HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-06-10, Page 5New parenting advice always welcome
Effective communication between a parent and
an adolescent can be challenging. That's why it
always helps to consult an expert. (Definition: Ex
-"having no"; pert - "children.") While I don't
usually subscribe to having a complete
stranger tell me how to raise my kids, I did
like what I read the other day:
"When raising an adolescent, you may
encounter conflict. If so, follow these steps
and you will find a quick resolution:
1. Gain clarity by asking questions.
2. Calmly recap your common
3. Gain agreement.
4. Always use comparative statis-
tics to make your point.
5. Seek a solution that involves both of you.
6. Follow up with the logical consequence
of their actions.
7. Problem solved. Congratulations."
Luckily, I was able to employ said technique
almost right away. My wife and, I had just fin-
ished telling the kids that we were having compa-
ny that night and that we needed to keep the house
clean. Ten minutes later my eldest decided to start
a water fight in the bathroom.
Step One: Gain clarity by asking questions.
Me: "Are you ,CRAZY??'':
Step Two: Calmly recap your common ground.
Me: "Do you remember sitting beside me TEN
minutes ago and nodding your head when your
mother and I told all of you to keep the house
Step 3: Gain Agreement.
Me: "You were there, right? Tell me you
were there. Say that you heard me. Say, "I
heard you, Dad" to let me know I'm not
Step 4: Always use comparative statistics
to make your point.
Me: "You were a better listener
when you were four than you are
right now! Blind monkeys make
smaller messes than you!"
Step 5: Seek a solution.. that
involves both of you.
Me: "I am going to watch the news. When the
news is over, you will have this mess totally
clewed up, then we will not have this issue ever
again. Right?"
Step 6: Follow up with the logical consequences
of their actions.
Me: "If it is NOT cleaned up, you will never use
this bathroom again, until you are dead. You will
live in the shed eating nuts and June bugs."
While 1 impressed my wife with how willing I'
was to employ ne w techniques in parenting, my
son was less than pleased.
Mark Thrice is our syndicated humor columnist
and world-renowned adolescent communicator.
Hackett takes 1on;
June 5 was a marvelous sunny
day . at BlackHorse when the
seniors teed off.
Allan Hackett (n oney, winger
all year), came `: it" first with :44
points. Walter ,Arnold came in
second with 42: points. Tom
brought upthe
Pegg _..., g
41 points. Don Bone finally got
a ""sniff": in fourth place with 40
;po ntsr s t. ,
Closest -to -the -hole on #2
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - Page 5
went to -year-old .Manny
:Longest. , p. utt on #12: was::
Allan Hackett and longest .putt
on # 1'5' was Tom Pegg ... anoth-
er repeating name
Marvelous day of weather on
All the men were at the gate
for the start of the June 1 action
at BlackHorse,.The sun was
shining : but unfortunately it was
above the rain clouds. The:.
ladies were smart and stayed in
The wind finally gave us a
break and dropped below 15
KPH. The track was wet with
continual drizzle and the occa-
sional constant rain. All the men
were at the gate for the start of
the June 1 action.
The golf consisted of nine
holes of 3-3-3. Three holes each
of .best ball, best score and alter-
nating shots.
It was a very close heat, made
up of 5 x 2 -man teams ending in
a three-way tie for first place.
The race could have been won
on the last hole by Walter
Arnold's team, were it not for
his partner missing an 18" putt.
This would have given them a
36 for the win.
His name will remain anony-
mous but his initials are G(len)
M(atthews). Their final score
was 37.
Tom Stoliker with his 35
handicap, played his first game
this year and hit the majority of
fairways with Don Bone picking
up the occasional chip and putt.
They ended up with a final score
of 37. ..:
John Gross and Allan Hackett
fared well with Allan trying to
take out the occasional bush
beside the ladies tee. Thanks to
John for getting up so early and
arriving on time. Their final
e links
score was: a 37.
The : day was highlighted with
Richard Papineau and Barry
McDonagh, leap -frogging around
the course. rather than waiting
their turn per golf etiquette. While
all teams followed the holes in
order, these two created their own
order. Good thing the course was
empty, but then again, anyone
with a brain was in bed. Their
final score was a 41.
The new guy, Denis Delany,
was initiated into the fold with
Tom Pegg as team-mate. Thank
you Richard. Denis kept them on
the short grass, while Tom
launched a formidable attack on
the foliage and wildlife. Turkey
vultures and fish were running for
cover. They finished with a final
score of 44.
Ladles enjoy a fun night of golfing on June 3
On a cool but sunny June 3, 32 ladies enjoyed a winners were Greta MacDonald and Shirley Reed.
member/guest fun night. The winning team was After a lovely meal and fellowship, a successful
Ashton Chamney, Gladys Hamilton, Michelle country auction was held.
Scarborough and Betty Stanley. The longest drive - Brianna Cooper placed tenth in CN Future Links
guest Ashton Chamney, member Shirley Reed. Ontario Championship at Cobble Beach in windy,
Closest to the hole - guest Gret^ Macbonald, mem- blustery conditions last weekend.
ber Shirley Reed. Closest to t.le rope- guest Greta The next pin days are Juue 10 and June 21.
MacDonald, member Ruth Price. The 50/50 draw
Photo by. Garit Reid
Bruce County Warden Bill Goetz l(left)- and North' Bruce
Peninsula Mayor Milt Mover took an adventure to. the .H
General Store this past Friday as. they were on a tour to see the
sights involved with "Explore the Bruce" adventure pasaport
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