HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-06-03, Page 131 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 3, 2009 31 sorv1ca Directory amoriimiloirmismim Earl's Plus Excavating • later Equipped • 2 sizes a w Hoes • Dump Truck & Dozer 519495.0184 Gotaservice to offer? Advertise It• here and see scour Profits grow. Greg Nicholson (Nifty). Welding & Millwrigh ing BUiLD OR FIX MACHINERY ON SITE Cell: 519440-9442 Res: 519-529-7285 SUE'S PAINT1NG WALLPAPERING 519-3954906 • Interior Trim Experience *Small Home Repairs Call Sue for a Free Estimate! DENTURE CLINIC ISTVAN VASARHELYI DD COMPLETE.& PARTIAL DENTURES RELINES & REPAIRS MON. & TUES. WED., THURS. FRI. & SAT. DALE CAU. NO CHAR E DIAL FOR APPOINTMENT FOR APPOINTMENT HOURS: MON. - 9 A.M.-9 P.M. TUES. - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. 824 WILSON AVE. (Formerly Campbell St.) POINT CLARK sttoam= 38 Auctions AUCTION SALE of 4 - 100 acre farms, a 25 acre parcel of land, househod effects, antiques, tools and miscella- neous items will be held for the Carol MacCrostie Estate on Saturday, 4une 6, 9:30 a. 37326 Belfast Road; St Helens, 2 comers south of Lucknow and 1 mile east, or: l -1 /2 ,miles west of St. Helens, on Belfast Road, # 37326. TERMS ON PROPERTIES: Props will be sold at 1 p.m. subject to reason,le reserve bid with 10% down day of sale, balance. in. 60 days. For more information call Dale MacCrostie 4 (519) 395-5982. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL DETAILS Photos avajable-baotstauctions.com For more information .calf Dale. MacCrostie 519-395- 982, or Aven Comeit 519-871-1329. AUCTIONEERS: BRIAN RiNTOUL (519) 357-2349 BILL HORST (519) 595-2626 The Lucknow Sentinel is a member of the Ontario Press Council, which was created by Orifario news- papers to defend freedom of the press on behalf of the public and press alike, and to consider spfic unsatisfied complaints from readers about the con- duct of the press in gathering and publishing, news opinion and advertising. Readers may refer to the How to Complain section of the Council's website www.ontpress.com or communicate with the Council by e-mail at info@ontpress.com or regular mail at 2 Carlton St. Suite 1706, Toronto, ON M5B 1J3. 1 AUCTION SALE Of household effects, antiques & .m cellaneous to be held for Lorne CamPell Estate 24 Parker - Drive, Beigrave Monday, June 15, 5 p.m. . Household effects: Viscount fridge; Woods freezer, wringer washer; ` oval oak table, 2 leaves, hutch and 6 marling chairs (very nice); Maple table w/ 1 leaf and' 4 chains; double bed, box spring t& mattress . dresser (nice); double bed w/2 matching dressers; matching sofa & chair (light colour); sofa & matching chair; coffee & end tomes; oak potatoe bin; leather recliner, child's chair; desk; office chair; computer; folding chairs; Sentry safe, dehumidifier; book case; card table & folding chairs; books; Rainbow vacuum cleaner (like new);.pi & frames; stereo (newer); camera; microwave; crock pot copper tea kettle;; &hes, , tripper ware, pots, pans,'etc . Antiques & Collectables buffet; ec hooi desk; hat box dresser; large old table; cedar chest; wash stand; blanket box; , old wail t • misc small tables; nail keg; washboard; cuckoo clock fancy dishes Gay Lea milk can; Foxton milk bottle; Bateson Dairy milk bottle and other old bottles; Morris Turnberry clock; 8 pc 'setting Royal Albert 'dishes. Miscellaneous: Lawnflite self propelled lawn mower (good); 10 speed CCM bike; exercise bike; sub- mersible pump; snow shoes; hedge trimmer; electric coeds; garden tools; garden hose; lawn chairs; lawn ornaments etc. • Pian to attend: Property. sold. Lunch booth. For more Info call Arnold Bruce M 519-357-3269. Terms: cash or aodeptable cheque with proper 1D. Executors & auctioneers not responsible for accidents, injury, or ions of pUrchases. Verbal announcements till* precedence over,advertising. AUCTIONEERS BRIAN RINTOUL - WiNGHAM 518-357-2349 BILL HORST - MILLBANK 519495-2626 Want a good turnout at your auction? Advertise it here! 37 Mortgayos MORTGAGES - LAU- RENTIAN BANK - 5 YEAR - 3.85% O.A.C. Don't get cheated (no broker fees). Call Mortgage Network, 86 Albert St., Clinton, ON 519-482-7675. New mortgage or refi- nancing? Call us first. - 2otfcc 42 Obituari.s ELLIOTT L. Orville Elliott, beloved husband of the late Grace (MacKinnon), died Saturday, May 23, 2009, at Braemar Retirement Centre, Wingham at the age of 86. He was born in Kinloss Township on July 1st, 1922 to the late Richard and:. Mabel Elliott. Orville was a long time member of the Old Light Masonic. Lodge and the Lucknow Uons Club. He will be dearly missed by his children Donald and wife Cherrill Elliott of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Karen and husband David Hicks of Listowel. Lovingly remembered by his grand- children Brett, Blair, Devon, and Drew Hicks, and Samantha and Jason Elliott. He is also sur- vived by his sister Eileen Miller of Wingham and by his brother and sisters -In-law Violet Elliott Wilma Elliott, John (Mildred) MacKinnon, Jean MacKenzie, and Doris MacKinnon. Predeceased by his brothers Harold and Ellwood Elliott. Visitation was held at MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 with an Old Light Masonic Lodge Service held at 9:00 PM. The funerai service was conducted from the chapel, Wednesday, May 27, : Rev. Gandy Harvey officiated. 