HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-08, Page 15• Photo by Garit Reid Tina Bos an executive for the Lucknow skate Club presented Josh Everson with the President's Award for most improved Star Skate. The award was given _ to Everson for passing his canasta tango, pre- liminary freeskate and all of its elements. Photo by Garit Reid Tina Bos an executive for the Lucknaw Skate Club presented Justin . Livingston with the President's Award for most improved CanSkater.The award was given to Livingston for passing level two, three and almost all of level four. See us on the Net www.hucknowsenlinel.com W1,1 80! 108E rev Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - Page 15 Photo by Garit Reid The BMO awards were handed out to three lucky people at the 2008-09 Lucknow` Skate Club's year end awards banquet. Barb Hodgkinson of. BMO presented the three awards. From left to right are Jameson Montgomery (CanSkate champion), Jacob :Smith (CanSkater of the year) and Chasity Murray (CanSkate champion). Photo by Garit Reid The senior skaters were awarded with their medals at the 2008- 09 Lucknow Skate Club's year end. From left to right are Sarah Shiels (third-place), Rachel Nivins (first place) and Josh Everson (second place). Photo by Goch Reid The intermediate skaters were awarded with their medals at the 2008-09 Lucknow Skate Club's year end. From left to right .are Lauren Bos (second place), Erica Bos (first place) and Courtney Webb (third place). Photo by Garit Reid The juniorskrs were awarded with their medals at the 2008- 09 Lucknow Skate Club's year' end. From left to right are Sarah Martin(second ". Pie), Gloria Ritchie (third place) and . Jessica Nelson (first place). etwork Classifieds: Advertise Across OMtalio or Across the Country! 133 ABUSHED AZ TEAMS WANTED! week on, one week off. $75,000 + eam annually + Full Benefits! • ted * Truckload • No Touch • Toronto - Vancouver * Minimum 2 years AZ experience, clean CVOR, abstract and criminal record. Call 7 days per week Toll -Free 1-888-213- 9401 or Visit www.transportjobs.net. 45+? Tum your retirement thinking on Its head! Leam how to operate, a mini - office outlet from home. www.succeedfromhomebiz.com. EXCITING FRANCHISE OPPORTU- NITY( FORMAFENCE - Vinyl Fencing, Decking, Railings. Operate and own your own business. A proven & suc- cessful concept. Exclusive materials and information. Visit www.form afence.com, Toll -Free 1-800=379- 2125. 1 HAVE BEEN STUPID FOR 20 YEARS. Don't make the same mis- take. For more Information on this exciting and profitable opportunity CALL NOW Toll -Free 1-877-216-4360 (24 hour recording). IMPROVE YOUR . INCOME! Forget Recession. 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