HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-06-10, Page 14• Page 14 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 10, 2009 47 Cards of Thanks COLLYER 1 would like tothank my family and friends for making my 90th birthday such a memorable event. Your cards, gifts and best wishes were sincerely appreciated. A special thanks to Rev. Candace Harvey for her participation and the UCW members for a delicious luncheon. Kathleen. - 24x Thank You! The Lucknow 4-H Beef Club would like to say thank you to Russ and Mary Mackie for host- ing the Club's Annual Breakfast. Thank you to .the community for supporting us, and to family Ind friends. Your generosity is appreciated. 48 Coming Events LAKE HURON LEARNING COLLABORATIVE And local photo artist George Zoethout pres- ents a NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS $35. Wednesday, June 17, 8 to 10 p.m., St. Christopher's Beach Pavilion. • Participation includes admission to PLAY, WORK AND LIVE Photo Contest and Exhibit infoelakehuron- learning.ca or www.lakehuronlearning.ca or 519-5244154 to register. - 24cc ANNUAL PORK BBQ :Being held by St. Andrew's United Church,. Ripley, Sunday, June 28, 5 to 7 pm at the Ripley. Arena. Adults $15, children .6 to 12 yrs. $5, 5ears and under free. Y_ tickets recommended, available from' any.UCW mem- ber, Ripley Foodmart, Ripley, or Lynne Jewson 519-395-2487. - 24-26 SCHOLASTIC BOCK FAIR "Buy one get one FREE" Lucknow Central Public School, Monday to Wednesday, June 1.5 to 17, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, June 18, 3:30 to 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. Visa and M/C accepted. Books (some French) for all ages and interests. - 24,25ar 153rd ANNIVERSARY SERVICE At South Kinloss Presbyterian Church, one km. north of Lucknow, on Sunday, June 14, 10:30 a.m. Speaking about "Our Mission Partners in Easter Europe" is special guest, Thomas Childs. Special music by the choir. Lunch will be served following the service. - 23,24ar HAWK THEATRE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday, June 15, Lucknow Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. New members are needed and wel- comed. Annual membership is $10. Members with paid membership by June 1 are eligible to vote. Contact Donald Andrew for membership information. Your community theatre needs your help to continue onl - 23, 24ar 161st ANNIVERSARY Ashfield Presbyterian Church, Sunday,June 14, 11 a.m. Guest Speakers Missy Kuik and members of the Kingsbridge Youth Group. Lunch to follow. All are welcome. - 24ar Lucknow Agricultural Society FALL FAIR CROPS COMPETITION ATTEN'T'ION GROWERS Please register your crops with Allan Scott at the Luckow Coop 519-529-7953 ascott@luaknwWco-opoom REGISTER YOUR HAY NOW FOR FIELD INSPECTION It 48 Coming Events HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY To Alex Macinnis, and many more. Love from all the family. - 24 PUBLIC NOTICE Lucknow Minor Hockey 4 Will be having their Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 22, at 7 p.m. at the Lucknow & District Sports Complex in the multi purpose room. Everyone welcome. - 24,25ar HEALTH EDUCATION .DAYS AT LUCKNOW PHARMASAVE DrOp-in to speak to our pharmacy student every Tuesday of the summer beginning June 23 for answers for your health related ques- tions! If you have diabetes drop in for: Glucometer checkup, upgrade your current Glucometer, education .regarding your condi- tion. If you use an inhaler of any kind drop in for:. Review of proper inhaler technique and maintenance, education regarding your condi- tion. - 24,25ar PIG ROAST Fpr Jonathon Finnigan and Felicia Lehmann, Saturday, June 20, 86690 Lucknow Line, , `1 p.m. to ? Supper approx. 5 p.m. BYOB. $10. (10 and under free). , 24,25x LUCKNOW PHARMASAVE Summer Store Hours Monday, June 29 to Friday, August. 28 Monday to Friday, 8.30 � a. to5;30 • p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday - closed. We will also be closedfor the following boli - days Wednesday, July 1, for Canada Day; Monday, Aug: 3, for Civic Holiday; Monday, Sept. 7, for•Labour Day. - 24,25ar CHICKEN BBQ Friday, June 19, 5, to 7 p.m., Lucknow Presbyterian Church (vitheelchair accessible). Advance tickets =available Until June 15, " adults $13, 12 and under $7. At door, adults $15. child $7. Tickets available at: McDonagh: ins., Willits Pool, any Board of 519-528-3639, 519-528-2005, 519-395-5 tilOt Take outs avail- able. - 23,24ar VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - ROUGH WAVES? Jesus Savesi Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church (293 Place Street) Invites ail kids ages 4 to 11 to a fun -filled week July13 17. Each day from ` 9 to 