HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-06-03, Page 7Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Trinity Church celebrates 140th anniversary
love. from your family
Bob Raymond graduated from Rochester
(N.Y.) Institute of Technology with a
Bachelor's degree in industrial and Systems
Engineering. Bob studied in R1T's Kate
Gleason College of Engineering. His par-
ents, Loree and
Keith Raymond,
sister Lindsey, and
cousin Paige
attended the gradu-
ation ceremonies in
Rochester, N.Y.,
the weekend of
May 23,- 2009.
Congratulations and lots of love,
Mom, Dad and Lindsey
On Sunday, May 24, Trinity
United Church (Originally
Hacketts) celebrated their 140th
anniversary. There were about
175 members and guests that
filled the auditorium and base-
ment where a sound system had
been installed. e
A beautiful flower arrange-
ment in memory of forefathers
and past members sat on the
communion table in front of the
William Irvin, the clerk of ses-
sion, welcomed everyone and
drew attention to the cross that
was on the wall behind the pul-
pit. He said that the cross was
made from the railings of the
Blake's, Zion and Hackett's
churches and they were con-
structed " by Ruth Alton and
Sharon Nivin. Jini apd Isobel
Hunter, the oldest couple attend-
ing the celebtion, came up and
lit the Christ Candle.
Two duets were also played
by Wilma Blake on the violin
and Lori Melitzer (Hackett) on
the accordion.
The guest speaker was Pastor
Gordon Alton from Erb St.
Mennonite Churcli in Ki
For the 's stray he -
ed many memories he had while
He remembered learning the
catechisms and receiving seals
for, perfect ,attendance, the
Christmas concerts in the base-
ment and the annual .Sunday
school picnics down at the lake.
Pastor Alton spoke of the time
when the church was hit by
lightning on Pentecost Sunday
leaving a hole in the ceiling; for-
tunately no one was injured. He
also said that Trinity Church laid
the base for him to go into the
ministry. It's also interesting to
note that six generations of
Hacketts have attended the
church as well.
The title of Gordon's message
was. Celebrating the Church and
Re -imagining its Future. He
mentioned that in earlier years,
the church was the central meet-
ing place in the community
However, today through
many opporttmities to advance
and improve their lives and
career%: the youth of the com-
munity go to :the cities: or travel
abroad, while : others get
involved with sports. It's :a
changing world and church
attendance •
Submitted photo
On Sunday, May 24, the 140th annive , .:of Trinity United
Church (originally Hacketts) was celeb . From kit to right
taddng in the celebration were Lorene Alton, Frank Alton, Isabel
Hunter and Russell Alton.
Thechurch has to and r bord lunch of sandwiches,
work with family issues that are squ, relishes and two 140th
changing in the world and corn anniversary cakes. .0n the walls
rn , . were many photos depicting_..
At the close of service ferent years of the church. The
William Irvin thanked everyone ' collection included of
faircoming and for - all
who past ministers, . UCW activities,
helped to make it a very suc- junior and senior choirs, Sunday
•events and many
cessful anniversary.also said school ��
aspecial... thank you to all who more photos relating to the past
took pmt in the seance:He then of T church.
invited everyone to corm over " Everyone reminisced with
Brookside Public School for a friends, .many they _had not seen
.�; and social time. in years. It was an anniversary
At :Brookside close to 1.30 that everyone will always
people sat down to a smorgas- iemember.
Councillor pitches for smaller librar�
Clinton Nears
Record Ste
Size matters.
So argued
County Councillor
George Robertson
(South Huron)
May .6, in making
a pitch for a small-
er library board
during county
council's regular.
As it stands,
Huron County's
library board oper-
ates . under the
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Act. The board is
comprised of six
councillors, six
citizen representa-
tives " and the
County. Warden,
with matings tak-
ing place on the
third Tuesday of
each month, 11
times a year.a
The problem,
says Robertson, is
it is difficult to jus-
tify the haonorari-
ums and mileage
paid given library -
board meetings are
sometimes only 20
minutes in length.
Plus, says
$20,000 in : confer-
ence expenses
were paid out tn.
2008 alone for
library -board
members and
library staff to
attend the annual
Ontario Library
Association con-
ference in Toronto.
"For one year,.
that's kind of
excessive," he
says, noting
$11,000 of that
figure was paid out
to library -board
A step in the
Theme for 2009 Fall Fair - Sept. 18,19, 20
"Dairy ... More Than Milk"
Daniel Steep, a Canadian family magician, will bring
a show full of magic, music, comedy and lots of audi .
ence participation.
Daniel will be performing on the stage at the arena
on Saturday, Sept. 19. Times to follow.
No matter your age, you are sure to enjoy this magi-
Doubietake, who performed last year on stage, will
return again this year.
Mark Sept. 19 on your calendar!
Joke: Why does cow wear a bell? Because her
homs don't work!
right direction, he
says, is to abide by
the province's
bare -minimum
standard of two
members from the
public and three
from council,
including the war-
"That would cut
down on a lot of
the costs," he says.
While agreeing a
smaller board
could be a sound
plan, ,Conn. Deb
S h e w f e l t
(Goderich) argues
there should be
more community
than councillors.
Coun. John
Bezaire (Central
Huron), mean
while, says com-
mittees and boards
with community
should continue to
play a role in poli-
tics. t ;.
"I think we're
throwing the baby
out with the bath
water here," he
says, noting when
he was first elected
to Central. Huron
Council, there
were several sub-
committees that
included represen-
tatives from the
general public.
Since then, he
says, "There's
been a change in
the public attitude
because there's not
the opportunity for
people to be
involved . at this
Bezaire suggests
another option to
cut costs would be
to look at axing
Coun. Dorothy
Kelly (Morris
'1%rnberry), ch -
woman of the
library board, cau-
tioned council that
a p p.," r: .o v i n g
motion to reduce
the - board's . size
without first
receiving input
from county librar-
ian Beth , Ross,
who was absent,
would be inappro-
priate, especially
given Ross _. was
asked tom. contact
other area library.
boards to find out
more about their
As such, Kelly
says, it would
make sense to
defer the motion
until the report is
During the
debate, Coun. Bill
East) noted the
issue is one that
could perhaps be
dealt with under a
service -delivery
review if the coon
ty chooses to
undertake one.
County council-
lors chose not to
reduce council's
composition of 20
members earlier
this year.
Kelly's motion
to defer a decision
passed with a few
dissenters, includ-
ing Robertson and
the motion's sec-
onder, Reil
Rintoui (Ashfield
n 1,01001,44,