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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - Page 11
Congratulations to newlyweds
South Kinlass
rr r Boduesisr
Congratulations to Diane Archer and
Wayne Ferguson who • were married on
March 28.
Kathy Howald has been visiting her
mother in Florida.
The WMS ladies met at the church last
week with Marilyn Maclntyre as hostess.
Margaret de Boerand Marilynne
Gilchrist were the directors. The group
were pleased to welcome their twin
group from Brussels to their Easter meet-
President Ruth Buchmeier opened the
meeting by welcoming the 17 ladies
present followed by prayer. The WMS
purpose was said and the hymn `Jesus
Christ is Risen Today' was sung with
Margaret Hamilton accompanying the
• group on the piano.
Minutes of the March meeting were
read by Sharon MacDougall. Rollcall
was answered with an Easter memory.
The worship service was turned over to
Margaret and Marilynn who entertained
with a duet on their clarinets.
systemis closer to completion
BY Clain- I EATH
Clinton News -Record Staff
EMS manager David 'Lew reports the
county's Prism 911 system is closer to
The emergency call -out system, which
will automatically dial affected residents
in the event of an emergency, is anticipat-
ed to cost $35,000.
Lew says the system will be effective
for a number of uses, including allowing
municipalities ` to notify residents when
boil -water advisories are in place. He
notes the OPP have also expressed ressed interest
in utilizing it.
"I think we're going to get our full
money's worth, probably on an annual
Defibrillator talk
The county's Emergency Medical
Services department will be investigating
other spots to place, defibrillators, like
county Legion branches, at the behest of
As it stands, emergency defibrillators
g y
used to resuscitate those suffering from a
heart attack, are installed at arenas
throughout the county.
EMS manager Dave Lew notes the
placement of : the defibtillators is within
the Heart and Stroke Foundation's
purview since it sets the parameters. As it
,, stands, the county is working with school
boards to install "defibrillators at county
New recruits
The Homes department will be seeking
to recruit two new coordinators for a pro-
gram that is provincially funded.
Homes administrator Barb Springall
says the job will entail a full-time position
at Huronview in Clinton and likely a part-
time one at Huronlea in Brussels.
The Lucknow Sentinel
will be closed
Good Friday, April 10.
Deadline for the April 15 issue
Is 9 a.m. April 13
Marilynne read the Scripture from
John, the Easter story. The meditation
study was capably done by Margaret.
Marilynne introduced the guest speaker,
Sarah Brink, of Whitechurch. Sarah went
to Africa with the group "Youth with a
Mission". Sarah's group. of 26 raised
enough money to build a house and to
buy some uniforms and books for school.
students. The children were so happy to
have someone love them. Most of their
parents have died. from _HJV/Aids.
Sarah's group split up between South
Africa and Mozambiqu_ a 11 rivers were
really muddy but this is the Water they
drink and bathe in. Roads were rough
with hugeEveryone pot, holes. Eve one was hos-
pitable but . they didn't know an
about Jesus and his love. Sarah is plan-
nin to go f orward with this passion: to
tell her story of the love of Jesus to the
Marilynne thanked Sarah for her slides
and emotional story.
The group sang "Thine be the Glo .
and Margaret de Boer gave the offertory
prayer and : the - evening g ended with the
hymn "Hallelujah'',
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