11:50 a.m., you . will have loads of fun as we sing, play, make crafts, and team more neat stores from the Bible. PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED: ` LIMITED SPACES. FREE. Cali Trish at 519-357-4476 to register. - 23,24ar VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Discovery Canyon - Explore the Wonders of God's World August 17 to 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Age 4 born In 2005) to age 12. Contact Heather to register or for more details at 519-528' 23,24ar LUCKNOW HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Pot luck dinner, Tuesday, June 16, Waterworks Park, Lucknow, 6 p.m. - 23,24ar Wawanosh club members taik about frufruits, vegetabies Jefferson. After a few innings, it was time to go back in and finish making: their pizzas. While the pizzas were cooking, Eileen George got the members to run a relay race where they had to sort food items into which food group they belonged in. Soon, Marita Oudshoorn announced that the pizzas were done and the members all grabbed a couple slices and some vegetables. After lunch and the dishes were finished, the members went outside for a quick break, where a variety of games were played, including one that Jolande Oudshoorn invented double grounder. The members then went inside for meeting three, which was all about the importance of breakfast and grain prod- ucts. When Melissa Higgins asked rollcall, • almost all : the members said that yes they had had breakfast and shared : their Eileen George reminded the members how important breakfast was and gave them sugges- tions on how to make their breakfasts healthier or how to incorporate one into it morning. One main component ..:the 8 Ponent of many breakfasts is an item from the grain products food group. The members read a page in their and thengot intogroups to . per- form form skits or songs about grain prod- ucts. They were all excellent. Ellen and Reba Jefferson then led the members outside for a spirited game of rubber chicken. It was very windy which just , made it more fun! After running around so much, the members were hungry and headed back inside to close the meeting and munch on some snick. The second and third meetings of Wawanosh's club, "To Your Good Health" were held at the Auburn Lion's Hall on Saturday, May 30. Throughout the first meeting, which was held in the morning, the members discussed the importance of fruits and vegetables in their diet. When President Melissa Higgins asked roll - call, each member named their favourite fruit and vegetable, which included: celery, cauliflower, strawber- ries, apples and many more. They learned that it is important to eat differ- ent colours and a variety of • items with- in this group, not just their favourite, to make sure that they are getting differ- ent v itam s. Also in ;the second meeting, Mary Ellen led the business discussion. The members voted on a title page and name; since the members know that it is important to have a balanced diet, they chose "Balanced Bodies". After the business was taken care of, the members started to work on what they were really there for...Lunch! Four different groups began to _ : make pizza dough. Even though some peo-� ple consider piiza to be junk food, the Balanced Bodies know= that it can have all four food groups" on it, the crust is a grain product, cheese, is a milk product, and the toppings the members chose, such as ham, pepperoni, green pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms and onion, give them their vegetables and meat prod- ucts. While the dough was rising, the members did a judging activity to eval- uate several different meals, and then went outside to play soccer baseball, which was led by Ellen and Reba LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE LCPS Gr. .8 Grad - June 24 Main Hall • Kitchen Facilities Meeting Room Available Seats 80 FOR INFO OR BOOKINGS CALL McDonagh (\ 519-528-3423 Planning an auction? Make sure you advertise it in 11uron - Kinloss Free HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE Dai Residents of Huron -Kinloss can dispose of household garbage (except tires and non -tagged refrigeration units) free of charge by bringing. itto the Huron Landfill site on: Saturday, June 13,2009 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hazardous waste materials (such as paint, pesticides, used oil, etc.) are not acceptable at this site at any time. Clean burnable brush, white goods, scrap metal steel and recyclables are free of charge year-round. Hugh Nichol Director of Public Works reffEWIED 21 Queen Street, P.O. Bot 130, Ripley, ON NOG 2R0 i19Y)5-3735 I1urontwl)<<r hurorlt('l.on.ca • ‘vww.hUronkinloss.com