Friday July 31 is the deadlineto
apply to appear in-person, as this
Ben Lobb, M.P.
Huron -Bruce
10 years ago July 14. 1999
- Over 30 Huron -Kinloss residents were at Huron -Kinloss
council's July 5, 1999 meeting to raise their concerns about a
proposed pig barn in Kinloss Township.
Lorne Kraemer, of Kinloss Township, spoke to council. He
said he had three worries of a large pig operation being built
near his home. The worries were the odour of manure, proper
drainage, and whether or not it would affect his property value.
• Cindy Willits representing Branch 309 (Lucknow) of the
Royal Canadian Legion competed at the provincial track and
field meet on July 9. She placed 10th out of 13 in the 400 metre
20 years ago -July 12. 1989
▪ FE - Madill Secondary School announced its Grade 13
Ontario Scholars for 1989. Area students include Rose
Cunningham, Karen Elliott, Heather Howald, and Donna
Raynard. Other scholars were Mike Hawkins, David
Helfenstein, Nancy Hoffman, Maria Hussey, Ken Jamieson,
Treena Jeffray, Tom McDonald, Shannon Rice and Scott
Stobo •
- *Emergency and trauma, services in health care facilities
across Ontario in 1989 weregiven an, $418 million dollar boost
to enhance the quality of and accessibility of emergency serv-
,. ,.
- Town crewmen, Gary Austin and Doug Haldenby erected
"no parking from here to comer" signs along the main street in
Lucknow during the first week of July, 1989. It was done to
increase safety at the corner of Campbell Street and Bruce
Road One.
50 years ago - j'ub, 15L.1959
-.The C.N.R. station, Silverwoods Dairies Ltd. and the John
W. Henderson Lumber office were each broken into on the
morning of July 12, 1959, presumably sometime between 1:30
a.m. and before daybreak.
- Mrs. Sam Durran, a lifelong resident of the St. Helens and
Lucknow communities, marked her 80th birthday Wednesday,
July 15, 1959.
Remember when...
Lucknow Day Camp children took to the greens at the Lucknow
Lawn Bowling Club lastThursday, July 7, 2005.The kids first had
a lawn bowling lesson and were then each handed a bowling ball
to test their skills. Carmen Smyth tabes some lessons from club
member Don Bone, while Sarah Alton and Matthew Hewitt
watch. (File photo) .