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Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-08, Page 2
�....• �. a"aM�.y.�-.y. i w� . a+. I. .7•1:+"4,41 .1i=e • ,. Page 2 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Photo by Pat Livingston The performance team of the Corrigan School of Irish Dance performed at the Lucknow Agricultural Society's variety concert and silent auction last Saturday night. Keen bidder's and some friendly competition made it a fun evening. individuals and busi- nesses saes donated 124 items for the event. Sadie Scott (far left), daughter of Allan and Marilyn, is a member of the group.The group will be entertaining at this year's Fall Fair in September. ENERGY STAR HIGH tfFICI£IJC'i HAIIMF FrFICACIIF • The Power Savings Event: is back for springt Visit participatit dstr i and pick-up money -saving saving Coupons on electricity -saving products like t p ci ity CFI_ light bulbs, clothe matin Y kits, pool pump timers and more. Get your coupons today! P( efi'Valid only until May 22. SAW For details and participating stores visit: everykilowattcounts.ca every y t? kilowatt. •..� counts °M Official marks of the Ontario Power Authority. Coin image ©2009 'loyal Canadian Mint - All Rights Reserved. Bruce Power watching prices From page 1 "There is an impact but we will deal with the • impact. We're not looking for a handout because of it. Bruce Power is watch- ing the mix of spot and contract prices. But the economic slowdown has- n't changed plans for expansion on the site and in Alberta and Saskatchewan. "None of this changes our plans for looking at expansion in various areas because the econo- my goes in cycles and the. worst mistake that you ' can make is to stop build- ing generation because you don't necessarily need it today but you're still going to need it down the road," Lamont said. Bruce. Power has picked Whitemud on the Peace River as preferred site for its Alberta proposal. An Environmental Assessment is being held off while _ Alberta gathers response to a provincial report on the impact of adding nuclear generation to the energy mix. Emerald ash borer. Municipalities shou l d plan• how they will deal with the Emerald Ash Borer, . a specialist from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency told Bruce County council. Brian Hamilton said the destructive insect is in North America to stay - and monitoring its progress is the first step in dealing with the conse- quences. "We haven't found it in Bruce Count y or Grey County but we have found it in Huron County," Hamilton said. "It's not an eradicatable insect. It's just now in the management mode." Municipalities should be doing tree inventories and preparing strategy for dealing with Emerald Ash Borer. "We encourage munici- palities to get tree inven- tories so . they know what theirresource is and. what they stand to lose, basi- cally," Hamilton said. Management means early detection, and could include treating infected trees with newly -devel- oped products, planning how to dispose of infected trees, and enforcing wood transportation bans to slow the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer. The public can get involved in early detec- tion, Hamilton said. "Take ownership of your tree and ensure it's a healthy tree," he said. • Internet filters The director of Bruce County libraries is urging municipalities not to sup- port a call for internet fil- ters on library computers. Filters offer a false sense of security, said library director. Marzio Apolloni. "It does not (solve problems): In fact filter- ing software only stops people from accessing that information. It does- n't let us find out who accessed it and then ban them from the library," he said. Apolioni's ►bjec- tion to filters is big that they are indiscriminate. They can choke the flow of legitimate information and research: "If you want to try and research breast cancer you'll have a whole lot of trouble . doing that," he . said. At the same time he said a search on apparent- ly innocent words can still yield "some interest-. ingresults". Internet abUse is not an issue at Bruce County library branches, Apolloni said. He is urging municipal- ities not to support a reso- lution from Cambridge calling for internet filters in libraries. Laws and procedures on appropriate public ,use of Internet are already m place, he said. CHEERS. to the Lucknow Agricultural Society committee who put on such a great evening of fun, entertainment and fundraising. a r STiiiday,April 18 11:00 AM Viewing from 9:00 AM Q THE NEUSTADT ARENA Thousands and Thousands of Square Foot of VERY high .n4 PREFINISHED nail down SOLID HARDWOOD flooring. Top Nam. Brand floorks%.ngin..rad Real Hardwood Floating Floor, AWESOME SELECTION OF LAMINATES. Great In the Kitchen, Bathroom, Dining Room, Office, B.drooms, Hallways, awn Workshop. GREAT OVER CONCRETE. ' cam++, vise. Mc, Debt -16% Buyer's Premium www.BaileyAudIoflS.COm All IAds! Go Sais Day! 519-364.1336