HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-05-27, Page 15Co UNITY ART SHOW Of local amateur and professional artists. Blyth Festival Art Gallery. Opening reception, Saturday, May 30, 6 p.m. Show continues until June 19. - 22cc • FAMILY DANCE Friday, May 29, 7 to 10 p.m., Dungannon Ag Hall. Come out for. a social evening, all ages welcome. Please bring your own refreshments, snacks will be' served. Sponsored by The Dungannon Teen Team. For more info call Susanne at 519-529-7170. - 22cc LAWN BOWLING INVITATION At the Lucknow greens, Tuesday and ursdays, • 1:30 and 7 p.m. Give it a tryl All ages welcome. Bowls available. Info: Brian Doeiman 519-528-2728, Stewart Lane 519-, 528-2536. - 22,23 LUCKNOW PURINA WALK FOR DOG GUIDES The Lucknow & District Lions Club are hosting the .yearly Purina Walk for Dog Guides, Sunday, May 31. Registration at Lucknow Community Centre begins at 12:30 p.m. Pledgeforms available from any Lucknow Lions Club member. For more info call Tom Hogan 519-529-7213. - 22ar 145TH ANNIVERSARY Of Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch,. will be celebrated on Sunday, ow May 31, at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker. is Bob Heywood. Special music by Kingsbridge Quartet. Social hour to follow. Everyone wel- come. - 21,22x STAG & DOE For Nancy Hunter and Dan LaChapelle, Saturday, May 30, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Lucknow Arena. $5 per person. Lunch provided. Age of - majority. Bus pick ups Kingsbridge, 8:45 p.m.; Ashfield Twp. Shed, 9 p.m.; Brookside School, 9:15 p.m. - 21,22x • FAMILY FUN NIGHT BINGO Nile United Church, Thursday, • May 28,-7:30r p.m. Ham prizes. Everyone welcome. 21,22cc LAKE HURON LEARNING COLLABORATIVE And the University of Western Ontario are pre- senting an information night regarding local course offerings for Fall 2009, Wednesday, May 27, from 4 to 7 p.m. Huron County Library, Montreal Street, Goderich. - 21,22cc . Dungannon -Union Pastoral Charge Pastor: Larry Sayers, DLM Dungannon, Nile & Trinity United Churches warmly welcome you to join with us in SundayWorship. For times, please call 519-529-3127 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY .CE • Main Hall •Kitchen Facilities • Meeting Room Available Seats 80,' FOR INFO OR BOOKINGS CALL McDonagh Insurance 519-528-3423 S U. D 0 K U 57641 8239 249367 .81 5 813295.4 7,6 4926531 87 36 81 72954 1 5 7 9 8 4 3 6 2 6h25841-79.•3 984736521 7 3 1 5 2 9 6 4 8 May 27 solution • LAKE HURON LEARNING CQLLABQRATIVE And local photo artist George Zoethout pres- ents a. series of guided PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES, $35 each evening. Local architec- ture: Wednesday, June 3, 6:30 to 8:30. p.m. Band Shell, Court House Square. Portraits: Wednesday, June 10, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., St. Christopher's Beach Pavilion. Night Photography: Wednesday, June 17, 8 to 10 p.m.; St. Christopher's Beach Pavilion. Participation includes admission to PLAY, WORK AND LIVE Photo Contest and Exhibit. info @ iakehuronleaming.ca or www.lakehuron- learning.ca or 519-524-4154 to register. - 22,23cc AWARD WiNNiNG BROADCASTER And Quirks and Quarks host Bob McDonald js coming to our region. No admission charge. Tuesday,. June 23, ,6:30 p.m., Columbus Centre, Goderich.. Protecting Our Water: "Perspectives on a Planet". Register now. 519- 235-2610. 1-888-286-2610. E-mail facilita-. for@sourcewaterinfo.on.ca Voluntary toonie donations welcome to local groups protecting water. Visit soucewaterinfo.on.ca - 22,23cc HAPPY BIRTHDAY UTE Hope you have a happy birthday with your brother ,in Germany. Love from your neigh- bours and Sepoy Ranee friends. 22nx laRKIN' 0' THE TARTAN SCOTTISH SERVICE Sunday, May 31, 11 a.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, East St. and Hwy. 21 N, Goderich. Parade of Tartans 10:40 a.m. Refreshments follow. Info 519-524-7512. - 22cc PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST, SHOW AND SALE FUNDRAISER Lake Huron Leaming Collaborative presents: PLAY, WORK AND LIVE - a Celebration of Water. Unframed 4 x 6 photos depicting Water in Play, Work or Life accepted at our office, 35" A East Street, (upstairs from Post Office), May. 27 to June 18. $10 for first submission and $5 for any additional. Fee included in registration to Photography classes. Photos will be 'dis- played at Coffee Culture, .Goderich, until June 24, 7 pm., when the winners are announced at a gala reception. info@lakehuronleaming.ca or 510-524-4154 to register or Www.lakehuron- leamin%ca for registration form. - 22cc ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Kinlough Presbyterian Church, Sunday, May 31, :7:30 p.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Chuck Moon, Southampton. Special music by the Bushell Family. - 21,22x • COME & GO BRIDAL SHOWER . For etyse DeBruyn, bride-to-be: of Dennis Dewar, Saturday, May 30, 2 : to 4 p.m., Lucknow Town Hall. 2122x Network Classifieds: Wednetday, May 27, 2009 - Page 15 31ST FABRIC ANNIVERSARY SALE From June 1 to 6. Lots of specials on fabrics and quilting supplies. Over 100 quilts on dis- play from crib to king size. Retail Dry Goods, 9 km north of Kinloss to sideroad 30, Greenock, 1st farm on left. Fire # 396. - 22cc STAG AND DOE • For Amber Husk and Mark Giesler, Saturday, June 6, Walkerton Ag. Building #2, Durham Street, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Lunch provided. Tickets: $5 advance, $6 at door. Age of major- ity. For info or tickets call Doug Husk 519-831- 2834. - 22,23xv RADIO PROGRAM ON LOCAL DRINKING WATER PLANS Talk to special guest Larry Brown, Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection. Region Committee Chair, on the Experts radio show on am920.ca on Saturday, June bat 10 a.m. You and your committee - preparing Source Protection plans - over the next three years to help keep drinking water safe for you, your family and your com- munity by protecting water at the source. - 22,23oc "PRECIOUS MEMORIES" Join us for an evening of Precious Memories at our spring hymn sing, Sunday, June 14, 7:30 p.m., Lucknow Community Church, 293 Place Street. Don't miss it! - 21-23ar Advertise Across Ontario or :Across the Country! 11111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 Looking for new business and added revenue? Promote your company in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here In these Network Classified Ads or in business card - sized ads in hundreds of well-read newspapers. Let us show you how. Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Contact Carol at 905- 639-5718. www.ocna.org. REPOSSESSED PRE -FAB HOMES!! 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