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Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-06-03, Page 15
Page 14 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Subsidized housing list to be longer BY CHERYL HEATH Clinton News - Record Staff The list has got- ten a little longer. That was the word delivered by David Overboe, social -services administrator, in reference to the county's current waiting lisp,, for subsidized housing during a May 19 committee -of -the - whole session. As it stands, he • says, there are . 237 individuals on the waiting list, which is "up slightly" from average fig- ures. The arrears rate for housing is. also on the rise to' 3.12 per cent, up from the county's nor- mal two per cent figure. However, notes Overboe, that figure is still notably lower, than the industry stan- dard of five per cent. Overboe reports the county is still awaiting word on more funding for the affordable - housing program, which allocates grant money for potential home- owners in the lower-income stra- ta. One of the pit- falls of the . newer version of the pro- gram is the focus on helping buyers purchase new homes, . says Overboe, which is something that will be difficult to achieve witha price cap .of $156,000. Still, he says, the rationale behind the program is to "get shovels in the ground" and create new construction jobs. On the rise The number of county residents relying on Ontario. Works for survival is on the David Overboe, social -services administrator, notes the number of cases rose to 501 from 482 over the past month. Though it is a "significant increase," Overboe reports the county caseload continues to rank far below its provincial counterpart. Child-care services Evy McDonagh says the number of • families benefiting from • child-care subsidies is increasing thanks in part to new ' income -testing rules. "We are serving . a lot more people in Huron County," she says. Also on tap for county staff is the process of working with changes to the Best Start pro- gram, which will now be known as Early Learning and C hi l d Development. Further, the county is develop- ing an intergenera- tional .child=care program to be sta- tioned at the Bluewater Rest Home in Zurich, as part of the Best Start Initiative.. Also on the child=care front is a new screening process for 18 - month -olds, which is a pilot project being operated in conjunction with the Clinton Family Health Team. Finally, in a con- certed effort 'to offer more pro- grams for boys, the county is working in conjunction with' several part- ners to offer up a Touch • the Truck literacy event- in Holmesville from 9 a.m. till noon, June 13. alvew look The 54 -unit apartment on West St. . in . Goderich _t. • . , •• , , , 1 1 1 f r f , f . , P 1 1 , . . r , . will soon be home to . sparkling new windows and doors thanks to a resolution to accept the $103,715 bid by' Hamilton -based company, North View Windows and Doors. County council must endorse the motion before the work moves ahead. Send off Cheers to you, Dr. Martin Salter, will be the theme of a tea social at the Huronview Home for the Aged in Clinton ` this July. Homes adminis- trator Barb Springall reports the event will be held to give thanks' to Dr. Salter who is moving from the area. She adds the Network good news is Salter will be *bringing along his replacement at the event. New gazebo ,A new gazebo, valued at $15,368, will find a home at Huronlea in Brussels this year thanks to a motion approved by the committee of the whole. County • council must endorse . the motion, which calls for the tender to go to Gerald Excel Carpentry of Brussels, before the work moves forward. hi lauding the project, homes administrator Barb Springall notes the Huronlea ' volar teer auxiliary deserve a great deal of praise for their efforts in fund-raising for the gazebo. Heritage funds sought Three county groups are seeking county funding for heritage -themed projects. Among them are the Howick Agricultural Society, seeking $4,161.25 grant for a $8,322.50 history book marking its sesquicentennial, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109, seeking $5,000: for a: $10,OQ.O project dedicated to veter- ans, and the St. Joseph and Area Historical Society, seeking $1t100, to create a $2,283.75 web site on the his- tory of : St. Joseph's. Submitted photo FEMadill track and field athletes from the Lucknow area con- trued toexcel atWOSSAA this year. Justine Beasley performed well and matched her personal best in High jump with a jump of 1,45 m. 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