'Pallbearers were: Ambrose 'Redmond, Bob Irwin, Barry Johnstone, Wayne lbdd, Tom Helm, and Dave Eadie. Honorary Pallbearers included: Frank Havthome, Jim Boyle, Allen Graham, Bob Cyons, Gord Brooks, Bob MacKenzie, and Alcan Hackett. His grand- children; acted as Flower bearers. Interment at Greenhill Petery, Lucknow. As' express of sympathy donations can be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or oto the Lucknow Lions Club. Memorial and *trait available on- line at www.mackenzi -'23ar CARSON Jean (MacLeod) Carson passed away in Parkwood Hospital,, London, Friday, May 8, 2009, Ont after a breve battle with cancer. Beloved daughter of Dorothea (Alton) MacLeod and the late Johnston MacLeod. Bom in Kincardine Hospital, January 25, 1943, ` she l public and high schools in Ripley, Ont. loved mother of son Michael and daugh- ter Tara Carson and grandson Sam. Lovingly remembered by brothers, David, ' Donald, Douglas and Kenneth, and sisters, Betty, Alice, Carolyn and their families,. nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral services were held in Kcmoka Funeral Chapel on Wednesday, May 13, 2009. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London, Ont. - 23cc Need Mortgage Mone? Farm & Residential 1 & 2 Mortgage S 3.25 Interest or gess If you qualify, Amt Approx. $ 5,000 $10,000 $50,00 $100,000 payments: Mg. Payment $13.55 $27.08 $135.42 $270.83 • No upfront fees, Personal loans/mortgages • Consolidate your debts • Problem mortgage specialist Lic. # 10163 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. • (519) 364-0450 • 1-800-387-1932 48 M Memoriam ANDREW Hilda -1g years We have not forgotten. Your family and friends. - 23x FARRISH In loving memory of Dorothy, who passed away June 5, 2003, age 64. , Sadly missed by husband Donald Famsh and family. - 23x GOOD In memory of Elwyn Good, Nov. 13, 1941 to June 2, 2004. In a quiet country graveyard, where the gentle breezes blow, Sleeps the one I loved so dearly, whom Host five years ago. Today recalls sad memories of him, who has gone to rest, And the ones who think of him today are the ones who loved him the best. If l had one lifetime wish, one dream that would come true, I would pray to God above, for yesterday and you. Always loved and sadly missed. Nancy. - 23x 46 in Mornorians TAYLOR In loving memory of a dear wife, ., mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Alice, who passed away June 8, 2007. Sadly missed along life's way Quietly fernembered every day No longer In our life to share But in our hearts she's always there. Sadly missed by husband George and fan* - 23x . 47 Cards of Thanks -CARSON Thank you for the many flowers, cards and prayers that I received during this time . of bereavernent. Dorothea MacLeod - 23cc CARTER Words cannot express our sincere thanks to our family, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy on the loss of our mom, grandma and great -grandma. To anyone who sent a card, flowers/planters, gave a donation, brought food or just called, this was greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Rev. Petty Kinsman for her wonderful service and for all the. visits, to Dale Gilchrist and Trish Johnston for their gift of music, and the ladies .. of South Kinloss Church for the luncheon. To Joan and Amy from MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Home, for/heir compassion and guid- ance during such a trdubled time. Also to Ron and Janice for ; the courage to do a wonderful. eulogy, Mom would have been very proud. Wayne. and Cathy, Da ld and Linda, Don and Linda and families.,- 23x SUTTON. Thank you to all my great friends and family members for all of your suivort and lending me your hands over the pet. eight weeks, spe- giat thank' .- ou to , n .',Sha for a -great `surpi `'. r"ty1 fku ; iefiWitiCeiAd Korey for -holding dawn the fort! Love you all! I look forward to seeing you all at Studio C! Danielle. - 23ar TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Thank you everyone Who helped make our 140th anniversary a success. Thanks espe- ciaity Ruth and the f choir, special readers, Sharon for flowers, audio help, big screen TV from Bill at Hodgins Hardware, special music, Gordon Alton and his message, and all the lunch help. Trinity Session. - 23 LCPS CLASS OF 2009 The graduating class would like to extend a huge thank you to the Lucknow community for all the support over the school year with our fundraising. As we get ready for our year end trip and prepare for our graduation cerernony, we are reminded of the wonderfully supportive community we live in. It is because of this community we can continue: these tradi- tions. - 23x NICHOLSON/CHESTER We would like to say a BIG thank you to our amazing wedding party and all our family and friends for making our Stag and Doe a night we will never forget! We are so fortunate to live In such a caring community. Ange and Jamie. -23 AiTCHISON We would like to thank everyone who was a part of our 25th anniversary celebration. Yes we were surprised, and Ailey, Nash, Laurie and Lacey did a great job of keeping it a secret right up until we arrived at the door. They did an amazing job the whole night. We are very lucky to have such great friends and family and we appreciate all of the 'gifts, cards and congratulations. Thanks again, Brad and Tracy. - 23x LUCKNOW LIONS Our deepest appreciation goes out to the par- ticipants and donors in this year's walk for dog guides. $1,686 was raised for this Lions Foundation of Canada Walk for Dog Guides, a program that helps change many lives. Thanks to the Sentinel for the coverage as well. - 23ar ti